The Rise of New Fighters!!

By MusicPrincess3322

3.1K 797 923

And they the all lived happily ever after...end of the story....or-wait! Is it actually the end of their st... More

๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒปOC time!!!๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป
๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ Chap8 ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธChap 15๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบFavorite Ship๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบ


73 13 23
By MusicPrincess3322

The harsh wind was blowing as snowflakes began pouring. Shawk was taking the lead as Sky and Alex were not far behind him but the girls were the ones having trouble.  Snowflakes began falling gently from the sky.

"How much further!? I am dieing here!" Yui began moaning like a small baby. 

"Could we stop for bit!? My legs are killing me!" Flora followed in Yui's talking style as she  was clutching onto her legs. Chrystal didn't say anything but was having a painful expression highlighted on her face.

They received a map which contained on how to find that cure for Myrrah. SnowPole Kingdom was first. The creepy crawly cave of the Dormant Giants and the Land of abandoned Trolls were the upcoming destinations. All of these should be crossed by them but they can only reach it using the most important ingredient of all : True Friendship.

"Yo Shawk! The Girl's are right! I am literally exhausted!" Sky began whining as Shawk rolled his eyes and commanded his Dragon to bring him down. The other's followed him except Alex. He kept floating on his dragon thinking really deeply.

"Hey Al! What's wrong dude?" Alex shook back to reality as he saw Shawk and the rest of the gang looking towards him with worried eyes. He landed swiftly but still his face didn't have a shine.

"Oh nothing.....I was just thinking about something......" Alex muttered as Shawk raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? What did u say?" Sky enquired.

"No I was wondering....all of u guys have brothers and sisters but me I have non....I just wish I had....someone....." Alex mumbled as he turned his head and he looked away towards the shining sun which was setting down.

"Don't worry Al! You have us!" Yui said as she went over and gave the Alladin a half-sided hug.

"Yui's right! We will be with you no matter what!" Flora exclaimed as Alex shrugged off Yui which made her confuse and sad both.'What's wrong with him...I have never seen him this sad before....'

"Alex I have no one too...-" Shawk was cut off as Alex suddenly yelled.

"What do u mean Shawk by you not having anyone!?? You have Sky, Apple and Alyna, who are like brother and sisters to u but me....I have no one! Did u hear me! NO ONE!! Flora you have your big sister Ashlynn, Yui u have Julia and Sky you have Apple and Alyna both! Also Shawk as your cousin!! And .......Chrystal....ur cousin brother.... But" Small light tears began falling down through his face....

All the others were shocked for words. They had never seen Alex crying before. He would usually be one of the persons comforting the others who are crying in a terrible situation. Alex turned away and ran towards his dragon and flew away. 

"What happened right now!? I can't believe that dude just cried. I thought he- OWW! Hey what was that for Flora?"  A strong hand hit right in the back of his head. While he was glaring and patting his head, Flora was giving draggers at Sky.

"WHAT? Your asking me WHAT? Really SKy? You really need to care more about your friends....Isn't Alex your fighting partner and most of all your Best friend.... Shouldn't you go after him rather than wondering stupid questions...??" Flora enquired as Sky began shaking at how the Cinderella was looking at him. 

"Do you think....-?" Yui was cut off as she and Chrystal were watching the drama unfold in front of them.

"NO! Yui don't even go near them...If you do I think you will be royal dead meat in five seconds flat!" Chrystal stopped Yui from going any further.

"But..." Yui began again

"No buts ! Common let's go and try to find Al-" This time Flora was the one who did the cutting off for Chrystal.

"NO Chrystal! This Snow White here will go to look for Alex....Right Sky????" Flora asked as she was glaring at the Trembling Sky and he slightly nodded. 

"Well-ll-l....I...bett-t-ter gett-t goingg!!" He stuttered as he ran towards his dragon who was resting peacefully.

"What!!??? Do we really need to go??" Sky's dragon asked as he stretched out his arms and began having a sleepy look on his face.

"Yes! We really need to go! And NO WHINING!" The dragon muttered something but he obeyed his master. Both of them flew in the direction where Alex went.

"Where the heck did Sky go??" Shawk who all this time had been quiet suddenly asked from the two girls who were sitting in the snow bored their lives out.

"He went after Alex and- Shawk! Are u ok? You look really pale! Shawk!!" Chrystal yelled out as the dazed Snow White began feeling dizzy.  Or does he actually feel like that!?

"SHAWKKKK!!!!" Yui screamed as she and Chrystal ran towards the still body of Shawk which was laying without moving.

"Shawk!! Answer me! Shawk!!!" Chrystal began patting his face as she tried to wake him up but no luck.

"What are we gonna do Yui! We need help and fast!" After the moon princess said those words , a sudden boy with white hair and dark blue eyes appeared behind with a shining white horse. He was wearing a light blue princely outfit while his white sword was sticking from the corner.

"What are two lovely ladies like you doing out here alone?" The mystery boy asked as dismounted his horse and smirked at the two girls while also giving out a wink. Yui just plastered a nervous smile on her face while Chrystal rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Excuse me Mr.Flirty-eyes you might need to keep that attitude off us! Get it?" Chrystal bellowed at him as he didn't even move but made his smirk wider.

"OH! What if I don't? Will you ummm....hurt me Ms.Chatterbox?" He asked as he also crossed his arms and began doing a fake baby face.

"Why you little- You are so gonna pay for that!" She made a huge fist as the moon girl tried to go forward but just on time to pair of arms caught of her's.

"What do you think you doing?" Yui asked as Chrystal tried to get off her grip.

"I am just going to teach that Mr.Flirty-guy a lesson he will never forget! So just let me go YUI!!" Although how many times she tried to get over that grip, with no luck she gave up. 

"Ahhhh! (The mystery guy just gave out a big yawn) Common! Aren't you gonna teach me your so called lesson!" He mimicked her voice and  just began laughing as Chrystal tried to attack him again but she decided to stop because of the glare she was getting from her friend.

"Hey! Just stop acting like a complete fool! May we know who you are!??" The LeFrog enquired as the boy stopped laughing and regained his posture.'

Oh sorry! How rude of me?? Well let me tell yu- no let announce to you who the great person in front of you is .... I am The Nathan Frost, the grandson of the one and only Jack Frost!" He concluded as he bowed and when he stood up the smiling face of Yui and the Jaw-dropped face of Chrystal met his proud like one.

"No your joking right? You cannot be the grandson of Jack Frost. KIng Frost is much nicer than you but you....your nothing but a little boy with no respect!" He flinched at her words but suddenly bursted laughing really out loud.

"HAHA!! Really?? You don't believe me??? Let me guess you must be the granddaughter of ummmm....let's see....the craziest woman in the entire universe!??" Nathan argued back with a smirk.

"WHAT?? How dare you??? Now I am gonna and Yui-" She turned towards her and continued "don't you even think of stopping me! And now you get ready to face your doom! And also For your information Mr.Flirty-eyes, My name is Chrystal moon, the granddaughter of the man in the moon or King of the Moon!" Wide eyes replaced that courageous eyes on Nathan's face.

"You clearly are kidding me right??" How come an arrogant girl like you belong to such an important family!?" He asked back as he also began getting really angry.

"I AM SO GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" In unison the two fighters yelled at each other.


"Stop yelling what I am yelling!"


"STOP IT!!!"

"Snowflake monsters!? Can't anyone get a little nap here??" A voice which both Yui and Chrystal thought they wouldn't hear right now emerged out of nowhere.

"SHAWK!??? Are u ok? Wait a moon second- We thought you fainted??" As a confused Chrystal asked, Shawk just blinked and made on 'OH' face.

"Well you seemed to have believed huh? I guess I am a better actor than I thought??" He replied but should've thought twice before saying those words. The moon girl began having her face turn red. But before she could even take a step forward, Shawk already was in the ferocious grip of Yui LeFrog.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN GREAT ACTING SKILLS!! YOUR A COMPLETE FOOL!! HOW COULD YOU SCARE US LIKE THAT???????????" Yui howled just like a Beast. If Brandon or Ben could've been there right now, Yui would get highly praised for that!

"So You guys believed me! OK!-OWW!!! Yui!! Let go!! OK!! I am really really sorry!" HE clutched onto his neck as soon as she released him. Yui just fake dusted her hands while Chrystal came with a smirk and high-fived her partner.

"Nice Job Yui! You clearly reminded me of Brandon right there! He would have been jealous of your shouting abilities!" Chrystal said as she patted Yui's shoulder.

"Thanks! But you know how angry Brandon gets!? Specially whenever any guy tries to flirt with our dear Stella!" When she finished, her friend gave her a slight nod which meant she agreed.

"You know I am still here!" Nathan voice's echoed through Chrystal's ears and when she turned around her angry face emerged.

"Oh really Mr.Smarty-pants Why would we even need to respond to your most non-royal voice!?" She asked back as Nathan began having a blank face.

Before he could say anything, Shawk did him the honour. "OK there are three things I wanna tell you three! First who is he??" Shawk said as he pointed towards Nathan but continued. "Second where are Alex and Sky and last the comebacks you just yelled at each other are so last season! Even Craig, who isn't much of a good comebacker himself, could do better than the two of you!" Shawk concluded as he lifted his head up to see what type of expressions he would get.

Chrystal was speechless while Nathan was glaring but couldn't come up with anything to say back. Yui was just watching the whole drama patiently. 

"You know! I wish I had some pop-corn here!?" Yui shouted but got no responds. Chrystal and Nathan both had the same looking face and their gaze was focused on Shawk.

"You Mister are! Yes...insane!" Nathan managed to say.

"Telling me that is the guy who was insanely fighting with this insane girl right here!" Shawk shot back as he pointed towards Chrystal who clearly had an annoyed face right in front of him.

A pain shot through his stomach as a punch was thrown at him. 

"Don't.You.Ever.Dare.To.Call.Me.Insane.Ever.Again!!!" Chrystal shouted as her hand left leaving the good punch on Shawk.

"OWW!!! It hurts! How come you are so strong! I thought only Brandon and Ben could be strong like this but it seems I am wrong! It hurts!!" Shawk began moaning as Chrystal was having her victory moment but Yui being the kind one began helping the Snow White. 

"You were on fire girl!" Nathan said but before he could say something to defend it, he got an answer.

"Why thank you! I never thought you would compliment me like that but thank you for it!" He received an unexpected answer from the Moon Princess.

"Could you tell me who this is!?"

"His name is-" Nathan cut off Chrystal as he received an anger filled expression from her

"Hello! I am the one and only Nathan Frost, grandson of Jack Frost! And You??" He managed to say while ignoring all the glares which he was getting from the girl right next to him.

" I am Shawk Snow White, oldest grandson of Snow White! And looks like you and Chrystal are great friends?" Without any responding, Nathan and Chrystal picked up where they had left in their lovely but scarey argument.

"Hey Yui! You know....I think they are gonna be closer in the future.....maybe even more than friends....." Shawk said as he was watching the fight right in front of him.

"Your so right right!!........" Yui responded back. Only one thing was in their heads right now. 'I wish I had a bag of popcorns!'

Done!!! How was the chapter?? Was it good??? Hope it was!! I really enjoyed writing the argument between Chrystal and Nathan.......Well see ya guys next chap!!!

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