Frozen By Love (A Stoki Fic)...


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Forbidden Love: To be forbidden from someone. No, not just someone...your true love. You can't have them, you... More

Frozen By Love (A Stoki Fic)
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 4

1.6K 88 22

Apparently, I have a bad sense of myself. I sigh as I find myself back in the dungeons, on my way back to Loki.

"Look who was right." Loki smirks a greeting at me, as he sits on the edge of his bed.

"I only came to burn out my curiosity." I say, as if I read it from a script. With no emotion.

"Don't sound so happy to be here." Loki says, sarcastically.

"Trust me, I'll try to keep it in." I smile a bit at our back and forth bickering, giving me the feeling like Loki and I have done it for years.

"Well keep it in your pants, big boy. This time around it's about me. So where shall me start?"

I ignore Loki's comment and cross my arms over my chest, putting my shield on the ground. I shurg. "I don't know. It's all about you remember?"

Loki snorts. "Youre a funny one, you know that? My brother doesn't seem to have a sense of humor when he visits me, he just gruns and shakes his head like a cavemen, always grumbling about poptarts. Him and those goddamn things piss me off sometims, you know? I'm in here, in a cage, while he faints over a box of chocolate poptarts. How pathetic. Don't I deserve something to obsess over? Oh wait, I have this: A chair." Loki shakes his head and sighs.

This is going to be a lot harder to get through than I originally thought. "Well, this a place to start then. Your brother. Would you like to start there?"

Loki grins. "See, you get me Cap. Finally, someone gets the broken god who used to be a villain. And yes, I would love to start there. He is, after all, the one who betrayed me."

I roll my eyes, but play along. "Oh please inform me how this happened."

Loki claps his hands together, smirking. "Oh! Glad you asked me Cap! So it all started when we were little. I was always in the shadow of his greatness, never really accomplishing anything on my own, always being told o act more like my brother, and being shoved past by Odin as he favorited Thor. Then when New York happened, he abadoned me and went to help you losers. Oops, I meant heroes. My bad I ge them mixed up sometimes."

I sigh, wondering how much more of this new Loki I can handle before I snap and rip his head off. "Well, not much you can do to fix that now Loki. And I'm not sure how to help in this situation, I don't have brothers or sisters, or parents anymore for that matter."

Loki nods. "And that is yet another thing we have in common. I dont have any family left either. Odin and Thor want nothing to do with me, as doesn't Laufey, though I suppose I want nothing to do with him either, so the feeling is mutual."

My eyebrows come together quizzically. "Yet another thing? What else could we possibly have in common? Please enlighten my curious thoughts."

Loki stand and kicks the chair out from behind him, so hard that it hits his bed, maknig a loud noise. "Well we are both broken, and have no one to turn to except each other. Plus we re both imprisoned, me literally, and you figuretively."

I uncorss my arms and take a few steps forward, my voice turning cold. "How am I imprisoned?"

"Becuase you aren't in your right time. You were plucked from then and brought to now. Making you i imprisoned in a time where you don't belong or frankly by the way you act, want to be here."

"I didn't have a choice to do that." I snarl at Loki.

"Exaclty, taken against your will to be put in a place where you don't want to be, is imprisonment. Admit it, Cap, you're as trapped as I am."

I shake my head and turn around and go pick up my shield. "And where do you think you're going?" I hear Loki ask from behind me, his question mocking me.

"Leaving." I turn around and look at him, and our eyes meet. I didn't see the cold villian trying to take over Earth in his eyes like I did the last time. This time, I see the broken child he was many years ago, and a piece of me started to understand why he did what he did all those years ago: because he wanted to be noticed, wanted o be praised, instead of being scolded by the older people around him always shoving him around and telling him what he should want to do and what he should say and do. I know that feeling. I break the eye contact and start walkin out of the dungeons.

I feel Loki's smirk on my back as I leave. "See you tomorrow Cap."

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