The Demon Within

By kxng_henry

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The dark time of human history, where no central government or nation existed where the strong rule the weak... More

Copywrite Statement
The Reality
Haunting Memories
The Vision of change
The Power of The Koto Army
Why I fight?


25 2 0
By kxng_henry

Book I - The True
Chapter I

Hundreds of years ago, the time of human and beasts were united and the first Great War was start, it's cause maybe unknown but it's had left an everlasting impact in history. In the chaos, millions dies and the once might chan separated by greed and power. This massacre was known throughout history as the Titanomachy.

But that's all ancient history, this story is about me, I grew up in the snowy cold kingdom of Hyogamura. Where we adapted the style of Suterusu, hunting in stealth with quick and accurate strikes.

It was that time, the day when I sure be enrolling in the academy where we choose our partners and I hated it.

"Lily, it's that day," my mother said with joy in her voice.

"Uhhh," I said half awaked throwing the pillow over my face.

The twisted of the doorknob, followed by a sudden vibration of my bed. Feeling the change of my bed sinking down I slowly turned around," get up sleepyhead I made you breakfast," she said.

Slow sitting up then take the plate, "thanks ma, but," I said looking straight at the plate avoiding eye contact.

"What wrong honey?" she asked as she moved closer to me," fried buffaloes strips with orange juice isn't it your favourite?"

" It's not that," I answered," is partner the right word, we enslave their young, training them to fight that just wrong."

"I see, that's what on your mind," she replied as she stood up," let's go."

"Where are we going?" I asked placing the plate and slowly standing up.

"Why to tell you?" she asked as she skipped cheerful out the room," get dressed."

As I changed out of my pyjama to a white woollen coot matching gloves, pants and a pair of boots. Slowly marching down the stairs, "come outside," she said.

Racing outside, the icy cold wind rushing in as the door flies opened. One look my mother dressed within the armour of the nation when I stepped out her hand has rose to the sky.

Almost instantaneously a shadow began circling around me quicker than my eye could follow, her hand changes position beginning to drag down. The shadow vanished without a trace, the wind speed increased sending the snow flying, with monstrous wind forcing me to the ground shielding my eyes.

The wind suddenly stopped, opening my eye to see why the wind stands still. A towering figure striking fear unable to speak," Lily this is my partner Raven," she said as the beast spread its large overpowering wings, "and Raven you remember my daughter, Lily."

"Bu," I try to speak but unable to speak a single word, as I slowly made my way on my feet, "but can Suterusus grow that big?"

"He is the only Susterusus who has grew this size," she answered.

This might beast bows to me, I slow straight my arm reaching out to touch his beck. Halfway push his head to meet palm, " let's go," she said.

Without hesitation, I grabbed her hand and we took off, within seconds we were airborne," Wow what speed," I said holding on like death.

Stopping the view of unbelievable icy terrain transforms into a magical paradise, the ice reflecting from the aurora borealis, my mother resting her gentle hands upon his head.

Slowly flying without even talking Raven knew exactly what to do I wonder if this was what she was talking about.

Not landing near the school but at a tree south of it," Why are we here?" I asked as I got off Raven.

"Well when I was younger, I asked myself the same question you asked me," she said helping me down from the tree, " I find the answer here."

"What was the answer you found?" I asked, " what so special about here?"

"You will find the answer when the time is right," she said kissing my forehead and fling away on the Raven. As I slowly walking toward the academy. The birds flying all over the sight of the school.

"Why did you left me there Ma?" I asked when I was half way here.

On the way I heard small cries rushing over, I saw a tail sinking into the water. Diving in the icy cold depths of the lake, I could feel the water slowly freezing my body quickly grabbing and wrapping the creature within my arms. And floating up to the top, slowly crawling out of the lake. The icy cold temperature quickly freezing my body closing my eye as the water-droplets slowly freezes onto my body and awaiting my inevitable death.

I wonder why did I do this, why jumped in, is this where it all end as I slowly lost consciousness. The creature slowly crawls out of the coat, the temperature slowly changed, my eye slowly opens to see a reptile-like creature with wings wrapping around my sharing it's body heat.

As I hug this creature it starts exhaling an icy breathe freezing the air around us to create a small wall blocking out the cold wind which slowing warmed me up. Meanwhile, at the top of a tree northern of them, her mother patiently watching from a bird's eyes view," I guess you answered your question," she said before flying away one single feather flowing down from the heaven.

Curling up among my belly, seeing the single feather I said to myself," now the answered was clear."

"You are not from here, are you?" I asked," can I called you Frost?"

Look at this dragon seeing a smile before going to sleep. As I lay there in the snow a shadow slowly attached me, closing my eyes.

A dry coat landings on my face, "I see you made a friend," my mother said leaping off Raven," what's it's name?"

"He's Frost, I save him ," I answered slowly removing the coat from my face.

She began to laugh," its more like he saves you from freezing," she replied as I change my coat.

"What?" I asked in confusion tossing the soak coat onto the sheet of snow.

"Well look at its feet, it's webbed we can observe that it can swim," she said before slowly stroking his body,"as I guessed, thick scales and he can generate his body temperature so he can survive the cold temperatures of the depths."

"Oh," I said as I felt so stupid.

"But your heart was in the right place you could have died but that still didn't stop you," she explained.

"Why didn't you help me," I said as I await an answer.

"I was flying away from where Raven saw your head in the wrong way, I would of stop you but I wanted to see how it would play out," she said.

Slowly standing up Frost leaping off my belly covering himself beneath the snow," interesting," she whispered to herself as his head pierce the melting snow.

"I could have died," I stated with a bit of rage in my voice.

As I stared at my mother I could see her unfocused, I saw just slightly move in her finger. Raven flapping his wings at high speed the pure force of each creating a shockwave which completely slices tree and shattered all rocks around.

His attack was followed by an equally destructive burst of fire; evaporating the ice on contact. The vapour creating a thick fog my knees shaking, arms became heavier the world spinning around me, dizzy. Slowly looking up an arrow flying toward me too weak to move this was it.

A sudden blinding flash, huge claw piercing out of light clashing the arrow at the sight.

Creature started launching random blasts freezing anything it touches, as I try to calm it down. Our eyes made contact my surroundings went black and I heard a voice shouting in pain," stopping it's hurt the pain, the power is uncontrollable."

This strange voice, so familiar but unknown a sudden light piercing through the darkness. As I made my way toward this light source the screams got louder and the light slowly takes form.

"Frost is that you," I said as I started shielding my eye from the glazing light.

The screams stop, I stood face to face with a figure. I slowly closed my eye as I open it a 6'10 winged reptile stood in front of me." Lily go inform other we are being invaded," my mother said," I can handle this now go."

"But ma," I said hesitantly to move.

As mother and Raven battled for there life, within the chaos Frost grabbed me following my mother ordered, as we were airborne the invaders took us as the target.

Launching a mirage of flame almost simultaneously Raven created a drift of wind striking his wing to change the direction completely avoiding the flames. But this sudden and instant change would of sent us crashing into the depth of the ocean.

Crashing into the water it was like dive into concrete, I could hear my bones snapped. As I sunk lower and lower in the water losing consciousness the last thing I could hear was my mother crying.

"She is stabilising," a mysterious voice said.

"Hikari, you are allowed to start your questioning when she regains consciousness but nurse Amy will stay to monitor her if anything changes the questioning will be stopped and you will be escorted out," a more masculine voice explained.

"I understand, Doctor," Hikari said.

Creating a virtual map out of where each person stands in the room as the sound of the door closing I spring into action grabbing the nurse west of the room.

Standing on my feet it was like run on water. Forcing to maintain my stands but unable to; falling me to my knee where I caught by one of the strangers.

Coughing up blood in his hand before he lifts me back to my bed," I have some questions for you," he stated, " My name is Hikari, and your?"

Remaining silent not saying a word, he started moving closer towards me staring directly into my eye," Ok nurse, this interrogation is over," he said as he slowly lift my right hand by my fingers gently kissing the top of it," thank you for your time."

As he stepped through the door, I think to myself where am I, what happened and how did I get here. As the nurse exited the room this opened an opportunity picking up the clipboard which stated.

Name: unknown
Height: 5'5
Weight: 92.5 lbs/ 42 kg
Blood type: AB negative
Origin: unknown
white hair, green eye, tan complexion, attached earlobe

Exposed to the aquatic water over a long period of time at least 24 hrs

"What is this symbol?" I asked shocked," I need to get out of here." Slowly lifting off the bed placing my feet firmly on the ground, using my hand to push up my body I was a little off balance but I could stand.

I heard footsteps drawing closer to the door slowly disappearing into the room as the nurse walked in trace in hand. One site of an empty bed, dropping the trace the sound of glass breaking.

I slowly approaching the nurse, covering her mouth then with my right quickly began to cut off her air until she remained unconscious. Slowly dragging her toward the bed, as could hardly lift her on the bed but forcing my body to complete this challenge.

Swapping clothing and barely able to stand much less walk but I still exit out of the room, using the walls as support; my surroundings quickly went dark like before and I heard the voice again with the mysterious glowing light. As I began to followed that voice, where something grabbed me by my shoulder as I spin around, my surroundings quickly fill in the dark void.

"Nurse you don't want to go in here," a doctor stated.

"But why doctor?" I asked holding my head down leaning against the wall for support.

"Are you okay nurse?" He asked slowly drawing closer to me.

"I'm okay," I answered but he only drew closer, "I'm fine truly fine."

"Doctor, the patient is gone, we need to find her," another nurse said almost breathe-less.

"Nurse inform Hikari about this incident," he stated, " I'll search for her until then."

"Wait nurse have you inform anyone else about this?" I asked as I slowly lift myself up off the wall.

"No you all were the only persons I saw," she answered.

As soon as the doctor turn around, I engaged the nurse in a short battle hitting her until unconscious and the doctor was next. The doctor was met with a left kick to the right side of his head falling to the ground, I quickly dragged their body within the room. Leaving the unconscious bodies and falling onto Frost's belly.

Slowly unstrapping him from the table," It's time to go home buddy," I said as I gently place my head on his.

I slowly crawl onto his back, freezing a section of wall, to escape, shattering the concrete like glass;with one bird's eye view of the land it's very similar to my home. Before vanishing above the clouds, I had no idea where I am and even where to go but trusting Frost's instincts I was sure we'll find home.

Hours of nonstop flying where we started to decrease attitude as we land. We were met with a green and black scenes, but I know we were home.

Some trees were broken and others burnt, melted ice with green grass, as we made our way deeper into my clan dead bodies spread all around with burns, lost of limbs or impaled other were decomposing  even a few were skeletons.

Walking more and more I slowly lose hope, stopping into tears running down my face as I saw the remains of mother's clothes, slowly approaching the damaged cloth rising it closer to my face. Frost slowly crawling up his claw retracted and his arms, tail and wings wrapping around me, trying to comfort me while I sat in the snow crying.

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