Descendants of The Sun: The S...

By ApplePie0097

128K 2.5K 877

The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where... More

Chapter One-Part One
Chapter One-Part Two
Chapter One-Part Three
Chapter One-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part One
Chapter Two-Part Two
Chapter Two-Part Three
Chapter Two-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part One
Chapter Three-Part Two
Chapter Three-Part Three
Chapter Three-Part Four
Chapter Three-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part Six
Chapter Four-Part One
Chapter Four-Part Two
Chapter Four-Part Three
Chapter Four-Part Four
Chapter Five-Part One
Chapter Five-Part Two
Chapter Five-Part Three
Chapter Five-Part Four
Chapter Six-Part One
Chapter Six-Part Two
Chapter Six-Part Three
Chapter Six-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Seven-Part Three
Chapter Seven-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part Five
Chapter Seven-Part Six
Chapter Eight-Part One
Chapter Eight-Part Two
Chapter Eight-Part Three
Chapter Eight-Part Four
Chapter Eight-Part Five
Chapter Nine-Part One
Chapter Nine-Part Two
Chapter Nine-Part Three
Chapter Nine-Part Four
Chapter Nine-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part One
Chapter Ten-Part Two
Chapter Ten-Part Three
Chapter Ten-Part Four
Chapter Ten-Part Five

Chapter Ten-Part Six

2.2K 38 18
By ApplePie0097

"My plan was always to run away. You..who is braver than anyone else loved me, who is more foolish than anyone else. For that, I'm grateful and sorry. If you're reading this will, this stupid me is hurting you to the very end. Don't forgive me. As much as I thought of you, I hope you'll be happy. I love you dearly, Yoon Myeong Joo. Whether I live or die, it will never change."

(Seo Dae Young)

Five days later
Chuan-Shan Revolutionary Base
Sichuan, China

   The air was sombre and the weather was dark at the military cemetery in China, where fellow soldiers and comrades gathered for the burial of a fallen soldier. The wind blew softly in the mountainous region, sending dried brown leaves flying harmoniously against the wind while lasted. It was a perfect resting place for a soldier–the calm, green atmosphere was so inviting and relaxing, the picturesque view of the valley breathtaking.

   Si Jin watched in silence in his seat, dressed in his ceremonial greens together with Dae Young as the Chinese honour guards paraded in sync, ceremonial rifles in hand. Due to strict military restrictions in China, as well as some 'customs' he had to observe diligently, he was not allowed to be the pallbearer even though he badly wanted to. This was Hong Guan's final journey, and Si Jin wanted to be with him till the end. The men of Phoenix Team, led by Hong Jun, carried the casket of their fallen Captain, the Chinese flag along with the PLA flag draped on top of it.

   Si Jin and Dae Young were the only Koreans in the event. It was awkward, but they didn't care. What really mattered was that they did what soldiers should and always do–honour the fallen. They watched as the casket was lowered, the younger brother visibly trying to hold back tears, as the honour guards stood in a line in attention and aimed the rifles into the air. It was amazing how well-synchronised the Chinese were, moving in orderly fashion in everything they do. As the casket was lowered, the guards fired their rifles altogether.

   When the burial was over, when everyone else had left, Si Jin didn't leave. He stood in front of the tombstone of his comrades all alone, the wind blowing behind him. He had lost another comrade once again; Hong Guan joining the list of fallen heroes Si Jin knew very well. Si Jin crouched and slowly placed a hand on the tombstone, head lowered to the soil below. "They say only the dead have seen the end of war." Si Jin muttered softly. "Plato said that." He chuckled softly. "How weird it sounds. I wonder if you actually saw how it ended. If you had seen it, then you must have foreseen this end on yourself. What an idiot you are. Why do you want to risk it all despite knowing how the outcome will be?"

   The only thing that replied to him was the ruffling of trees and eternal silence.

   "Perhaps, this is what we live with everyday. We cannot escape death." The Major looked around him briefly, taking note every tombstone he could see. All of them were inscribed in Mandarin, a dialect he didn't fully master. The good thing was that the writings were used by the previous Korean dynasties before they transformed into the handwriting they used today, so even though So Jin might not be able to pronounce it correctly in Mandarin, he could still figure out the names in his own mother tongue. Those tombstones belonged to the people of high rank, and probably those who had made great contributions to the nation. He sighed. "Well, at least you have a lot of heroes accompanying you now. You won't feel lonely. In fact, this place is beautiful."

   Si Jin felt a single drop of rain landing on his hand, telling him that it was time to leave. He was reluctant, but there's a life to move onto. Grief would only shatter him deeply, and as a well-trained soldier, he knew very well that grieving could do no good, especially in this unpredictable world. At any moment, they would be sent to do the most dangerous work no ordinary human can do. There was always time to grief, but not right now.

   "I have to go now." Si Jin pryed out a small smile as his hand slipped away from the tombstone. "Don't get mad at me. I'll still see you every now and then. I heard that you like tulips. I'll get you one the next time I see you. God knows when will it be, but be rest assured, I'll give you that favourite flower. Oh, by the way, I'm planning to get married soon, so I wish that you will be there." Si Jin blushed slightly upon saying his intention. He had never mentioned it so openly. "Wish me luck, my friend."

   Si Jin stood up finally, the moment when the rain began to pour in a drizzle. He stood in attention, and gave his comrade a military salute.

   "Goodbye, my friend. May you rest in peace."


Somewhere in Beijing
Several hours later

   "Well who shall we toast to?" Hong Jun asked Si Jin and Dae Young as he lifted his glass in the air. "Us, or the world?"

   "To us for staying alive." Si Jin spoke firsts raising his glass.

   "To us for eliminating evil." Dae Young smirked, raising the glass as well.

   "Very well then–for us in keeping the world safe." Hong Jun said last with a wide grin, followed by the two men. "Geonbae!"

   "Geonbae!" The three men cheered, softly knocking their glasses together before filling the wine in a whole.

   The three men were in a food stall located in a quiet lane in the outskirts of the capital city, enjoying Chinese dishes and rinks under the cover of the shade. It was already late at night, but the men had no intention of sleeping. The men were no longer in the dress uniforms, donning civilian attire as they enjoyed the night life of China's downtown area. The scenario was more or less similar to that in Seoul, except for the language barrier and the difference in taste buds.

   Like Korea, the people here were also friendly and kind-mannered. Perhaps, there was more in common between these two Asian giants than they actually thought they had. Historically, they were related. If it wasn't for politics, they could have been close friends. Now, ignoring politics and status quo, Si Jin, Dae Young and Hong Jun were enjoying their moments together, drinking and cheering and teasing as if they were one. They might be different in affiliation, separated by ideology, and have different core values, but at that moment in China, those things were nonexistent.

   How they wished that this moment could last forever. In fact, if it did, this world could have been a better place to live in.

   If only personal greed never existed, Sun Yang might still continue being a good man. They could have a good drink together if they wanted to. Sun Yang, Hong Guan, Hong Jun, Si Jin and Dae Young–one complete family of honourable men banded together with a single goal of keeping the world safe, and bonded together without discrimination or disrespect and instead filled with honour and pride. They were good in what they do. It was an honour for all of them to be a soldier. The one thing they had in common was the great wish that South Korea and China won't go to war, and continue forging great ties with each other.

   It was too bad though, that Sun Yang eventually chose the wrong path, turning him from a once-honourabke soldier into a sadistic, bloodthirsty killer. The bond was broken, the code lost, and the value of brotherhood disposed, and they ended up fighting against each other. In the end of the day, the terrible effects of one man caused another man's life. Previously, in that same spot, they had a big toast. Now, there were only three of them–a shadow of their glorious past. No one could ever imagine that this was the outcome they had to face, a bitter pill of reality to swallow.

   At least, they still have a bond to keep. What's left, they would try to preserve it as long as they could.

   "This is for my brother!" Hong Jun remembered saying that line before he killed Sun Yang with his rifle.

   Hopefully, he needn't have to do it again.


Republic of Korea
The next day

   Coffee tasted bland today, for some reason. He had never tasted anything like this. Usually, the coffee they made at his favourite café was the best, but today, it didn't. Yeung Joon couldn't figure out whether it was him or the taste of that coffee that destroyed his mood. As he watched Yoon Mi eating her breakfast in silence, he was jealous–jealous of the fact that she could still enjoy her food without worry. As for him, he had tonnes of things to be worried about.

   Once again, his father stepped in and made more mess to his life. It all began a day after the incident, when Yeung Joon was in a very weak state to recover in a quick pace. As a result, he was warded for a day to recuperate. Yoon Mi took the responsibility to ensure that Yeung Joon recovered quickly, and she did a very good job at that, albeit all the bickering. However, his mood was shattered when his father stormed into his ward with a look of fury.

   Yeung Joon remembered vividly how it progressed. As always, it never ended well.

   "You spoilt brat! What do you think you are doing?! You don't want to live anymore?!" His father hissed the moment he rudely made his entrance. He didn't bother to even close the door, and his yelling would certainly attract unnecessary attention. It never mattered to him anyway. "If you die, who's going to take my place?! I told you to quit being a soldier, but you refused! Look at you–a spent person! For once, why can't you–"

   "ENOUGH!" Yeung Joon had heard more than enough. His father would never understand him. All Yeung Joon had to do was only to resist. "Is that what you should do–yelling at me for doing a good deed?! Why can't you be a good abeoji and ask how your son is doing?!"

   "How dare you talk back to me! I'm your abeoji, you brat! I expect you to listen to me!"

   "Ani, you listen to me now!" Yeung Joon shouted back. "I did what I must! I don't need your consent to do what is right! I am a soldier, and forever will be! If you tell at me just because I risk my life for nothing, as you claim I did, then forget about me taking your place! It will never happen, no matter how much you hope I will!" Yeung Joon threw away the magazine he was reading onto the floor, venting his frustration.

   "Oh yeah? What makes you think that I will just let it happen? Let me tell you something–in my will, I've placed you as the right inheritor of my company! You, will take the seat no matter what! Quit being a soldier, and let go of your relationship with that doctor! Go back to the real world and live like one! She will only spoil you and poison your heart!"

   "YAH, ABEOJI!" Yeung Joon rose from his bed now, his anger filling his mind. He disliked anyone dishonouring Yoon Mi, especially when she did no wrong. She was just a doctor, not a puppet for play. "Don't you dare criticise Yoon Mi for this! She's innocent!"

   "She's not fit for you! She's a vermin, a pest!"

   Yeung Joon was abruptly interrupted by a soft shake on his left hand. He glanced at his hand, only to notice that Yoon Mi's hand was atop his. When he turned to look at her, he saw the concerned look on her face. She had finished her breakfast already. "I called you twice but you didn't respond. Gwaenchana?"

   "Gwaenchana." He shook his head, forming a fake smile he hoped could convince her that everything's alright. He didn't want to burden her with his family's issues, especially how his father characterised her. It hurt him real bad to see how caring she was, but yet seen as a thorn in his father's flesh; an obstacle that should be removed so that he could take the seat like his father wished. "I'm just...thinking, that's all. You're done already? Well, let's get going." Yeung Joon stood up, quickly shifting the topic before she could ask anymore. He offered her his hand in a gentlemanly way.

   Yoon Mi could only smirk at the gesture. She accepted his offer, placing her hand atop his as she stood up. "You're so insincere. Do better next time." She nudged his shoulder as they exited the café. Yeung Joon chuckled softly.

   They were about to enter Yeung Joon's car when a sudden honk brought them to a halt. Yeung Joon and Yoon Mi turned to the back, seeing a black limousine approaching them before parking behind the care in what looked like an action filled with haste. Yeung Joon recognised the limousine quickly, causing his to grunt as he placed his right hand on the hood and landed his forehead on it as Yoon Mi looked on with curiosity. Yoon Mi had exactly no idea whose limousine it belonged to, and why Yeung Joon was grunting. Somehow, her lips refused to open.

   Her questions were answered when Yeung Joon's father appeared out of the back seat of the limousine, donning a black suit and a flashy red tie. Compared to the way he was when he met Yoon Mi previously, the father looked way more handsome and downright serious. There was a look of disgust in his face, making her uncomfortable when his eyes glared directly at her like a hunter stalking its prey.

   Yeung Joon quickly step up against his father, mustering his army character. He was a different person once he was in his uniform, and today, Yeung Joon wanted to prove his point to his father–one should not mess with a soldier. "What do you want?" Yeung Joon asked directly and without hesitation once the father and son met face-to-face.

   "The two of you." His father replied instantly. "There's something I need to discuss with both of you. Come right now. There's no time." The father then turned around just like that and entered the limousine, the confused couple staring at each other in curiousity.

   Although doubting his father's intentions, he could not ignore the fact that his father sounded serious. Something in his mind told him to go and investigate for himself.

   Therefore, the couple followed the elder into the limousine. The vehicle sped off once the doors were closed.


Soryeo Group Building
   Yoon Mi was amazed by the architecture of the office. It was elegant, modern and sleek. All four corners of the office were painted yellow, showing vibrancy, the transparent table built in a curve, and the floors were made of white ceramic tiles that were so shiny that the reflection of the light nearly blinded her eyes. Facing the table on the wall was a large painting of Syngman Rhee–the first President of the free Republic of Korea. Large flower pots cornered the table next to the window, while the the large glass behind the table would elevate the person sitting on it, if she were to face him from the front. Under the painting was the coffee table as well as three sets of black leather sofas. There was a small vase with a fake plant on it.

   It was said that Soryeo Group had one of the best offices in the entire Korean peninsula. Indeed, those rumours were true. It was a wonder why Yeung Joon never wanted to inherit the seat.

   "Take a seat." The father gestured to the couple in a polite manner. Yeung Joon and Yoon Mi sat together on the left sofa, while the father sat in the middle of the sofa under the painting. "So, Jung-sonsaeng, I thought you've promised me that you'll convince my son to quit, and join me. I see that you've not done what you've promised." He asked directly at Yoon Mi, catching her completely off-guard, but what was worse was that the revealation shocked Yeung Joon to the core as he immediately glanced at Yoon Mi with bulging eyes.

   Yoon Mi sensed that she was in a wrong position. "I...I've not been able to...discuss this with Yeung Joon–"

   "Don't call my son like that. He's not yours. You should call him 'Mr Park'." The father interjected with his hands raised. "You're not part of the family yet. Don't be so friendly to people like us. As for you, you've broken your promise. By right, as a father, I have to decide what's best for my son." He took out a white envelope, which looked rather thick in appearance from his suit, and then dropped it in front of the couple. His action shocked the two of them, causing them to stare at the elder. "Ask how much you want, Jung-sonsaeng. I'll prepare the amount you need, as long as you stay away from Yeung Joon."

   "Abeoji!" Yeung Joon snapped, unable to accept his father's rash behaviour. "Mwohaneungoya?! You think she's your toy?!"

   "Yeung Joon-ah.."

   "Don't stop me, Yoon Mi! My abeoji's not thinking straight! He must be taught!" Yeung Joon gave his father a cold stare, which had no apparent effect on the elder. "I don't care what you've said to her, or what you've made her promise you to do. However, she's the one for me, and I'm not going to change it just because she didn't fulfill your ambitions!" He took the envelope and threw it aside rudely. "You have NO right to control my life!"

   "Jung-sonsaeng is an obstacle to the future I built for you, Yeung Joon! She must leave you, or you'll never get out of your pathetic life! She's not worthy for you!"

   "That's where you're wrong, abeoji." Yeung Joon challenged back. "She's not an obstacle, and she's not making my life pathetic! She made my life complete! Everytime I look into her eyes, I see honesty in her! She's dedicated, kind and full of compassion, unlike your second wife who seduced you just to get your money! Yoon Mi is the best person I've ever met, and no matter what, I'll protect her until the day I die. If you want to stop me, fine, but over my dead body first! There's no way you can separate us!"

   "Is that what you think?"

   "That's what I think!"

   The father scoffed upon hearing his son's reply. It was frustrating for him to hear all this 'bullshit'. No matter what, Yoon Mi must go, or else.... "Then , I'll continue pressuring you both, until one of you breaks. That's what I have to do to safe my empire. I cannot entrust my future on some girl who thinks that she can take my son away from me." He turned to Yoon Mi. "You, lady, are a vermin, must be destroyed!" He pointed at her, emphasising every word with poisonous meaning. "You're a witch, poisoning my son and using my gratitude for your own means! I've never met such a woman like you–two-faced opportunist! You are a shame of a doctor! You're easily bought, just like every doctor in the world! You forgotten the Hippocratic Oath for the sake of fame!"

   Yoon Mi was supposed to crack upon hearing those hurtful verbal assaults, but the last few lines the father said instead turned her short-lived sorrow into a volcanic anger. It's alright for him to curse her whatever he wanted, but to criticise her for being so materialistic and dishonouring the oath was one thing she could never accept. Her fury reaching its peak, she decided to give him a piece of her mind. She smacked the table hard, standing up in a show of defiance to a man she almost called 'father'. Her defensive stance surprised both the father and Yeung Joon, who had never expected her to react like this. "Park-sonsaeng, I know what you mean, but let me remind you that I've scrificed my youth and my time to get this far! You think it's easy to treat patients?! You think it's easy to operate patients, cutting their bodies apart just to fix a small problem?! Do you think it's easy for me to handle death each time a patient gives up?! Do you think it's easy for me, to handle VIPs like you who always demand doctors like me to do stupid things and then blame us when something goes wrong?!"

   The father stayed silent, shock still present in his mind that he couldn't respond to anything.

   "Anigodeun! You have no idea!" She fretted. "We sweat, we broken we hunger, just for the sake of keeping a patient alive, so that he or she could have a second chance even if that chance was only a day or two. Every life counts! It's not a mere responsibility, Park-sonsaeng. It's chivalry–to build a better world for people like you and me to live on." She paused for a moment, proceeding to pick the envelope on the floor before returning to her place. "True, some of us might be materialistic, but that doesn't mean we have completely forgotten our oath. And if you think that you can fool me with that so-called promise, and with this money, then I can say that you're the worst father I've ever seen in my life! I'll never leave Yeung Joon, that's for sure!"

   "You hear that? We're not separating!" Yeung Joon added, holding her left hand before showing their intertwined hands in front of the father.

   Although Yeung Joon was amazed by her unexpected defensive stance, he didn't like the way she talked to his father. Perhaps, it was necessary though, for if she just stay idle, her dignity would be gone. Score one for the couple, at least.

   The couple then stormed out of the office, leaving the father to brood silently.


Haesung Hospital Cafeteria
One month later

   Ever since the siege occured in the hospital, the staff were technically hit hard. Life wasn't the same anymore following that fateful day. Security was tightened with police patrols getting more frequent around the compounds, patients were seeking to get out of the hospital for they deemed the hospital somewhat unsafe, and worse, a few doctors requested to leave. That's the reason for the drastic drop of patients coming into the hospital, as well as the falling credibility of the hospital.

   Dr Song, and the rest of the crew felt the pinch. Already, a number of people had quit the internship programme because of the incident, causing young interns to dwindle in numbers. Without new blood, the current staff was in a state of overdrive–work hours extended for longer hours, doctors and nurses having short of sleep, and there was one case where a doctor actually fainted in his office due to sleep deprivation. In his own department alone, Dr Song had to make do with only a handful of interns left in the programme. He was all but beat in the end of the month.

   Luckily, he still could have his lunch, albeit a rushed one. Right now, he was joined by Ji Soo, Min Ji, Ja Ae, Chi Joon and Eun Hee. Needless to say, they were also being drained to the max. Chi Hoon nearly dropped his head on his own food, but fortunately, they managed to wake him up. He looked more like a lost ghoul than a doctor. "Take this drink. My eomma said that it can reenergise your body." Ji Soo offered a strange-looking brown-coloured liquid in a plastic bottle to Chi Hoon, earning curious stares from everyone on the table.

   "You're not going to poison me, aren't you?" Chi Hoon muttered with hesitation upon looking at that drink, flinching back a little. "I'm not going to drink that water of yours."

   "Yah, Ji Soo-ah, what's that?" Ja Ae asked.

   "It's a herbal tonic. Honestly, even I don't know how it works."

   "And yet you dare to say it's an energising drink?!" Dr Song gasped in horror. Normally, Ji Soo wasn't the typical person to believe in such traditional methods.

   "Well, that's what my eomma say."

   All of them sighed in dejection, appetite lost due to fatigue. They despaired, wondering how their lives would be in the near future. One certain thing was that if this went on, the hospital might one day close down, and they might lose their jobs. So much for preserving the Hippocratic Oath. In desperate times, people would do anything to ensure their very own survival.

   "Geunde, where's Kang-sonsaeng?" Ji Soo asked.


Haesung Hospital rooftop
   Yoon Mi sat in the middle of the helipad under the warm afternoon sun, enjoying her bread in silence. The weather was cloudy today and it reduced the heat by some degree. The cool, breezy wind blew against her back, making her comfortable.

   Her heart wasn't at ease, however. As she continued chewing her food, her thoughts kept replaying the moment she defended herself against Yeung Joon's father. She knew that she was way above the line. He was Yeung Joon's father, for goodness sake, not to mention that he was a founder of a great and influential firm. She didn't expect to see herself standing up for herself in such a rude manner, destroying some sort of dignity in him and showing him how aggressive she could be. That was not how she was raised to be–to challenge people verbally. For sure, she had painted a bad image in herself in front of the father.

   It had been over a month ever since that last meet, and from then on, the father never bothered them again. Yeung Joon was back to his normal self, accompanying her back home and going for dates together, sealing their relationship. It was a happy memory, she admitted, but she was restricted by the memories of her defiance, and those words the father had said. Indeed, she felt guilty for not discussing that matter with Yeung Joon, but this was not entirely her fault. She just couldn't find the time and place to do it. Both of them were busy as it is. Plus, she didn't like how his father looked down on doctors like herself, calling them materialistic. It was rude in some sense, but what she hated the most was that she snapped instead of thinking rationally. How could she earn the respect of the father if she had acted this way?

   Perhaps, the father was right–she was an obstacle to the father's ambitions. Besides, Yeung Joon deserved that seat. Why wouldn't he take it?

   He could have found himself a woman that suited his status too.

   She was too engrossed with her thoughts that she didn't realise that Mo Yeon was approaching her. The senior seemed quite surprised to see somebody taking her spot. Yoon Mi didn't respond one bit as Mo Yeon approached ever closer to her. Only when Mo Yeon touched Yoon Mi's shoulder, Yoon Mi jolted in surprise, eyes went wide and gasping loudly. Her sudden twitch shocked Mo Yeon as well, but it lasted for less than a second. "What are you doing here?" Mo Yeon inquired as she sat beside Yoon Mi. Yoon Mi noticed that her senior also had the same bread as hers.

   "Nothing." Yoon Mi answered simply, head lowered to the floor. "Just thinking."

   "Thinking about what? Something's bothering you, I see." Mo Yeon unwrapped her bun and ate it with a small bite.

   This time, Yoon Mi couldn't avoid it anymore. It was bugging her, the questions in her mind to be directed to Mo Yeon, to seek her advice and knowledge. After weeks of hesitation, now was the time to spill it out. It might be a mere coincidence that they met on the rooftop, but Yoon Mi had been expecting herself to ask those questions to Mo Yeon one day. The opportunity was now.

   She struggled to put her hesitations away for a moment, until she felt prepared to share. "Sunbaenim.." She began eventually, earning Mo Yeon's stare as the senior chewed her food. "How does it feel, to have a soldier as your namja chingu?"

   Mo Yeon stayed silent for a moment, her brain processing the information given from Yoon Mi. Mo Yeon was surprised that Yoon Mi suddenly asked that question, and in turn, incited her curiosity. Normally, they never had any discussions about their very own relationships with their own man. This was the first time. "Waeyo?" Mo Yeon asked back. "Yeung Joon's not suitable for you?"

   "Anigodeun. It's just that, I'm pretty uncertain. I mean, he's not just a soldier, he's also a son of a conglomerate. He has status, while I have none." She brooded. "He has skills, he has money, he has everything. He's in the army, and yet, he's not disturbed. What I'm saying is that he still has some money even after he leaves the army. He has everything in the world I don't even have." Yoon Mi shook her head, her tone of disappointment apparent. "I feel like, I'm not the one for him. I even yelled at his abeoji."


   "His abeoji said, harsh things about us doctors. I snapped, and I yelled at him." Yoon Mi cupped her face under her palms. "Oh, what kind of person I am? I'm so screwed."

   Mo Yeon observed the young interns for a moment, sensing how depressed she was. The funny thing was that her troubles made Mo Yeon smile for some reason. The most probable reason Mo Yeon could come up with was that it reminded Mo Yeon of her troubles during her time with Si Jin. Yoon Mi's troubles were like a mirror, reflecting Mo Yeon's problems in a different light and perspective. Yoon Mi's young, she understood. There was no doubt that there would be troubles in their relationship once a while. And after going through so much with Si Jin together, she felt kind of obliged to share her experience and hopefully, those experiences she shared could shed some light on Yoon Mi's personal relationship woes.

   "Looks like our Yoon Mi here is having some love problems!" Mo Yeon teased lightly, causing Yoon Mi to blush a little. "Well, your problem's almost the same as mine, even though my namja and I are of the same status–moderate-class people. I had my own troubles in determining how my future would be once I become his yeoja, but after everything we've been through, we discovered that our relationship is eternal."

   A short silence followed, with Yoon Mi anticipating Mo Yeon's reply.

   "Sometimes, it's not the job that prevents us from being together, but our own perception. I was like you once–I used to compare our dignity with a soldiers', only to realise that we are no different. In my point of view about you two, Yeung Joon's a rich man's son, and a good soldier, while you're just an ordinary doctor with a mission. I don't see how this will affect your relationship."

   "What do you mean?"

   "Status is impermanent, but love is." Mo Yeon smiled. "Don't let negativity bog you down. Trust yourself, trust him, and believe in the relationship you've built. Listen to your heart." She placed a palm on her chest. "Only when you see the things in a positive way, the situation may not be as bad as you think it is."

   Perhaps, Mo Yeon was right. She's overthinking it. In fact, there's no problem between them at all. Her concern was whether she actually suited him, but from what Mo Yeon said, where status never counted, Yeung Joon was just another ordinary human being after all. She shouldn't be afraid of status, they were just markers of identity. What's vital was the thing in a person's heart. As long as the person was pure, that was all it took.

   "Whether or not you suit him well enough, only you can figure it out yourself." Mo Yeon added. "The answer lies in your heart."

   The answer lies in her heart.

   Mo Yeon got that right.

   Looks like Yoon Mi has some homework to do.


Downtown Seoul
Later that night
   Dae Young and Myeong Joo enjoyed their time together, wandering around the streets aimlessly and free as a bird. She cuddled close to him, arms hands holding Dae Young's left arm like a baby while smiling like a cute girl. They were walking along the banks of the Han River, enjoying the night life.

   "Jagiya." She called out with a cute voice, Dae Young looking at her with a smiling face. "Jagiya, jagiya, jagiya. Jagiya." She giggled.

   "Why are you calling me that?" Dae Young chuckled softly, his cheeks blushing slightly when she said it out loud. In fact, she said it so obviously that a few passers-by gave them a weird look.

   "Waeyo? You don't like it?" She released her grip and stood in front of him, pouting her face. Then, in a playful stance, she put her hands together under her chin, and pulled off her most cutest expression she could ever make. "But I like calling you jagiya! It's so cool!" She went soft and seductive afterwards, showing off her femininity in a proud way. "Plus, you're mine now, so I can call you whatever I want." She touched the tip of his nose with her index finger.

   "Don't tempt me. I don't know what I'll do." Dae Young remained defiant against her spell, probably probing her reactions. "Besides, were in a public area! How could you call me jagiya so simply?" Dae Young tried to show his slightly dejected face, but his efforts only made her chuckle.

   "Aigoo, you're so stiff!" She spoke. "Relax a bit! We're not in the base, so stop being so formal!" She adjusted his collar slightly before brushing the dust off from his sides. "We're here for a walk."

   They're there for a walk.

   Myeong Joo got that right.

   There's no need for him to be so nervous, right?

   Dae Young actually had other plans for tonight, and this plan would involve Myeong Joo and him altogether. He had been thinking about it for some time, going through the ups and downs of it, and the challenges he would face once he did that. It was no doubt a life-changing decision to make, but after so much hesitation, he felt that it was time to tell the truth. There was no better moment but now. Unfortunately, he still couldn't find the opportunity to execute his plan. In fact, he didn't have any particular methods to make about it, because he doubted her reactions. There were two things that was certainly about to happen–one was that she accepted it wholeheartedly, or she would reject it wholeheartedly.

   Dae Young and Myeong Joo continued walking, enjoying the breeze of the night brushing through their skins. At one point, Dae Young could feel her hand shaking slightly, so he tightened this hold on her palm to keep her warm. The soft twitch caused Myeong Joo to look at him with a slightly surprised look, but she smiled shortly after. Dae Young smiled back.

   The smile on her face, the look in her eyes, it was spellbound. He had seen it so many times, and yet, he was fascinated by it over and over again. She never failed to melt his heart. She's so beautiful tonight that Dae Young was tranced. They were in their ordinary civilian clothing, but she looked perfect in her pink sweater and blue jeans–simple yet elegant. He brushed a loose hair and placed it behind her left ear, Myeong Joo grinning with a blushing face upon being pampered by the man she loves.

   Yes, she's the one for him.

   And he would hold onto her till the end of time.

   "Cold?" He asked affectionately as he released his hand from her, turning it over her back and then placed it on her right arm, pulling her closer to his body. Their heads leaned on each other as they continued walking, Myeong Joo smiling widely now when she received the comfort she needed from him. She crossed her arms. "Still feeling cold now?"

   "Aniyo." She replied with a lovely tone. "Gomawoyo, Dae Young-ah. I love it when you did that. My appa did that too when I was young." She then pointed to the edge of the bank, separated by steel railings. "I remembered appa bringing me to walk over there one evening, many years ago. I watched the sunset from there, and it was fascinating." She pointed to the west of the river, where the sun. "That time, appa bought me my favourite strawberry ice-cream from an ice-cream vendor. Too bad though that the man got himself killed in a car accident. Since then, I've never come to this place again."

   "I didn't know that you had so much memories here."

   "That was when I was only eleven." They stopped at the exact spot where Myeong Joo once stepped on with her father more than a decade ago. She glanced at him, showing her grateful expression. "I was a cute girl back then, and I love that memory. Gomawoyo, for bringing me here again."

   Dae Young seemed quite confused about what she said, despite accepting her gratitude. Concerned, he lifted her chin up affectionately with his right index finger, their eyes levelled. "This place holds more than just memories, right?" He asked. "There's more to it than the previous, is that correct?"

   "Ne." Myeong Joo nodded her head slightly. "This was where my appa proposed to my eomma."

   So, that's the reason why Myeong Joo sounded so dramatic–this was where Myeong Joo's parents confirmed their love for each other. A sudden wave of realisation struck Dae Young's heart when she said that. He was actually standing on that very spot where memories were made, and how much it impacted Myeong Joo until today. It became clear that Myeong Joo had not been expecting herself to walk along memory lane together with Dae Young, and once they coincidentally did, she somewhat intended to show it to him personally. Memories must have flashed back into her mind all the while.

   The power of love, undeniable and true.

   It also proved to him that she accepted him into her life. She had never told him about this.

   Perhaps, he should return her a favour as well.

   Yes, this was it, the time to reveal his truest intentions to her.

   However, he had to do it slowly. He could not risk spoiling it so fast. "Mianhae. I don't know." He expressed sincerely. "It's a long memory."

   Myeong Joo simply smiled and shrugged it off, her face lowered while her hands continued to stay crossed. "There's nothing to be sorry about. It's just's been a long time... I don't know if I can even come back here again. I mean, we're so busy and all that we had little time to rewind." She wiped a tear away from her eyes, which had unexpectedly built itself.

   The time is now.

   "I think I have a remedy for that." Dae Young proclaimed with a smile, earning a curious look from Myeong Joo. "I have a way to make this memory stay, and a way to relive the moment."

   Myeong Joo was confused about what he was talking about. She had no idea what he meant. "I...I don't understand."

   "You will, once you see this." Dae Young unexpectedly kneeled in front of her with one knee, and then he took out a small red box. He opened it up, revealing a ring inside it. It hit her hard when she realised what he was doing, gasping before she closed her mouth with her left hand. "Yoon Myeong Joo, will you marry me?" He spoke nervously, but with guts and with a grin.

   Myeong Joo could not stop looking at the ring, which looked rather ordinary and silvery, except that it had her name engraved on it–the syllable 'YMJ'. Touched beyond words, she froze in stature, unable to speak or react to anything as onlookers looked on with interest. Struggling to face reality, she managed to ask. "O..ottoke?"

   "I've been hesitating for so long, because I feared that the time wasn't right. I also fear that you will not accept it, so I kept quiet. I kept waiting for the right moment, but I realise that if I don't, then one day, I will never have that chance again." He revealed. "That day, when we were kidnapped, I realised how short our time is. It's so strange that I've been taught to be vigilant about our time and yet it took one incident to make me notice it." He chuckled slightly. "That's when I realise that I cannot wait anymore. I either do it, or don't."

   Myeong Joo's heart was pumping hard, her breath going erratic. This couldn't be real. Dae Young was actually proposing to her, on that very spot where her father proposed to her mother. It was like a fairytale. Myeong Joo was so shocked that she stayed very silent for the next few moments, unable to speak at all. Her mind went numb as it tried to process the moment happening right now. It was like moment existing from a love story, and yet it was happening now, to herself.

   "Today, I decided to do it now. You said that this is a place of memories. Well, right now, I want to make a new memory with you."
Dae Young continued. "Yoon Myeong Joo, saranghaeyo. I know words can't express everything in my heart, but trust me, I will do everything I can–sincerely and with honour, to cherish you, to love you, and to take care of you till the very end." He avowed. "So I lowered myself to you, my love, and ask for your hand. Will you accept my honest proposal?"

   For the first time ever, she was in a trance. She couldn't react to anything. Even when her mind had finally settled itself, she still found it hard to move her lips. However, she knew what her feelings to him was like. They were honest and true.

   Despite all the secrecy, all the battles they had to go through, all the ups and downs of their relationship, the wounds of battle and the scars in their hearts, they had persevered until the end. Their love made them stronger and tougher. No doubt their time might be short, but they cherished every small moment together. She protected him, while he protected her. They were fated for each other–God's greatest gift.

   Allowing her soul to accept the fact that their love was eternal, she finally managed to get control of her own body. By this time, she was confident about her decision. This time, there's no going back.

   Yes they would make wonderful memories together.

   They would live a happy life, protecting and loving each other with all their hearts.


   Dae Young seemed shocked, for some reason. Maybe, he didn't hear that right. "Ne?"

   "Ne, Dae Young-ah!" She reiterated with a smile, happy tears falling freely now. "Let's make great memories together!"

   Dae Young couldn't help but smile widely, finally succeeding in claiming her as his own. Taking out the ring, he carefully placed it into her ring finger, the two smiling and blushing before Dae Young embraced her tightly as the onlookers clapped and cheered. Dae Young lifted her off the ground, spinning her a few times before stopping. He cupped her face, and then kissed her passionately in front of the witnessing crowd. She didn't fight back now, and instead kissed him back the way she knew best.

   One thing is certain now–they are finally one.

   "Gomawoyo." Myeong Joo sniffed. "This is the most memorable day ever."

   "Let's make more memories after this." Dae Young replied.

   "Ye, we shall."

   And the two continued to kiss under the full moon.

End of Chapter Ten

Next update–The Finale

Happy reading!

Romanised Korean Words & Expressions
Geonbae: Cheers
Abeoji: Father
Ani: No
Yah: Hey
Gwaenchana: Are you okay/ I'm fine
Sonsaeng: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss
Eomma: Mother
Geunde: Anyway
Sunbae: Senior
Namja chingu: Boyfriend
Yeoja: Girlfriend
Wae: Why
Mwo: What
Jagiya: Honey
Appa: Also means Father
Gomawoyo: Thank you
Ne/ Ye: Yes
Mianhae: I'm sorry
Ottoke: How
Saranghaeyo: I love you

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