You do crazy things when your...

By honeystarsunshine

13.3K 553 206


Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four

Chapter 5

2K 58 29
By honeystarsunshine

"Where are we going?!" Alisha shouts at the boy in the back.
"Ugh Alisha can you be anymore annoying?" He groans.
Alisha's eyes widen. "How did you know my name?" She asks.
He hits her over the head with the gun knocking her out.
Kyle loses it. "Don't touch her!" He shouts.
He points the gun to her head. "Shut the fuck up and drive. The building is to your left."
Kyle shuts up and obeys.
"Park." He says.
Kyle does so and parks the car.
"Get out." He gets out and walks inside.

The building looks like it was being worked on, like renovated. Kyle was holding Alisha as they walked into the building. He had a whole set up here. "Set her down and sit down." Kyle refused and tackled him trying to take his gun. Kyle somewhat succeed, he took the empty gun, but once he realized it the boy knocked him out.

"What the fuck?" Alisha groans sitting up and trying to rub her head. She was chained the wall. "Kyle?!" She shouts looking around in panic. She hears him groan and relieve comes over her. "Hello sophomores." The boy says turning on his laptop to record. "Who are you?!" Alisha growls. "You'll find out soon." He chuckles.

At the station

"Hotch you may want to see this." JJ says projecting the live stream he was posting online.
"Get Garcia on the phone." Rossi says focusing on the screen.
JJ nods and calls her.
"Um Hotch? Do we have any ne-" Reid walks in the room and stops himself once he sees the screen.
"Reid maybe you shouldn't watch." Rossi suggests.
"Good idea Rossi." Hotch agrees.
"No! I'm watching!" Reid shouts.
Morgan and Prentiss enter the room.
"Reid you are to close to this investigation." Hotch says more firmly.
"Please Hotch." Reid begs.
"Hotch what's going on?" Morgan asks.
"Look at the screen." Rossi says.
Morgan's eyes widen. He sees Alisha and Kyle chained to the wall. He then looks back at Reid who was already set on watching this.
"Garcia says she's trying to get the location. But she needs Reid's help." JJ says walking back in with another computer.
"Fine." Hotch says.
Reid nods and goes to help Garcia.

At the building

"Hmm who should I torture first? Miss badass or mr. Popular?" He chuckles lifting Alisha's chin.
Alisha spits in his face causing him to back away. "Get away from me." She hisses.
He shrugs and takes out a knife and cuts open Kyle's shirt. "No stop please!" She cries.
He looks over at her and raises an eyebrow.
"D-don't hurt him." She begs.
A smirk grows on his face "I'm going to make it look like you killed yourself." He starts cutting her wrists.
She was in pain but at least Kyle wouldn't see, he's still knocked out.

At the station

Reid hasn't said a word but just keeps looking at the screen hoping he can figure out the location.
"Pretty boy want-"
"Morgan go away." Reid says aggravated.
"Hey don't take this out on me. We are all trying Reid." Morgan raises his voice.
"I don't want you to try! I want you to get them back safely!" Reid shouts.
Morgan closes the door.
"Um guys what's going on?" Garcia says on speaker phone.
"Just a second Garcia." Morgan puts her on mute.
"Morgan what are you doing?! We are wasting time!" Reid growls pushing him aside.

Morgan grabs Reid and pins him against the wall. Reid stops talking and starts blushing a dark red.

"Reid. I know you care about them. But you have to calm down and not get your feelings in the way. I know you can do this. I believe in you." Morgan says leaning in to kiss him as he puts his hands on the small boy's waist.
Reid slowly kisses back and wraps his arms around his neck sinking into the kiss.

"Guys! I got a location!" Garcia shouts.
Reid's eyes widen and pushes Morgan off. Morgan frowns but knows that they have to save these kids.
Reid unmuted Garcia and gets the location.
"We will finish later." Reid whispers to Morgan. Morgan blushes and nods.

Reid runs out the room and tells Hotch. Hotch nods. "Rossi, Prentiss, Morgan and Reid go. I'll stay here with JJ."

They all run out and into the cars. Reid, JJ and Hotch would usually stay behind but Hotch knows how much this means to him.

At the building

"Still want to protect him?!" He shouts getting in Alisha's face.
"I would die for him." She smiles weakly.
He snarls. "Why would you die for him? How do you know if he'll do the same for you?"
She chuckles. "I don't care if he will or wont. All I know is that I will because I care about him."
He gets angry and takes out a gun a shoots her in the chest. Then turns off the camera and takes off his mask. "Since you'll never live to tell anyone." He unchains them both and walks out.
"K-kyle?" She manages to say.
Kyle opens his eyes looks around. "Alisha?" He says.
"Baby I'm on the other side." She grins.
Kyle's eyes widen and he runs to her. "Alisha! No!" He cradles her in his arms and cries.

At the station

JJ's eyes widen and immediately calls them. "Guys. Shots fired." She says still watching the blank screen.
"JJ what do you mean shots fired?!" Reid shouts.
"He shot her then turned off the camera and probably escaped by now." JJ says.
They hear JJ sniffing before she hangs up.

The cars go silent for the rest of the ride.

At the building

Alisha puts her hand on his cheek and smiles. "I love you." Kyle couldn't speak. He just kept crying but she knew he'd say it back. Reid runs towards the building but Morgan grabs him. "Reid no. You should stay out here." Morgan says. "N-no! I need to see what happened please Morgan!" He begs. "No Reid. I'm sorry." He pulls Reid into a hug. Reid hugs him back tightly. "I just hope nothing really bad happened..." Reid whispers.

Kyle runs out of the building with Alisha in his arms. "Please someone." He whimpers. The medics immediately run towards him. "Is that them?!" Reid asks. "Yes but Reid stay calm." Morgan says kissing his forehead then letting him go. Reid walks towards Kyle and hugs him, Kyle tightly hugs back.

Later that night

The car ride to Morgan's house was silent. Once they reach his house and walk inside Morgan pulls Reid into a hug. "Morgan what are you doing..." Reid asks with a sigh. Morgan chuckles. "I'm hugging you smartass." Reid smiles and hugs him back tight fighting the urge to cry. "I don't wanna see you cry pretty boy. It doesn't suit you." Reid laughs and looks at him with a confused look. "Morgan what is this?" He asks pulling away. "What do you mean?" Morgan asks tilting his head. "What are we?! You're straight! Not gay or bi from what I know! So Morgan what is this?" Reid shouts tears now streaming down his cheeks. "Reid I-" Morgan didn't know what to say. Reid was about to say something else but Hotch called.

"We'll discuss this later." Reid grabs his bag and walks out the door. Morgan stands there frozen for a couple seconds then Reid shouts, "Morgan lets go? What are you waiting for an invitation?" Morgan couldn't help but laugh at his remark. "Alright smart ass." He chuckles walking to the car. During the car ride the two tried their best to make it seem like everything was ok when it wasn't.


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