Normal Adolescent Behaviour

By Danii352

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Fate has brought eight strangers from different walks of life together. But... What if the only true love you... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Eight

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By Danii352

Alexis let the heat of the shower envelop her as the morning light poured through the bathroom windows. She hummed to herself as she rinsed the soap from her hair, cutting her tune short as she caught the sound of someone in the bathroom. Peeking her head outside of the shower, she watched as Landon finished buttoning up his pyjama pants before closing the lid of the toilet seat.

He blinked at her with a warm smile, his hair tousled from sleep, his torso was bare, revealing the tan of his skin, which accentuated the deep lines of his muscles. Alexis' eyes took him in hungrily, her eyes hovering where the lines of his hips disappeared behind his pyjama pants.

"Morning, Baby." Alexis purred as Landon moved close to press his lips to hers. "Would you like to join me?" she asked, looking up at him as he pulled away.

Landon leaned in for another lingering kiss before responding. "I wish, but I've got to go load up the truck." He flashed her a dazzling smile before stepping into the hallway through the open bathroom door.

After patting herself dry, Alexis hung up the towel, and entered the hallway, letting the air prickle her damp bare skin. Ryder was stepping up the stairs, he turned and almost ran into her.

"Morning, Beautiful." Ryder said, leaning down for a quick kiss before continuing down the hall. His hand swung back coming into contact with her bare ass in a light slap. Alexis let out a high-pitched yelp before hurrying down the stairs, and Ryder smiled to himself as he walked into the still steamy bathroom.

Alexis was still giggling like a schoolgirl as she neared Mikhail's door. Composing herself, she quietly entered the room, softly closing the door behind her. Mikhail was sprawled on his back, the sheets in a tangle at his waist, revealing the tan skin of his torso, and the smattering of tattoo's across his chest. He lay exactly where she left him, one arm laid out on the pillow above his head, the other resting against his stomach.

Alexis smiled to herself as she crawled up the end of the bed, slowly climbing her way up Mikhail's frame, She dipped her head, kissing her way up his torso. Mikhail murmured, still half asleep, as Alexis' lips pecked their way up his body. She watched as he lifted his head, still murmuring to himself, his eyes squinting to look down at her. He lifted his hand to cup her face.

"Mmm, why are you wet?" he said, his words languid with sleep, his sleepy features lifted into a smile.

"I had a shower." Alexis said, her lips moving against the skin of his stomach, he could feel her smile against his skin.

Mikhail reached out and grabbed her, pulling her up to fit her against the side of his body, cradling her there.

"It's time to get up." Alexis said, looking up at him with big blue eyes. Her hair was warm and wet against his arm.


"Ashley, get the fuck..." Julia said through gritted teeth as Ashley ran ahead of her, giggling like the little shit he was. Her arms were full with random necessities for the day, and she was carefully making her way down the front steps, trying not to drop anything. Ashley kept poking and prodding her as he danced around the truck, lit with child-like excitement. Landon jumped down from the bed of his old blue truck, walking over to lessen Julia's load.

"Thank you." She said gratefully, as he emptied her arms to place everything in the back of the truck.

The boat was locked on to the back of the truck, and Landon had already loaded the surfboards, and was just placing the last of the stuff in the back as the others came out, Mikhail locking the door behind him.

"Everyone good?" Dalton called from the top step, before making his way toward the vehicles. "Okay, where's everyone going?"

"One more can come with Ashley and I in the truck." Landon said looking down at the others from where he stood in the bed of the truck.

No one jumped at the opportunity, the idea of sitting in the middle seat of the bench with no air conditioning, didn't seem too appealing in this hot weather.

"I will." Alexis spoke up, steeping toward the truck, she didn't really mind, considering she spent numerous summers perched in the front seat of Landon's truck.

"Well that's settled." Dalton said with a smile as he headed toward Ryder's' large, black, Range Rover, the others followed, opening the doors to pile in.

"I'll follow you?" Ryder asked, throwing his keys into the air and catching them as Landon jumped to the ground.

"Sounds good." Landon said, slamming the tailgate into place, before climbing into his seat. Ashley and Alexis were already buckled in as Landon started up the truck, Alexis threw a wave over her shoulder as they pulled away from the curb.


The buildings gave way to trees, and the trees opened up to reveal the rolling ocean on the left side as their vehicles sped along the empty road.

Landon signalled to the right as he pulled the truck onto the gravel beside the road, cutting off the engine he stepped out of the truck. Ryder pulled the Range Rover up behind him as Landon leaned over the back of the bed, checking their belongings. Julia noted that Landon had taken his shirt off at some point of the drive as they all got out of the Range Rover. Everyone stretched and paced, loosening their bodies from the almost hour drive, Alexis was pulling her clothes away from her sticky skin, allowing it to breathe in the wind coming off of the water. Where they had parked their vehicles, you were unable to see the ocean, there were small, rolling hills of sand obscuring the view. Ryder opened up the back of his Rover, removing the few things there, to add them to the rest of their stuff. As Ryder threw in the last of it, Landon had the tailgate down, and the group made their way into the back. Ryder hoisted himself over the side quickly, taking place beside Dalton to help the girls up. Julia placed her hand in his, letting out a yelp as Ryder lifted her easily into the truck bed. She stumbled into him, and Ryder grabbed her quickly before she could lose balance.

Alexis, Veronica, and Ryder sat along one side, while Julia, Dalton and Mikhail sat along the other. Ashley climbed into the passenger seat while Landon got behind the wheel.

Landon slid the back window open. "You guys ready?" He asked as Ryder pressed the lock on his key chain. The lights of the Range Rover flashed as the horn honked.

"Good to go." Ryder replied after checking that everyone had a good grip on the side of the truck.

The engine roared to life, the wheels crunching on the gravel as Landon pulled the truck onto the road, straight across and onto the sand on the other side. Moving slowly, the trucked climbed up a small bank, the wheels finding purchase on the tufts of grass that protruded through the sand. Veronica watched anxiously as the boat followed the truck smoothly over the bank. Coming down the other side, the truck bounced and bobbed on the uneven surface, causing Alexis to break into a fit of giggles as she tightened her grip on the hot metal.

The truck pulled off of the uneven grassy patches, onto the smooth sand, Landon threw it into park and shut off the engine. Leaving all the widows open, Landon and Ashley got out of the front seat. Their plot of beach was empty as far as the eye could see, which was why they loved this spot so much.

Landon waded through the sand to the back of the truck, he opened the tail gate as Ryder jumped from the side. Landon grabbed each girl by their waist, lowering them to the sand in turn. Ashley grabbed his surfboard off the top of the pile and started running for the shore. He stopped for only a moment to kick off his shoes and pull his shirt over his head before running into the water.

Julia watched as he did so, her eyes taking in the beautiful view. "Poor kid's been cooped up for so long..." She said thoughtfully as Mikhail came to stand beside her.

"No he hasn't." He said obviously, looking at Julia in question.

Julia rolled her eyes. "I know." She said, slapping Mikhail in the stomach with the back of her hand. They both laughed as they turned back to unload the truck.


With everything unloaded, the group lounged on towels and blankets, basking in the warm sun. "We're going to go for a run." Landon said, gesturing between himself and Alexis, "Anyone want to join?" murmurs of protest played through the group as a few watched Ashley's tiny figure paddle himself back out into the surf.

Landon shrugged, looking to Alexis for confirmation, her long blonde waves fell over her shoulder as she looked to her feet, removing them from her flip-flops. Alexis looked up to Landon, straightening her white beater over her jean shorts before nodding. "Let's go."

Alexis turned and started jogging down the beach, Landon had to awkwardly kick off his shoes before following after her, it took him only a few long strides to catch up to her, then he slowed to match her pace. They jogged in silence for a while before Alexis looked up at him, a wicked glint in her eye and a mischievous grin on her lips, and she took off in a sprint. Landon smiled to himself, but he reacted quickly, almost losing his footing as he took off after her. He was close, but she was still a few steps ahead of him. Yes, he had his height on his side, but Alexis was smaller, quicker, and seemed to float over the dragging sand. After they had covered some distance, they were both breathing raggedly, and Alexis was still managing to put some distance between them. Landon smiled mischievously himself, screw playing fair, he thought as he pushed forward in a burst of speed, when he got close enough, he wrapped an arm around Alexis' waist, pulling her down. He made sure to pull her against him, so she wouldn't be too jarred with the impact. As they went down on the sand, Alexis let out as best a laugh as she could with as little breath as she had.

"You Bastard!" She said through breathy laughter as she lay on her back, the sand in her hair and her eyes on the sky, they lay where they fell, chests heaving for air. Alexis' legs were sprawled across Landon's stomach and hips, and his skin was hot and moist against the back of her calves. She propped herself up on her elbows, still gasping for air, to look down at him, her white shirt was bunched up around her waist, and there was sand everywhere. Her shirt was dusted with it and she could feel the sand in her shorts, and sticking to the exposed skin of her back, the grains were still falling from her tangled waves. "You cheated."

"I had to." Landon said with a laugh, rolling his head against the sand to look at her. "I couldn't lose against a girl." Landon grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at her.

Alexis didn't blink, her eyes still on his as the sand trickled down the skin of her stomach. "Nice." She said sarcastically. She smiled as she threw her own handful of sand, and it stuck to the sweat of his chest and stomach, the grains embedding themselves in the contours of his muscles. Alexis clumsily lifted herself from the sand to pull her shirt over her head. "Come on, let's get you clean." She said as she held a hand down to him.

Landon lazily threw his hand into hers, not making any effort as she hoisted him to his feet, he was trying to keep a straight face, but couldn't hide the smile pulling at his lips. Once he was standing, she removed her jean shorts to reveal both pieces of her pink, polka-dot bikini, she shook out the sand in her hair before heading toward the water. Landon watched her step into the shallows, until he couldn't take anymore, and he ran after her, lifting her easily, and continued into the water, dunking them both. They both came up sputtering and laughing, and Landon brushed the wet hair from her face, pulling her close.

Alexis admired the rare smile on his face before leaning in to press her lips to his, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close as his tongue took her in. They could taste the salt on each others lips as they wrapped themselves around each other.

Alexis wanted to have him, right here, and she could, it's not like they hadn't before, but instead...

Landon's only warning was Alexis' lips smiling against his, before both her hands moved to his head, and she dunked him under the water. By the time he had surfaced, Alexis was already moving toward the shore.

"Now you're the Bastard!" He said with a laugh as he closed the distance to her, grabbing her around the waist, and throwing her back into the water.

As Alexis righted her self, she pressed her body against his. "You have no idea how much I want you to make love to me, right here." Alexis said, her eyes smouldering into his, wiping the smile right off his face, before she turned to move away.

Landon reached out, wrapping a muscular arm around Alexis' waist, pulling her back to him, he lifted her, and automatically she fastened her legs around his waist. His free hand tangled in her long waves, pulling roughly as his lips found hers. Alexis opened her mouth, breathing Landon in as his tongue found hers, taking away any conscious thought. Alexis tightened her legs, pressing his hardened length against her sensitive flesh, Landon moaned into her mouth, the thin fabric of their bathing suits leaving little to the imagination. Landon removed his hand from her hair, his fingers trailing over her hips, pulling at the small strings that held her bathing suit on. After his long agile fingers removed the ties, he pulled the fabric suddenly, slipping it from her body, balling the sopping fabric, and throwing it to the shore. As Landon threw the bottom of her bathing suit, Alexis reached between them, separating the Velcro of Landon's board shorts. Alexis' small hand closed around his huge length, pulling him from the fabric, and then he was inside her. Their fast movements of undressing each other slowed the moment he was inside of her, they held desperately at each other, basking in the connection of their bodies. Landon's rough fingertips pressed into the skin of her hips, as the other hand fisted her hair, pulling her head so their eyes could meet. Alexis' lips were parted, her breathing already rough with the feel of his long length inside of her. With one hand in her hair, and the other holding her hip, Landon started to move.

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