The Boy in Glasses (The Love...

By patiencemilan

2.3K 103 55

Sometimes the world isn't always a happy place. And during those times, you need to go to your happy place. B... More

Chapter 1: Diaries Aren't So Secret
Chapter 2: Younger Channing Tatum
Chapter 3: A Hot Dream with an Even Hotter Man
Chapter 4: Sexy Comes to School
Chapter 5:Daddy's New Girl
Chapter 6: Auntie Marshue
Chapter 7: Meeting Lola
Chapter 8: My Hot New Tutor
Chapter 9: If You'll Let Me Listen
Chapter 10: Lola the Lesbian
Chapter 11: Halo's Mom
Chapter 13: Lola Goes in to Labor
Chapter 14: Journeying Alone
Chapter 15: Carter Saves My Life(Sorta...)
Chapter 16: Final Breaths and Tragic Deaths

Chapter 12: Together

103 5 2
By patiencemilan

Four months later, I'd basically told Carter everything about myself. Lola was in jail and would be on trial within 9 months. And my dad still seemed upset but was coping pretty well with finding out his girlfriend was a wanted lesbian.

As for me with science, yeah..I STILL FUCKING HATE IT!?!

Carter seemed frustrated. "Ok, what is the difference between igneous and metamorphic?"

I was still confused. "I CAN'T DO THIS SHIT?!?!"

"Yes you can! You just have to focus!"

"I've been focusing for 4 months now!I just don't see what's so important about science. It just seems pointless!"

Carter looked me in the eyes. "Something's bothering you isn't it?"

I crossed my arms. "So you can read people's minds now can you?"

"No. But I can tell when something's bothering you. You do that cute thing where you play with your hair."

I rolled my eyes."I do not."

He gave me that straight face he always gave me. "Really? Look down."

I looked down. My hands were stroking my hair strand by strand.

(How did I not notice!)

"Shut up."

"You wanna tell me what's going on?"

I started biting my lip. " I don't know."

He crossed his arms. "Halo?"

"I'm serious! I really dont know. I just feel like something's gonna happen to me."

Carter grabbed my hand. "Hey. Whatever can or will happen, I'll be there with you for the entire time. I'm not going anywhere."

I blushed. "Thanks Carter. So, you mind walking me home?"

" I thought you didn't need a bodyguard to walk you home."

I laughed at him." You're not a bodyguard, you're an asshole."

He chuckled as he helped me carry my books out.

When we got to my house, I didn't see my dad anywhere.

"That's weird. My dad is usually home by this hour. Dad! DAD!"

Carter helped me yell for him. "Mr.Snow!"

We heard footsteps coming down the stairs. There was my dad. Frantically moving around grabbing random items.

"Dad? What are you doing?"

He looked frazzled. "Halo? Oh thank god! Start packing your bags. We're going to the hospital."

Me and Carter talked in unison. "The Hospital?"

My dad ws still moving around. I grabbed him and made him take a seat on the couch.

"Dad, why are we going to the hospital?"

My dad took a sigh. "Lola is pregnant."

Me and Carter's mouths dropped.

"Wait. Why does that involve us?"

My dad eyes filled with tears. " Halo. It's my baby. I'm the father."


My fists clenched. "Dad. Stay here and keep packing."

I grabbed my bag and took a knife out from the kitchen. "Let's go Carter."

He followed me out into the car. "Where are we going?"

"Just chill and get in the car."

He listened to me and got in the passenger seat.

I grabbed the wheel and started driving to the hospital, leaving the knife in my hand. I was tired of this woman messing with my family.

It was time to get rid of her.


I looked at Halo as she was driving. Her face was turning red and she had an evil look in her eyes. (Never a good sign.)

I grabbed her shoulder. " Halo, where are we going?"

She knocked my hand off. "Just shut up and chill."

"Halo, don't do anything crazy."

She began to get pissed off with me. She put the car into park and stood up.







She took a breath and unclenched her fists. "Get out the car Carter."

"Halo, don't do this. You don't know wha-"

Her eyes filled with tears. "GET OUT THE FUCKING CAR CARTER!"

She unlocked the car door.


I opened the door and got out the car. I stood there as she drove off, her sobs getting louder and louder.

I started walking to back to the library when voices started going off in my head.

What are you doing?

You really are an asshole.

You told her that whatever happened,
you would be with her.

That whatever happened, you would do it....

My eyes lit up.


I looked around. I saw a 13 year old kid riding his bike down the street.

"Yo kid! How much to take that bike off your hands?"

He put his hand out. "Not for sale."

I gave him a smirk. "I'll give you 50 bucks."

"Pleasure doing business with you."

I gave him the fifty dollars and took the bike. I rode off halfway down the block before he realized what I'd given him.

(In 3....2...1..)



I rode through lights (Nearly getting run over.) and curved around little toddlers walking by.

"I'm coming Halo."


I parked my car in the hospital parking lot and put the knife into my handbag. I filled the rest of the bag up with some tampons and walked into the hospital.

Luckily the security guard was a guy.
"State your business."

"I'm here for Ms.Lola. I'm Halo, Mr.Stevens daughter. My dad will be here shortly, so I'm just here to wait with Lola."

"Fair enough. Go on. Walk through."

I calmly walked through the metal detector.(If I could sneak a burger into the movies, I could sneak a knife into the hospital.)

The metal detector went off and the security guard came up to me. "Excuse me little lady but what do you have in your bag?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh just my phone, some lip gloss, and um, OH! I also have some tampons in here. Like, ALOT of tampons.

The security guard's face turned red.He cleared his throat. "Sorry miss,uh, you may continue through."

"Thank you officer."

I walked through with a smirk on my face.(Let that be a lesson to you girls out there. Tampons are the answer to everything.)

I walked through peeking through windows to find Lola's room.

It took me about 10 minutes before I found out she was on the 3rd floor. I peeked through the window of room 89.


I dug through my bag to grab the knife.

I counted down to kick the door down.


Someone grabbed me by my hips and put there hand over my mouth. They dragged me to the broom closet.

I pointed the knife at their stomach.


They turned the light on.


"Halo, don't do this."


"Halo, think about what you're doing. Think about all the people you're gonna hurt."

My eyes widened. Carter was right. I was gonna go stab a woman and kill her innocent baby. That wouldn't solve anything. That would make me worse than her.

"Halo? Are you o-"

I wrapped my arms around him and let my tears drench his hoodie.

"I'm sorry Carter."

He wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay. We're gonna get through this. "


Hello readers! Just quick heads up. Don't use tampons as an advantage over men. This was just a scene from a story and should NOT be taken LITERALLY. Although it is funny. Love all my readers and currently working on the sequel of this book. See you next chapter!;-)

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