Falling for the Guy Who is No...

By Tellis1017

189 1 0

Lillian goes out with her friends every week and they pick on her about not having a boyfriend. She says she... More

Falling for the Guy Who is Not My Type
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter 4

9 1 0
By Tellis1017

Chapter Four - Can I Kiss You?

I couldn't find my hair brush anywhere. It has to be somewhere. I know my brother wouldn't use it, because he doesn't like sharing things like such. I don't blame him though. I looked under my bed, in my closet, in the bathroom, and I even looked in the kitchen. I haven't even been in the kitchen since the last time I saw the dang brush. 

I heard the front door open and close. Richard was already inside, so I figured Henry came by...again. But then I heard two voices. They were familiar and I haven't heard those voices in such a long time it feels like. I slowly walked out of my room and down the hall. I listened to the voices again. They were talking to Richard. 

I stood at the top of the steps. Should I go talk to them? I don't know. It would be rude of me if I didn't talk to them. I took in a deep breath and slowly walked down the stairs. I found them in the living room talking to Richard. 

I slapped a fake smile on my face and said, "hey mom and dad." 

"Hey sweetie, sorry we were gone for so long," my mother said as I was hugging my father.  

"That's...fine, I guess," I said and then mumbled under my breath, "I'm used to it." I looked at Richard and he genuinely looked happy to see our parents. I sighed. He's still young and he thinks they're going to be around more often. The only way they would be around more often is if they quit their job, which I doubt they will do. They put their work before their own two children. 

I feel so bad for Richard. I don't want to see him hurt. The front door opening and closing brought me out of my thoughts. I peeked my head out of the living room and saw Henry at the front door taking his shoes off. He saw me and was about to talk, but I gave him a signal to be quiet. He looked at me confused. 

I smoothly stepped out of the living room and walked to Henry. "My parents just arrived," I whispered to him. He quickly slipped his shoes back on. My parents don't like their nephew too much. They heard all the things-more like rumors-about him when he was still in high-school and they highly disapproved of him. 

"Bye, I'll see you later," Henry said. I gave him a quick hug and then he left. 

I walked back into the living room where my dad was talking to my mom about some business deal. I honestly didn't understand it at all. My phone vibrated and I took it out of my back pocket to see who it was. I didn't know the number, but I opened the text anyway. 

Hey, this is Ben. I have an emergency, which involves Noah. I need your help. -Ben 

Send me the address and I'll be there a.s.a.p. -Lilly 

Ben sent me their home address a couple minutes later and then I headed over there after saying goodbye to my family. My parents didn't seem to care at all. How lovely they are? Note the sarcasm. 

When I arrived at their house I was impressed. It looked clean, well from the outside. They're guys, so it will probably look different on the inside. They live really close to Rachel. I knocked on the door and Derrick opened it up. 

"Hey Lillian, I'm so glad you're here. Come inside," he said. I still don't know why they want me here. Ben came around the corner. 

"Hey, okay, so Noah has been acting really weird. He received a phone call earlier; maybe three hours ago. Ever since then he's been out of it. Both Derrick and I have tried talking to him, but he won't talk back," Ben explained. 

"At first he lay on the couch and didn't speak. A while later he started doing push-ups and some other work-out. Now, he's playing the drums non-stop and it is driving us insane," Derrick added. 

"So...why am I here?" I still didn't know why I was here and I really wanted to know why. 

"We think you could help. I'm sure you could get him to talk," Ben said with a hopeful smile. I sighed. 

"Where is he?" I asked. 

"He's in the music room. I'll show you where it is," Derrick said. We walked down the hall and took a right and the music room was a couple doors down. This is bigger on the inside then you would think. "Good luck," Derrick said and patted me on the shoulder before walking away. 

I cracked the door open a tad bit. I looked around the room. It was a big room. They had a small stage with two microphones with their own stands, speakers, drum set, and a few guitars. There was a couch facing the stage and a recliner by the far wall.  

I looked at Noah who was indeed playing the drums. He looked so into it I was a bit scared. I looked him over and saw him wearing something I never imagined him wearing. Every time I've seen Noah he's wearing skinny jeans and a dark shirt. The shirts are mainly BVB t-shirts. But right now he's wearing no shirt, basketball shorts, and his bandana. He has sweat on his face and chest...and abs. Oh my sweet baby...he has some fine abs. I need to snap out of it. I'm trying to help these guys and all I'm doing is thinking about how amazing Noah looks.  

I walked in the room and called his name, but he kept playing. I stepped on the stage so I was closer and called his name again. He looked zoned-out. The only way I knew to get him to stop playing is if I took the drum sticks from him. 

I stood beside him and like a ninja I grabbed the drum sticks from his hands. He turned to look at me. His face was blank, but I could see hurt in his eyes. Not hurt from me, but from someone else. I then grabbed his bandana and he narrowed his eyes at me. I put it around my head, just like he wears it around his own. 

"Noah, you need to take a break from playing the drums," I said in a serious tone, but I almost started laughing afterwards, because I sounded like I was a teacher speaking to a first grader after they did something wrong. 

He tried snatching the sticks from me but I knew what he was doing and I pulled them away. "Give them back," he said in a monotone way. 

"No; I said you need to take a break," I said. He stood up and tried to get them again, but I wouldn't let him. "Derrick and Ben are worried about you. They said you got a phone call and ever since then you won't speak to them." 

He stepped forward and I stepped back. I turned around before I backed up into anything and ran. I ran behind the couch and Noah was close behind me. The door was in clear view. I opened it up and ran towards their living room. Derrick was writing lyrics while Ben was strumming his guitar. 

I jumped over the couch-another ninja move-and went behind the coffee table. "Help me, Derrick," I said while panting. I need to work out more often. 

"What do you need help with?" He asked like nothing was going on around him, but I was seriously about to be attacked. 

"I stole Noah's drum sticks...and bandana. He's out to get me now," I said. 

"Good luck staying alive. He adores his bandana and his drum sticks," Derrick replied. I heard Ben laughing, but this was no laughing matter. 

Noah jumped on the coffee table and I ran around him before he could catch me. I ran up the stairs. I didn't know where I was going. I mean, this is the first time I've ever stepped foot into their house. When I saw the words 'Noah's Room' spray painted on a door I knew I could go in there. I shut the door behind me immediately, but Noah caught it. 

"If you don't hand me the drum sticks I will tickle you," he warned. 

"You need a break from them though," I said. 

"Give them to me, Lillian," he said. His hands were reaching out to tickle me and I shook my head. 

"Please don't do this; you know you don't want to," I said. I hate it when people tickle me. 

He got to me and started the tickling. I couldn't handle it. I laughed my head off. While I was trying to get away from him I fell over and brought Noah with me. We landed on his bed. He was hovering over me. His long pitch black hair was tickling my forehead, but he didn't even know. We stared into each other's eyes. I didn't realize his eyes were blue until now. They are amazing looking. There I go again; thinking about Noah and how good he looks. I really need to stop this. 

"Can you give the drum sticks back now?" He said softly. His face was really close and I mean super close. I was so close that I could kiss him, but I'm not. There go my thoughts again. I can't handle them when it comes to Noah. 

"No," I answered simply with a smirk. 

"I can tickle you again if you don't give them back, you know?" 

"I can't give them back," I said. 

"Why can't you?" He asked. 

"I lost them after I came into your room. Good luck finding them; your room is a mess," I said with a chuckle. He looked to the side to see if he could see them anywhere. I moved his head back to where it originally was and we were staring into each other's eyes again. "Don't look for them now. Take a break from playing the drums, at least for today." 

"Okay," he said and started to move away, but I stopped him. 

"Derrick and Ben said that you haven't talked to them in three hours. Are you okay?" I asked. I gently laid my hand on his shoulder, until now I forgot that he was shirtless. His skin was warm and soft. Okay, I seriously need to stop thinking about Noah like this. We're only friends. It's not like I like him or anything. 

"No," he answered, "I'm not okay. My parents called me." Before he could explain I placed my index finger over his lips. 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to; it sounds personal," I said. He nodded his head.  

"Maybe some other time," he replied, but it sounded weird with my finger over his lips. I chuckled. 

"Why haven't you taken the bandana from me? I'm positive you like it more than your drum sticks," I asked. 

He smirked and the faintest of pink appeared on his cheeks. Is he blushing? "You look hot with it on, but before you leave I'm going to need it back," he answered. 

He looked down at my lips and stared for two seconds before looking back at my eyes. He cleared his throat like nothing just happened. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asked. I stared at him for what felt like a year, but it was nearly five seconds. I pointed to my cheek. He slowly bent his head down and he kissed me sweetly on the cheek. His lip ring was cold, but it felt nice. Once he was staring back into my eyes again I spoke up. 

"I'm not ready for a kiss on the lips," I answered honestly. I've never kissed anyone before and I'm scared I'm not good, so I didn't want to mess anything up. I don't know how to kiss. "I'm sorry to disappoint you," I added. 

"No," he smiled, "you didn't disappoint me. If you don't want a kiss on the lips yet, I won't give you a kiss on the lips yet. Unless you don't want a kiss on the lips from me at all," he said. 

"No," crap, I replied too fast and I rushed my answer. "I mean, I would like to kiss you, but some other time." He nodded his head in understanding. 

He kissed my forehead, then my cheek again, and finally my neck. He lingered on the neck. That's right when we heard the bedroom door open. We snapped our heads in the direction of the door. Derrick was leaning against the door frame. Wouldn't you walk away if you saw two people like this? Apparently Derrick doesn't walk away. 

"Is this how you get him to talk?" Derrick asked while pointing at us. 

"Get out," Noah said firmly. Derrick walked away. Noah looked back at me and I gave him a sweet smile. 

"I should go," I said, "my parents came home after two months of not seeing them." 

"Oh, then you should go, especially if it has been that long," Noah said. 

"I don't want to see them necessarily. I just want to get back because my brother is there with them alone," I said. "I'll explain some other time about my parents and you can tell me about your parents, but I'm not forcing you to." 

"Okay," he nodded his head. "I'll see you some other time then." 

"Yeah, text me later or something," I suggested, "and clean your room or I won't be coming back." 

"Bye Lillian," he said with a smile.  

On the way down the stairs and to the front door I remembered I was still wearing Noah's bandana. I took it off and placed it on the end post of the stairs. I waved goodbye to Ben and Derrick before leaving.  

I was dreading on seeing my parents, but I care enough about my brother to go home and make sure he's okay. I looked at the clock when I got in my car. I have been here for an hour. When I arrived home I was shocked, but not really surprised at the same time. 

My parents had already left. Richard said they got a call from work and they just left. I gave Richard a hug. He looked hurt. I hate to see him hurt.  

We ended up watching the Nickelodeon channel and eating a bunch of junk food to make us feel better. I sent Henry a text saying my parents were gone and Richard and I needed company. So Henry spent the rest of the night watching Nickelodeon with us and eating lots of junk food.

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