
By qwae29

24.7K 660 148

The Force moves in mysterious ways and all are bound to its ultimate will, especially the Jedi. Part one of F... More

Blinded by Vision
For the Asking
Small Favors
Ways to Serve
Will of the Forced
A Ghost of a Chance
Working on the Edge
An Imperfect Process
Serving Notice
Shift Change
Exceeding Tolerances
Neither Help nor Hindrance
Sight and Shadow
Grave Concerns
Moving Forward
Borrowing Trouble
Irrational Predictability
Not Without Cause
One Last Time
Of Things Unsaid
Of Things Unheard
Under Construction
As Goes the Master

In Vestments

884 27 3
By qwae29

Some spoilers from Jedi Apprentice.
No betas, therefore the mistakes are all mine.
See chapter one for disclaimers.

Obi-Wan was in total darkness. Hard stone pushed against his back, sharp rocks pierced his skin causing a myriad of tiny, stinging cuts, a heavy weight rested suffocatingly on his chest. The air was thick and dusty around him taxing his already straining lungs. He knew this place though he did not know it at all. He was trapped here. Wherever here was. Trapped by rock and stone. Lost in the dark. Alone... always alone...

"Obi-Wan!" the voice called desperately. The voice, always the same, always too far away. "Obi-Wan! You must try! I need you! Obi-Wan!"

But Obi-Wan could not try. He was too tired, too weak, too... Obi-Wan. Death would follow. He knew that, knew that he had failed the voice that called to him for help. Oh, how he longed to help, but the air was too thick, the stone too heavy...

Obi-Wan awoke with a sharp gasp. Another nightmare. No, not another nightmare. It was the same nightmare as always. The same one that had plagued his dreams off and on for over a year and had now disturbed his sleep two nights in a row. Obi-Wan rose tiredly from his sleep couch and drifted distractedly to the refresher for his morning ablutions. He had just emerged and dressed in his undertunics and trousers when the door to his small cabin chimed. Opening the door revealed a tall rangy frame dressed in the robes of a master. Obi-Wan bowed mechanically.

"Master Apopka."

"Kenobi," the middle aged Zabrak greeted. "We have been aboard ship two days now and you have yet to emerge from your quarters. I feared you may be ill."

"No Master, I am not ill," Obi-Wan replied. Apopka frowned slightly as he took in the boy's short response and haggard appearance. The dark circles under the youth's eyes also did not go unnoticed.

"I am glad to hear it. Since you are well I can expect you to join us for firstmeal in the ship's mess," the master intoned. Obi-Wan opened his mouth to object, but before he could respond Apopka held up a silencing finger. "And before you protest know that on this I must insist."

Recognizing a pointless endeavor when he saw one, Obi-Wan assented to the master's gently delivered command.

"As you wish, Master Apopka," he answered simply. Apopka nodded and left Obi-Wan to finish dressing. The master made his way down the narrow corridors of the tiny transport, nodding occasionally at the crew he passed. He entered the dining area and was greeted by a smiling Twi'lek youth preparing two plates.

"Good morning, Master."

"Good morning, Padawan," Apopka said as he took a seat at an empty table. Much of the crew had already broken their fast for the day so the small eating space was empty save the two Jedi.

"I have asked young Kenobi to join us for firstmeal," the master stated. The padawan halted briefly in his task of preparing tea, but returned to his work in short order procuring another mug from a nearby cabinet.

"Shall I prepare another plate of yours or mine?" the padawan asked. Though the Master-Padawan pair shared many like tastes and interests meal preferences were not among them; the master favored vegetarian fare while the sharp tooth padawan required something once living to adorn his plate.

"Perhaps a little of both. I don't know Kenobi's preference in the matter."

The padawan nodded though his back was still to his master. He prepared a plate of fruit, bread, and cheese for his master while loading his own plate with a variety of cooked meats. A third plate held a combination of all the foods available.

"I think I'll add one of those little pastries the Captain is fond of," the padawan said turning to his master with a wide grin. "I have yet to meet a human who didn't have a sweet tooth."

With a graceful ease characteristic of all Jedi, the padawan carried the three plates and steaming mugs to the small table at which his master sat before taking a seat of his own.

"I take it Kenobi was not sick then?"

"No Cala, well at least not physically," the master answered. Cala tilted his head causing the master to elaborate. "I've seen it before in those who are assigned to the various corps. It takes awhile for the young ones to... adjust to their circumstance."

Cala's lekku twitched a moment before settling down again.

"I don't think I would ever adjust," he replied after a moment's thought. Apopka smiled ruefully.

"I imagine he is feeling the same way, but with time he will as they all eventually do."

The next few moments passed in silence until a third presence entered the small room. Obi-Wan was dressed in a non-descript set of tunics, dark trousers, and short boots having been required to leave his initiate robes at the Temple. He walked hesitantly up to the two Jedi at the table and bowed lightly.

"Master Apopka."

"Kenobi, this is my Padawan Ocala Ocoee. Padawan, this is Obi-Wan Kenobi," the master said as an introduction. The padawan immediately extended a hand to the youth who shook it somewhat unenthusiastically.

"Call me Cala," he smiled. Obi-Wan tried to return the smile, but only managed a mild grimace.

"Obi-Wan," he replied softly. Cala gestured to the empty seat and full plate at the table. Taking the hint, Obi-Wan sat down, but ignored the plate of food opting instead to pick up the mug of tea.

"I didn't know what you like so I gave you a bit of everything," Cala offered warmly.

"Thank you," Obi-Wan muttered over the lip of his cup. With a quick glance at his master both of the Jedi began to work on their meals. After a pointed look from Apopka, Obi-Wan continued to absently pick at his plate, but did bring a few items to his mouth for consumption.

"So, Obi-Wan," Cala began brightly as he finished his meal. "Are you interested in piloting or maybe engines? I'm sure the Captain would be happy to give you a tour of the ship."

"No. No thank you," Obi-Wan replied as he pushed a block of cheese around his plate with his forefinger. Cala looked to his master for help. Apopka looked at the boy appraisingly for several silent moments before speaking.


"Yes, Master Apopka," he answered without looking up. Apopka waited before speaking and sure enough the child finally lifted his gaze.

"Obi-Wan, how have you been sleeping?"

"I've been sleeping, Master," the boy replied. It did not take a Force sensitive to notice the boy's discomfort and obvious side-step of the question.

"And the quality of that sleep?" the master pressed. Obi-Wan sighed and returned his gaze to the generously filled plate before him.

"I have nightmares," he responded quietly. Apopka nodded as if that were precisely the answer he expected.

"It is natural to feel apprehension or even fear when the circumstances of our lives change significantly from what we find to be comfortable and familiar. Of course these emotions must be felt, searched, and then ultimately released into the Force," Apopka paused as he queried his padawan through their bond. Cala gave a mental affirmative as well as subtle head nod. Apopka turned back to the young boy before him.

"You may join Cala and me in meditation if you wish."

Obi-Wan sat unresponsive for several heartbeats before rising to his feet and bowing deeply.

"I appreciate your offer, Master Apopka, however I think I will try meditating alone for now."

"As you wish," the master intoned. With another bow, Obi-Wan turned and left the mess leaving the two Jedi alone. Cala frowned at his master.

"Master Rava, is it wise to leave him alone? He seems so... sad."

"He is indeed, Padawan, but Obi-Wan may be right in this. This may be something he must come to terms with on his own."

* * * * *

The next four days passed in a similar manner. Obi-Wan only left his quarters when specifically compelled to do so by Master Apopka or by extension, Padawan Cala. Otherwise, he stayed sequestered from the life of the ship, staring at length at the barren walls of his quarters when his attempts at meditation failed him. The nightmares persisted, returning each night and the effects of his disturbed sleep began to wear on him, but there was nothing for it. The small transport had dropped out of hyperspace and was already descending towards the red planet of Bandomeer.

The representative from the Agri Corps that greeted the boy and his Jedi escort seemed friendly enough. The short, teal skinned woman had a wild crop of cyan hair and big, bright eyes of verdant green. She introduced herself as Ilia Voluk, Chief Administrator of the Agri Corps project on Bandomeer. Master Apopka handled the greetings and the introductions on their side before politely handing over Obi-Wan to her care. Voluk greeted him warmly, but Obi-Wan's response was merely mannerly at best. Once the formalities were taken care of, Master and Padawan quickly departed as they needed to proceed to their mission destination elsewhere. All too soon, Obi-Wan found himself following the Chief Administrator through the unfamiliar halls of what was to be his new home. She pointed out the different rooms and limited amenities as they walked inserting mild tidbits of insight and gossip hoping to draw him into conversation, but Obi-Wan only answered her comments with silent nods. With an internal sigh, Voluk eventually surrendered to the silence and led the boy to his quarters to stow his small pack. The two then exited the room and began to make their way to the facility's dining area, but before they reached their destination they ran into another pair coming down the halls. Obi-Wan absently felt the slight tension present in his guide as the strangers approached.

"Administrator Voluk," the foremost man greeted. He was joined by another, a Codru-Ji, who toward over him and was more broadly built; a personal guard more than likely, but it was not the guard that pulled at Obi-Wan's waning attention. The man that spoke was obviously the one in charge. An air of confidence and authority fairly radiated from the man. His voice was cultured, his manner refined and elegant.

"Is there something you want?" Voluk replied. The administrator's hostile response to what seemed to be an innocuous greeting surprised and confused Obi-Wan, but he said nothing content to watch the interaction without involving himself. The stranger smiled lightly and shook his head.

"No, Administrator. Gyter and I were just on our way to see the conditions of the southern mines," he replied smoothly. His eyes drifted over to Obi-Wan and for some reason the man's attention made Obi-Wan feel distinctly uncomfortable. Voluk immediately wrapped an arm protectively around the boy's shoulders as she pushed past the pair and continued down the hall.

"I will leave you to it then," she answered stiffly. They continued on towards the dining area, but Obi-Wan could feel the man's eyes upon him for several seconds before they too continued towards their destination. Once he was certain they were out of ear shot he looked to his guide.

"Who was that?" he inquired. Voluk shook her head and sighed; her mouth a grim line. It was clear that who ever that man was she did not like him.

"One of the many corporate representatives here to poach the resources of this planet," she growled. She looked down at the young boy beside her and her expression softened. "Don't worry about him. I doubt you will see him again. I, on the other hand, will not be so lucky."

"Yes, Administrator," Obi-Wan answered dutifully. Without any more talk of the strange business man, the two entered the dining hall. Voluk left him there and returned to her various duties overseeing the large facility. Obi-Wan moved silently through the line, allowing his tray to be filled with an assortment of foods though none inspired any hunger within him. He made his way to an empty table in one of the more shadowed corners. He sat down, staring at the contents of his tray without partaking of anything for several minutes until his quiet contemplation was interrupted by the arrival of three Agri Corps members.

"Care if we sit?" one of the three asked. Obi-Wan did not look up, nor did he speak. He only absently gestured to the empty seats; a clear yet unenthusiastic invitation. The others did not seem put off by the youth's silence and joined him at the table.

"My name is Xinnix," the first voice spoke. Finally, Obi-Wan looked up and away from his tray taking in his guests. The speaker was a young man, human with fiery red hair that hung far past his shoulders. He gestured to the Sephi female to his right. "This is Surjik," he said then he pointed to his left. "And this is her twin brother Sair."

The Sephi twins smiled at him, their brilliantly white teeth flashing against the pale purple hue of their lips and skin. Both had long braided hair the color of fading sunlight that framed their angular faces and distinctly pointed ears.

"Obi-Wan," he answered politely. The trio of young adults nodded and began tucking in to their meals.

"Nice to meet you, Obi-Wan," Xinnix replied as he bit off a piece of crusty bread. "You're new here, aren't you?"

Not trusting himself to answer verbally, Obi-Wan merely nodded. Surjik cut her meat as she spoke, her long delicate fingers gracefully handling the utensils.

"I am a xeno-botanist here. Sair is a xeno-biologist. We work with Xin in the yndeloi fields. Do you know where you are assigned?" she asked sweetly. Obi-Wan shook his head.

"I've only just arrived. I... I don't know where I will be or what I am to do."

"Hmmm," Sair started as he swallowed a piece of meat. "What's your background? What are your skills?"

"I... um... I used to be a Jedi," Obi-Wan answered softly. His guests all froze mid bite for a few seconds. Xinnix recovered first.

"Oh, well that means you're probably qualified to do almost everything," he said casually. He took a sip of his beverage before continuing. "I've known a few Corps Jedi. All good people and exceptionally talented. I'm sure Ilia will take care of your placement, you know, put you somewhere you'll like."

"What do you like, Obi-Wan? I mean I love working in the lab while my sister seems to revel in playing in the dirt," Sair offered, his expression one of amused disgust. Surjik responded by hurling a small wedge of a tuber at him.

"I do not play in the dirt, lab rat," she retorted in equal jest. The two bantered back and forth for several minutes with Obi-Wan observing distractedly until a large group of dirt covered, burly individuals entered the hall and began to make their way through the serving line. Xinnix, noticing his attention shifting, glanced over his shoulder and then back to Obi-Wan.

"Those are the miners. They work the tunnels and caves and refine the lokkatricite ore indigenous to the planet."

"Caves?" Obi-Wan repeated, his stomach tightening unconsciously. Sair tossed him an indulgent smile.

"Oh, don't worry, Obi-Wan. You won't be assigned there."

"Good, I... I don't care for caves," Obi-Wan muttered. Surjik continued where her brother left off.

"Mining is not part of our project here, but we do have to work with them sometimes... unfortunately."

"Just ignore the whole brutish lot, I say," Xinnix added after a swig of his drink. "Those miners, nothing but trouble," he finished. Obi-Wan nodded then stood up with his still full tray.

"Thank you for your company, but I should get back to my quarters," he said politely. When the others nodded and gave their goodbyes he took his tray to the waste receptacle. He all but fled the dinning hall seeking the solitude of his quarters in the hopes of easing his sudden burst of discomfort. As soon as he entered his small room he saw a package sitting on his bed. He opened the small box and found a data pad outlining his assignment. It turned out he would be placed in the fields with his new companions. Below the pad, Obi-Wan also found two sets of Agri Corps uniforms: dark green tunic, brown trousers, simple black belt, and black short boots. Obi-Wan held the rough fabric of one of the tunics in his hands noting how the garment seemed to be vibrating. No, not the garment. His hands were shaking. This was his new uniform. No longer would he wear the familiar Jedi togs that he had dressed in his entire life. The grief of it hit him hard and he was forced to drop the offending garment back into the box. He backed away from the bed settling himself on the floor. He had hoped that a few minutes of meditation would ease the pain in his heart, but the comforting presence of the Force eluded him. He could still feel the Force, but it was only around him not within him. He opened his eyes and reached out a hand towards his cloak that still hung by the door. He called it to him through the Force, but the dark vestment did not move. Obi-Wan lowered his hand and his head.

Now, more than ever, he felt truly alone.

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