Unloved. (A Patrick Stump Fan...

By MeganStump

31.9K 1.2K 823

Can the unloved become the loved? When Faiths parents both pass away in a fatal accident she has no other pla... More

Unloved. (A Patrick Stump Fanfiction)
Inhale. Exhale.
Change You Like A Remix
This Is Unconditional
If You Love Me Let Me Go
Blood Red Lip Stick, You Dont Smile.
They Say Your Love Is Forever, Your Forever Is All That I Need
'its Pete' -bonus-
Its been a while...
Im not dead

Not The American Average

4.3K 143 111
By MeganStump

This is the last time I'll see this place, it holds so many memories that I'd give anything to forget if only I could. Mom and Dad moved here a year before I was born and we've never moved since. That was 18 years ago. Things change in 18 years. The house is still more or less the same but the family isn't anymore. 24 hours ago my parents were killed in a car accident. Driving along the high way coming back from a romantic meal for their 23rd Wedding anniversary when they were hit by a drunk driver, instantly killing them both. I received the heartbreaking call a few hours after their deaths, the police said they would be over in the morning to discuss things. And so when the morning came there they were on my doorstep. They wore sympathetic smiles on their faces as they sat across from me in the living room. I sat in silence as they spoke, just shaking my head yes or no to answer them occasionally. Then they mentioned what I had been dreading, going to the orphanage. Since my mom and dad moved to America long before I was born I never knew any of my other family so the only option was the orphanage. I tried to argue against them by saying I was 18 in a few months and that I could take care of myself but they refused. They told me to pack up the possessions I would like to take with me and we'd be of.


Once I had packed my things they whisked me off to the orphanage. It was just over an hour away but time flew by. Before I knew it we were pulling up outside the dreaded building.

"Here ya' go kid" one of the officers said.

I nodded, grabbed my bag and got out the car. I watched as they drove off and disappeared telling me they had reached the end of the street and were gone for good. I turned and looked up at the sign above the door that read 'Orphanage' tears blurred my vision but I blinked them away, i didn't want them to think I was weak, at least not right away. I pushed open the door with a sigh and was greeted by a middle aged woman behind the front desk. She smiled warmly at me as she walked over to pull me into a bone crushing hug. I just stood there awkwardly, I'm not a hugger.

"Hello sweetie, you must be Faith! I received a phone call earlier telling me all about you and I'm so sorry to hear what happened. I'll take you to your room straight away so you can unpack then I'll take you to meet the other kids!" She said in a high pitched voice.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"Here I'll take your jacket" she offered and reached out totals my jacket off but I moved backwards.

"I'll keep it on but thank you for offering" I mumbled again.

"Okay the sweetie"

She lead me to my room and let me in, she said she would be back in 20 minutes so she could introduce me to everyone else which I wasn't exactly looking forward too. I don't like meeting new people because they judge me by my looks. They see my piercings and sometimes they see the scars that cover my arms and automatically set me into one of their stereotypical groups. Which I hate. I lay my bag down and looked around the room, the walls were painted green which was nice but apart from that it was plain and simple. A bed, a desk, a wardrobe and a window on the far wall which looked out on the deserted rain soaked street. It was somewhat calming and I could tell at that moment I'd be spending a lot of my time here looking out over the street. There was a nock at the door, it defiantly had net been 20 minutes but I opened the door to see the same woman as before. She smiled and took my hand leading to me a room full of different aged people who I was guessing were the people who also lived here.

"Everyone this is Faith, Faith why don't you tell them a little about yourself honey?"

I looked around the room at their disgusted faces. Some of the younger ones even looked scared. I looked at my feet and shook my head, I didn't want them to know anything about me, my past or anything at all.

"It's okay sweetie, these are your new friends, were like family now!"

Family? No they'll never be my family. My family is dead and none of them can replace what I've lost. I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes at the thought of family and with that I ran off to my room slamming the door as I entered. I hit my back of the door and slowly slid down it until i was sitting with my knees up at my chest. I started sobbing quietly as I listened to the footsteps and voices on the other side of the door. It must've been the other kids returning to their rooms because I herd one of them say to another 'what a freak, I hope we don't have to make friends with her' that comment made me cry more. They hated me already.


I woke up to a soft knocking on the door, I looked a round the room slowly realising I'd fell asleep while sitting behind the door and it was now the next day. I stood up quickly, regretting it as I felt a little dizzy but soon came around. I opened the door and saw the woman again.

"I came to see if you wanted dinner last night but I herd you snoring a little so I gathered you were asleep, you must been hungry come on I'll take to to the breakfast room" she said and smiled again.

Okay this woman smiles way to much but as I was still half asleep and very hungry I agreed and followed her like a lost puppy. She showed me the door and said a quick 'in there' before rushing off to answer the phone. I pushed open the door and all the kids from the night before were there too. They all turned to face me and stared at me as I entered and poured myself some cereal with milk. I decided to sit at the empty table and eat my breakfast in peace. I would occasionally look up and see one of the kids still staring but I ignored them. After a while I began to feel really hot so without thinking about it I took my jacket off. As I did the room was filled with gasps. I looked at them all and saw where their eyes were looking. My arms... I quickly stood up and ran out of the room and up the stairs back to my own room. I began throwing the few unpacked things into my bag and zipped it shut. I slung it over my shoulder and edged open my door to check if anyone was around. Luckily there wasn't. I began running down the hall, down the stairs, the through the main reception and straight out the door. Without looking back I continued running and running and running until the orphanage was out of sight. I began to regret my decision as I felt the rain soak through my clothes. But then I remembered the reason why I'd left, they all thought I was a freak, judged me for my looks before actually getting to know me... It was for the best. I saw a small coffee shop located just up the street so I began to run for it. I yanked open the door and got into the shop as quick as possible to get myself out of the rain. I took a seat in the back corner of the shop at set my things down and took of my drenched coat. I then fumbled around in my pocket and pulled out the change I had. I counted out the change and got a total of $7.49 which would defiantly get me a drink. I placed my order at the counter and thanked the guy when he handed me my coffee. I took it to my table and sat down, I started looking through my bag pulling out my iPhone and headphones. I happily plugged them in and scrolled through my artists until I found my all time favourite band, Fall Out Boy. I smiled as there newly released album Save Rock And Roll blasted into my ears and memories of the day they came back from hiatus played through my mind.


Because I had nowhere else to go I just stayed in the coffee shop all day. Hours passed as I listened to my headphones blocking out the world until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a nice Looking girl who was around my age, I took out my headphones so I could here what she was saying.

"I'm sorry ma'am but were closing now" she said apologetically.

"Oh" I shot her a quick smile and grabbed my things.

I stumbled out onto the dark street, where was I going to go? I couldn't go back to the orphanage and I have nowhere else to go, doesn't that make me... Homeless? I accepted the fact I was now homeless but hopefully it wouldn't be for long. I had $7,500 dollars in my bag, my mom and dad kept this money in a jar at the back of the cupboard in case of an emergency. I could start looking for an apartment in the morning. For now I settled on a door step so I would have shelter, it was down an alley way so hopefully no one would see or notice me. I couldn't believe I was doing this.


I woke hours later to hear voices that were progressively getting closer. The voices were slurred and I realised straight away they were drunk and coming this way. I moved closer to in the doorway hoping they wouldn't see me... How ever they did.

"Oi lads! Look what we got here!" One shouted.

"Let's get ah!" Another said.

Before I could so anything I was grabbed and pulled up. I couldn't see the guys but I knew there were two of them by the two different voices. I tried to run away from them but the grip they had on me was tight. One of the men kept my hands behind my back while the other tried getting my clothes off. I began kicking and screaming for help.

"Shut up bitch" the one holing me hissed.

I continued to kick and scream but it was no help. He managed to take my jeans and shit off leaving me in just my undergarments. As he tried to take those off too someone swiftly punched his face and he fell to the ground. The guy who was holding me shoved me to the floor and ran of.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you" a calm soft voice spoke.

"T...than...k...k you...u" I stuttered taking the strangers hand as he helped me up.

"Here take my coat and Ill get your things, I'll take you home too"

"I don't have a home..." I said feeling ashamed.

"Oh, come on you can stay with me the night"

I didn't argue with him as he lead me to his car, he opened the door for me and I thanked him as I sat down. I looked down at my bare legs in the light and saw bruises already beginning to form. I sighed and pulled his coat around me more tightly hoping it would warm me up. I kept my head down as he got in the car and resisted the urge to look up at him. I felt his eyes on me and he reached out a hand and rubbed my leg where the buries were noticeable.

"What's your name love?" He asked.

"Faith" I mumbled.

"That's a nice name, I'm Patrick and just to let you know you don't have to be afraid of me, I promise I won't hurt you"

I nodded but still didn't look up at him. He sighed and the lights went down in the car, then we began driving to where ever this Patrick guy lived.


First chapter done!
What do you guys think? I really hope you all liked it:)
If you came here from my other Fanfiction thank you very much! I love you for that okay c:
If you didn't come from my other story I write another Patrick Stump Fanfiction named 'What A Catch' and it's currently the most read Patrick Stump story on wattpad and I'm really proud of it:)
So if you'd like to read that please do so:)
I'll try my best to update both my stories as often as I can but I'm not promising anything;)
Please vote and comment to let me know you liked this chapter!:)


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