
By blue-arrow

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Shit. I hopped on my bike and I started it and I drove off. As I was zooming down the street I saw a wolf in... More



81 7 1
By blue-arrow

About a few minutes I made it to the meet up spot. I already saw them there. I got off my bike and I take my helmet off.

"Your late." He said

"I prefer Fashionably late" I said

"Let's cut to the chase, I want all of your goods, all of your clients, all of resources and I want your gang gone no longer exists" he said

"What if I don't give you want you want" I asked

"Then I'll have to kill you to get what I want." He smiled

"Bring it" I smiled

"Oh by the way your friends won't be able to help you" he said I turned to see everyone captured and passed out

"Shit..." I said to myself.

"Between me and you princess" he said and he came after me. I quickly moved out of the way I quickly turned around and he did the same thing he threw a punch but I stopped it I went to kick him but he grabbed my leg I then jumped up kicking him with my other leg he then fell down and I did the same I quickly stood up and he got up next thing I knew I felt someone grab me he looked at me with a smile he grabbed his knife and came to me. I quickly kick the knife out of his hand. Next thing I knew he kept punching me in the stomach and he punched me across the face. The guy that was holding me threw me on the ground I turned around I saw him pick up his knife again.

'Don't worry I'll save you' I heard a whisper next thing i knew my bone started to break and rebreak the only thing filled my ears was screams

It felt like forever but only a few minutes the pain had stopped I was scared to move but I did anyway I stood on my legs they were shaking, something felt weird I took a step, but what i saw next was even more crazy. When I took my step I didn't see a foot.

What I saw was a paw....

A white paw...

I look up I see all of the guys with a scared look on there face I looked behind me I saw all of my friends laying on the ground. The memories of a few minutes before came back to me

He wanted to kill me. I felt anger build up and what happened next was out of my total control. I killed them everyone of them I killed them all cause they wanted to kill me.

When I came to realization of what I had done I slowly backed up. Next thing I knew was I heard a twig break I turned around and I saw more of them. I backed up a little fear took over next thing I knew a wolf stepped out a larger one with brown fur and red eyes.

Next thing I knew was everything went black.




i wake up the next morning my body is a bit sore i'm not sure why i then remember what happened last night

nah it was all just a dream.


i mean no one cant turn into a wolf.

werewolves don't exist.

do that?

i shake my head at the thought. i slowly get up my whole body hurting. i walk into my bathroom and i turn on the light i look in the mirror i looked like a mess, then i noticed the bruise on my left cheek i lightly touched it. i then remembered getting punched then thrown on the ground then i remember...

holy shit...

it wasn't a dream....

"Ava?" i heard a voice say. i walked out of the bathroom and i see Frederick i then remembered the big brown wolf with red eyes, then the next thing i knew Frederick was standing in the same place as the wolf.

"w-what are you..." i whispered

"please Ava relax lemme explain." he slowly said

"explain what that your some monster, what did you do to me!!" i snapped i couldn't help it i was scared

"Ava your like me-"

"no" i cut him off

"yes Ava your a werewolf like me" he said

"no i'm not" i said again not wanting to believe what he was saying.

"Come with me!" He said grabbing my hand when he did I felt sparks fly up my arms. It made me jump a little. He brought me down stairs and right outside I heard the others follow. i stood on the porch he walked outside in the middle our place was covered by trees so you couldn't really see the house there is a pathway leading up the driveway.

"stop being so blind Ava werewolves are real i'm one they are one and you are to!" he said he then turned around and faced me i saw his eye changed color, my eyes widen.

those red eyes i know them....

next thing i knew he started to take his clothes off, i adverted my eyes.

"why are you looking away Ava i want you to watch me turn" he yelled but i still didn't look

"its the fact that your naked freddy we really don't want to see that anyway so i don't blame her" i heard Caroline yell to him he then turned around, next thing i knew i saw and heard his bones break and re-break. the sound made me cringe. i shut my eyes cause i didn't want to watch the horrifying seen that't going on in front of me. after a second everything stopped everything stopped it was quiet i opened my eyes and in front of me didn't stand Frederick but stood a giant brown wolf and the memories from seeing this same brown wolf last night came back to me. I turn around pushing pass everyone heading inside the house and straight to my room.

This can't be happening.

Why is this happening!!

Stupid bite!

Stupid detective Jamie.

Stupid everything!

"Ava it's me Sammie please let me in and I'll explain everything, we can even go out and get food or something we can do whatever you want" she said knocking on my door, but I still didn't say anything.

"Come one please" she said again but I still didn't say anything

"Fine I'll come back later to brother you" she said then I heard her walk away. I sigh as I laid on my bed.

'Ava listen to them please' I heard a voice say

Great the voices are back. I said to myself

'Ava your not hearing things in your wolf' the voice said I then blocked it out

I sat on my bed I got my head phones and put them in my ears. I turned on pandora I sat there flipping threw songs until my favorite song came on, Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco

"Ava we are going out we will be back soon okay?" I somehow heard them threw my very loud music but I ignored it.

After a while of listening to music I got bored so I decided to explore this huge place I now call my home. I opened the door and I peak in the hallway making sure everyone has left. I saw another stair case which I'm guessing leads to upstairs I knew there was a 3rd floor but I never been up here. I looked to the right and I saw a room, it might be Frederick's room. I looked across the hall and I saw a big room I looked and I saw a game room, it had video games a small theater a mini bar, a popcorn machine, frosty machine, and snow cone machine!!!

Well damn!!

I look and I saw a small corner with a few guitars, I walked over to the electric guitar and picked it up I thought for a second then a song came mind

hey guys so I re-wrote chapter 6 I hope you guys like it lemme know what you think vote, comment, share and follow


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