Beautiful Disaster. [Punk Lia...

By leslybrigit

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The most beautiful people are a disaster. *Does contain mature sexual scenes* More

Beautiful Disaster. [Punk Liam Story]
1. First Day of Senior Year
2. His Cousin
3. Introduction
4. Why me?
5. Mine
6. Beach
7.Sleep Talk
8. Gwen
9. Unexpected
10. All Time Low
11. Turning Page
12. Burnin' Up
13. Heart of Stone
14. Just Getting Started
15. First Time
16. War Of Change
17. Slow Down
18. Bad Day
19. Half A Heart
20. Middle of Nowhere
21. Paralyzed
22. Ghost
23. Come Away To The Water
24. One Day At A Time
25. A Broken Jar
26. Bring Me To Life
27. Words I Never Said
28. Take A Breath.
29. Be There.
30. Safe
31. Home
32. Never Too Late
34. Sorry
35. Disconnected
36. Next Step*
37. Just Give Me A Reason
38. Stuck On You
39. Bloodstream**
40. With All Me Heart
41. Something New
42. Secrets
43. Spaces

33. Too Late

1K 34 6
By leslybrigit

I feel like I'm being suffocated by the world. Everything around me wants something from me. My family have recently been pushing me to apply to some high-end college in Scotland. Gwen wants me to be there for her the way Niall won't be. Liam wants me to devote my time to our relationship, which I do want to do but I can't at the moment.

I just need time to breath. To think. Is that much to ask for?

I look over to my desk where I hear my phone vibrate against the wood. I guess it is too much to ask for.

I look at the Caller I.D and Gwen's name flashes on the screen. "Hello?" I answer.

"Lesly sorry to bother you but I need you to come to my house." She says.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before telling her I will be there in ten minutes. Hanging up I place my phone back where it had been and try to clear my mind.

I know what I have to do. Taking a hold of my phone I click on the name I was searching for.

It only gets to the second beep before he answers. "Hello?"

"Meet me at Gwen's house now. I will not take no as an answer. So I suggest you start to make your way there." I don't give him time to comment on my command.

I have no patience for any of this any longer. Ever since my Senior Year begun I feel like I have no will over my fate anymore. All I have done is drag myself along as I let others rule over my head.

My father, my mother, Carlos, and even Liam wish for me to do what they see fit. No longer. I am in charge of my own life, am I not?

This is my life to do as I wish and starting today I will take charge of my own fate. First I must fix the life of those around me, starting with Gwen.

As I stand outside her house I wonder how she will react to the fact I called Niall to meet us. She most likely won't be to ecstatic but I know deep down she will be happy. It's been two days since she last spoke to him, though I wouldn't necessarily call what they did talking.

I hear the sound of the door opening before me, but instead of lifeless green orbs greeting me it's her fathers light brown orbs instead. His warm smile looks a tad off in his features but instead of questioning I greet him with a smile of my own. "Hello Mr.Castle. How do you do?"

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm well. Just here to see Gwen." I tell him.

"Then come in please. I guess Gwen wants to tell you her big secret as well. She told me she wanted to speak to me about something important." I stare blankly at him. This is why she called me. She wants me to be the referee between her and her father when she tells him about her pregnancy. How will he react to the news?

Mr.Castle leads me to the main room where I find Gwen starring mindlessly at her fingers. "Hey Gwen!" I greet her warmly. Her smile grows as she wraps her arms around me and I do the same. Looking into her eyes there is still no emotion behind them.

Mr.Castle takes a seat on the sofa across from where we sit. This will either go one of two ways. Mr.Castle will either kick Gwen out from anger or track Niall down and kill him. Though option number two will be slightly hard to do since her father never even knew about Niall Horan.

We sit in an awkward silence waiting for someone to speak up. After a few more minutes Gwen decides it's time to talk. "Dad I have something to tell you." Her voice is shaky and I know she's afraid of what he may do.

He nods and smiles at her, willing her to continue. "I didn't mean for this to happen it just did." She pauses. How will she continue? I look over to her father, he's frowning. "Please understand that I'm eighteen and about to graduate in seven months." Taking a deep breath she looks Mr.Castle strait in the eyes. "I'm pregnant dad. I know you wouldn't ever believe me to be one of those girls and I apologize for the disappointment you feel right now but this is reality."

It's almost like time has been suspended. Mr.Castle is motionless, Gwen is watching him closely, and I am just sitting here watching these events happen before me.

Mr.Castle's face has gone pale and I'm afraid that he's stopped breathing. Moments late his face turns red. His eyes are wide and his nose has flared. Only once have I seen him like this, but even then he didn't look as angry as he does now.

He stands to his feet and Gwen reciprocates his actions. Mr.Castle begins to pace back and forth, and I'm deliberating if I should go or stay. "Who?" Mr.Castle ask suddenly standing right in front of Gwen.

"It doesn't matter who. All that matters is that I'm going to keep this child. I love him or her already." She wraps her slim arms her torso in a loving motion.

He looks down at me but I look away unable to meet his eyes.

Suddenly we all still at the sound of the doorbell. Holy cow. I wonder dumbly who would interrupt at this critical moment. That's when it hit me. Niall. Niall is at the door while Mr.Castle is about to loose it. This is not good.

I get up from the sofa in an effort to be the one to answer the door, but Mr.Castle beats me to it. Angrily Mr.Castle strides to the door. I turn to Gwen wide eyed. This is not good. What was I thinking, calling Niall? "Who are you?" I hear Mr.Castle ask, his tone cool.

Gwen looks at me then walks towards the door, I follow behind her. Gwen halts once she sees Niall at the door. He hasn't responded to her father, and why would he I bet he wasn't expecting any of this.

"Niall." Gwen whispers in surprise. She steps closer to where her father stands. I have been glued to the spot I stand. I shouldn't have called Niall, but I had a good reason to this morning.

"I won't ask again young man, who are you?"

Niall spots Gwen behind her father and their eyes connect. By the way he looks at her I know he has be suffering as well. Niall turns his attention back to Mr.Castle. "My name is Niall Horan, sir." Niall's voice is laced with confidence but a little shaky.

"How can I help you Mr.Horan?" I pray for all of us that Niall just walks away and pretends to have come to the wrong house.

Looking back at Gwen, Niall has a new twinkle in his sea blue eyes. "I'm here to do what I should have done." Walking past Mr.Castle, Niall stands before Gwen towering over her by a bit. "I shouldn't have ended things between us Gwen, I was just afraid. Afraid of what your father would think of me. I know how much you care for him and when you told me you wanted to introduce me to your father I panicked." Niall slowly places his hands on Gwen's upper arms. She doesn't jerk away from his touch.

I look over at Mr.Castle and by the look on his face I know he put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Then everything happened in super speed. Mr.Castle taking Niall away from his daughters reach and pushing him against the wall. Niall is a tad taller than Mr.Castle but not by much.

"You" Mr.Castle hisses, "You got my daughter pregnant!"

With wide eyes Niall gazes at Gwen with utter shock. "Your pregnant?"


Hey guys I finally updated!!

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