Writing The Tides

By tkengine

38.7K 2.4K 4.3K

Keith is a university student and aspiring writer. The only problem is, he's been struggling with writer's bl... More

Agraphia (n.)
Altruistic (adj.)
Metanoia (n.)
DΓ©paysement (n.)
Faodail (n.)
Nepenthe (n.)
Dyspnea (n.)
Alexithymia (n.)
Kairos (n.)
Ludic (adj.)
Kenopsia (n.)
La Douleur Exquise (n.)
Dormiveglia (n.)
Algedonic (adj.)
Vagary (n.)
Cheiloproclitic (adj.)
Meliorism (n.)
Induratize (v.)
Nepenthe (n.)
Hiraeth (n.)
Eleutheromania (n.)
Fanaa (n.)
Novaturient (adj.)
Abscond (v.)
Redamancy (n.)
Amaranthine (adj.)

Cafune (n.)

1.3K 89 105
By tkengine

"So about that haircut of yours..." Lance squinted at Keith through messy bangs, his bedhead sticking out in every direction.
They all had taken their sweet time getting up, all except Shiro, who was trying not to burn down the kitchen making eggs, humming along to a song on the radio as Matt sat on the kitchen counter, scrolling through his phone. Pidge was no where to be found, which Matt didn't seem to worry about ("OH NO YOUR MOM'S GONNA KILL US" "Calm your tits Shiro she can handle herself, beside she can't have gone too far.")
Keith was sitting across from Lance, rubbing his eyes, "Are you still stuck on my hair? What's so wrong with it?"
"Hon, it's a mullet."
"It's useless Lance," Shiro walked in, holding two plates full with slightly burnt omelettes, "I've tried everything, he just won't listen to reason."
"Like you have any room to talk," Keith grabbed his plate aggressively, "Have you seen your hair? What are you? Some sort of anime character?"
Matt giggled, dropping his spoon back into his bowl of cereal after Shiro smacked him in the back of his head.
"Oh! Your prosthetic hurts..." Matt mumbled, despite smiling to himself.
"Whatever, you know Allura can cut hair, like really well? She can probably do it for you. In fact, I'll call her right now!" Lance said, rushing to retrieve his phone.
"Lance sit back down and finish your eggo." Keith deadpanned.
Lance groaned, obeying order but being extra dramatic as he walked back, purposely bumping into everything. His show stopped short with the sound of keys jingling and the front door opening up.
"I'm back! Lance you better have saved me an eggo!" Pidge's voice rang through the house, but they were not alone.
"Did someone say eggos? Man I'm starving!" A familiar voice spoke out, but Keith had not identified it until Lance shrieked happily.
"HUNK!" Lance jumped into the bigger man's arms, whom dropped his bags at once, seemingly accustomed to the act.
"Yo, I brought your stuff, man you had me worried. I told you not to drink too much, and to always text me before your phone died, and to charge it before you leave the house..."
"Okay mom." Lance jumped off gracefully, walking towards the kitchen to grab some cereal.
Pidge, whom had halfway finished Lance's eggo, was currently browsing through their phone.
"Hey, we need to run by work early today, Allura says the electricity's gone haywire again." Pidge told Hunk, whom nodded quickly before digging into the bowl of cereal Lance has handed him.
"Ooo can I come?" Lance asked, eyes lighting up.
"Shouldn't you be, I don't know, super hungover?" Keith asked, wondering about the boy who easily bounced back on his feet after barely being able to stand hours before.
"Don't worry. This happens alot." Pidge stated.
"Too much honestly." Hunk sighed, "Oh Lance, I brought you clothes to change into and some of your other stu-"
Lance didn't wait for Hunk to finish before grabbing the bags to scoop through. "Yes! My hair straightener. I'll just get ready and we can go! Keith, you coming?"
"Nah I'm good."


"I cannot believe you forced me to come with you." Keith muttered, walking alongside Lance towards the front door. Lance was wearing a blue top that revealed a bit of midriff, paired with navy blue shorts that revealed his long legs, which was killing Keith, because 'holy shit this could not be legal.'
"Ugh shut it you big baby. You can write about it later." Lance winked, grinning deviously. Keith tried to keep a disappointed face despite the blush creeping on his neck.
In hindsight, Keith probably wasn't gonna write at home, more or less procrastinate while scrolling through Instagram or binge watch The Walking Dead for the tenth time- but Lance didn't know that. "I can't write with you around."
"Why? My beauty too distracting for you?" Lance smiled radiantly, opening the door for his shorter friend.
'Yes you asshole' "No your pores are just huge."
Lance gasped audibly, following a laughing Keith to the pool.
It didn't take long for Lance rip off his shirt and jump into the water, Keith hesitantly following after.
They met in the middle of the pool, water swaying in between them. Lance was first to break the silence.
"Bet I can hold my breathe longer than you."
"You're on."
They delved underwater, Keith opening his eyes to find a pair of blue ones staring directly into his own.
If Keith hadn't been holding his breath so tightly, Lance would have stolen it. But instead, they stared intently, holding a passage of unsaid words within their two feet gap.

A gap Lance was slowly closing.

The slight push of his foot, and Lance's lips were no longer alone.
He didn't remember what it was like to kiss someone like this, after so long in a one sided romance, after never being enough for anyone, after dealing with every feeling in the urban dictionary, he was finally kissing someone for real. No dares. No peer pressure. Just Keith. Beautiful, awkward, angsty Keith.
Lance, for the first time, in a long time, was no longer alone.
And his heart decided, right then and there, in a sea of raven black hair and pale skin, he was gonna stay that way.


Keith's brain was failing him.
His hands seemed to move on their own, trailing Lance's arms and through his hair.
Keith had never loved the colour blue more than when his lips were decorating Lance's.
Beautiful, endearing, dorky Lance.
The boy who he never wanted to fall for and did, the boy who did everything to make the world smile, the boy who cared so, damn, much.
The boy who stole his heart, with no intent of ever giving it back.
'Take it...' Keith's hands whispered. 'I'm yours.'


"You cheated." Keith muttered, his wet hair failing to cover his loud blush.
"Go again?" Lance couldn't stop smiling.
Keith splashed water forward, taking the other boy by surprise. "Hey!"
The shorter boy grabbed Lance's head downward, minimizing their height gap so there lips could meet.
Lance laughed, wrapping his arms around Keith's neck, which seemed to permanently blush.
The world was not always kind to Keith.
He'd faced trials and tribulations, trying to make the most of life, and he could swear, everything was trying to kill him.
Keith writes to save himself. Every word to capture a feeling, to heal a heart, to keep him, well...him.
But right now? There was a boy who was kissing him back, with all the sparks of stars on his lips.
Keith didn't need words for that.
Just time.


*deep breathe* okAY SO I'M NOT DEAD
I've been traveling this whole summer which has been A MA ZING but it's put this fic on a slight hiatus );
weLL IM GONNA TRY AND UPDATE AGAIN SOON!!! And maybe drop another chapter bomb since that panned out well last time ^_^ anyways, I've missed you all SO much and I'm sO WONDERFULLY EXCITED AND SIMULTAMEOUSLY TERRIFIED FOR THE NEW SEASON.
Thanks for being the best, and for dealing with my terrible friendship and writing ~♡ Tan ♡

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