freudian ☁︎ nico hiraga

By thatsochalamet

20.4K 224 127

She didn't even feel deserved at the time. Being with someone she truly adore and being present enough in the... More



656 7 9
By thatsochalamet

I felt my heart shatter in my chest, as cliché as it sounded and my hands coming up to cover my mouth. It was my worst nightmare coming to life; the love of my life, or so i thought, was now about to become a father to a child who didn't belong to me.

"I'm breaking up with, you..." he's words started fading from my head.

I quickly climbed off of the bed, my legs quickly carrying me to the closet that held my belongings. I dug around the floor, the tears burning to the brim of my eyes as i reached for a duffle bag.

"I don't know why I did it," his voice came from behind me as he choked on his own sobs. "I just don't love you the way I used to,you just control me" I felt my blood boil beneath my skin, trying my best to ignore his pleas as I shoved as much as I could into the bag. Dragging it out of the closet, I made my way around to grab the rest of my belongings before throwing on an old hoodie.

"Control you,are you serious" I spat out, my eyes closing in annoyance. I squirmed out of his grip, grabbing the bag off of the floor before making a dash for the stairs.

"Yes! You made me stay in this shitty relationship" He quickly followed behind, his hand reaching out to grab my arm. "I wanted to leave you!"

He had pushed me to my breaking point, fury running through my veins.

"Why didn't you then?! After all this time, You lied to me, deceived me for weeks!"why didn't you leave me for the hoe you've been seeing?!" The tears threatened to fall once more, my hands balling into fists by my side.

"The only mistake was me ever trusting you. I hate you!" I began to sob, my fists banging against his chest. "I fucking hate you!"

"S-Stop hitting me.  why are you still here?!"

What I felt at the moment was stronger than hate; my blood was boiling with rage, anger sweeping through me.

"I hate you! You're a worthless excuse of a man!" I pulled my hands away, slamming them against him once more. "I HATE YOU!"

I quickly made my way to my duffle bag, grabbing it and heading out of the front door. Throwing it into the backseat, I shuffled into the car and backed out of the driveway. His eyes were focused on me backing out, continuously reaching up to wipe his face.

"Don't look back," I sobbed, my tears uncontrollable as I  drove down the road.I fumbled for my  phone as I  dialed Olans number, hiccups escaping my lips as I  heard his voice come through the speaker.

"Olan, I need you."


"Are you going to tell me what happened, darling?" He was sitting next to me on the bed in the guest room, his hand rubbing my back. I shook my head, the words not being able to come out.

I was shocked,  hurt, but most importantly, I was heartbroken. The man of my dreams turned out to be the man who'd haunt me for the rest of my life, his actions scarring me.

"Please," he pleaded, climbing around and settling in front of me. "I can't do anything if you don't tell me what he did."

I had to tell someone at some point. I'd  been settled in his flat for hours, crying my eyes out with my knees tucked into my chest. Looking over at him, he leaned over to swipe his thumbs across my cheeks to get the tears out of the way.

"He...He cheated on me, Olan," I  choked out, my eyes falling to the duvet and my fingers picking at nothing. "She's pregnant."

"What?" His voice was strained as I  looked up at him, his brows furrowed. "What the fuck?

"I know," i sniffled, my hands coming up to push my hair back. "I just want to go to bed."

He sighed, his arms coming around to pull me into a tight hug. He pressed a kiss to my head, his hands rubbing my back softly. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your  fault," I  shook my head, pulling back from his hug and sinking into the bed. I  turned over, my back facing him as I  let a couple of more tears fall. "Good night."

"I'll be in me room, just call out if you need me."


Nico hiraga

I felt a little bad for leaving Cyan like that but I wasn't happy at all our relationship was just,going downhill.Im still trying to get the whole pregnancy thing around my head too.I felt like shit there's only one thing that'll cheer me up a good skate.


4 Days Later....

Its been 4 days since Cyan and I broke up.
She was now fully recovered, moved all of her stuff out of the apartment. she was leaving.
Today was the day Cyan was moving out officially. She made once last stop at the apartment to get one last box.

Cyan Tiaki

Opening the door i saw Nico sitting at the counter, drinking water and reading something on his phone.When he notice me standing there he snapped up. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of his now ex-girlfriend. I was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans Followed by a yellow shirt I noticed that I was still wearing our one year anniversary necklace that Nico had bought me.

"I didn't think you'd be here" i said, shifting slightly while clutching the box.

"It's my apartment, why wouldn't I be here?"

"Well, you usually go to the skatepark with Joel at 9 so I just assumed thats were you would be"

I muttered, not in the mood to talk any longer.

"He had to go somewhere. You're still wearing the necklace I got you for our 1 anniversary"

"Yeah, I was going to leave it on the kitchen counter for you but...Here you are"

"Keep it.....It was meant for you"

My hands moved to the clasp and undid it, taking the necklace in my hand i walked over to Him and placed it next to him on the counter.

"No, it wasn't. It's meant for the person you love and trust...... I'm not that person" I said before walking to the bedroom.

I Quickly walked over to the dressing table and grabbed another box.

As I walked out into the busy streets of New York City, before turning back to look at the place that caused me to feel love...compassion....fear....sadness....betrayal....happiness....and worst of all heart ache.

I walked on down the cold concrete sideway, a light wind blew past me...
Suddenly a blur of dark blue rammed into me,strong hands caught my waist and pulled me into there chest.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?"
It was one of Nicos friends who I have managed to get along with, he never failed to make me smile.

"Well, im only moving like across the city haha"i said in a mocking tone.

"Be safe out there. And don't be afraid to call me if your in trouble" He said in a sincere tone, his hand gently gripped my arm.

"I'm a big girl Olan, I can take care of myself"

"I know but there are somethings everybody need help with once and a while"

"Yeah, yeah" I said rolling my eyes
"Alright now get out of here" He said before pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

After we pulled apart we separated and went on our own path. Olans back to the apartment and Me well I was just getting started......

I changed Tom to Olan

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