Percy Jackson Champion of the...


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I SUCK AT SUMMARIES DONT JUDGE ME Highest I know about it being in Fanfiction is #214. COMPLETED Percy Jack... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
A question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter I am just rambeling
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Thee End

Chapter 4

4K 65 20

Percy POV

Once we shadow travelled away from the Arch, I didn't completely focus on a certain spot just somewhere near Los Angles and saw we were in a desert in front of a dining hall "Where are we?" Annabeth said confused while I shook my head "Somewhere near Los Angles, but where I don't know." I said as we walked inside the diner and sat down at a table "Still got you pack Percy?" Grover said while I shook my head "Lost it in the fight against the Chimera." I said looking around "So we're somewhere near Los Angles, we must be close by." Annabeth said while I nodded in agreement and went to speak but the door opened as a man walked in.

When I felt his aura I felt really mad all of a sudden and wanted to fight something till I controlled my self and realized it was Ares, God of War "Ares." I muttered with distaste as he walked towards us and sat beside Annabeth and Grover, squishing them "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Tyler said as I stopped him and looked at Ares. "What do you want Ares?" I said while he looked at me "You should know to show respect to the gods punk." he said "I show respect to few gods, only Apollo, Hermes, Poseidon, Hestia, Hades, and Athena are the ones I respect." I said while he raised an eyebrow "Not much love for us other gods huh punk?" he said while I just stared at him as a waitress came over.

"Get these kids some food." He said as he gave her a drachma while she looked at it confused and was about to speak till he looked at her and took off his sunglasses, showing off his nuclear eyes "Is there a problem?" he said while she quickly shook her head and walked off "So you didn't answer my question, why are you here?" I demanded while he smirked.

"And you still haven't answered my question, why do you hate us other gods? Is it because of what Artemis did to you eight hundred years ago?" He said as I glared at him "Part of the reason, the other is all you gods do are curse people and screw with their lives, making them miserable and just overall being a bunch of asses." I said as he laughed "Hothead aren't you punk?" he said as I spoke "Speak for yourself. You invented the name hothead." I mocked as he laughed even harder "I like you punk, we got a lot in common. Both been in wars, both hate Artemis with every fiber of our being and we both have killed many people." he said while Tyler and everyone else looked at me in shock but I didn't make eye contact with them.

"What do you mean Ares?" Tyler said as he looked at me then the others "I suppose your brother never told you, as the God of War I sense that kind of stuff and your brother has it all over him like cologne. Many people have fallen by his weapons and hands alike, eight hundred years is a long time kid. A lot happened between those years." he said as I clenched the table, melting the table "What do you want war god?" I hissed out as he smiled "I left my favorite shield at a amusement park when I was on a date with Aphrodite, I need you to go get it." he said as I laughed. "Mighty war god scared to go grab his shield so he needs demigods to grab it for him?" I mocked as he glared at me "You nearing Los Angles but you don't know where to go to get to the Underworld. If you grab my shield, I'll give you transportation and tell you where to go." he said while Tyler and the rest looked at me.

"We have to Percy, we need this transportation and need the location to the Underworld to confront Hades." Annabeth said as I went to speak but Tyler spoke first "And don't say you can shadow travel us there, you shadow travelled a long distance Percy. I know you're tired, this will help you regain your strength." he said as I was reluctant to accept help from Ares but nodded nonetheless "Good, I'll flash you there. Once you recover my shield, come back here." he said as he stood up and walked out.

"Let's go." I said standing up "But Percy, we haven't had our food yet." Grover complained "I'll handle it Grover, let's go." I said walking towards the door with everyone behind me.

"Percy was he speaking the truth?" Tyler said as I continued walking "About the killing?" he said as I stopped "Yes Tyler, what he said is true. I have killed thousands if not millions of people, I regret it everyday Tyler. Some think being immortal is a blessing but it is more of a curse than a blessing." I said as they gathered around me as I shadow travelled us to this park Ares was talking about.


"We're here." Grover said as we crawled through a hole in the fence and saw the park was abandoned "This was the park Ares and Aphrodite were at?" Tyler said with disbelieve in his voice "Thought they would have been somewhere a little better." I said as he snorted "Look, fresh clothes." Annabeth said pointing to a store as she walked towards it. "Isn't that stealing?" Tyler yelled but she ignored him and continued walking towards the store "Well let's go, I need some fresh clothes." Tyler said as he and Grover walked towards the store "Aren't you coming to change?" he said while I shook my head "I'm not going to the Underworld dressed in bright summer clothes. You go ahead." I said chuckling as they entered the store.

Fifteen minutes later, they emerged in bright summer clothes while Annabeth picked up a bright red rubber ball, why I don't know. "Ya'll look amazing." I said sarcastically clapping my hands "Thanks Percy, I appreciate that." Tyler said while I rolled my eyes as we continued searching for Ares's stupid shield till we saw it sitting in the middle of a ride that said THRILL RIDE O' LOVE: THIS IS NOT YOUR PARENTS' TUNNEL OF LOVE. "This is too easy." Annabeth said looking around as she trailed her fingers over a Greek letter "There's a Greek letter here, Eta, I wonder..." she trailed off "Smell any monsters Grover?" Tyler said as Grover shook his head "Nothing, Tyler." he said.

"Go ahead lovebirds, this ride was meant for you." I said gesturing to the ride while Tyler and Annabeth looked at me shocked "No, that's disgusting." Annabeth shaking her head "Fine, I'll go by myself." I said as I shadow travelled to the other side of the fence "Grover, you're the Red Baron. If we need help, I'll call on you." I said as Tyler hopped over the fence as did Annabeth. "How lovely of you two to join me." I said as they walked past me to the shield "Be careful, this seems to easy." I said as they nodded "What has Ares so scared that he won't even come to pick up his shield?" I mused as I picked up a pink scarf and started coughing as perfume filled my throat "Aphrodite's love scarf." I said covering up my nose as I put it back down and continued ahead towards Annabeth and Tyler.

"Wait a minute, didn't Hephaestus trap Aphrodite and Ares before and broadcast it live for all of Olympus to see?" I said as Tyler picked up the shield "Yes, why do you ask?" Annabeth said as realization dawned in her eyes and went to speak but mechanical spiders started filling into the area as Annabeth started to panicking and flipping out as the spiders started to overwhelm us "Live on Olympus in ten, nine, eight." I heard as I shadow travelled to Annabeth and Tyler and shadow travelled us to the ride and saw Annabeth was paler than a sheet "Fasten her in, I got a plan." I said as Tyler nodded "Three, two, one." we heard as the little cupids around us showed little cameras as lights started turning on.

We were being broadcasted for Olympus's amusement, I realized as pure fury filled my veins "First, we're accused of being stealing Zeus's master bolt, then we lose our mother to a Minotaur, then we're going through all this trouble, and now we're being broadcasted for their own amusement. I've had it with these gods." I said as the pipes around us exploded with water and sent us forward as I controlled our direction "Get ready to jump." I said as Tyler nodded "What about Annabeth?" he said looking at her "I'll take care of her. Jump now!" I said as he jumped and landed on a group of nets safely. "Alright Annabeth, I need you to trust me okay?" I said soothingly as she nodded shakily as I unbuckled her "I need you to sit on the shield and hold on for dear life alright?" I said as she nodded as she got on "Ready?" I said as she nodded as I sent a wave of water under her as she sailed through the air and also landed in a group on nets as I looked back forward as my eyes widened.

"Uh oh." I said as I realized I was heading for a bunch of wreckage as the ride collided with it as I used it over a springboard and jumped over the wreckage as I went through a broken wall and rolled for a few feet till I finally came to a stop. Once everything calmed down I stood up slowly and saw a little cupid still playing as I glared at it, knowing the Olympians are watching.

But little did I know that I lost my necklace in the fall and my aura continued to grow larger and larger rivaling my siblings aura.

Olympian Throne Room

Third POV

"You sent him to grab your stupid shield?" Apollo said as he stood up from his throne, glaring at Ares "The punk will be fine, he's survived worse. A little embarrassment won't hurt him." he said waving it off "It won't hurt him but he'll definitely hurt you for doing this." he said as Ares glared at him "You think the punk can hurt me?" he said with disbelieve in his tone.

"Yes, and I don't think, I know he'll hurt you. His skills are unrivaled, you're asking for an ass whooping." he said as Ares stood up "Apollo, Ares sit back down." Zeus ordered as Ares sat down but Apollo stayed standing "Sit down Apollo." he said more sternly as Apollo sat down. "Did my son really kill someone?" Poseidon said as Ares nodded "Like I told his brother, I'm the God of War and I sense everything in war and your son has blood on his hands. Lots of it, I can also see it in his eyes, he regrets it definitely. Nobody likes killing." he said as Apollo spoke "Nobody except you, Percy isn't a murderer. He's had to kill for the right reasons." he said while Ares glared at him.

"How many has he killed?" Athena said while Ares shook his heads "Thousands if not millions of people have died by his weapons and hands alike. More than all of us have killed combined." he said while everyone looked at him in shock "Surely someone would've recognized a twelve year old fighting and killing right?" Aphrodite said while Athena shook her head and went to speak but Apollo spoke "Mist, he must've used it to hid his age or he somehow changed his age. Say he was around his twenties but he changed himself back to a twelve year old and gave up his immortality." he said "How would he do that though, the only ones who can control time are Kronos, the Titan of Time and Chronos, the Primordial of time but Kronos is in Tartarus and Chronos faded long ago." she said confused "We'll find out soon, but for now we watch the demigods and see if they embarrass themselves." Zeus said while Apollo shook his head.

"I'm telling you, this is a bad idea. Hephaestus stop this right now." Apollo said but Hephaestus shook his head "They'll be fine." he said while Apollo growled "Leave them, my dear nephew. They must learn their lessons for them to understand." Hestia said while Apollo nodded and focused back on the screen to see Percy, Tyler, and Annabeth in the ride with mechanical spiders all around them "Apollo's right, stop this. They could get hurt and there will go your chance of finding your master bolt." Athena said as water exploded around them sending them forward.

The Olympians watched as Tyler jumped and landed in a group of nets as Percy turned back to Annabeth and said some words to her as she nodded shakily and got on top of Ares's shield as water launched her into the air as she also landed in a group of nets as Percy was still in the ride as it collided with a bunch of wreckage as he used it as a springboard and jumped over the wreckage and went through a broken wall and continued rolling for a few feet.

"See? The punk is fine and so is everyone else, no problem." Ares said as Percy stood up and looked at them as they all gasped "What the Hades?" Athena said in shock and awe as they saw Percy's eyes were instead of being a sea green were a orange fire like Hestia's, but instead of having warmth and happiness in them, his harbored anger and were burning with fury. "Why are his eyes like that?" Aphrodite said in shock and awe as they shifted to a entrancing purple.

"Okay, what's going on and why are his eyes changing colors?" Hermes said as his eye changed to a forest green, then to a earthly brown, then to a deep ocean blue that looked like there were actual waves moving in them, a warm golden color, then to one last one which made the Olympians gasp. "What the-" Ares said as they observed his eyes which were a pitch black with little dots moving around in them that the Olympians later realized were constellations and stars.

"How are his eyes doing that?" Athena said in shock "And why are they like that?" Aphrodite said as a powerful aura overwhelm the Olympians, making them seem like ants compared to it "Where is the powerful aura coming from?" Zeus said in shock "It's coming from Perseus." Athena said as he spoke "The show is over Olympians, come grab your stupid shield Ares. Don't be late." Percy said raising his hands as lightning struck the ground around them violently as he clapped his hands together as a bright flash appeared as the video ended while the Olympians looked around at each other in shock and slight fear.

"Told you not to do it. Now you pissed him off and I learned personally not to piss him off, go grab your shield Ares. You wanted it, now go get it." Apollo spat as Ares snapped out of his daze and disappeared in a flash "Iris, show us the amusement park that Perseus Jackson was at." Zeus said as a iris message appeared and showed the amusement park, which was completely destroyed. "Is that the park you were at Aphrodite?" Zeus said while she nodded "Yes, but it doesn't look like we're going back there at all." she said in shock as the Olympians observed the wreckage that Percy caused. "The way he summoned lightning was impossible, not even Zeus has that much energy to do that yet he did it with ease." Athena said "We seriously need to know what we're dealing with. What has Perseus been up to the past eight hundred years except for being in war and killing? He has a aura that surpassed all of us combined and how his eyes did that." Hera said while everyone nodded in agreement.

"Told you, now if Ares chooses to fight him, we may need to find another Olympian because Percy might kill him." Apollo said as he looked back at the screen that showed Ares confronting Percy and the others but his eyes were still pitch black with the stars in them but his aura was gone.

"Where is his powerful aura that he had not even five minutes ago?" Zeus said as Athena observed Percy and saw the necklace back around his neck "That necklace might conceal his aura, when we felt his aura the necklace was gone but now he has it back and the aura is gone. That necklace might conceal his powerful aura." Athena said as Percy tossed the shield roughly at Ares as he tossed Percy a bag and disappeared in a flash while Percy fished something out of his pocket and groaned in annoyance "My scarf!" Aphrodite said happily as he threw it in the trash "That wasn't very nice of him." she said as he walked a few feet and sighed as he pulled Aphrodite's scarf out of his pocket again.

"Why does it keep going back to him?" Athena said as Aphrodite spoke "Whoever touches the scarf will immediately fall in love with the first person they see but it seems to have no effect on him. Why it keeps returning to him is because he must have some connection to a love goddess in some way, romantically or friendship wise." she said as Tyler said something to Percy while Percy glared at him and put it back in his pocket as they hopped into the back of the truck. "That's their promise of transportation? A truck filled with wild animals and a bag?" Apollo said in disbelieve as Ares appeared as Apollo launched himself at Ares but luckily Poseidon grabbed him in time.

"Let go of me Poseidon, this punk needs to get his ass handed to him on a silver platter and I'll happily deliver it for him." Apollo said as he struggled out of Poseidon's grip while everyone looked at him in shock "What's your problem?" Ares said as the sun got a lot brighter and a lot hotter as Poseidon let go to cover his eyes as Apollo tackled Ares off his throne. "That's their transportation, a truck filled with wild animals. Where's it even headed?" Apollo said as he brought his fist to Ares's nose breaking it as his sister and Hermes pulled him off Ares. "What's your problem Apollo?" Hermes said in shock as Apollo yanked them off of him and stormed back to his throne "Nothing, I'm absolutely fine." he spat as he sat back on his throne while everyone walked back to their thrones. "Whatever, let's just focus on their progress." Apollo said taking all the attention off of him, which surprises everyone since he loves the spotlight.


The Olympians watched as they defeated Procrustes, got trapped inside the Lotus Casino and escaped but only have a day left, and now stood in front of the Underworld entrance "We will lose connection here Lord Zeus, we have no permission to enter Lord Hades' domain." Iris said while Zeus nodded "Interesting children you have Poseidon, I'll give you that." he said as he disappeared in a flash as did the other Olympians.

Percy POV

"You know Tyler, you could've been a lot quicker when taking care of Procrustes you know that?" I said while Grover and Annabeth nodded in agreement "You're fine, by the way is it me or do you seem a little taller?" he said with a smirk while I glared at him "Very funny Tyler." I said as I turned my gaze back onto the entrance to the Underworld "You guys ready to confront the Lord of the Underworld?" I said with a smile while they shook their heads "Great, let's go Tyler. Time to meet uncle Hades." I said as I walked into the entrance till I froze and slapped my forehead "I forgot, I have permission to enter Hades' domain, let's go." I said as their eyes widened as shadows swallowed us.

Once we appeared, we appeared in front of a man and woman on thrones who must've been Hades and Persephone as they looked at us "Nephews, how amazing it is to see you here." Hades spat as I spoke "Uncle Hades, do you remember me?" I said as he looked at me "Yes Perseus, I remember you from eight hundred years ago." he said aggravated.

"Great, so I understand you think my brother stole your Helm of Darkness correct?" I said as he nodded, glaring at Tyler "Yes, your brother did steal my Helm as did he steal Zeus's master bolt." he said while I looked at him confused "Wait a minute, I thought you stole Zeus's master bolt?" I said confused "No I don't have Zeus's master bolt, do you see it in my hands?" he said while I shook my head. "So the thief stole Zeus's master bolt and your Helm of Darkness?" I said shocked as he spoke "Give me the lightning bolt Perseus, I know you have it with you." he said holding his hands out.

"Uncle Hades, I don't have the lightning bolt nor does my brother nor does he have your Helm of Darkness." I said as he snapped at me "I know you have the master bolt Perseus, give it to me. It's in your bag, if you do, I'll give you back your mother." he said as gold dust started swirling till it formed my mom, whom I thought was dead. "Mom." Tyler choked out as I glared at Hades "Give her back uncle, she has no part of this nor did we steal anything." I said as the Furies appeared behind Hades' throne glaring at me.

"Percy, check your bag." Annabeth said shakily while I looked at her confused but nodded nonetheless as I reached and my bag and felt something in it as I pulled it out and gasped in shock as did the others while Hades got a wicked gleam in his eyes. In my hand, I held one of the most powerful weapons that was created for the Olympians, Zeus's master bolt. "All you have to do is give it to me and your mother goes free." Hades said leaning forward in his throne with his hand out while I looked at my mom and saw her shaking her head till I remember a part of the prophecy 'And fail to save what matters most, in the end' as I finally realized what it meant as I spoke to Tyler "Do you still have those pearls that the Nereid gave to you?" I muttered as he nodded confused.

"We have to leave mom behind, it's part of the prophecy. And fail to save what matters most, in the end." I said sadly as his eyes widened till he looked at mom "Can't you do something?" he said as I shook my head "I wish Tyler but giving the master bolt to Hades isn't the best choice, it's time we confront Ares about this. He tricked us from the very beginning, he knows who the thief really is but didn't say anything. He wanted a war between the big three, it would be chaos." I said as he nodded as he gave the pearls to Annabeth and Grover "What about you?" he said worriedly. "I'll get out Tyler, don't worry." I said as I walked towards Hades.

"Uncle Hades, we are innocent of all charges and I will prove it to you." I looking at my mom "I'm sorry mother." I choked out while she smiled at me "I've never been more proud of my boys." she said as Hades stood up "Stop them!" he demanded as Tyler, Grover, and Annabeth disappeared in a sea green mist as Hades glared at me "I've been lenient for you Perseus throughout this entire quest but now you've pushed your luck." he said as the Furies lunged at me but I shadow travelled out before they could reach me, hearing Hades' roar of anger.


"You guys okay?" I said jogging up to Tyler and the rest on the beach as they nodded "Yes, but where's Ares at?" Tyler said looking around "Right here punk." we heard as we turned around and saw Ares leaning on his bike with the Helm of Darkness in his hands "You tricked us." Annabeth said as he rolled his eyes "Of course I did, having a war between Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades would be chaos and make any war before it look like a walk in the park." "But why? Why betray your own father?" Tyler said as Ares laughed.

"Power kid, something that you'll never have or understand." He said with a smirk "Give us the Helm Ares, no time for any games." I said as he laughed "And why would I give you the Helm?" he said as Tyler spoke "Because if you don't, we'll make you wish you did give it to us." he said as Ares laughed even harder and put the Helm down.

"Is that a challenge demigod?" Ares said as Tyler was about to step forward but I stopped him "How about this Ares, me and you have a dual. I win, you give me the Helm and leave if you win you can kill me and I won't let anyone stop you. Do you agree to these terms?" I said as he took off his glasses and looked at me "I swear on the River Styx to abide by these terms." he said as I also swore and stepped forward till Tyler stopped me "What are you doing Percy?" he said as I looked at him "Proving our innocence." I said as I walked forward as he summoned a big sword and lifted it with ease as I felt multiple eyes watching me 'Looks like all of Olympus is going to see your ass whooping war god' I thought with a smirk as I pulled out my shield and spear from Hemera as he raised an eyebrow "Never seen you with a spear and shield punk, this is going to be interesting." he said as I ran towards him.

Olympian Throne Room

Third POV

"My own son lied to me?" Zeus said in shock as Poseidon spoke "Looks like me and my sons are innocent brother." he said with a smirk "But Perseus still has to defeat Ares for the Helm and defeating a god is nearly impossible. Unless it's another god." she said while Percy and Ares exchanged a few words till Ares nodded and summoned a huge sword and lifted it onto his shoulder with ease while Percy pulled out a spear and shield as everyone leaned forward in their thrones "Never seen him with a spear or a shield, I'm curious to see how well he is." Athena said as Artemis was looking down at her hunters, who she brought with her to hopefully see the son of Poseidon whoop Ares's butt in front of everyone.

"Don't worry Jennifer, he'll be fine." Artemis said reassuringly to Jennifer, Percy's sister who nodded but still didn't look convinced as Percy ran towards him "Come at me sea spawn. I'm going to enjoy pummeling you into the ground." Ares mocked as Percy jabbed forward but Ares blocked it and brought his sword down as Percy blocked it with ease and spun out of the way jabbing his spear forward as it left a small cut on his back leg as he growled and continued to attack Percy. "Must have some strength to block Ares's strikes." Hermes said impressed as Percy shield bashed him, making him stumble forward as he jabbed forward again but Ares grabbed it and pulled him forward as he brought his fist to Percy's nose, breaking it and throwing him back as Ares chuckled and tossed his spear away and stalked towards him.

"Your son better do something or else he'll become skewered." Athena said as Percy got up with blood pouring down his nose as Ares brought his sword down again as Percy blocked it and spun around Ares hitting his back leg forcing him to a knee as he quickly turned around only to meet Percy's shield which made a loud ringing sound while everyone winced. "That's got to hurt." Hermes said as Ares fell back with golden ichor flowing from his nose as he got up "Your good...for a demigod." he said as he disappeared and reappeared behind Percy but he predicted it and blocked his attack as Ares flashed away again as Percy looked around warily.

"For a God of War, I expected a better fight. Not him running away." Apollo mocked as Ares appeared with a mace in his hands as he ran at Percy swinging it at Percy forcing him to duck till he made a fatal mistake as he put his shield up to block it but the pure force and pressure from Ares's strike broke his wrist as everyone heard the cracking sound as shadows swallowed Percy as he reappeared a few feet away clutching his wrist "What's wrong sea spawn? Too weak to withstand a strike from a real man?" Ares mocked as Percy grabbed one of his hunting knifes and warily circled Ares "You ain't no man or hero, despite what people will say about you if you survive this quest. You're a murderer anyway, with all the people that died by your hands, all the blood you spilled, the wars you been in, only one thing matters. You're a killer, like everyone else, doesn't matter how hard you'll try to cover it up, you can't hide the truth kid. Especially with some of the things you've done." Ares mocked as Percy's eyes changed back to that crazy pitch black color with the stars and constellations in them as the hunters all gasped while Percy jumped at Ares but shadows swallowed him as he appeared behind Ares leaving a deadly gash on his back as he screamed in pain and swung his mace around but Percy dodged it and slashed at his wrist, forcing him to drop the mace.

"What's wrong Ares, you're a real man aren't you? This shouldn't be hurting you." Percy mocked as Ares ran at him with his sword back in his hand as he swung at Percy but he kept blocking it till he jumped back throwing multiple throwing knifes at Ares faster than light as they all pierced Ares in his chest, arms, and legs as he tried to stand up but a throwing knife pierced his knee forcing him down. "You're right Ares, I've done some terrible things in the past and I do regret it. But I know that I can't change it, only accept it and move on." Percy said as Ares slowly got up, pulling the throwing knife out of his knee as Percy appeared in front of him, literally out of nowhere with his spear in his hand as Ares brought his sword down as a last chance to kill Percy but he dodged and spun out of the way as his spear pierced Ares's ankle, forcing him to a knee as he screamed in pain as a pair of hunting knifes were in a x formation around Ares's throat.

"I think I win." Percy said coldly as he sheathed his hunting knifes and yanked his spear out of Ares's ankle, none too gently either as he walked over to the Hades' Helm of Darkness and grabbed it as Tyler and the others ran towards him. "You're going to regret this punk, one day your weapon will fail you when you need it the most. Beware the curse of Ares." Ares spat as he flashed away while everyone in Olympus were shocked, Apollo was grinning like a mad man so was Hermes, Hestia had a small smile on her face, Poseidon looked like he was about to burst with pride as he stared at the iris message. "Furies, take this to Hades' and tell him what happened." Percy said as the Furies appeared out of the shadows "Looks like we were wrong Perseus Jackson, just this once we aren't going to kill you." Alecto said as he tossed the Helm to Alecto as she caught it and shadows swallowed them.

"Dude that was awesome." Tyler said as he gripped Percy's broken wrist making him yell in pain as he quickly released it "Now how are we going to get back to Manhattan? Percy's too tired to get us back." Tyler said as Hades appeared out of the shadows "I'll shadow travel you there, as a apology for my actions and there will be a gift for you back home." he said as shadows swallowed them as the iris message ended.

"Looks like we wait now brother, then you can tell us you're sorry." Poseidon said with a smirk as Zeus glared at him "Now me and Hermes got something to taunt Ares about for the next millennia." Apollo said with a smile while Hermes nodded in agreement "Very well, let us wait for the demigod to return." Zeus said as everyone sat in their thrones or guest thrones, waiting for the demigods to appear on Olympus.

Percy POV

"Come on, Olympus is at the very top." Annabeth said as we jogged behind her "Why is it at the top of the Empire State Building?" Tyler said as we neared the lobby "The gods move with the heart of the west, and this is where the flame burns brightest so this is where their at." I said as we entered the lobby. "Six hundredth floor please." Annabeth said as the doorman looked down from his newspaper that he was reading "Beat it kid, there's no such thing as six hundredth floor." he said as I spoke "Listen doorman, I am a eight hundred year old demigod with skills that can rival the gods, I just defeated Ares in one on one combat and have Zeus's master bolt in my bag. Do you really want me to use it on you?" I said with a raised eyebrow as he quickly shook his head and gave me the key.

"Make sure you're the only ones in there then put the key in and press the six hundredth floor." He said as I thanked him and went inside the elevator "Annabeth, may you do the honors?" I said as she nodded and put the key in the slot and pressed the button "You may want to grab onto something." she said as I went to speak but was thrown to the ground as the elevator shot off going up.

"Told you to hold on." Annabeth said with a smirk while I glared at her "Whatever, let's go return Zeus's master bolt and get this quest over with." I said moving through Olympus while Tyler followed me, looking around in awe "This is beautiful." he said observing the shrines built for the gods "Just wait till you see my family. Makes this place look like a dump." I muttered as we appeared in front of the throne room doors.

"Everyone ready?" I said as they all nodded as I opened the doors as all eyes turned to me while I slowly walked forward with Tyler beside me "Lord Zeus, my name is Percy Jackson and I believe that this belongs to you." I said as I took out his master bolt slowly as he leaned forward "Give it to me." he said holding his hand out as I threw it towards him.

Once it made contact with his hand lightning started striking till it finally died down as he looked at me "Looks like you and your family are innocent after all, but if you didn't steal it...then who did?" he said while I shrugged my shoulders "Your guess is as good as mine, I don't know Lord Zeus." I said as Tyler spoke "Does this mean that we're free?" he said as Zeus nodded "You're free." he said as Tyler smiled at me. "Some first year huh?" He said while I chuckled as I turned around to leave till I was stopped.

"Perseus." I heard as I turned back to the gods and looked at them to see who said my name "I said your name Perseus." I heard as I looked at Athena, Goddess of Wisdom "Yes Lady Athena?" I said slightly wary of her "Could I ask you a few questions? Some things just don't add up for me." she said as I nodded "First off, how did you summon the lightning?" she said as I spoke "You can't form lightning without storm clouds, I just used the storm clouds as conductors, making it easier to control the lightning." I said as she nodded "How are you so skilled?" Hermes, God of Messengers said as I smiled "Training Lord Hermes, that's all it is." I said "No need for the lord, anyone who can beat Ares in front of all of Olympus has my respect. Just Hermes." he said with a smile as I nodded.

"Why did your eyes change colors?" Athena said as I hesitated for a split second till I finally recovered "What do you mean?" I said confused, hoping they'll leave this topic alone "When you grabbed Ares's shield, we saw your eyes changing multiple colors. How was that possible?" she said curiously as I spoke "I don't recall my eyes ever changing colors. My eyes aren't a full sea green, their also mixed in with a fiery reddish orange color. I'm just using Mist to cover it up." I said as I parted the Mist from my eyes to show what they really look like "I don't know if my eyes change colors, maybe they only do that when I get angry, I just don't know." I said turning to look at Aphrodite.

"Lady Aphrodite, I believe this is yours." I said pulling out her scarf and holding it out for her as she jumped off her throne and snatched it out of my hands, gripping it like a lost puppy as I went to turn around till she crushed me in a hug, knocking the breath out of me. 'Who knew Aphrodite could squeeze so hard' I thought in shock as Apollo and Hermes pried her off of me as I stumbled back into Tyler "Who knew she has a grip like iron?" I whispered to him in shock as he chuckled "Well, if that's everything Olympians. Me and my brother will be heading back to camp along with Annabeth and Grover." I said turning around "One last question Perseus." Athena said as I nodded.

"Why do you always wear that necklace?" She said as my hand instinctively went to my necklace that conceals my true aura "Why do you ask?" I said warily "Just answer the question boy." Artemis said "I do not answer to the likes of you nor do I become associated with people like you, you did not ask the question so I will not answer to you." I said looking back towards Athena till I felt like a sixth sense tingling as I quickly spun around and caught a silver arrow and saw Phoebe with her bow out.

"Have you yet to learn your lesson? I already beat you unconscious twice in camp, would you like to embarrass yourself, your patron, and your sisters in front of all of Olympus?" I said as I burned the arrow to a crisp in my hands with a smirk on my face "I won't even use any powers to beat you into the ground, I'll even use my fists just for you." I said cracking my knuckles "Stop it you two, Artemis control your hunters, Poseidon control your son." Zeus ordered as I looked at Phoebe and saw her glaring at me in hate "I'll be waiting." I mouthed as she walked back to her sisters.

"Lady Athena, I always wear this necklace because it conceals my true aura." I said as Tyler looked at me with eyes wide "Yes you have a powerful aura but it wouldn't be that strong, right?" she said as I spoke "I am a son of Poseidon, champion of Hades and Hestia, both the elder children of Kronos and Rhea and definitely the strongest while I am also a champion of Apollo. I have had eight hundred years to master these powers, my aura rivals one of the big three but if I become mad in anyway my aura will surpass Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. I wear this necklace for the safety of my brother and other demigods when we're outside of camp." I said as she looked at Apollo as did the other Olympians.

"Why are you all looking at me for?" He said confused "Is the boy telling the truth or not?" Artemis said as Apollo scratched his head "I'm sorry, did someone say something?" he said ignoring Artemis as Poseidon spoke "Is my son telling the truth?" he said as Apollo stole a quick glance at me and nodded "Yep, he's telling the truth." he said as the Olympians nodded in acceptance. "Well if that's all the questions, we're all going to head back." I said turning around "Did you really kill people?" Hermes said as the hunters looked at me shocked while the Olympians all looked at me as I sighed sadly and nodded.

"Yes I did, thousands if not millions. There's not a day that goes by when I go to sleep and see faces of dead soldiers looking at me." I said looking at Hermes while he nodded in sympathy "Is it okay if I ask all of you a question? Just one." I said as they nodded "How do you do it?" I said confusing the Olympians "Do what son?" Poseidon said as I continued. "How do you deal with your regret and guilt? Some say being immortal is a blessing, but I see it as a curse. You make one fatal mistake and you must forever live with it for the rest of your lives, knowing you can't change it. I stayed alive for years fighting, waiting for the time a child of one of the big three was born so I could come down here and help them through the Great Prophecy safely, so they won't have to suffer like how I did and still do. Is immortality for you a blessing or a curse?" I said as they all looked thoughtful for a few minutes as I saw a few of their eyes get cloudy.

"If this is all that we have, I would like to head home and get some rest." I said bowing as Tyler and the others followed suit as we all turned around and walked towards the door "Oh and Perseus." Zeus said as I looked back at him "Yes Lord Zeus?" I said kindly "Don't ever send us a message like that again." he said while I smiled, knowing he was talking about Medusa's head. "I can't promise you that Lord Zeus, as long as you don't accuse me of stealing ever again, I'll try my hardest not to but I'm known for not listening or following the rules." I said as I bowed again and walked out of the throne room.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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