Little Miss Nosy

By moon_beamx

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Ashton's glare flicks between the beer bottle and the commotion outside before settling on me. He takes a slo... More

Chapter One: The Bestie & The Bully
Chapter Two: How Cheesy
Chapter Three: And You Are?
Chapter Four: Fool Me Once, Shame on You; Fool Me Twice...
Chapter Five: Who's the Bad Guy Again?
Ashton Brooks
Chapter Six: You Win Some, You Lose Some
Chapter Seven: I Love You
Chapter Eight: Perhaps She's The One
Chapter Nine: Friday Night Fights
Carmen Martinez
Chapter Ten: Clueless
Chapter Eleven: Together, but Alone
Chapter Twelve: Play Nice
Chapter Thirteen: Obstacles
Chapter Fourteen: A Few Sips and Many Mistakes Later
Chapter Fifteen: Five Letter Words
Chapter Sixteen: House Party of Horrors
Chapter Seventeen: Easy to See
Trevor Woods
Chapter Eighteen: Goodbye & Hello Again
Chapter Nineteen: Oh, Brother
Chapter Twenty: The Tale of Two Heartbreaks
Chapter Twenty-One: Lost & Found
Chapter Twenty-Two: The More You Know
Chapter Twenty-Three: Red
Chapter Twenty-Four: What Has Been Said
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Pawn for a Knight
Chapter Twenty-Six: Where Do We Go From Here?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: One Thing at a Time, Please
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Thorne In My Side
Bella Anderson
Chapter Twenty-Nine: My Turn
New Book Update
Chapter 30- Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 31- Trio
Chapter 32- Stay
Chapter 33- Cartoons and Cuddles
Chapter 34- Just Fantastic
Chapter 35- An Unfortunate Turn of Events
Chapter 36- Give Me a Break
Chapter 37- Magical
On Hold
Chapter 38- A Night To Remember
Character Interviews: Questions
Chapter 39- Crazy Emotions
Chapter 40- Friendly Introductions
Chapter 41- Jealous
Chapter 42- You Promised
Chapter 43- No More Zombies!
Chapter 44- In Too Deep
Chapter 45- Answers
Chapter 46- I'm So Sorry
Character Interviews: Questions (Part 2)
Chapter 47- How Do I Lie?
Chapter 48- Bliss
Chapter 49- Green Eyes
Chapter 50- Gone
Chapter 51- Hope
Chapter 52- Escape
Chapter 54- Aftermath
Chapter 55- Never Let Go
Chapter 56- Choice and Change
Chapter 57- Forget Reality
Character Interviews: Questions (Final)
The End?
Alternate Ending
Break Me
Little Miss Nosy...Rewritten

Chapter 53- Promise Me

381 19 6
By moon_beamx

Third Person POV

Ashton had done exactly what the blue haired man told him to. He found the little cabin easily and made his way to the back entrance. It was a sliding glass door.

Ashton tried his best to concentrate, but that was made difficult for he could barely hear his own thoughts over the loud chirping of the crickets surrounding him. He laid his head back on the warm wood carefully, too afraid to make any noise.

Jacob was true to his word. From what Ashton could see through the glass door, there was no one inside; on the first level at least.

"What's the plan, Ashton?" he whispered to himself.

There wasn't one.

The best idea he thought of was shoot and wound Jacob, find Peyton, and make a way back to Matt. It was easier said than done.

Jacob had more experience in the game of cat and mouse. He was cold hearted and ruthless. He enjoyed the hunt. And when he found you, he wasn't afraid to pull the trigger. He laughed at the consequences and showed no remorse for what's been done.

Ashton was nothing like that.

He was sweet, but rough when he needed to be. He was open, yet defensive. He was selfless; always putting the needs of others before his own. That's why he stayed with Jacob for as long as he did. He didn't care about what happened to him, but his parents were threatened and he couldn't let them be harmed. No matter how cold Ashton acted towards them, they were the closest family he had left. He would never usually fear for himself but he had to admit, the thought of him not coming out of this alive had him terrified.

But he had to go in because she was inside.

This ended tonight.

He pushed off the wall and grabbed the handle, sliding the door open as quietly as he could. He checked the waistband of his jeans, feeling the gun immediately.

Just to be safe.

He entered the cold cabin that was consumed in darkness. There was no source of light that could be found except for the unlit fireplace he spotted from across the room.

Ashton wasn't sure on what he was supposed to do next. Call out for Jacob? Search for him quietly? Find Peyton?

Whatever he chooses, he was at a disadvantage. He didn't know his way around this place and Jacob could be lurking anywhere. He could even be watching him at this very moment.

Ashton let out a shaky breath. "Game on."

Just above him, Peyton lay on the bed quietly, not aware of her boyfriend's presence.

She had stopped crying awhile ago and didn't make a move to dry her tear stained cheeks. She tried and failed to escape and for that, she felt that she had let Ashton down.

She didn't know what was going to happen next, and she was quite happy about that. Her mind was filled with bad thoughts; causing more stress than necessary. She just needed a moment of peace.

As Peyton's eyelids began to get heavy, she finally allowed sleep to pull her in.

That is, until the door swung open and in marched Jacob. She sat up startled and blinked her eyes rapidly to get the sleep out only to be met with her brother coming closer and closer to her.

"Let's go, princess. The show is about to start and you wouldn't want to miss it." He grabbed his sister by the arm and pulled her out of bed. She allowed this to happen, for she was too tired and out of it to process everything or ask any questions.

So instead, she followed him down the hallway obediently, surprising Jacob.

Ashton heard footsteps coming down the stairs making him turn around. The sight made his heart drop.

Peyton was being dragged by the arm by Jacob. Her appearance saddened him. Her eyes were puffy and red. Even in the nonexistent light, he could see the tear trails and tell that she had been crying. Her shoulders were set in a slouch like there was a weight she was carrying, something she has never done before.

And her eyes. They were so tired and empty.

Although as soon as she saw Ashton, her eyes lit up slightly and she stood tall again. Even the corners of her mouth tilted up in the smallest of smiles.

It's only been about 3 days since she's been here, but even that can feel like an eternity when you've been in a small space and have no contact to the outside world.

"Let her go," Ashton demanded. His voice was cold and filled with finality. There was no room for discussion when it came to Peyton's safety.

"Already? No no," Jacob said as if he was addressing a young child. "The fun hasn't even started yet."

Jacob's eyes shined with happiness as he watched Ashton tense in front of him. He was enjoying this. He enjoyed watching other people in pain like it was some sort of sick entertainment. He was finally getting what he wanted.

"You want me, right? Here I am. Whatever you're gonna do, hurry up and get it over with."

"Be patient, my friend. Before we get into all that, Peyton has something she would like to tell you."

Jacob wrapped an arm around Peyton's neck and pulled her closer to him, so now she was standing right between the two men.

He wasn't holding on tight, but that didn't stop the little gasp from escaping her at the sudden contact.

"What are you talking about?" Peyton said quietly.

"I think you know. Something that has to do with a certain someone's brother," Jacob smirked at Ashton.

"What the hell are you saying? You don't know anything about Aaron."

"Oh I know him better than you think. I may even know more about him than you." Jacob knew Aaron was a sensitive topic for Ashton. He saw the clench in his jaw and knew he had hit a nerve; which is exactly what he wanted.

"Don't speak of him," Ashton said lowly.

"Peyton, why don't you tell Ashton what you've discovered?" Jacob tightened his hold around her neck slightly. Not too tight but enough to let her know that he wasn't joking.

She looked Ashton in the eyes and could see him silently pleading for her to tell him the truth. But she didn't want to. Not because he didn't deserve to know the truth, but because she was afraid that what she was about to say would break his heart.

"J-Jacob, he...he killed Aaron," she said in a small voice. But it seemed to have echoed throughout the silent room.

Ashton took an involuntary step back. He wasn't sure of what Jacob wanted her to tell him. He had no clue. But that was something that even he couldn't be prepared to take in.

Jacob killed Aaron.

But that was impossible.

"She's known for awhile now, Ashton. But she's decided to keep that little secret all to herself. Some girlfriend," Jacob scoffed.

Ashton's hurt eyes met Peyton's, but she quickly avoided his gaze, lowering her eyes to the ground in shame.

"What are you gonna do now, Ashton? Make your move," Jacob taunted.

And he did. He made a move that Jacob was not expecting from him.

Ashton pulled the gun from the waistband of his jeans and aimed it at Jacob. Peyton gasped, realizing that he wasn't aiming it at her but staring straight into a gun being pointed at you isn't exactly comforting.

"Ooh. I seemed to have hit a nerve. What are you gonna do with that?"

"Shut up!" Ashton growled.

The gun shook in his hands, and Jacob could see that. Ashton was running on adrenaline and anger as so many thoughts ran through his mind.

Jacob killed Aaron.

Peyton knew about it.

She kept it from me.


"Ashton," a soft voice broke through his thoughts. The voice was melodious, yet shaky. But still beautiful. It was a voice that Ashton hated having to go three whole days without. Peyton. "Do it."

Those two words made Ashton scrunch his eyebrows in confusion. But Peyton was serious. She couldn't manage to find any feelings towards her brother that maybe lingered through all of this mess.

He leaves.

He puts their dad in the hospital.

He stalks and kidnaps her.

He kills Logan.

He tries to kill her boyfriend.

There had to be a time where Peyton came to her breaking point, and she was finally at it.

"Do it, Ashton," she says sternly.

She hears a low chuckle from behind her which only fuels her anger. "He won't do it. He doesn't have it in him. He never did. For years, you tried to be like me, but you failed every time. It's not easy, is it? You learned that early on and you ran, and now we're here."

"I don't want to be like you. Not anymore. I'm not the same misguided kid I was when you found me 5 years ago. I'm not you. I'm not a monster." And with that, Ashton lowered the gun to his side.

He couldn't do it. Even if he wanted to, the risk of hitting Peyton was too high. It's been so long since he shot a gun, and he wasn't willing to take that chance.

"No, you're not," Jacob said. "You're more like your brother: a coward. And you'll both have the same end. Except yours will be much worse."

Suddenly, Jacob let's go of Peyton and in one swift movement, takes out his own gun and brings it down hard on Ashton's head.

Peyton screams as she watches his body fall to the floor and remains motionless. A loud ringing noise echoed in his ears as he fell in and out of darkness.

-5 Years Ago-

"I'm going out!" Ashton shouted behind him and proceeded to head to the door.

"Where are you going?"

Ashton rolled his eyes before turning around to face his brother. Aaron's blue eyes searched him suspiciously as he waited for an answer.

"I'm just going for a walk. Maybe meet some people. I'm a very busy man."

"You're 12," Aaron smirked and crossed his arms. He knew his little brother wasn't going to do anything bad. He was a good kid and was easy to trust. But he loved to tease him whenever he had the chance.

"Yeah, yeah. Can I go?"

Aaron smiled genuinely and ruffled Ashton's hair, which he got playfully shoved back for.

"Go ahead." He trusted his brother. It was other people out in the world that he didn't trust.


Ashton sighed and turned around slowly before fake smiling at his brother. He loved Aaron, he really did. But sometimes he needed a brother, and not an overprotective parent.

"I need you to promise me something. The world is filled with bad people that wouldn't care if they hurt you or someone you love. But you have to promise me that you'll do whatever it takes to protect yourself. Even if it means doing something you're afraid to do. Do that, and I'll be happy."

Ashton nodded his head quickly. "I promise." He wasn't sure what his brother was going on about and didn't really care. He just wanted to get out.

What Ashton didn't know was that would be the last time he ever saw his brother alive again.

He turned around and quickly ran out the house, enjoying the warm feel of the sun on his skin.

"I love you!" he heard Aaron shout from the doorway.

"Love you too!" Ashton didn't turn around but instead waved his hand in the air as if to say goodbye.

He wished he would have turned around one last time.

-End of Flashback-

Ashton gasped loudly as he was picked up from the ground and shoved back. He could feel the blood dripping from his head wound but chose to ignore it as his eyes focused on Jacob.

"Any last words?" Jacob asked as he raised his gun to Ashton. He wore a cocky smirk. He had won again.

"Yeah," Ashton whispered.

He looked at Peyton as she sat on the ground curled up into a ball. She tried so hard but failed. And now Ashton was going to pay the price. She looked up through her blurry vision and saw the stoic expression on his face.

"I always keep my promises."

Without hesitation, Ashton raised his gun, and pulled the trigger.

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