The Monster's Wish...(A Narut...

By kendra5150

20.7K 861 714

Yoshiro Hatake was taken from the leaf, on the day of his father's funeral, when he was three years old. Kono... More

Yoshiro Hatake
Sequel coming out today.


101 8 2
By kendra5150

*Third POV*

Kabuto walked into the cell with Danzo and Orochimaru with a bucket of cold water. He lifted the bucket of water up and flung the water onto Yoshiro, soaking him causing him to gasp and snap his head up. The sudden movement caused his back to start bleeding, Kabuto walked around to the other side of him and threw the rest of the cold water on his back causing him to whimper in pain.

"Wakey wakey Yoshiro." Kabuto teased removing the gag from his mouth.

He opened his eyes and stared blankly at Danzo.

"Yoshiro, don't blame Danzo, it's your own fault for running away." Kabuto smiled.

"Yoshiro, why did you fake your own death?" Orochimaru asked.

Yoshiro closed his eyes and ignored them causing Orochimaru to narrow his eyes at him.

"I'm done with your gamesss." he growled grabbing Yoshiro by the throat.

Orochimaru squeezed his throat causing Yoshiro to open his eyes and stare at him.

"" he choked causing Orochimaru to hiss.

"You'll regret sssaying that." he hissed breaking the chains and throwing him across the room before pulling out a syringe.

Yoshiro cried out in pain as his back slammed into the wall. He tried to push himself up but Orochimaru slammed a syringe into his neck injecting more liquid into him. He flinched and whimpered as his blood started to boil. He felt like he was suffocating and started coughing and gasping for air causing Orochimaru to smirk.

"I think I need to give you a little lesssson on ressspect." he hissed grabbing Yoshiro by the hair.

He drug Yoshiro out of his cell and started to drag him down the hall

"NO." he yelled grabbing onto one of the cell bars.

"Let go." Orochimaru demanded grabbing his head and slamming it onto the ground.

Tears filled his eyes as he tried to push the fear away. He tried to kick Orochimaru away but he was frozen in terror.

'No one is coming to rescue me this time. No one knows that I'm here except Orochimaru, Kabuto and the leaf. They actually betrayed me, I didn't want to believe it but they really did. They told Orochimaru and Kabuto where I was so they could finally be rid of me.' he thought as the little hope he had for the leaf shattered.

"Do you want to know who told usss to find you?" Orochimaru smirked causing Yoshiro's eyes to widen.

He pulled his arm from the cage and drug him to the room that he's always hated.

"It wasss Kakashi, he asssked usss to find you ssso he could kill you......but Ino...." he started causing Yoshiro's eyes to widen.

"I-Ino?" he whispered.

"Yeah, she asssked usss to kill you in the mossst painful way we can think of. She dessspisesss you." he laughed causing tears to fill Yoshiro's eyes.

"She didn't." he whispered.

"Wait, there'sss more. She wanted me to tell you that she hasss alwaysss hated you." he smiled as Yoshiro's tears overflowed and he threw him into the snake room.

"What did you do to him?" Danzo asked as he walked up to the room and looked inside to see Yoshiro sobbing on the ground.

"I told him that Ino hated him and that her and Kakashi asssked usss to kill him in the mossst painful way possssible." he smiled.

"You're ruthless." Kabuto laughed.

Danzo frowned as Snakes surrounded Yoshiro and he freaked out pulling out a kunai only to be electrocuted.

"What happened to him?" Danzo frowned.

"I found out that he hasss a sssword that comesss to hisss aid, I put a ssseal on him so it rejectsss any kind of weapon. He'sss unable to ussse hisss chakra, he'sss unable to ussse his eye abilitiesss, and he'sss unable to ussse weaponsss, if he triesss it'll shock him. Eventually he'll die." he smiled.

Yoshiro dropped the kunai and covered his face as all of the snakes attacked him, biting him and wrapping around his limbs, squeezing until the bone snapped. His screams were so loud they echoed down the hall even though the room he was in was supposed to be soundproof.

"Danzo, go in there and drag him back to hisss cell." Orochimaru sighed.

Danzo hesitated looking at all of the snakes biting Yoshiro.

"Don't worry, those snakes aren't deathly poisonous, I took all of those one's out." Kabuto smiled

Danzo nodded and opened the door, Yoshiro's screaming could be heard a lot clearer and Orochimaru and Kabuto laughed.

"I thought you said they weren't poisonous." Danzo frowned looking at Yoshiro's skin where his arm was turning purple around one of the bites.

"Oops." he smiled before looking at all of the snakes. "Don't bite Danzo." he ordered.

Danzo cautiously grabbed Yoshiro but he jerked away from him and fell onto the ground as the snakes retreated and slithered back into their holes. His breathing was shallow and he looked at the three of them in fear, betrayal and hatred.

"Lets go Yoshiro." Danzo frowned grabbing his hand and dragging him back to his cell.

"Just kill me." he begged causing Danzo to frown.

"I'm sorry." he frowned pulling Yoshiro in to his cell.

He walked back out and tried to close it but Kabuto stopped him.

"You don't treat them gently. They're not expensive objects, they don't break that easily. I'll show you how we expect you to put him in here." he growled storming into Yoshiro's cage and pulling him out by the hair. "Always grab the hair." he ordered before pulling Yoshiro to his feet.

Yoshiro's legs gave out so he was just hanging from his hair.

"When you put them away, you don't drag them into their cage, they can corner you and kill you. What you do is a simple kick to the chest...." he started before kicking Yoshiro in the chest sending him flying into the wall.

His head snapped off of the wall and he cried out in pain as he fell onto the ground.

"...or you can push them in, but that's more effective. That way, you know they can't get back up to attack you." he smiled.

Danzo nodded and looked at Yoshiro in pity as he laid on the ground, too injured to push himself up.

"Just wait Danzo, you'll come to enjoy treating Yoshiro like shit. Just wait until I show you how fun our lessons are." he smiled causing Yoshiro to tense.

Danzo watched Yoshiro for a while, even after Kabuto left, he couldn't take his eyes off of him. He felt so guilty for hurting him and he knew he would forever hate the leaf, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"Yoshiro, I'm so sorry." he whispered.

Yoshiro looked up at him with all of his emotions threatening to spill over.

"I.....hope...t-the leaf burns.....and y-you all...rot in h-hell." he whispered as he breathed shallowly.

"Yoshiro, you're not supposed to talk to people like that." Kabuto smirked walking back over to the two of them.

Yoshiro whimpered in pain and tried to scoot away from them but he couldn't move.

"I think we need to punish you." Kabuto smirked.

"But shouldn't we let him rest. He was just attacked by a bunch of snakes." Danzo frowned.

"He doesn't deserve rest. He deserves pain, he ran away from us and everyone that's ever met him wants him dead." Kabuto smiled. "Yoshiro, get up." he ordered causing Yoshiro to tense.

Kabuto walked into the cell and smirked at the cowering Yoshiro.

"You don't listen, I'll fix that." he smiled pulling him up by the arm.

"Kabuto, I'll do it." Orochimaru smiled digging his nails into Yoshiro's arm. "Come on Danzo, thisss isss a lesssson you have to learn." Orochimaru smiled causing Danzo and Kabuto to follow him.

~~~~~With the Dragons~~~~~

The dragons searched everywhere in the land of hot water and they couldn't find Yoshiro anywhere.

"Astarot, they could be anywhere by now." Raiden frowned.

"What if they were the people that gave him those scars..." Leviathan frowned.

"I told you I didn't trust them." Frostilicus growled.

"Where can he be? I'll tear this world apart looking for him. He's the key to our freedom and he's....dammit, lets keep looking. Talking is just wasting time." Astarot growled.

"Astarot?" a woman asked walking out from the bushes towards the Sound.

"Who're you?" he asked turning to face the girl.

"Why's everyone meeting up? I never got word of this." she frowned.

"Nuntius, thank god it's you, we need your tracking skills." Frostilicus smiled.

"Do you need me to deliver a message?" she asked.

"No, we need you to find a snake smelling man with a white haired idiot with him and rescue our friend, he's got white hair and you'll smell us on him. I don't know his condition but it's probably not good. Bring him back to us here." Astarot ordered.

"I understand. What's his name?" she asked.

"Yoshiro." he nodded.

"Alright, I'll be back when I have him. Just be patient." she nodded running back towards the way she came.

"Do you think she'll find him?" Raiden asked.

"If anyone can find someone for us, it's Nuntius." Frostilicus nodded.

~~~~~With Yoshiro~~~~~

Orochimaru drug him into a room and threw him into a metal chair before chaining him to the chair and the floor.

"S-stop." he gasped as his eyes widened.

"You did thisss to yourssself." he hissed handing Danzo a button.

"What's this for?" he frowned.

"If he doesssn't give usss the anssswer we want, pressss the button and hold it for ten sssecondsss, no lessss and no more unless ordered by me." Orochimaru smirked.

"What happens after ten seconds?" he frowned.

"You'll sssee if you messss up." he smiled.

"Do I have to?" he frowned.

"Yesss, you do." he sighed before turning to the trembling Yoshiro.

Yoshiro clenched his fists and closed his eyes as he tried to calm his shallow raspy breaths and stop his body from trembling.

"What does this button do that he's so afraid of?" Danzo asked.

"You'll sssee." he laughed.

"Lord Orochimaru, can I play too?" Kabuto asked.

Orochimaru nodded and Kabuto smiled.

"Why did you attack Anko?" Orochimaru hissed.

"I-I didn't." he whispered.

Orochimaru looked at Danzo and he pressed the button. As soon as he pressed the button Yoshiro started to scream in pain, electricity shot around the circle area, repeatedly electrocuting him. When Danzo got to ten he lifted his finger off of it. Yoshiro fell back onto the chair panting and twitching as electricity corsed through his veins.

"Wasss it becaussse she wasss my ssstudent?" Orochimaru smiled in amusement.

"You......" he whispered.

"I what?" he laughed.

"Y-You attacked her....I-It wasn't me." he whispered causing Danzo's eyes to widen.

"I guessss you got me there." he laughed causing Danzo's eyes to widen more.

"Why did you fake your own death?" Kabuto asked.

"I didn't." he whispered in tears before clenching his fists.

Kabuto looked at Danzo and he pressed the button and counted to ten, trying to block Yoshiro's screaming out and focus on counting. He didn't want to see what happened when he went over ten.

"Then why did you jump?" he asked.

"I.....Wanted to...d-die." he cried.

Kabuto looked at Danzo and he frowned.

"But he answered your question." he frowned.

"Would you like to go take his spot Danzo?" Kabuto smirked.

Danzo shook his head and pressed the button down causing Yoshiro to scream in pain.

"Hold it for fifteen." Orochimaru smiled causing Danzo's eyes to widen.

"What'll happen." he frowned.

"Just hold it for fifteen." he ordered.

When Danzo got to eleven Yoshiro's screams got louder. His skin started to blister as he convulsed in the seat. He was thrashing around so badly the chair tipped over and he smacked his head on the ground. Danzo was so shocked he forgot to take his hand off of the button. Orochimaru and Kabuto looked at him in confusion as he held the button down. Yoshiro's screams died down and Orochimaru snatched the button out of Danzo's hands.

"I sssaid fifteen, not thirty five." he growled as Yoshiro's body twitched and steam came off of it.

"I-I didn't mean it." Danzo frowned as tears filled his eyes.

"Kabuto, make sure he's not dead." Orochimaru growled.

Kabuto walked over to him and checked for a pulse.

He jumped away from him and shook his head no causing Danzo's eyes to widen.

'I killed him.' he frowned.

Orochimaru pressed the button and let go causing Yoshiro's body to convulse. Kabuto checked again and shook his head no again. Orochimaru pressed the button again, holding it a little longer before letting it go. Kabuto checked and gave us a thumbs up causing Danzo to sigh in relief.

"Take him back to his cell." Kabuto ordered Danzo.

Danzo nodded and grabbed Yoshiro's arm only to realize it was hot. He dropped it and looked at Orochimaru and Kabuto to see them staring at him blankly.

"He's hot." he frowned.

"Do it." Orochimaru growled.

Danzo nodded and picked Yoshiro up before carrying him back to his cell. He gently placed him in his cell before walking out and locking it.

"I'm sorry Yoshiro." he frowned before walking away from the unconscious boy.

~~~~~With Nuntius~~~~~

Nuntius ran through the sound village until she saw Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Danzo leaving a hidden cave entrance. It took her longer than she thought but she finally found them.

"So, it's there." she whispered to herself as she looked up at the setting sun.

"I'll be back in a few daysss. Keep an eye on him." Orochimaru hissed before disappearing.

"This'll be easy." she whispered, smiling to herself as they headed back into the cave.

"Great job finding usss, but who are you and what're you doing here?" Orochimaru hissed from behind her.

~~~~~With The Other Dragons~~~~~

"Do you think she found him yet?" Leviathan asked.

"It's been two days, I hope she found him." Astarot frowned pacing back and forth in their room.

"Guys, relax, she never fails." Frostilicus sighed.

"You're just as nervous as the rest of us. Admit it, he grew on you too. The thought of him getting hurt angers you to the point where you want to kill everyone. Doesn't it?" Raiden smiled.

"I don't care what happens to him, I just simply told you guys that they gave me a bad vibe and you ignored me." he rolled his eyes.

"Will the two of you stop, you're not helping anything." Astarot frowned.

"We should still be out there looking." Leviathan frowned.

"I agree." Raiden nodded.

"Alright, lets go then." Astarot nodded while Frostilicus followed.

They went outside and started to look around. They searched for Yoshiro until the sun went down.

"It's too late guys, lets head back, we'll resume our search in the morning." Astarot frowned.

"Lets hope Nuntius finds him soon." Leviathan frowned.

"I'm sure she will." Raiden nodded.

They walked back, disappointed that they failed to find him again.

~~~~~With Nuntius~~~~~

She jumped away from Orochimaru and sniffed the air.

"Snakes, you must be the guy." she nodded.

"Sssensssory?" he questioned.

She ignored his question, one because she wasn't interested in what he had to say and two, she didn't know what he was asking her.

"Sssilent huh?" he smirked pulling a kunai out.

"How bad is he?" she asked.

"Who? Yoshiro?" he laughed.

She stared at him blankly trying to suppress her anger.

"Who else?" she asked.

"He'sss alive more or lessss." he shrugged causing her eyes to narrow.

"That is not what I wanted to hear." she whispered to herself.

"Sorry little girl." he smirked as his neck elongated and shot towards her.

She blinked and closed her eyes letting him dig into her neck. His eyes widened when he felt his fangs retracting, refusing to bite into her.

"What the hell?" he whispered looking at her neck to see regular teeth marks, not his snake fang marks and no curse mark.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

He jumped away from her and narrowed his eyes at her.

"You're different, what are you?" he frowned.

"I'll ask the questions." she smirked taking a step forward only for him to take a step back.

"What's wrong? Is the big bad rogue sannin afraid of a little girl." she teased.

He narrowed his eyes at her and shot a snake out of his hand. The snake lunged at her but she snatched it out of the air and looked the snake in the eye causing it to poof away.

"Do you sssummon sssnakesss as well?" he asked.

"I wonder. Is that it?" she smirked before continuing. "Can he walk?" she asked.

"Who?" he frowned.

"Yoshiro." she rolled her eyes.

"Who knowsss, he's unconsciousss." he smirked.

She narrowed her eyes at him causing his smirk to widen.

"Why, isss he a friend of yoursss?" he laughed.

"You bastard, I'd kill you but I know he's going to want to do it himself." she frowned.

"Too bad he'll never live to sssee that day." he smiled.

She narrowed her eyes at him and ran in front of him causing his eyes to widen. He tried to jump back but she kicked him into a tree. He broke through the tree and tried to push himself up but she kicked him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

"You're nothing but a waste of time. I'll make sure he can kill you." she growled before cautiously walking into the cave.

~~~~~In Konoha earlier that day~~~~~

Kakashi got out of bed and headed to the hospital. When he got there he heard Zabuza talking to someone. He opened the door and frowned when he saw Anko was awake and laughing with Zabuza. They both looked up at him and Zabuza frowned.

"Hey Kakashi, why do you look like someone killed your puppy?" she laughed.

"Shut up." he glared causing her brows to furrow.

"It was a joke Kakashi." she frowned.

"Save it. I just came to get you, Zabuza." he frowned.

"Is it today?" he frowned.

Kakashi nodded causing Anko's brows to furrow in confusion.

"What's today? Guys, what's going on?" she asked.

"Yoshiro's funeral." Zabuza frowned causing Anko's eyes to widen.

"What?" she whispered as tears filled her eyes causing Kakashi's to fill with regret.

"Hey, Zabuza....Anko!" Rin yelled as tears filled her eyes and she tackled her best friend off of the bed.

"What happened?" Anko whispered in tears, pushing Rin off of her and getting up off of the floor as Tsunade and the others walked in. "He's not dead right? How? Someone attacked us....what if it was Orochimaru." she whispered to herself.

"Anko. Sit down." the Hokage frowned.

"Yoshiro attacked you and fled the village. He massacred an entire village and burned it to the ground and got arrested. He was taken to blood prison and killed himself by jumping into a whirlpool." the Hokage explained.

"No....we were laughing and goofing off together. He'd never hurt me, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have offered to take him out when no one else was here. Now he's dead." she sobbed causing all of them to frown.

"Are you sure he never attacked you?" the Hokage frowned.

"I'm positive. We ate at Ichiraku and then took two bowls to Toru and Mei's graves. When we were coming back there was rustling in the bushes and he asked me if I heard it, I was going to answer him but everything went black. He wasn't even facing me when I blacked out, he shouldn't have been chased out of the village." she frowned.

"Why would he run if he didn't attack you?" Kurenai frowned.

"No one that liked him was here, the anbu would have killed him. And I doubt he massacred an entire village." she frowned.

"We need to go or we'll be late." Kakashi frowned.

"I'm coming." she frowned as tears filled her eyes.

She stood up and ran out after everyone else.

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