Right to the Night

By Snakehipping-Tom

203K 5.9K 3.2K

After the events of the Dark World, Loki has ascended the throne claiming that Thor has abandoned his people... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Twenty-Seven

3.4K 99 13
By Snakehipping-Tom

 Elisabete woke up with the sun shining brightly through her room. It looked to be a beautiful morning as she stretched in the large bed. She let out a deep sigh and giggled as she felt Loki move and press his chest against her back. She wiggled her hips and smiled brightly as Loki growled deeply and nipped at her ear. She then felt his reach down and take his length into his hand. She shook her head and blushed as he pressed himself against her.

"You're going to make me late for my class this morning." Elisabete gasped.

"Who's going to care? You're mine to do with as I please. Besides, you're above them all. If they have an issue with you being late, they'll have to come to me." Loki whispered in her ear.

She gasped as Loki entered her and slowly thrust his hips.

"Ugo likes people to be on time. My family will wonder where I am at breakfast." Elisabete panted.

"I don't care what they think." Loki chuckled.

He sharply thrust his hips and Elisabete gripped the sheets as she moaned. Several minutes went by and Elisabete changed into one of her new dresses for the day and giggled as Loki placed the headband on her head for her. He kissed her sweetly and took her hand in his as they exited her chambers. They entered the dining hall together to find her family already seated and eating their breakfast. They took their seats and were served their breakfast.

"My family and I would just like to say thank you for the party to celebrate our daughter and us last night. It was truly wonderful, my king." Her father stated.

"I am glad you enjoyed it. I know Elisabete loved it very much as well." Loki told him.

Elisabete smiled up at him as he took her hand and kissed it softly.

"We are also very grateful that Liana and Capriana are starting their classes today." Her mother spoke.

"I am sure they will be star pupils with all their teachers." Loki grinned as the girls smiled and laughed together.

"And I am certain they'll behave...won't they?" Elisabete said, raising her brow at them.

"We will." The two replied, enthusiastically nodding their heads.

Loki grinned at seeing them be excited over schooling. He found it relaxing to be in the presence of children. They reminded him of his younger self and enjoyed watching them laugh and fool around with one another at the table. Somehow, he saw himself and Thor in the two girls, and for a moment, just a moment, he smiled happily. Once breakfast was over, Elisabete was walking down the hall to her class when Loki took her by the hand and pulled her behind a curtain. He pushed her back against the wall and she raised her brow at him, putting her hands on his chest to try and push him away.

"Loki, I cannot be late for class." Elisabete whispered.

He smirked as he felt Elisabete barely pushing him away as he moved closer to her. He gripped her skirts and hitched them up around her hips. She tightened her grip on his jacket and moaned softly as he slid his hand into her undergarments and caressed her sex while nipping the flesh of her neck. She wrapped her arms around him and felt shivers down her spine as she felt Loki's hot breath against her skin. She inhaled sharply as he curled his fingers around her sweet spot causing her walls to clench around his fingers. Soon enough, when Loki deemed her ready to his liking, he untied the string of his trousers, ripped her undergarment off, and roughly thrust himself inside of her.

"Loki, now I'm going to be really late." Elisabete said breathlessly.

"So? Let's make them wait." Loki panted.

After several minutes, Loki and Elisabete hurried to make themselves look presentable. As they both went to exit, they spotted Tadeus in the hallway staring at them with his lips pursed together. She could tell he was on the brink of tears, something he rarely did. Elisabete opened her mouth to speak but as she did Tadeus stormed off down the hallway. She went to go after but Loki gripped her arm and held in her place.

"You have to let him adjust to this new lifestyle. He needs to adjust on his own time." Loki told her.

Elisabete nodded her head and Loki released his grip. He kissed her cheek and noticed the tears falling down her cheeks. He exhaled sharply as he wiped her tears away with his finger and grinned as she looked up at him.

"Don't cry. No one deserves your tears and you don't deserve to cry for anyone." Loki told her.

"But he's my brother and I want him to be happy with the life I'm giving him. I've worked my whole life to keep my family happy and now that we have everything at our fingertips here, he can't be happy and I-"

Loki hushed her and wrapped his arms around her as she cried into his chest. He kissed her head and rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. She pulled back and wiped her eyes.

"Are you ready for the class? Do you want me to walk you there?" Loki asked.

"No, I can go by myself. Thank you." Elisabete replied softly.

"I shall see you at dinner tonight then." Loki smiled.

He kissed her cheek and the two parted ways. Elisabete made her way to the class yet got a little lost along the way but managed to find it. She opened the door to find Ugo standing in front of all the students at their easels. She felt her nerves get the best of her as all the students turned to look at her. It was silent as she made her way to the empty easel next to Fairuza. Ugo glared at her and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Lady Elisabete...where were you? We were waiting for you to start the class." Ugo inquired.

"Um..." Elisabete trailed off, trying to think of answer.

"Yes?" Ugo snapped.

"Some things came up with the king that I had to deal with." Elisabete replied.

Ugo exhaled sharply, knowing he could not yell at her for her lateness since it would surely be told to Loki and he would be the one getting yelled at instead. And he couldn't pry about it because he knew exactly what business she had dealt with with him.

"Alright. Take your seat and listen." Ugo told her.

Elisabete smiled weakly as she bowed her head at Ugo and took her seat next to Fairuza. She took the brush in hand and as Ugo began his lesson, Elisabete realized Fairuza had lied to her. It had not been a beginner's class but for students who were advanced. She looked over at Fairuza to see her giggling and smiling as if nothing were wrong. For a few moments, Elisabete watched as Fairuza painted on the canvas, copying the image in front of the room that Ugo instructed them to draw. He walked around the room observing everyone's work.

"Go on, lady Elisabete. You know how to do it." Fairuza whispered.

"I do not." Elisabete confessed softly.

"You don't? But all ladies in the court have been trained to." Fairuza told her as she furrowed her brow, knowing full-well Elisabete's backstory since Loki told her mother.

"I never learned." Elisabete said.

"Don't worry. Ugo offers private classes. Maybe that can help and you two can get to know one another better." Fairuza spoke, not once looking at Elisabete as she raised her brow and smirked slightly.

As the class went on, Elisabete was forced to listen to Fairuza as she gossiped about many of the women in court and soon talked about her own parents. As the class came to an end, all Elisabete wanted to do was run out but Ugo quietly asked her to stay a bit longer. Fairuza was packing her things away and stood next to Elisabete and smiled.

"I guess we'll be seeing one another at my parents' charity in a few days." Fairuza spoke.

"Yes, we will. And I am glad your parents are advocating for a cause that I, personally, believe in and I know that my king does as well." Elisabete told her.

"My parents do not care so much for the needy as they let on, and honestly, neither do I. They're dirty and uneducated. Nothing good has ever come out of their charity. They just spend the money as they please. Good day, my lady." Fairuza explained to her.

Elisabete furrowed her brow as she processed what Fairuza had said and watched her as she left along with the other students. Before she could say anything else, Ugo stepped up towards her and she gazed up at him, cowering as he glared.

"I hope you took my advice into great consideration. Fairuza and her family are not to be trusted. They are sneaky and manipulative. Be wary of them and make sure the king does not fall into their trap." Ugo told her.

"What do you mean?" Elisabete asked.

"Her family is the most looked up to family in all the court. They trust them because they squash everyone else beneath them to give others and themselves power. That's all they want. Power. And the only way to get it is by being in the king's good graces. So by making him believe what they want him to, ultimately...they have all the power." Ugo explained.

"Why are you telling me this? Why are you telling me everything that goes on in court? What power do I have to make things right?" Elisabete questioned him.

"You don't know it yet, but you are destined for bigger and greater things in your future. I see you and I see someone who is scared by this new opportunity before her. You are pure and innocent compared to the corrupt nature of the court. You can shine a light on the darkness they give off." Ugo replied sincerely.

"You speak kindly and I appreciate it. But what am I to do? I'm nothing but the king's mistress. That's all I'll ever be." Elisabete sighed.

"Listen to me, Elisabete. You are a strong woman. I can see it in you yet you keep it locked away. Why? Because you're afraid of what they might think of you? You must open yourself up to them. Stand up for what you believe is right. Argue with them. Let them gossip. But you will stay true and know what is right and what is wrong. All they see you as is his mistress. Don't fall into their stereotypes of who you are. Make them see you for who you really are." Ugo explained to her.

As Ugo spoke, Elisabete felt a sense of familiarity in his words, almost like deja vu. Ugo then looked down at her canvas and sighed, seeing that she had tried her best in painting the image.

"You don't have to come anymore if you don't want to." Ugo told her.

"No I do. I want to keep coming. I want to get better at painting and be better than her. That way I can show her." Elisabete huffed.

"Elisabete, do not get angry with her. This is just how she maneuvers. Play it safe and don't do anything you'll regret." Ugo protested.

"I want her gone. I hate her." Elisabete muttered.

"Now, jealousy is not in your nature. You are above her in every way possible. Do not stoop down to her level. I can teach you privately if you'd like. Then, when I think you are ready, you can come back to the class." Ugo explained.

"That seems better. I'll do just that," Elisabete said, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "And you're right. I shouldn't be jealous. It's not like me to be. Hmm, now I know what Sanit must have been feeling when I was here."

"You are nothing like Sanit. Besides, Fairuza is a fifteen year old girl and I can see that Loki really loves you above all others. Now leave and go about your day." Ugo replied.

Elisabete bowed her head and left the room. She paced towards her chambers and sat on the balcony overlooking the palace. She watched as all the court members went about their day walking to and from places all over. It calmed her down but she was still livid that a little girl would set her up like that just to make her feel bad. When lunchtime came around, she heard the door open and smiled seeing Loki enter the room with their food. He sat across from her on the balcony and leaned forward to kiss her cheek.

"So, how was your painting class?" Loki asked.

"It was alright." Elisabete replied.

Loki furrowed his brow when Elisabete did not make eye contact with him. He bit his lip and leaned back in his seat as he examined her body language.

"Tell me the truth." Loki spoke.

Elisabete quickly glanced up at Loki and exhaled sharply as she nodded her head.

"Fairuza set me up," Elisabete told him. "She told me it was for beginners but she lied and made a fool out of me."

Loki bit the inside of his cheek and felt his blood boil as he gripped the arms of the metal chair. He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Don't feel bad over it. I'll have myself a little chat with Jai and Giacinta the next time I see them. Maybe I'll do it during the charity and ruin their day." Loki told her as he began to dig into the food.

"Well, I don't want to upset them and make them think I just tattle when things go bad for me. I want them to have a good impression of me." Elisabete explained.

"Elisabete, I love you, but no matter what you do, most people in the court will see you just as my mistress and nothing else." Loki confessed.

She bit her lip, knowing it was the truth. She picked her head up and looked right at Loki as he ate his food. She wanted to get back at Fairuza for being a brat and telling her her feelings for Loki. If Fairuza could play dirty, why not her?

"If you wish to ruin their day, I have no objections." Elisabete spoke.

"That's my girl." Loki smirked.

When the two finished their meal, Elisabete met with Iona and went for a walk through the gardens. The two spoke with one another and laughed as they recalled memories from when they worked as maids together. As they turned the corner, Iona quickly put her hand in front of Elisabete.

"What?" Elisabete asked softly.

"It's Fairuza and her little friends. Let's hide and eavesdrop on what they're saying." Iona whispered.

Elisabete smirked and the two hid behind the hedge and listened in on the three of them. The three girls were chattering and laughing away as they sat on a bench near a fountain.

"So, how was it?" The first girl asked.

"She was humiliated. I was trying my best not to laugh the whole time. She drew the most ridiculous painting." Fairuza laughed.

"I wouldn't have expected any less from her. She's just a commoner pretending to be like one of us." The second spoke.

"Soon enough the king will tire of her and move on to the next lady he falls for. That's what happened with her you know." The first giggled.

"I do. I've heard from others and even herself that she was Loki's personal maid when he was with Sanit. She ended up sleeping with the king and Sanit became jealous and Loki just threw her aside for that maid. Soon, he'll find someone younger and prettier than her and make her his queen. Then, she'll be thrown to the dogs just like Sanit." Fairuza told the girls.

Elisabete angrily stormed off and Iona tried to stop her but Elisabete just blew her off. She made her way back to her chambers and never left for the rest of the day. When dinner came around, Loki was nervous as to why Elisabete was not present. He stood from his seat to go see what was wrong but, much to his surprise, Tadeus stood from his seat and put his hand up.

"My king, please allow me to speak with her and see what's wrong." Tadeus spoke.

Loki let out a deep breath and nodded his head. Tadeus left the dining hall and upon reaching her door, he knocked on it softly. He heard her call out to enter and he slowly opened the door. He saw Elisabete sitting on the edge of the bed with tears streaming down her face. He quickly walked over to her and as she looked up at him, she looked up at him in shock.

"Tadeus, what are you doing-"

"I'm here to console my sister," Tadeus interjected, sitting next to her on the bed. "I'm sorry about how I acted before. You know I love you and I'm happy that you've helped give us a better life. I just think you have to work for what you want, not just have the love of your life hand everything to you because he can."

"That's true but he's giving me all these better opportunities because he knows we deserve it. We are on his side and I love him. He wants to award us for that. But I don't think I can go any longer like this." Elisabete confessed.

"What do you mean?" Tadeus asked.

"I know everyone talks about me...about us. They say such terrible things that aren't true. Even that girl, Fairuza, says such horrible things." Elisabete replied as she tried her best to hold back her tears.

"Elisabete, you listen to me. You are stronger than this. You're better than them. You've earned everything you've ever had. Who cares what everyone thinks? So what? They're just jealous that you have what they want and you didn't get it handed to you. You have to hold your head up high and ignore their comments because you're better than them in every way." Tadeus explained to her.

Elisabete smiled weakly as Tadeus wrapped his arm around her shoulders and held her to him. She laid her head against his shoulder as he took the opportunity to kiss the top of her head.

"Just don't go having sex where I can see you." Tadeus joked.

Elisabete laughed softly as Tadeus stood from the bed. He helped her down from the bed and took her face in his hands, wiping her tears away.

"Now, go make yourself presentable and we can head down to dinner. Loki was worried about you." Tadeus told her.

Elisabete nodded her head and soon enough the two headed down to the dining hall. Loki immediately walked over to her and took her face in his hands, pushing her hair behind her ears.

"My love, are you alright?" Loki asked.

"I am. Don't worry about me. Tadeus talked to me and I'm better now." Elisabete told him softly.

The two took their seats and ate their dinner. Elisabete wished her parents good night and before she and Loki could make their way to her chambers, Liana and Capriana ran over to her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"We had a good time with our classes today." Liana replied.

"Mhmm. We're learning a lot more than we did back at home. It's amazing!" Capriana beamed.

"Well I'm glad, but you don't have me to thank for that." Elisabete told them.

She motioned towards Loki and the two girls got the message and rushed towards Loki. He held his breath and took a step back as they bounced on the balls of their feet.

"Thank you, my king!" The two girls exclaimed happily.

"You're welcome. How are the classes?" Loki asked softly.

"Much better. We are actually learning. They never taught us anything back home." Capriana replied.

"Why is that?" Loki inquired.

He knew his education programs for the poor should be well-off since the charity raises the money and Jai and his workers take care of the funding and things to buy.

"Our classrooms are dirty and the teachers never tried to help. Now, we are starting to know how to write our names. Back home we never even had seats and desks." Liana told him.

"Yeah, and now we have paper to practice on!" Capriana smiled.

"Well...I'm glad you're having a great time in your classes." Loki told them.

Elisabete wished them good night and they ran off back to her mother. That night, the two lay in bed together, just holding one another and gazing into each other's eyes.

"Now, you see why the education of the poor is important to me. I don't want my siblings to suffer." Elisabete told him.

"I do. I never knew the programs I created were so bad. It makes me wonder what Jai is doing with that money and where it's going." Loki scoffed.

"Fairuza did tell me something about the charity." Elisabete commented.

"What does she know? She's just a stupid child." Loki huffed.

"She said that her parents don't care for the poor and that they spend the money as they please." Elisabete replied.

Loki picked himself up on the bed and balanced himself on his elbows as he looked down at Elisabete while she played with the sheets, thinking nothing of what she had told him.

"What? Did she really say that?" Loki inquired.

"It was after I told her how pleased I was about the charity and she said that as she was leaving," Elisabete replied. "Was something wrong with what she said?"
"It's nothing. I'll have to speak to them about this during the charity." Loki told her.

Loki laid back down on the bed and put his hands behind his head on the pillow. Elisabete curled herself around him and kissed his chest as she laid her head against him. He wrapped one arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

"Do you like it here?" Loki asked.

"I do. I could go without the bad comments people say about me, but that's expected." Elisabete replied.

"What do they say?" Loki inquired.

"That I'll just be your mistress. I did exactly what Sanit did and that I'll just end up like her." Elisabete told him.

Loki sighed as he shook his head and looked down at her.

"Ignore them. They're just jealous because I love you. They don't know the truth about anything and all they can do is gossip and make up fake scenarios to please themselves. Don't think about what they say. They know nothing about who you really are." Loki explained.

"It still hurts." Elisabete said softly.

"That's because you have a heart of gold and a pure soul. Of course it's going to hurt, but don't allow their words to get to you and make you think any less of yourself." Loki replied, running his hands through her hair.

Elisabete nodded her head and the two kissed sweetly before drifting off the sleep. That night, Loki dreamt that he was swimming. The water was murky and dark and only a faint light shined through, which he looked up and saw was the moon. In the water, he found himself able to breathe and all was well. However, as he swam farther he noticed something floating in the waters. As he got closer, he realized it was Faust who was struggling to get to the top of the water. Loki panicked and swam as fast as he could to reach him but when he reached his hand out to him, the boy began to slowly descend downwards in the ocean. He followed after him but as he got deeper, he himself found it harder to breathe. He could see the boy thrashing his arms and legs trying to swim up to meet Loki, but nothing was working. Loki's heart raced as he reached out to Faust. He watched as the boy put his small hand out to him but was unable to reach him. Loki screamed as he watched Faust's body go limp and slowly descend into the darkness of the waters. Once he was out of his sight, the light from the moon was gone and Loki was surrounded by darkness. He felt himself panic as his heart raced and his fingertips tingled. Not being able to breathe any longer, he started to swim up to the surface but quickly found out he couldn't move. He held his breath and thrashed his arms and legs. He began to cry out for help but quickly began breathing in the water. His eyes widened and he choked on the water, not being able to breathe. He felt his whole body thrash in the water and his vision began to blur. In his mind, his last thought was he did not want to die.

Loki woke up in a cold sweat, panting as he rolled out of the bed and fell to the floor. He laid his back against the bed and curled his legs up to his chest, shivering as he wrapped his arms around his legs, staring out towards the balcony. He felt what it was like to drown and he couldn't believe he had sent a three year old boy to die in that horrific way.

He heard Elisabete's quick footsteps advancing towards him and he looked up at her as she came around to his side of the bed. She knelt down beside him and he broke down into tears as he took her in his arms and tightly embraced her, not ever wanting to let go. She cradled her head as he laid it against her chest and ran her hand up and down his back trying to soothe him. She hushed him softly and kissed his head, trying to get him to stop shaking.

"It was only a bad dream, Loki. You're safe. No one's going to hurt you anymore." Elisabete told him.

Loki leaned into her touch and closed his eyes as he felt his body begin to calm down. As he thought about the dream, he realized he felt exactly what that three year old boy felt and he was angry and disgusted in himself that he let his rage get the best of him and allowed for his death to happen, but he couldn't let her know. He exhaled shakily and Elisabete tightened her hold on him.

"It's alright. You're fine, see." Elisabete whispered.

Loki nodded his head and slowly pulled back from her. He looked up into her eyes and hated having to keep secrets from her. He wanted to tell her everything but he also wanted to keep her innocent and shielded from the horrors of the world he lived in. He gazed down at his lap and shook his head as he stifled back his tears.

"I've done horrible things, Elisabete. I've done so much evil in this realm." Loki confessed.

"Shh, it's alright. I am aware of what you've done from before, but now, you are a changed man. I see him here before me now. It is in the past and you are doing whatever you can as king to make up for your wrongs. Don't put yourself down." Elisabete explained to him.

"You don't understand. I've hurt so many people in this world." Loki admitted softly, hating that he was saying it out loud.

"Please, don't put yourself down like this. Don't make yourself feel worthless and diminish your value as a person. You are worth everything to me, Loki. I know you are troubled, but allow me to help you." Elisabete told him, smiling weakly as he snapped his head up to look at her.

He saw the sincerity in her eyes and exhaled sharply as he wiped his face of his sweat and tears.

"Now, you had a pretty big fall. Are you hurt at all?" She inquired.

Loki chuckled and shook his head.

"No, I'm alright." Loki replied.

"Good. Let's go back to bed then." Elisabete beamed.

She helped him off the floor and the two got back into her bed. Loki curled himself around her and Elisabete chuckled happily as he laid his head against her chest for a change. She had never seen this side of Loki. He was scared and broken, and she hated him like this. She hated seeing the pain he was burrowing inside of himself. But then that made her think. What was Loki hiding from her that was causing him so much pain? She knew it wasn't her place to pry for answers and he would come to her in his own time, yet she had the urge to know everything about him. She would gladly put her life on the line for him. However, she then realized she would be willing to put her life on the line for a man who is hiding secrets from her about himself that could hurt her. Nonetheless, she knew, in her heart, she would do everything she could for him to be happy. She loved him and that was all that mattered to her.

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