Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)

By _raxeira

86.9K 3.1K 3.1K

Frisk had always run into the occasional human-hating-monster, but when the attacks got more violent and cons... More



2.5K 105 65
By _raxeira

"Explain." Alphys looked in Frisk's eyes with dead seriousness. Frisk cleared her throat.

" know, the experiments, and your visit, I was sure there was a way out. I tried to escape, but they caught me and threatened to throw me into the core." Alphys' eyes widened as she continued.

"Then, I realized with the DT that was injected into me, I could...." Frisk trailed off. She really didn't want Alphys to worry. "T-To what?" She said. Frisk took in a deep breath before continuing.

"I could reset."

Alphys gasped and lost her footing, her body colliding with a few jars on a nearby table, causing them to crash.

"Is everything okay up there?" Undyne called. Alphys ignored it.

"S-So you can reset? W-When was your last save point?"

Frisk looked down at her feet. "Right when I moved here. After the barrier was broken."

Alphys looked at her in awe. Someone that powerful must be important. "I-I-I saw you. In the papers. You looked s-so familiar, I told myself that we m-must've met before. I-I built a memory device t-to help me remember...but I never knew w-why there was a time gap." Alphys said, shaking her head in amazement.

"So...what happened after the reset?"

"I lived life normal here. I never went out that certain day and I never got taken in. But now, since they didn't have me as a subject..." Frisk dropped her voice to a whisper.

"I think they're planning to kill off humanity."

Alphys' eyes widened. "T-They're coming back? B-But why?"

"I think it's-"

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?"

Alphys and Frisk both jumped 8 feet in the air when G's voice cut through their conversation. The skeleton chuckled as he took out a cigarette.

"Everyone seems to be pretty jumpy today, huh?"

Alphys' face turned dark red as she huffed. Frisk continued to look at her feet. "Y-You know, it's rude t-to interrupt c-conversations."

G smirked. "Yeah, but it was getting pretty boring with Undyne and MTT.

Alphys gasped. "Mettaton's out?!" Frisk looked at her in confusion, not remembering the name Mettaton.

She rushed downstairs, G right behind her, and once they were on the escalator, a chair nearly hit them. Frisk looked around and decided to go down the other one on the other side of the room.

"Ah, Undyne, your battle skills are too....mmm, how should I say this, aggressive." Mettaton squealed, while dodging another chair.

"How's this for aggressive?!" Undyne shouting, lifting the chunk of wall Mettaton broke.

"Undyne, stop!" Alphys cried. Undyne froze at the voice of the scientist before sighing and putting the wall down. Frisk was slowly walking towards Mettaton, who was facing in the other direction.

"What's wrong, Undyne? How come little ol' Alphys got to ya?" Mettaton taunted, a smirk evident on his face. Frisk jumped in between them as G held Undyne back.

"A human!" Mettaton gasped. Frisk held her arms out, as a way to say stop fighting. Mettaton walked over and grabbed Frisk's arm, inspecting it carefully. "I don't know how you got your hands on a human, Alphys, but this is absolutely amazing for my show!" He exclaimed, finally showing something other than cockiness.

G growled, and Frisk locked eyes with him. She questioned his sudden anger silently and he glanced at Mettaton, who was now on the phone.

Alphys shoved them out of the room before the robot could ask anymore questions.

"Wait here," she said before disappearing downstairs.

G scowled. "I don't like that guy." He said, inhaling a cigarette.

Undyne smirked at his obvious jealousy. "He certainly was interested in Frisk," she remarked, glancing at Frisk. Her smirk fell when she noticed Frisk wasn't paying attention to them.

Frisk had been staring at her hands, lost in thought. She was thinking about them. If they were really the ones behind this.

"Frisk?" G asked gently. No reply. He sat down next to her and snaked his arm around her waist, his face giving a hint of blush as he'd never touched Frisk like this before.

She snapped out of her daze and gazed at G so intensely he chuckled nervously. She looked as if she was going to break.

"Are you okay? What's happened?" He asked, his face lined with worry and confusion.

She opened her mouth, then closed it again, her words stuck in her throat.

She wanted so badly to tell G and Undyne who did it and what they did to her, but she couldn't manage to get the words out.

Luckily, Alphys came back up. "Hey guys!" She exclaimed, looking visibly relieved. "So, we never got a chance to talk about why you guys came here."

Undyne nodded, giving Kitty an anime action figure to play with. "Someone's been going after Frisk. G told us that he found out this plan, but we don't know who started it."

Alphys locked eyes with Frisk, who shook her head sadly.

Undyne continued. "G snuck into their lair and found out they want to kill off humanity." She then looked at Frisk, who was shaking. "But they want to preserve Frisk, the last red soul in Asriel."

Alphys nodded, taking all of this in.

"A long time ago, there was a duo. A pair of scientists, doing far more dangerous experiments than anyone ever imagined." Alphys said, nervously fidgeting with her glasses.

Frisk snapped to look at her, panic in her eyes. Alphys promised! She promised she wouldn't tell Undyne and G who they were!

"Their names were Gaster and Chara."

There was silence for a count of three before Frisk finally broke, running out of the room, out of the lab. Alphys stepped forward, but Undyne held her back. Undyne gestured to G, who was already racing after her.

Frisk collapsed in the middle of the Hotlands, sobbing and shaking in fear.

G found her and rushed to her side, hugging and shushing her.

"It's okay, Frisk, it's okay, I'll protect you, you're safe."

Frisk found it amazing how G knew she was afraid without her telling him anything.

G forced her shoulders back, examining her tear stained face.

"Tell me everything."

Words: 1058
Hullo guys! Sorry this wasn't as long as some of my other chapters, but I've gotten writers block. Anyways, I love you all! Thank you so much! *mwah mwah*


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