This Woman Of Mine (Grace x F...

By qxeenmonaababes

5.1K 106 58

The way she does things are unique, her voice is low but beautiful. Her gray-brown long locks of hair must fe... More

Chapter 2: Small Space
Chapter 3: Small Space pt.2
Chapter 4: I'm Fine
Chapter 5: Strokes And Love
Chapter 6: Beach Date
Chapter 7: Christmas Surprises
Chapter 8: Yes
Chapter 9: Forbidden Fantasy

Chapter 1: Dreams

1.1K 25 25
By qxeenmonaababes

Grace P.O.V

I walk into the restaurant and see my crush-I mean Frankie!, at the table. She looks up and waves as I wave back and join her at the table as she pops a piece of bread roll in her mouth. "I wonder why they have us here, what could be so important?" I ask her and she shrugs and swallows her food. "I don't know but it better be good, I had to call off my class early, you know Brian is such a good artist, but Tod has a very free spirit, he paints his mind and emotions." She said with that cute smile I love so much. I have come to the conclusion that I like Frankie, more than associates, more than friends, I love Frankie, but I have to be rude to her, she can read people like a book, but I have to keep my lock on my cover, and only I have the key, if you know what I mean.

As we make small talk about her convicts and art, here comes our husbands, Robert mines and Sol Frankie's. Sol visibly seems like something is wrong but when he looks at Frankie, his smile reappears like magic, though not as big as it used to be. Robert kisses me on my cheek and I smile, and Sol kisses Frankie on hers, making her smile, I wish I could do that. "So, what's so important that you had to treat us to lunch?" Frankie asks as the huge sea food platter comes and sits down on the table, and we begin eating. It wasn't until everyone got finished around the same time that Frankie asked the same question again. "Now, what was so important and nobody can dodge my question this time." She says serious and her low but feminine voice just turns me on a little. Damn it Grace! Not right now! "W-WHAT?!!" I hear Frankie scream in sadness and I look at her with tears pouring out her emerald green orbs.

"I said, I'm leaving you to be with Robert." Sol repeated and I am shocked. "Robert?" I ask him in disbelief and he holds Sol's hand and kisses it. Then, everything hit me like a huge wave. "You took us here so we wouldn't make a seen!! Well I'm making a seen Robert!! Is this what you wanted!! Forty years and this is how you repay me!!!" I scream with everyone looking at me in the restaurant but I don't care. I was going to say something else, hell I was gonna scream it until I looked at Frankie and her eyes are red and puffy with her skin pale.

She gives me this look and my world stops, just for her. I breathe in, and breathe out, and I see her smile a little at me, and I smile back, but it quickly fades as I look at my empty plate filled with shells from the sea food. "How long has this been happening?" I ask in anger, not yelling surprisingly. "20 years." Robert says. I can feel my blood boil and my fists ball but I calm down and I get up and leave the table, I leave the restaurant, I jut want to be alone, but when I went to the beach house, there's Frankie doing her weird and annoying noises with meditation.

"Frankie, please! Can you just go? I need to be here, alone." I say while fixing myself a martini. "You know, we both have the right to be here, and I did arrive first so shoo fly, don't bother me." she said waving her hands in a dismissal. "No! Frankie, you don't understand how I feel right now, can you please leave! I need to be alone damn it!" I say to her. She looks up at me like I just killed her favorite pet, then said I didn't do it. "Don't know how you feel? I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU FEEL??!! I was sitting right beside you when Robert and Sol gayed it up! I was the one that screamed out first! I cried first , I listened first but you just stared off into space!

I was right there! I loved Sol with all my heart and your saying I don't know how you feel?? I was married too damn it! I can't even believe you right now! You know what? I'll take my pot and go! Me nor this blunt likes you anyways!" Frankie yelled at me for the first time, ever. I was shocked, because Frankie yelled, because she actually listened to me and left, and because of what I said and I didn't mean a word of it. To be honest, I need to talk to someone about this with, I need a shoulder to cry on, I need to laugh, I need Frankie.

I was just ready to go to the beach when I received a call from her and I answered.

~~On The Phone~~

Grace- Frankie, I didn't mean anything I said, I'm sor-

Frankie- Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis!

Grace- What?

Frankie- Its a disease where I have these episodes where I can't move a muscle.

Grace- But you called me?

Frankie- Damn it Grace just get my pills from the drawer in the kitchen!

Grace- Sorry, sorry, I'm coming.

~~End Of Phone Call~~

I quickly got the medicine and headed to the beach, as soon as I spotted her, I nearly ran and jumped to her. I gave her the pills and she took them with some weird drink that was in a jar. I was thirsty but I didn't want to ask, she might still be mad at me. "Thanks Grace." she said a little annoyed, and even hurt. "Frankie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said, I need to talk to someone about this, someone who gets me, someone that's been through the same thing..." I apologize, I didn't want to say it, not yet. She might taunt me for the rest of my life if she found out.

"Oh Grace, why can't you say you need me? And I'm sorry for yelling at you, this tea is giving me weird vibes, is the sand crying?" Frankie asks me and I look at her as if she was crazy. "No, the sand isn't crying Frankie." I say and I laugh and I feel her eyes on me as I blush a little and look away. "I need you too, ya know..." she mumbles and I smile at her a little, she smiles back at me. She hands me her tea-in-a-jar and says "Here, I forgive you." and I take the jar and drink a little and it tastes awful. "Oh my god what is that!" I say and spit some out as Frankie laughs and puts her arm around my shoulders and I didn't really hide my blushing, but I know she saw it.

~~Present Day~~

Grace P.O.V

I'm currently making some lunch, just a sandwich and some smoothie Frankie made me, its pretty good actually, and I bring it to the living room until the door flies open, with Frankie in Jacob's arms, lips locked and eyes closed, all over each other. I turn away and slide so far down into the couch they didn't see me and they went upstairs, with a few bumps and thuds here and there, probably trying not to fall down. Jacob is Frankie's boyfriend, he's a really nice guy and I like him, but I don't like that he's with my woman. I mean, she isn't mine, yet, or never will be.

I start eating and watching TV until I hear something, complete silence. I thought they were doing it but I guess not. I hear mumbles of words, not a lot since their upstairs and I'm down, but then I hear foot steps and low and behold, its Jacob?! "Hey Grace, I'm gonna go." he said to me with a smile and a wave as he walked out. Then, Frankie came down, same clothes and her hair in a bit of a mess, I try not to laugh but then again it is pretty cute. "Hey Grace, I broke up with Jacob, he's my yam man, not my fuck buddy." Frankie said in a sad but happy tone at the same time if its possible.

"How come? I thought that's what you wanted?" I asked her and she shook her head 'no'. "Grace, I can't be with Jacob because there's someone else that I've fallen for, and I've fell hard enough where life-alert can't help me." she said and I laugh a little as she smiles and laugh a little with me. "Well, who is this person?" I ask her. "Well, its a girl. Remember how I told you I used to be bisexual before I met Sol? Well, I know I am again, and I know what I want." She says while scooting closer to me. "Well, what do you want Frankie?" I asked coming closer to her too. "You." she said and kissed me. I kissed back and I felt her hands go to my waist, then lower and lower........................................

"Grace! Wake up!" Frankie shouts in my face and I open my eyes and shoot up, I immediately feel something wet in between my legs. It was a dream, a dream, a wet dream?!! "Wh-what is it?" I ask dazed out and extremely embarrassed and blushing like a tomato. "Well, its 1 in the afternoon and your still asleep, its not like you Clifford." she says with a smile and I blush even more. "S-sorry. Can you leave please? I need to get ready...." I say to her. "I don't mind watching~" Frankie said seductively and I grew more wet even though I know she's kidding. "F-frankie!" I say and she laughs and smiles. "Ok ok, but one day I'll see the beautiful, Grace Hanson." she says with that beautiful smile of hers and she walks out.

I sigh in relief and lock the door just incase Frankie will play around and open the door on me while I'm changing. God, my underwear is soaked! I've never got like this when I was with Robert, even when we weren't married! I grab a towel and take my underwear off and rub all my juices away, but I might I have rubbed a little to hard to close to my clit because I felt a sensation that I haven't felt in a long time, pleasure. "Mmm~" I moan on accident and blush. I wipe the rest off gently and change my clothes for the day. I head downstairs to Frankie eating some fruit and possibly on Twitter, laughing at some tweet that may have been funny. "There you are, good afternoon sunshine." she says in that voice I love so much, her own. I smile a little and say "Good afternoon." I reply and go in the fridge and take out some eggs, ham, and cheese.

"You know, you could use tomato, its the same as ham, there both good." Frankie said and I roll my eyes playfully. "No thank you, all though your my vegan best friend, I won't go down that road with you." I say and get out a pan but when I turn back around, she's smiling at me. "You consider me a best friend to you?" she asks happily and I smile back and nod. "Well yes, you've been there for me and I've been there for you through thick and thin. I appreciate you Frankie, and I know I don't say it enough but thank you." I say truthfully. She gets up and hugs me, she pulls me close by my waist and I blush and hug her back, my arms around her neck and shoulders.

"You do actually say it a lot, you just forget." she says with that same happy smile. I make my sandwich in the grill pan and eat while talking with Frankie, she's such an interesting person. "Grace, you didn't here a word I said did you?" Frankie asks. "Oh, I'm sorry Frankie, I just have some things on my mind." I say. She opens her arms and says "Come here, Frankie is in the house as your personal therapist, I'm always here to help." she says and moves her hands in a 'come here' motion. "What if I don't want to talk about it?" I say to her. "Well fine, don't talk about it, I love it when your open though, its like a new Grace, its another side of you for me to love. Oh, and you'll emotionally explode if you don't talk about this, I can see that its important, and my arms can't stay open forever." she says and opens her arms again.

I sigh and walk over to the couch as she wraps her arms around me and I feel safe, I lay back into her front and she's so warm, I could stay like this forever. "Now, tell me what's bothering you." she whispers in my ear and I melt into her touch, her voice sent shivers down my spine and into my vagina, but it felt good. "I've been thinking about the person for a long, long time and I can't keep them off my mind. Their everything I see, everything I live for now that Robert and Sol are together, even before that, they were still perfect to me." I say staring at the waves from the open balcony. "Well shit Grace, your in love again." Frankie says. "I am, but you are too with Jacob no?" I ask her.

"No, I'm not. He's just my yam man, not my fuck buddy." she says. "I think I've heard you say that before but anyways, are you liking anyone?" I ask her. I can feel her smile in my hair and she says "I have a special woman that I like, and I like her a lot." she says and I frown. "Oh, well I'm happy for you two.....wait....woman?" I ask and she nods, even though Frankie is behind me, I still know what she's doing. "Yes, remember when I was bisexual before Sol? Well, that type of thing doesn't just go away, it was always still there, and I've known her for so long, I want to tell her but I'm nervous." Frankie says and I turn around and see her frowning with her pouting like a child and gosh that was the cutest thing I've ever seen other than her ears. "Aww, Frankie, don't be. You are a very unique and beautiful woman that everyone would love to have. Be the brave Frankie that I know and have grown to love." I say and she smiles. I grab the sides of her face and bring her forehead down to my lips and kiss her forehead gently. "I promise they'll love you, forever and if not, then you always have me." I say kissing her forehead again. "Grace, do you mind kissing my forehead again?" Frankie asks shyly and I smile. "Of course Frankie, anything for you." I say and we spent the rest of the day smoking, watching the spelling bee, and me kissing Frankie's forehead anytime I wanted to, and I know for sure that this wasn't a dream.









TA-DA!!! This was my surprise book that I couldn't tell you everything about because it was a surprise. For those of you that know Grace and Frankie, I'm gonna do the book based on the way I want it, not according to the show its self, but it will have similar scenes here and there. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to like, comment, and vote. Gay kisses from me to you always. 😍😍😍😘😘😘😋😋😋💖💖💖💖 Oh, and here are the characters that will mainly be in the show. I might add some here and there, who knows, but for now this is the cast of my Grace X Frankie.

^Name: Grace Hanson^

Sexuality: Hasn't Been Discovered

Age: 70

Other: Robert's Ex Wife, Mother of Mallory and Brianna Hanson, Grandmother Of Mallory's Children

Relationship Status: Crushing

^Name: Frankie Bergstein^

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 72

Other: Sol's Ex Wife, Mother Of Coyote and Nwabudike Bergstein

Relationship Status: Crushing

^Name: Sol Bergstein^

Sexuality: Gay

Age: 74

Other: Robert's Husband, Frankie's Ex Husband, Father of Coyote and Nwabudike Bergstein, Step Father of Mallory and Brianna Hanson

^Name: Nwabudike Bergstein^ (Pronunciation: Ni-boo-da-kay)

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 32

Other: Brother of Coyote, Son of Frankie and Sol, Step Son to Robert, Step Brother to Brianna and Mallory

Relationship Status: Dating

^Name: Robert Hanson^

Sexuality: Gay

Age: 75

Other: Frankie's Ex Husband, Father of Mallory and Brianna Hanson, Step Father to Coyote and Nwabudike

^Name: Coyote Bergstein^

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 30

Other: Son of Frankie and Sol, Brother Of Nwabudike, Step Son to Robert, Step Brother to Brianna and Mallory

Relationship Status: Single

^Name: Mallory Hanson^

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 29

Other: Step Daughter to Sol, Daughter of Grace and Robert, Step Sister to Coyote and Nwabudike, Sister to Brianna

Relationship Status: Married

^Name: Brianna Hanson^

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 30

Other: Sister to Mallory, Daughter of Grace and Robert, Step Daughter to Sol, Step Sister to Coyote and Nwabudike

Relationship Status: Dating

^Name: Jacob (Unknown Last Name)^

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 74

Other: Frankie's Business Partner and Good Friend

Relationship Status: Single

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