
By HanaMiha

1.6K 51 16

(Not reread to have errors fixed yet) Have you ever wondered what would happen if Yuma grew too old and had t... More

broken bond
take a chance
Never Again
Friendship Overlay!
Extended ending

Halfway to forever

222 6 5
By HanaMiha


"language Yu." Maika said.

The young, energetic blonde haired male rushed past his mother, almost knocking her over, looking around for his knapsack. "Mom have you seen my bag!?" He asked jogging in place waiting on her responce.

"No I haven't Yuè. I told you to pack before the first day."

"It isn't my fault!" Yuè whined before rushing off elsewhere. "Found it!" Yuae grabbed up the knapsack and headed out the door.


Well hi there, uh people usually have these thingies where they talk for a bit or whatever so here's mine!

Im Yuè Tsushima! Fourteen years old and the most pop flying dude you'll ever meet!!!.... Don't ask me what pop flying means-

Not only am I smart, cute and a total babe magnet

Kayo stood by her door way, watching her friend zoom past her, talking to himself about...what was he talking to himself about? She had to just watch him and shake her head.

And that's Kayo Hoshimi, My best friend. I met her a few months ago and from that we've been good friends since! I think she might have a little crush on me since she's always being a nag!

"Yuè, wait up!" Kayo called out to him. "Just another Monday morning with Yuae again... I seriously need more friends." She ran after him, struggling to keep up.

And that's how the morning started, in a bustle. Most mornings didn't start like this but with Yuae around it was bound to. Strangle today felt different, like someone good was going to happen.

Yuè, sat by his desk by his chair, he groaned slamming his head down, his forehead getting small bruise from the impact. "Ouch." This was too boring for him, it was almost like he was learning the same things over and over.

"Tsushima, please pay attention to the lesson or I'll be forced to give you another detention." Said the teacher, who was busy teaching but was interrupted by the noise.

"I would but, It's boring." Yuè said blankly.

Before the teacher could even answer, Yuè's face was struck with a hand, with long finger nails and glossy pink nail polish.

"Whoopsie, I saw a fly." She smiled. "Sir please don't give Yuè detention, after all. He doesn't mean to be like that, he's just y'know, special."

"Who are you calling special, Kayo. I'll have you know, I'm one of the smartest kids in here!"

Kayo could help but to laugh out, this was one of the best jokes she ever heard. "You? Smart?"

"Yeah, me, smart." Yuè boasted.

"Actually, Miss Hoshimi," the teacher adjusted his glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose. "He is, Yuè actually scores high on, exams, tests. Majority of the work."

The classmates eyes widened and mouth dropped.

"No one understands how, but he is the top student of the class.

"Unbelievable," Kayo said, before taking her seat. "Simply unbelievable."

"Believe it." Yuè said smirking, leaning back into the chair with both legs on the table.

"And also believe, I'll give you detention." The teacher growled before shoving his legs off, causing him to fall.

"And I'll tell the police on your for the abuse of a genius!" Yuè grumbled, rubbing his head. Kayo couldn't help to just burst into laugher again but had to stifle it with her hand.

"Alright. Detention!"


By the end of the day Yuè and Kayo made their way out of detention for the fourth time this week. The two of them were the last students to leave the building, unkown of the eyes watching them. Kayo angrily looked at the ground as they walked.

"Cmon it's just a stupid detention, dont get yourself all worked up. You don't look pretty when you have your face like that." Yuè said, in attempts to calm her hoping that she'd get what he was saying.

"Its because of you why I missed my brother's birthday party." She grumbled. "I didn't ask you to be my school guardian, y'know." He said plainly. "Plus Nao will be fine. He's a big boy anyway."

She rolled her eyes, those yellow orbs showing nothing but pure annoyance now as she walked ahead, fist clenched. Noticing this, Yuè wasn't sure if he should say anything. He loved the fact that she looked out for him but it was also too much at times. "I'm going home." She quietly.

Before he could finish, he felt something. A feeling like someone was watching and just waiting to pounce. "Kayo, wait." While Kayo looked back at him, He grabbed her by the Arm, shushing her before looking over his shoulder. Right there someone stood, you could tell she was female from the body, Even though she was wearing a robe like dress that hid everything. She had also had a hoody hanging low in her face, preventing him from seeing her. She wasn't too far from them, too close actually.

"Who are you!?" Yuè demanded.

She looked up at them, a small smirk on her blue lips? "Duel me." Was all she said.

Yuè returned the smirk, happy at this request. "Gladly." Pulling out his duel disk with a dorky pose, He set it on his arm turning it on. 'Mental note: work on my pose' "Yuè, you don't even know who she is and she looks kinda suspicious."

Yuè smiled. "I don't have to!" He pointed at the girl standing before him. "Your move." As the duel went on, the sun sunk until it could no longer be seen. the street lights, building lights and duel monster were the only things that lit up the dim streets.

"I set this card face down and-

Yuè stopped, his vision blurring.



"your soul and you. You look just like him. Am I mistaken?"

"Wh-what are you talking about, Who are you!?"

"Your memories... They are scattered. Yuma, Find Astral and regain them."

"What did you call me...? Find who- wait what are you, who are you!?"

As Yuè looked around, Kayo watched him with wide eyes. The girl who was dueling, face stayed expressionless. "huh, Yuae, what's wrong with you?" Yuae looked around confused and scared. Almost like he lost all his senses or as if he was being chased by an animal. "Hey answer me, what's going on?" Kayo stood in front of him, holding both his shoulders. Jumping at the girl's touch he blinked once or twice.

"Huh? Kayo?" Yuè blinked again, before his vision cleared and he saw his friend. "what just happened!?" He asked, his hands slightly trembling. "I'd like to ask you the same thing, you're shaking..." Kayo said. "I thought I just-...heard something." Yuè said looking up at her.

"Heard what? Please tell me you're okay..." Kayo said softly with worry in her eyes and squeezing his shoulders tighter. "..." The girl watched them closely, she didn't like the sight before her but she also sensed what she was looking for. "I guess we'll finish our duel another time." She said, with a bow before walking away.

"Hey, don't just walk away, I'm ready to duel anytime and anywhere! No matter how er....crazy I look like I am." He chuckled nervously. The girl looked back, she shot him a small smile. "until next time,Yuma." She said quietly. "take this." she threw a shiny golden object at the boy.

"Huh, what?" After he caught it, He looked down at the object. It was a golden pendant with an emerald green jewel. "Hey what's this-
Yuè looked around, there was no sign of the girl. "..."

He led his attention back to the pendant. "what's that, doesn't it belong in a museum or something?" Kayo asked pointing at it.
Yuè stared at the pendant in his hands. It felt so warm, almost like it was alive. "the emorpers key." The words slipped out so quick he couldn't even believe. "how'd you know that?" Kayo asked.

"I-... I don't know, it's getting late. I'll walk you home."

"O-okay, maybe just a check in with the doctor to see if you're okay first?"

"Quit worrying, I'm fine." He smiled and patted her head, which Kayo blushed lightly at.

The girl stood at the top of a building, wind  blowing her pale blue locks. She removed her mask to reveal an alien like face. "Looks like my job here is done." She said. "Good luck Dad."

After following Kayo to her home, he made his lonely walk to his. But tonight, for the first in a long time he wasn't alone. The pendant that now hung around his neck, glimmered in the light while he passed some shops. It shined so brightly It caught some eyes of people who passed by him.

"Today has been weird..." Yuè said while inserting his key into his front door to unlock it. "Mom? Dad?" He closed the door behind him and walked over to the light switch to switch on the light switch. "They don't look like they're home yet, no one is home yet... Awesome!" Yuè took the opportunity to become a couch potato, not even changing out of his uniform or putting away his knapsack.

"Ah Pocket Monsters, my favorite." Taking a chips bag from his knapsack. He leg himself relax while watching his favorite program. It was a long time he didn't have an evening like this, without the stress of his mom and Dad or his siblings. It was at least a half an hour before he dozed off.

Yuè opened his eyes, he was standing right in front of a strange looking door. This door was gigantic, chained up and had a dragon face on it. "Huh?" When he looked back, it was almost like he was standing on the edge of a cliff. With this cliff, you couldn't see the bottom, it was pitch black.

"The key."  The door said.

"The key?" Yuae echoced. "where am I? What's going on!?"

Yuè looked down at the pendant hanging around his neck "..." he held it up to the door. "Is this...what you want?" The door's eyes switched from the blue to the golden. Taking this as a yes, Yuè held the key tightly and shoved it into a circular key hole. Everything went quiet for a moment before the place started the shake, the chains unraveling and pulling agasint with a loud metal sound made Yuè have to take a couple steps back. Before he knew it, the door opened and a magnificent light shined through as something with flashing yellow and white eyes flew right past him.

Yuè jumped from out of the couch, he looked around and saw that he was still in the living room and his show had just ended. He quickly looked down at his chest to see the key there, the emerald green jem became a pale lavender.


He looked up to where the voice came from to see a floating blue person. "..." He held his breath, the scream almost escaping him. He looked right into those, yellow and white eyes and was memorized by them, and he couldn't understand why or what was going on but he didn't feel afraid either. Astral on the other hand was less memorized but supirsed and confused.

"Yuma..?" He said softly reaching out to the boy.

'That name...I keep hearing that name.' He thought to himself. "M-My name is Yuè."

"But-..." Astral took a closer look at him. He could see clearly and all the differences. "Where's Yuma?" He asked, sounding a little hurt.

"I er- don't know who that is..." Yuè slowly answered. "Why do you have the emperors key!?" Astral snapped. "Woah, woah, Calm down! You need to explain what's going on." Astral didn't feel calm at all, or did he want to. He just wanted to locate Yuma and then everything would hopefully be okay. The boy stand stood before him energy was a lot like Yuma's and it startled him. He looked and felt a lot like him yes, but it obviously wasn't him. Else he'd know who he was...Right? "Cmon talk to me, who are you and what just happened."

"My name, is Astral." "Astral..." Yuè repeated. "That's a pretty nice name you got there. Okay, Astral. Why are you here?" Astral looked down. "I don't know..." "You don't?" Yuae questioned. "No...No no no..." Astral fell to his knees, tears flowing from his eyes. "Hey its okay! We'll figure this out!"

"I-I... must go." Astral said, before flying off.
"No hey wait! where are you going?!" Yuè called out to him, even tried grabbing onto him. But sadly Astral already had flown away through the window.

"Astral..." Yuè couldn't understand it, seeing him leave and seeing him so hurt made him hurt like never before. He found himself crying and he didn't even know why.

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