
Av shiningpolaris

43 9 0

- Melin Fanfiction - Camelot is a name you often hear, but this city turned to ash due to Uther's blind eye... Mer

Where It All Began...
A Mother's Love and Her Son's Kindness
The Blue Dragon's Daily Adventures
The Not-Really-Unexpected Guest
Challenge, Times Two With Only One Acceptance
They Say Third Times The Charm
I Get Three Weeks For Telling The Truth
Need Entertainment? Make a Chessboard Out of Straw!

An Expected Invasion of Camelot Knights

5 1 0
Av shiningpolaris

A sloppy bed head rolls out of the door and a giggle slides by my lips. His deep sleep always creates an interesting hairstyle, how he calms it down is quite hilarious. He clumsily walks down the stairs to the bar and rubs his turning pink eyes.

"Good morning Merlin, how did you sleep?" I smile at his morning figure. A messy appearance that can only belong to him.

"I slept like a log, I haven't slept that good in days... I don't mind the ground but that bed was a cloud or one of the Pendragons royal chambers. I'm going to miss that for sure." I finish cleaning a mug and lay the cloth down on the wooden table. I sit beside him and hand over a fresh cup of water.

"Here, you must be thirsty. At least I almost am in the morning." I say to him, he says a brisk thank you and gulps that liquid down as if he was as dry as a desert. I raise my eyebrows at this fantastic thirst that obviously needed to be quenched. He lets out a long and needed gasp of air and ends his triumph with wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Yes, thank you very much, I did need it. Though I must say that is the best tasting water ever, I prefer stream water over all but this, this is out the door!" He mumbles with loads of excitement. "Could I possibly take some with me to Camelot?"

"Of course! Anything to help a fellow traveler!" I reply eagerly standing up and filling a sack full of my special beverage. I thought he would realize it's enchanted, but I guess not. "Here, now, what time will you depart?"

"Oh, late in the noon. I've got to replenish my goods and stock up. Camelot isn't too far away from here but I'd rather be safe than sorry." Nodding in agreement I hand over the leather carrier and he straps it to his belt. The weight catching him off guard and resulting in Merlin with his face sticking to the floor. I let out a hoot and hold on to the side of the bar for support. In between breaths I get out my worries.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh, quite, it just caught me by surprise that's all," I cover my mouth and continue to chuckle. I just can't stop, it's just too funny. "Oi stop it." I take in multiple breathes and end up on the floor myself. I know this is incredibly rude but memories flood with the time I previously spent with him when we were only children. How he would always make me laugh while he does magic if it's creating butterflies or summoning toads underneath people's pillows.

"I'm sorry, y-you just remind me of someone I knew when I was younger. Full of energy, hilarious and always smiling. There's nothing wrong with those three traits." I recover my legs and return to the seat. Merlin finds his way back and he becomes interested.

"This friend? What was their name?"

"Their name? Well, it's kind of a funny story-"

Our time is cut short by a rude invasion, a flood of red barges in through my door and I get defensive right away. The Knights have returned but it's not for drinks, their moods are stone and anger fills the air. Merlin is in confusion, he doesn't know the danger he is about to be placed in.

Unless they already know.

"Mistress Ana, we are here for your guest," I feel my heart begin to beat rapidly, I won't let this happen. Not in my life, or his.

"What has he done? He just arrived!" I act bewildered at this meaningless news. Merlin is one of the most innocent people I've ever known! He wouldn't dare do something outrageous! Unless he must, and it cannot be avoided.

"He is suspected to hold magic, and to know of a sorcerer-"

"I know of no one and I am not a sorcerer!" He protests against the royal court which isn't the smartest move but who can blame him? Especially since he is lying to them.

"That isn't what our source told us, they are very reliable and we believe any word they say." I cross my arms and step in front of Merlin. Defense is now becoming aggressive. And anyone who is born of my line knows when injustice is happening and a born fighter knows when to strike.

"Then bring forth this witness and tell him face to face what happened." A chuckle passes through the higher status and I tilt my head up high. If they knew who I was, they wouldn't go against my word, but they don't.

I hate hiding my true self.

Merlin probably is thinking the same right now.

"Now, we all know you love having guests but we cannot bring forth out witness-"

"Then your word isn't good at all, they could be lying and creating a story in order to single out my friend." The captain moves closer with his sword sticking out, his hand moving closer to the handle. To anyone, it's nothing important, but I know this is a threat.

"Miss, we don't want any trouble-"

"Then leave, please. I don't want anymore of this." I state and their dyes caps sway with uncertainty. A young man comes up with black hair and hazel eyes. His face reads, "I am new".

"Miss, do not question us, it would be a shame to close down such a place due to your stubbornness and the fact you are holding a person of magic. Please let us take him in peace." My peaceful atmosphere has just turned chaotic. For now, the tide turns and I will win. I let out a sigh in defeat when in reality it is one of cunning thoughts. A hidden motive.

"I'm sorry boys, but this ends here."

"I'm glad you agree, now please, hand him over." I go to Merlin's side and stare at him with a small smirk that grows wide in seconds. His face goes wild as he tries to under the emotion I'm showing. Being mischievous and always taking sudden actions make a great story to tell. That story is my life if you are wondering.

"Merlin, I'm sorry but you are going to stay right where you are and don't say a word." He nods his head and does as he's told. I return facing the Knights and smile at them, it's obviously a facade but though they may be great with a sword they aren't so skillful with their brains.

"Miss-" my eyes glow with that unmistakable golden aura and all the King's men are thrown against the wall with a sickening thud. Merlin flinches at the sound and I kneel down to them and blow that too familiar powder over their faces.

"Ana," he says scared by my actions. "Y-you didn't have to do that."

"I didn't kill them, I just made them forget about you, and me of course. If they remembered I had magic, well, that's not a good matter to discuss. And oh please forgive me for what I'm about to do."

"What do you mean-" and without hesitation, the fine dust goes to Merlin, once again. Regret fills my heart and I wish I didn't have to do it to him. But I must. He blinks five times and comes back into his right mind. "Miss Ana! I'm sorry to have kept you! I must go to Camelot! I'll pack my bags this instant!" He dashes upstairs and I wave him away.

"Now, Merlin! You must be careful alright? I wouldn't want someone like you to end up in a bad situation. You are too pure for this world, I don't want to see you go away." He cheerfully skips down the steps and slides out the door.

"Thank you, Ana, for everything."

"Comeback soon would you?"

"Oh, I will! This place feels, like home."

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