The Boy in Glasses (The Love...

By patiencemilan

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Sometimes the world isn't always a happy place. And during those times, you need to go to your happy place. B... More

Chapter 1: Diaries Aren't So Secret
Chapter 2: Younger Channing Tatum
Chapter 3: A Hot Dream with an Even Hotter Man
Chapter 4: Sexy Comes to School
Chapter 5:Daddy's New Girl
Chapter 6: Auntie Marshue
Chapter 7: Meeting Lola
Chapter 8: My Hot New Tutor
Chapter 9: If You'll Let Me Listen
Chapter 11: Halo's Mom
Chapter 12: Together
Chapter 13: Lola Goes in to Labor
Chapter 14: Journeying Alone
Chapter 15: Carter Saves My Life(Sorta...)
Chapter 16: Final Breaths and Tragic Deaths

Chapter 10: Lola the Lesbian

101 5 5
By patiencemilan

After that whole kissfest went on, apparently the hallway wasn't completely empty.

There, Iyanna, watching the entire thing, eyes lit up, squealing like a chipmunk.

I let go of the asshole." Alright, I'm having a small gathering today at 5:00. Come, and if you tell ANYONE about this, I'll kill you before Ebola does."

He chuckled. " I'll take the invite. And anyway, is it my fault you liked it?"

I rolled my eyes. " I did not."

He made a straight face " Oh really?"

He pulled me into his arms again, his hands guiding my face into his. (Fine! Maybe I did like it!But I wasn't admitting it!)

I let go of him. " You're such an asshole!"

" Then this asshole will see you at 5:00."

I rolled my eyes at him and walked away. As I walked, I grabbed Iyanna by her arm and dragged her with me.
Once we got outside, I let go of her.

I hated it when she smirked like that.

"You gonna talk about it?"

I looked annoyed at her." There's nothing to talk about."

"Other than the fact that you like Carter."


" So you just go around kissing assholes?"

I looked stunned. "He kissed me!"

" No. ACTUALLY you kissed him. Twice if I may add."

" Just shut up. And don't tell anyone about this."

She looked deceptive." About what?"

I whispered. " That I like Carter."

She crossed her arms. " What I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over your ego.  Could you say it again please?"



I turned around to see her jumping up and down. " Yes! VERY! I can see it now! Carter and Halo! Calo!"

I gagged at her. "Maybe instead you and Carter should kiss. You're both assholes."

She rolled her eyes at me. " Whatever bitch."

We laughed on the way to my house.
Everything was pretty much decorated with the number 16 everywhere.

My dad and Lola popped out. " Happy Birthday Halo!"

"Thanks guys."

Iyanna looked at my dad. "Mr.Snow, are you crying?!"

I looked over at my dad. His eyes were turning red and tears were falling down his  face.

He tried wiping them away. "No."

I gave him a hug. "Dad, you're such a dork."

" I know sweetie. It's just that you're 16 now. You'll be driving to parties and breaking curfews."

I rolled my eyes at him. " Dad, you know that won't happen."

Iyanna barged in. " Yeah! She'd have to get invited to a party before she could go to one."

I rolled my eyes at her too. (She's such an asshole.)

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

My dad looked over. " Who could that be? I called everyone and told them the party was cancelled."


"Um Dad. I may have invited one more person."

He looked at me while he opened the door. "Who?"

" Am I too late for cake?"

There was Carter. Carter on one side of the door. My dad on the other. (World's Lamest Showdown)

I was ready for my dad to cuss me out, but, he actually seemed calm.

"Oh, you must be Ms.Marshue's nephew Carter. Nice to meet you young man."

Carter responded with a handshake. " Nice to meet you too Mr.Snow. I hope I'm not intruding."

"Nonsense. Any friend of Halo's is a friend of mine."

He let Carter in. Thank god for that. My dad usually gets pissed when I let a boy in our house.

After we served the cake and sang Happy Birthday, Lola apparently had an announcement.

"Attention everyone! Attention!"

Everyone looked over at her. She cleared her throat and brought out a box.

" I would just like to give Halo a present. She's grown on me and I truly think she deserves this."

I opened the box slowly ( hoping it wasn't a bomb.) And found it was a car key.

I smiled at her. She nodded at me. " Look outside."

We all gathered at the window. Everyone's mouth dropped. There, a red convertible, with my license on the driver's seat.


" Halo, this is your new car."


I ran up to Lola and hugged her. " Thank you."

"Your welcome. Why don't we go and look at the new car."

We all ran outside. My god the car was beautiful. How could someone afford this?!(Maybe Lola really was ok.)

While everyone was still in awe over thd new car, I felt someone tap on my shoulder. It was Lola.

"Halo, I have another gift for you inside."


She led me inside. I think I heard a clicking sound as we walked in.

I turned around. "Did you hear something?"

Lola stopped me. "No, let's just go upstairs."

"Why are we going up there?"

"I left your gift up there."

I began to get suspicious(But to be honest, this woman got me a convertible! I was gonna listen to her!)

She led me into my room. How could she have left the gift in my room?

I heard the same clicking sound as before, as the lights turned off.

"What was THA-"

BAM! I felt my body being pinned to the wall. My dream, it was happening.

"Carter what are you do-!?

I felt lips touching mine, their tounge looking for entrance to my mouth.

"Its a shame you're only sixteen."


The lights turned on. It wasn't Carter. It was Lola.



"I'm going to give you the best sex of your life."

She started unbuckling her pants as she got closer.


And closer...


BAM! There was Carter and my Dad. My dad pinned Lola down to the floor.


I felt drowsy again. I fell over. I opened my eyes again to find Carter carrying me downstairs.

"Huh? Carter?"

"You're fine Halo. Iyanna called the police."

I couldn't hear a word he was saying. I closed my eyes and just let Carter carry me.(I was pretty used to that by now.)

10 minutes later, I opened my eyes to find myself sitting in a chair in the police station. I turned around. Iyanna and Carter were next to me.

Carter sighed of relief. " Finally you're up."

Iyanna sighed too. " I'm gonna go tell her dad she's awake."

Iyanna walked to the  front desk. I tried to get up but Carter stopped me.

" You should rest, you had a nasty fall."

I looked around confused. " What the hell happened?"

"Iyanna called the police on Lola and we're currently at the police station."

I looked annoyed at him. "I know that asshole!I mean what happened before that?"

"Oh, well Lola is a wanted criminal for raping innocent teenage girls and she used your dad to get to you. So when she got you into your room, she tried to rape you."


Carter interrupted my thinking process." So tell me, what's it like kissing another girl?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. " Better than kissing an asshole like you."

He chuckled.

" So,um....hey. I know your birthday was kind of a complete bust."

I looked at him. " kind of?"

He chuckled at me again. " So how would you like to go out with me to do a redo birthday. Like a date. I know that after all the shit that  happened and you probably think I'm an asshole but-"

I grabbed his hand. "I would love to go on a date with you Carter."

He smiled at me and moved my hair out of my face. We kissed and even though today was shitty...

Somehow....i still felt happy.

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