One Call Away (Book One of Th...

By WritersBlock039

191K 4.5K 2.5K

"And remember, if you guys ever need me, I'm just a call away." ~ Kara Danvers, "Invasion!" Prometheus has al... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
The Sequel

Chapter Six

12.1K 320 119
By WritersBlock039

Oliver, Nyssa, and Slade reach the others, Thea's in trouble, and Kara finally gets to strut her stuff!

Here's chapter six!


"Don't move," Malcolm told Thea, bending down to look at the landmine. Thea nodded jerkily, and Malcolm examined the mine before looking up. "The trigger's rusted over."

"That . . . that's good, right?" Thea asked shakily. "That's . . . that's a good sign?"

"No, that's really bad news," Curtis shook his head. "That means we can't disarm it."

"Well, somebody needs to do something!" Samantha protested.

"Thea, on the count of three, take your foot off the mine," Malcolm ordered.

"No, that will blow us all up," Felicity shook her head.

"I'm gonna take her place," Malcolm told her.

"That's crazy!" Samantha's jaw dropped.

"Yeah, you're not the first one to call him that," Felicity told her.

"I'll just find a boulder around here or something," Curtis began.

"No, we don't have that kind of time!" Malcolm snapped, turning to Thea. "Thea?"

"No," she shook her head. "OK, no one is doing this, OK?"

"Thea," Kara began.

"OK, OK, it's all right," Malcolm nodded, standing up. "All right." He chuckled slightly. "I forgot how stubborn you could be."

He suddenly threw himself at Thea, and Kara rushed forward to support Thea and at the same time hold Malcolm up. Her eyes widened when she saw Malcolm's foot now on the mine. "Oh, my God!" Felicity shrieked.

Malcolm straightened, catching his balance, then nodded and smiled at Thea. "Thank you for reminding me."

"What the hell are you doing?" Thea's eyes widened.

"I'm gonna take care of them, disarm the mine, and I'll catch up with you," he answered.

"Yeah, and how are you gonna do that with one foot planted on the – ?" Felicity began.

"Because he's not going to," Kara whispered.

Felicity stared at Malcolm in some mixture of horror and awe, and Thea shook her head. "No. OK, if you think that you need to prove something to me, you don't, OK? You proved it!"

"I'm not trying to prove anything," Malcolm shook his head. "From the moment you were born, all I ever wanted was to protect you."

"You don't have to," Thea shook her head. "I didn't ask for you to!"

"A child doesn't have to ask," Malcolm countered.

Tears welled in Thea's eyes, her voice cracking. "Don't do this, OK?"

"You may not think of me as your father, Thea, but you'll always be my daughter," Malcolm told her gently.

Kara's head whipped up. "Look out!"

Malcolm ducked to the side, trusting her, and a second later, a whizzing sound grew louder, until a boomerang smacked into the tree just past Samantha. "All right, go," Malcolm shooed the others away. "Quick, get her out of here. All of you, go!"

"This is insane!" Thea cried, even as Kara and Curtis pulled her away.

"Go!" Malcolm shouted as Harkness and some of Talia's students emerged over the hill.


Kara ran just behind the others, occasionally looking behind them. When she judged the others were a fair distance away, she turned. "Keep going," she told them.

"What?" Thea turned.

"But we've gotta go!" Curtis protested.

"Oliver told me to keep all of you safe, and that's what I'm going to do," Kara walked backwards towards where Malcolm was.

"Kara, you'll get blown up!" Samantha cried.

Kara grinned. "No, I won't!" she told her, running back towards Malcolm.


Malcolm did a double take as Kara ran back the way she had come. "What are you doing?" he stared at her.

"Watching your back," she answered.

"What I'm planning to do," he began.

"You have no chance of surviving without me," she gave him a look. "Oliver brought me here because he trusts me. All I'm asking is for you to do that, too. Do what you're going to do, trust me to do the rest."

Malcolm set his jaw, but nodded, listening as Harkness ran down the hill. "Go after the rest," he ordered.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Malcolm called nonchalantly.

Harkness chuckled darkly as he walked up. "Oh. Well, you don't seem too bright. Both of you, just standing out here in the open like this. What kind of ass-backwards strategy is that?"

Malcolm took a deep breath, looking at Kara. She nodded supportively and mouthed "trust me" to him. He microscopically nodded back, then answered. "Let me show you."

Harkness tensed, Kara bent her knees, and Malcolm stepped off the mine.


The four were still running when they heard the explosion behind them. Samantha gasped, stumbling backwards, but Thea turned back, frozen in place, watching the flames slowly dissipate, desperately hoping –

"Look!" Curtis pointed into the sky.

Thea looked up and saw a blur of blue and black, and then Kara was landing on the ground, Malcolm tightly in her grasp. "Oh, my God!" Felicity's eyes widened.

"What the hell was that?" Samantha demanded as Thea ran forward.

"Well, the plan originally was – oomph!" Malcolm grunted as Thea catapulted into him.

"Why the hell did you do that?" Thea sobbed, unable to help herself, hugging him tightly. "Why did you do that?"

"You'd be surprised by what lengths family goes to if it means keeping those they love safe," Kara told Thea with a smile.

"Don't do that again," Thea pushed Malcolm in the chest, but there was no real force behind it.

"No more landmines," Malcolm nodded shakily. "Got it."

"Malcolm was originally going to blow up Harkness and Talia's students, and himself in the process," Kara explained. "I just grabbed him and flew off before he got hurt. My plan was going to be take Thea's place. It wouldn't have even scratched me. See?" She held out her arms, showing she wasn't even burned. "Nothing on me."

"And Supergirl reveals herself," Felicity grinned.

"Supergirl?" Malcolm repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Is that why there's the S on your chest?"

Kara sighed. "It's my family's coat of arms," she told him. "But yes, people like to think that."

"Kara, you didn't have to do that," Thea shook her head.

"I wanted to," she told her. "And about the 'you're not my father' bit? He still is, Thea. I don't know what happened entirely, and I might not ever know, but if he's your family, take my advice. Treat him that way while you still can." She brushed her hair behind her ear and started walking onwards. "Because you never realize what you've got until it's gone."

They watched her walk on, slightly surprised by her words, then Malcolm squeezed Thea slightly. "Come on," he nudged her onwards. "Let's go."


Nyssa stopped over the hill, waiting for Oliver and Slade. "The trail continues this way."

Oliver paused by Nyssa and froze when he saw the wreckage of an aircraft just past them. "This place brings back memories," Slade said grimly.

"Feels like a lifetime ago," Oliver whispered.

Slade looked at him. "For Shado, it was."

Oliver winced, then Nyssa waved her hand at them. "No time for nostalgia." She turned to Oliver, holding out a pair of binoculars. "I know where they're going."

Oliver took the binoculars and peered through them, seeing the top of a monastery over the trees.


The halls were still extremely dark, even with the lights along the walls. "Do either of you know anything about this place that could give us a tactical advantage?" Nyssa asked.

"I've only seen it one time, and that was from a distance," Oliver shook his head.

"Well, maybe we should split up," Slade suggested.

Nyssa paused, looking him over, before turning to Oliver. "Should we?"

"Yeah," Oliver nodded. "Go, Nyssa. We'll be fine."

Nyssa walked off, and Slade chuckled, walking up to Oliver. "She doesn't trust me."

"Can you blame her?" Oliver raised an eyebrow.

"No," Slade answered, throwing a right hook and knocking Oliver out.

Oliver had barely fallen when Slade heard footsteps behind him. He turned to see Black Siren slow down when she saw he was standing there, a few of Talia's students with her. "Tell Mr. Chase I have a gift for him," he told her with a smirk.

Black Siren looked down at Oliver, and a matching grin lit up her face.


John immediately straightened when he saw Oliver be led in by Talia's students. "Oliver!" he said in relief.

"Don't blame me," Black Siren smirked as she entered, and John's face darkened when Slade stepped to her side. "Mr. Wilson's the one who gets credit for this trophy."

"Slade, you son of a bitch," John snarled.

"I never should have trusted you," Oliver spat.

Slade just nodded and followed Black Siren out. Quentin watched the doppelgänger go, then turned to Oliver. "Are you all right?"

"Where's my son?" Oliver demanded.

"William?" John blanched. "Chase took him, too?"

"We didn't know anyone else was here," Dinah told Oliver.

"What makes you think he's here?" Quentin asked.

"He took Samantha, showed me a video of William," Oliver answered. John closed his eyes in disbelief. Chase was really asking for it now, wasn't he? "He is on this island somewhere, and we need to find him!"


Hooray, Malcolm lives! :D One of the first things I immediately knew was gonna happen - Kara was definitely saving him.

Not sure when the next chapter will get uploaded, so keep an eye out, guys!

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