Our Ancient history {billdip}

By PaperBagBoi_

38.7K 1.8K 841

"Hey Im Dipper Pines" "hello meatsacks!" Hehe, that's bill! OKAY SOOOOOOO..... Lets begin! We were banned f... More

Im Back
Ford finds Demons
we're on the run
Demons and a pinetree Drunk?
Magic romance
The kiss
save me Andrew!
The Tree?
Dear Brother I've missed you!
magic can't heal me
tested on?
Really Pinetree?
Finding magical things
About the tree
one more day
Bill I'm alright
party time
Pinetree don't go
wedding day.
not chapter but news!!!

Will you be mine?

1.1K 56 21
By PaperBagBoi_

Pov Bill

We failed him.

"Will give you a moment Bill" Will said

They all left me alone with Pinetree and I cried. The love of my life is gone.
He said we had ancient history together now. I don't wanna forget those memories.

"I don't wanna forget those memories Pinetree" I said
"I don't wanna forget you. . . I wanna, I wanna" I said

Ran fell from the sky and I cried some more. I heard star crying her eyes out while they comfort her and then cried to.

"Pinetree I don't wanna leave you" I said

I closed my eyes as I cried. I felt something touch my cheek.
I just felt more tears come down as I thought to myself it was just me.

"I don't want to leave you either"

I heard his sweet voice again and I opened my eyes. I saw pinetree smiling at me. I see a teat come down his face as well.

"I never wanted to leave you even for a second" Pinetree said
"Pinetree!" i yelled

I kissed him after I said his nickname. His arms were wrapped around my neck. I had my hands on his cheek kissing him deeply.
I stopped kissing him and looked at him. Our foredeads touched each other as I smiled

"I'm just glad your alive" I said

I look back up and Pinetree fell asleep in my arms. I carried him bride style and looked at everyone one.

"He's alive" I smiled
"Mr.Dipper is alive"Star said
"Yes" I said
"Thank god" Andrew said
"Something pulled him threw" I said
"His magic pulled him threw" Lady widow said


We're all in my castle happily doing our own thing. Star finally found her body after two days.

Pinetree as been out for two days as well. It was the afternoon and I was lying next to dipper. I look at him and kissed his forehead. After that I see his eyes open.

"Good afternoon Pinetree" I said
"Bill" Pinetree said
"Yes" I said
"How long was I out for" Pinetree asked
"For two days" i said
"Really" Pinetree said
"Yes" I said

Pinetree got out of bed and smiled at me.

"Wow i haven't used my legs in two days" Pinetree sighed.

I get up and give him a new pare of clothes to change in.

"Here Pinetree here's different clothes to change into" I said
"Thanks Bill" Pinetree smiled

I left him in the room to change and went to the living room. I see everyone there.

"Bill I though you took a nap" Star said
"Pinetree just woke up" I said
"Really" they all said.
"Yeah but he's changing" I said
"Yay we get to see him again" Andrew cheered

After a few minutes I see Pinetree come in the living room. He looked so cute in what he was wearing. He was wearing a long sleeved grey shirt and black pants. His hair was wet and messy.

"Hey guys" Pinetree smiled
"Dipper" They all said

They all tackled pinetree. After a minute hug they went off him.

"Mr.Dipper I have a new body" Star said
"Sorry I couldn't go with you" Pinetree said
"It's okay" Star smiled
"So what happened to them" I asked
"We killed them" Andrew said
"Nice" Pinetree said
"So how was your two day nap" Will asked
"Very nice" Pinetree said

After that we all started to have fun and party. We all had a mini dance party. It was really fun.

Pov Dipper

I can't believe that I died and came back to life. In glad that there died because lied to me my whole life. We all went outside and saw the sun go down. I sat next to Bill and held his hand.

"What was your favorite part of this day" Andrew asked
"The random dance party" Star said
"When I beated Andrew in cards" Lady widow said
"When Bill and Dipper were dancing" Will said
"That was my favorite part to" Andrew said
"My favorite part was hanging out with you guys." Pinetree said
"My favorite part is this" I said

I got up with dipper and went down on one knee. The ring was in my hand and I showed it to Pinetree

"Pinetree would you make me the happiest demon and be mine?" I asked

Pinetree covered his mouth and nodded yes.

"Yes" Pinetree cried

I kissed pinetree and then looked at him. I put the ring on Pinetree and smiled.

"Yes they finally did it!"Will shouted
"Damn it" Andrew said
"Yes I get 50 dollars!" Star cheered
"Wait you said when we were doing the dance party I was closer" Andrew said
"No I was the one how said back here" Lady widow said
"Wait did you gamble on when he'll ask me to marry him" Pinetree said
"Yes" They said
"Well this is going to be an instesting" I said

Chapter over

"I can't believe that you asked" Will said
"I love him that's why" Bill said
"Great job Bill you got a special one" Andrew said
"I'm sooo happy for you two" Star said.
"Thanks star" Dipper said
"When is the wedding?" Lady widow asked
"Tomorrow becuase it's only you guys" Bill said
"Yes!" Andrew said.
"Wait I'll make the cake" Will said.
"Okay" Dipper smiled.
"Now we have to say goodbye" Andrew said
"Bye humans" Lady widow said
"Bye humans" Andrew and star said
"Bye humans reading this" Will said
"Bye meatsacks" Bill said
"Bye Readers and hoped you enjoyed" Dipper said

"Bye guys this next chapter will he the last chapter" Wolf said

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