Connection Between Us (xxxten...

By shainaulmer

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An Xxxtentacion love story♥️ More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not An Update
Not An Update
Chapter 8
Not An Update
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not An Update
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Not An Update
Not An Update
Not An Update
Chapter 14
Not An Update
Not An Update
Not An Update
Not An Update
Chapter 15
Not An Update
Not An Update
Not An Update
Pray For Xxxtentacion
Pray For Xxxtentacion Pt.2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Not An Update: My Special Thanks
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
My Special Thanks
Heyyyy My Loves🫶🏽 LISTEN UP!🗣

Chapter 5

5.4K 181 150
By shainaulmer

I woke up at 8:30 to the sun hitting me dead in the face. I sighed then picked up my phone to see if I had any notifications. I had a text from Kolbey and Leslie. After messaging them back I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself while scratching my messy hair. I opened my cabinet and pulled out my toothbrush and toothpaste and began brushing til I felt the need to stop. After finishing that, I took at bath rag and started washing my face, ears and behind my ears just before putting the rag in the container where the rest of my used rags were.

I walked out the bathroom and proceeded my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and studied all the foods I had stuffed inside but I didn't want any of that. I was very picky when it came to food. I knew I shouldn't have bought a lot of it because I wasn't gonna be eating it no time soon. I then went over to my pantry to find something in there. I scanned through all the junk food I also had stuffed inside.

After a few minutes of looking, I finally pulled out a chocolate granola bar. I opened the bar then popped half of it into my mouth while walking over to the livingroom and turing on the TV. I flipped through channels but didn't see anything I wanted to watch. So I turned on Netflix. I type in 13 Reasons Why. This show was very suicidal and sad. My mother hated when I watched it because she thought that I would get the idea of trying to commit suicide. I never got the thought of doing it. I just really loved the entertainment it gave me.

Almost getting to the third episode, my phone started ringing. It was my dad so I happily answered it.

"Hay dad" I said.

"Hay dad? You can call ya mother but not your father. I'm starting to think that you forgot all about me" he said causing me to feel bad.

"I havent forgot about you dad. I've just been busy lately. School, homework, still trying to get more things that I need for my place."

He laughed and said "I know L Bug, I'm just messing with ya. So how's everything going in Miami?"

"Everythings great I guess. Just having a hard time getting use to this place that's not where I grew up at."

"Dont worry, you'll get use to it. I was the same way when I moved out of my house ancients ago. How's school?? You're not letting any boys distract you are you?"

I laughed and said "No dad, I haven't met any guy yet" I said lyin. I wasnt gonna tell him about the weird guy because knowing my dad, he'll race down here as fast as he could just to protect his one and only baby girl.

"Good cus I don't wanna have to come up there and show out."

"Dont worry daddy, I'm fine. How's mom doing?"

"She's ok. She sits in your bedroom sometimes and reminisce those times she use to rock you to sleep. I have to hug her and tell her that everything is gonna be ok." he said with a low deep voice.

"Wow. Dad, I'm really having second thoughts about this. Im feeling home sick. Everyone misses me. And now mom is upset. I think I need to pack up and come home. Maybe go to a community college there."

"Lauren sweety, this has been your dream since I can remember. Your mother and I are happy for you. Yea she misses you and so do I but we don't need you to turn down your dream because of us. We want you to stay in Miami. Don't give up ok?"

"Ok dad" I said.

"Well Im gonna get going. Your mother and I are gonna go downtown and get some dinner. I love you L Bug."

"I love you tok dad."

I hung up the phone then thought about what my father said. And he as right. I couldn't give up now. I've worked too hard in high school to get here. I wasn't gonna turn around now. He always knew what to say.

Missing my family back home, I went over to my shelf filled with hundreds of books. I pulled out a photo album that were filled with old family memories. I flipped through the book laughing at some of the old pictures that were taken years ago. There were old pictures of when my dad took me, my mom, Leslie and Kolbey to Disneyland, pictures of me at a family reunion with family members I haven't seen in a couple of years, me opening my presents on Christmas, and also me dressed as a ladybug for Halloween. I kept flipping through more photos and one caught my attention. It was a picture of my mother holding me right after giving birth. I was wrapped in a pink small blanket with white bunnies. It was sad because I still kept that blanket til this day.

Looking back at those old pictures made me wanna cry so from keeping the water works from coming, I closed the album then put it back on the shelf.

The rest of the day was a chill day and I had nothing to do. I usually ate when I was bored but for some reason, I just wasnt hungry and that was strange because I always ate. I didn't wanna watch anything on Netflix because I ran outta movies to watch. Sonya went somewhere far for a few days so she could help her dad with some things. This was the perfect time to chill with Kolbey and Leslie but sadly.......they weren't here with me.

I couldn't understand how I could be bored mentioning the fact that I lived in Miami Florida. There were plenty of things for me to do but I was never a going out the house girl. I stayed cooped up in the house all the time.

Hours went by and by the time I knew it, it was 8:30. And I also found a movie to watch which was Childs Play. I loved that freaking movie even though I watched it a thousand times. So to go with my movie, I wanted to pop some popcorn and watch it.

After letting it pop for 2mins, it was finally done. I pulled out a little bottle of butter and squirted some all over my popcorn. Just as I began to sit down and get comfortable, a knock on the door had started.

I sat the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in the livingroom. I opened the door and was surprised at who stood there. The weird guy. I had no idea why he was here. I didn't have any music playing loud. What was it that he wanted.

"Can I help you?" I said getting smart with him the same way he did me a few days ago.

"Haha, very funny" he said sarcastically. "Look I just came to say I'm sorry for the past few days. Thought about it last night and felt bad."

"Finally came to your senses?" I asked.

"Look I don't apologize this often. Actually I don't do it at all. So are you gonna except it or what."

"Ok ok, I expect your apology."

"Coo." I said as we both stood there awkwardly.

We didn't say anything else which made it very uncomfortable. Then he finally broke the silence.

"Is that Childs Play?"

"Yea. I actually have all of them." I told him.

"You? Watch scary movies?"

"Am I not suppose to?" I said with my eyebrow turnt up.

"Well you just seem a little too girly. You look like the type to be in that Love&HipHop shit."

"Im not into that reality show stuff. More into scary movies."

"Same here. You're like the only girl I know that doesn't watch that shit. Its all fake." he said causing both of us to laugh.

"Well I gotta get going Lauren."

"Wait, you never did tell me how you knew my name." I said

"Your necklace." he said.

"My necklace?" I asked confused.

"The one around your neck that says Lauren?" he pointed.

That's right. I did have on a necklace my grandma got made for me for my 16th birthday that had my name written in cursive. And the whole time I thought that he was stalking me.

"I'm Jahseh by the way." he said then walked off.

Ok so he wasn't that weird......maybe just a little, and he did take the time out of his day to come and apologize. He also liked scary movies so I asked him if he wanted to come in and watch the movie with me.

Almost reaching the last step, I stopped him in his track.

"Hay Jahseh! Um would you like to come in and watch this movie with me?"

"You sure? I don't wanna ruin what you have going on" he said sarcastically knowing damn well he wanted to chill.

I laughed then said "Boy get in here."

He ran back up the stairs and into my place. He made it in and it looked like he was amazed at what he saw.

"Nice place. Girly but nice."

"Thank you. Someone's being nice I see."

"Don't get use to it. I'll still be a pain in the ass."

I laughed then I lead him to the couch. We both sat down then I pressed play while grabbing the popcorn of the coffee table.

"Popcorn?" I asked Jahseh.

"Sure." he said grabbing some out the bowl and popped some into his mouth.

"Wow, you must really like butter." he said balling his face up because it was too much on there.

"Theres never a such thing called too much butter."

We sat and watched the movie til my phone buzzed and I realized that it was a message from Leslie. I picked it up noticed that she sent me and picture. Curious to know what it was I clicked on the message. She sent me a picture of the new pink and gray Jordan's that just came out. They were cleans as hell. Right after texting her back. I put my phone on silence then placed it back on the table. Just before continuing to watch the movie, Jahseh was staring at me the whole time.


"No, it was actually my bestfriend Leslie. Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." he joked.

"Haha smart ass." I said back at him.

"Nahh, just playing. But wassup?"

"Why is it that you're always staring at me?"

"Im I not allowed to stare where I wanna? I mean we do live in America where there's free rights."

"Yea but you know, I'm just asking. I mean, you stare at me more than my ex boyfriend did."

He popped some more popcorn into his mouth while doing that sexy ass smirk he always did. It was really cute actually.

"Sorry, I'll stop." he said

"No I'm not telling you to. It's just that I was curious of why you did it."

"So you want me to keep staring at you is what you're saying?"

"Shut up. I'm saying that which ever one you do is ok with me." I said while laughing.

"Coo." he said while watching the movie.

"Can I ask you another?" I asked while looking down.

"Hit me with it." he said.

"Why does everyone think you're weird. And why do you where such dark clothes and covered with tattoos?"

I know I was asking too much but I was curious.

"Well first off, I'm not weird, I'm completely being myself. And two, wearing dark clothes is how I feel."

"How do you feel?"

He lowered his head down and just sat for a seconds then he began playing with one of his pitch black dreads that hung in his face. Finally he spoke.

"I feel dead inside."


"I don't like to talk about it because no one ever seems to care and I'm not that good with opening up to people."

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm a good listener."

He hesitated then began speaking.

"I feel like this because I never really had anyone who cared for me. When I was young, my mother wasn't able to take care of me so she would pass me around family member to family member."

"What about your father?" I asked.

"My father left us and started his own family. I tried to commit suicide three times but someone was always there to stop me. I've been to jail four times. One more time and I'm going away for a long time. So fuck what everyone has to say. They don't know me. They only know of me and have no idea what I've been through. The only person to ever show me respect and love is my bestfriend Stokeley. We met my first two months in jail and every since then, he's been like a brother."

"Im sorry Jahseh. Well if you ever need anything or anyone to talk to, I'm here" I said putting my hand on his back rubbing it to make him feel better.

"Thanks." he said.

I felt bad for always calling him weird. I learned that everyone's dealing with things. Just because someone dressed or acted different, didn't make them weird. And to be honest, I didn't see Jahseh as that weird guy anymore. I saw his as a normal person with a touching past story.

"So tell me about you." he said

"What do you wanna know?"

"Anything. Tell me about yourself."

"Well I don't wanna sound like I'm bragging but I kinda grew up very wealthy. My parents are still married and I'm the only child. Its not all that cool though."

He laughed and then said "Not that cool? So being rich isnt that cool?"

"Not when you have fake family members coming out of nowhere asking for money. I hate that."

"I feel ya. Ya know you're not that bad." he joked.

"Are you kidding me? You're the one I should be saying that too." I said while laughing.

"Ok, I might've been a little annoying with the with the music and staring thing." he said

"Ya think?"

Me and Jahseh became friends that night and we exchanged numbers. He wasnt all that bad.

The rest of the night we watched multiple scary movies, laughed, joked and ate tones of snacks I had stored in my pantry. And by the time I knew it, the time was 1:20am. Jahseh had gotten tired and decided that he'd get home and hit the hay.

I walked him up to the door then we said our goodbyes.

"Well thank you for the movie, snacks and the listening. You're the first girl I ever told my secrets too."

"Well like I said, I'm always here for a good talk......and laugh."

"Thank you. Good night Lauren."

"Good night."

I shut the door then got ready for bed because I was tired as hell.

~How did this one go??🤔I thought this one was pretty good to me!! And it gets better. Tune in for more~😎

(Btw, I really wanna take this time out to thank the few people who read my story💓. It's not a lot of you but it meant the world to me because I've been waiting and waiting for people to discover my story. My goal next is to get ten more people to read it. But for the people who did, I thank and love you for it) 😘💙---excuse me if I made any mistakes btw😣😊

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