Changed || Jeon Jungkook

By Kookies_n_Cream284

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**COMPLETED** "Just tell me. Why did you try to steal the necklace?" I looked at him. "Oh! I tried stealing i... More

Chapter 1: Caught By Him
Chapter 2: The Escape
Chapter 3: Another Criminal?
Chapter 4: Plans
Chapter: 5: Min Yoongi?
Chapter 6: Who?
Chapter 7: What?!
Chapter 8: Reasons
Chapter 9: Perfect
Chapter 10: Meeting Him Again
Chapter 11: Kim Taehyung
Chapter 12: Park
Chapter 13: New Plan
Chapter 14: Slave
Chapter 15: Kidnap
Chapter 16: Party
Chapter 17: Real Friends?
Chapter 18: Trip To Where?
Chapter 19: Threaten
Chapter 20: Ditching Them
Chapter 21: Fun
Chapter 22: Hurt
Chapter 23: Afraid
Chapter 24: Playing
Chapter 25: Ships & Stories
Chapter 26: Crazy Friends
Chapter 27: The Dark Past
Chapter 28: The Date (Part 1)
Chapter 29: The Date (Part 2)
Chapter 31: Danger (Part 1)
Chapter 32: Danger (Part 2)
Chapter 33: Yoongi's Wedding
Chapter 34: Laundry With Jimin
Chapter 35: I'll Leave You Then
Chapter 36: A Monster
Chapter 37: You're Important
Chapter 38: When Secrets Are Out
Chapter 39: Pain.
Chapter 40: Change

Chapter 30: Pancakes & Mansions

2K 89 9
By Kookies_n_Cream284

"Y/N, wake up." I heard a voice. I moaned and turn around. Someone's interrupting my sleep.
"Jagi~" That voice, I recognize it.. I turn around and saw Jungkook infront of me.

I pushed his face away from me while I smile.
"Ew, your hair is wet." I said and tried stretching my arms
"Probably because I took a bath." I look at him confuse but then I had to turn around and look away. I turn around to look at him again and saw him smirking.

"Go and put on your clothes! You can't just be naked with your towel on infront of your guest!" I said while blushing.
"You aren't even a guest and plus this is my house and I play my rules." He goes upstairs, leaving me dying in embarrassment.

The doorbell rang. I stood up and walk up to the door to open it. The fuck?

"What are you guys doing here? Wait.. how do you even know Jungkook's place?!" I ask Lisa and the entire team.

"We have Jin and Hoseok.. soo?" She said and looks inside
"Can we go in?"

"Who was it?" Jungkook comes down while putting his shirt on. He still looks good when his hair is wet.
"Oh.. hey." He said and bowed.

Lisa walks in and hugs me immediately.
"Nothing happend last night, right? I can't be an aunt right now." She whispered making me blush. I shook my head while she sighs in relief.

"Y/N?" Jungkook calls me. I followed Jungkook upstairs and we went to his room.
"Uh.. I just want you to forget what happend last night. You know the almost kissing thing?"
"I get about your promise thing. And yeah let's forget about it" I said and took his towel from his hands.

"Here's another way to dry your hair faster." I helped with his wet hair. God dammit! Why is he staring at me?! I avoided his stares by just focusing on drying his hair.

The door suddenly opened. Solji, Hani, Lisa, Jin, and Hoseok were now on top of each other (they fell). Busted. Jungkook crosses his arms while I glare at them. My own friends were listening to our conversation.. what the heck!?


"So what happend?" Solji unnie breaks the silence inside the kitchen. We were making breakfast for the laziest boys in Korea.

"Can you just tell us!" Hani walks up to me to give me the ingredients.
"We'll even keep it a secret!" Lisa said with excitement

"The last time I trusted you, you told the whole team about Jungkook" I told Lisa while I mix the ingredients together.

"Please~" they all said in sync. I can't keep it from them. I am a girl too so..
"We went on a date as a fake couple." I said and handed Solji unnie the igredients that I just mixed.

"What do you mean?" Lisa asks with confusion
"We called each other names and tease each other that's all." I said
"What else happend? Just tell us the whole God damn story!" Hani said.

"I woke up and found Jungkook inside my room. He told me that he was bored and had nothing to do so he decided to have a date with his fake girlfriend. Me. We ate ice cream together and I had the best piggyback ride ever. We went to a Amusement Park and then bought milkshakes and cotton candy. We went to the nearest lake and went back to the Amusement Park to ride the Ferris Wheel. We almost kissed and then we went here to watch Weightlifting Fairy and we fell asleep." I said and looked at their faces.

They all squeal making me blush again from yesterday.
"Okay, I've been totally shipping you both ever since I saw you two fell on the floor." Lisa said while Hani and Solji looks at her confuse.

I remember that day pretty clear. It is when Jungkook went to my place and saw Lisa instead of me.

"Are you all done making pancakes? It's been like half a million hours already." Hoseok says and walks out.

"I'm shipping you two both and no ones gonna stop me!" Lisa says while flipping the pancake to its other side.
"Stop! The pancake Lisa!" Solji unnie scolds her while Hani and I laughs


"Took all of you long enough" Jin rolls his eyes while trying to eat.
"Is this edible?" Jin said and pushed his plate aside.
"Here you go~" Solji unnie walks in with pancakes that she made. At last! I know Lisa's pancake was edible but does it look like it is? Seriously, it was burnt.

"So today is Friday." Hoseok says and takes the syrup.
"Yeah, why?" I ask him while I stuff Solji's pancake in my mouth.
"You're a woman not a man." Jungkook whispered. He smiles as he eats. I playfully punch him in the arm making the others stare at us.

The girls were giving me the 'i know what's happening' look while the guys just looks confuse.

"Yeah.. Min Yoongi invited you to his mansion remember?" Hoseok said making my smile fade. Sigh.. Min Yoongi.. I look at Jungkook. His smile faded also. He was now looking at his food and playing with it.

"Lisa and Jin finished their work, and now all we have to do is to dress you up to meet up with Yoongi." Hoseok stands up and leaves the table.

I sighed and look at Jungkook again. He wasn't interested in our conversation so he stood up, leaving his plate full.


I am now getting ready in Hani's room. Lisa is doing my make-up while Solji unnie does my hair. Lisa decided to just go with some natural make-up while Solji unnie ties my hair into a glamorous bun.

"Finally! I got one!" Hani walks out from her closet (or should I say a room full of clothes with a bathroom in it. She has like two bathrooms in one room. What the heck?!) holding a beautiful dress

Since Hani's work is playing with billionaires, of course, she gets a lot of cash. (We are inside her mansion...)

I am now inside the limo. You are probably thinking how we bought it. Simple, it's Hani's. Lisa is with Jin, who is driving this thing while Hoseok is with me.

Don't worry about Hani and Solji. They are going to be there soon. Well, once Hoseok tells them.

"We're here losers. Get out." Jin said Through the earpiece, making me laugh. Hoseok was the first one to go out. Hoseok opens the door for me and waits for me to get out.

What a gorgeous mansion! And I'm not surprised that it's in the woods. Yoongi gave us a path that leads to his Mansion. Nice to know that he hides his mansion.
The limo leaves once I got out.
"Smile" Hoseok commands me. Stupid! I'm supposed to be the one who's ordering you around!
I faked a smile and started walking. These heels are killing me.

Once we got in the mansion, I immediately saw a man in his 50's. Probably Yoongi's dad..
"Oh, Good Afternoon." I bowed at him even though he looks kinda grumpy.
"You must be Yoona." He said. Yoongi must get that expression from his dad.

"Oh, father! So the guest is here I see." Somin, the bitch (excuse my language, but it's true) said. She looks at me and smirks. If I could just strangle her to death then I will. I smiled and looked for Yoongi.

"Where is Yoongi?" I ask them.
"So he told you his real name.. Not everyone gets to know who he really is" Yoongi's Father Said.
"I'm here! I'm here!" Yoongi comes down from the stairs. I smirked and walk up to him.
"Hello." I said and fixed his tie. (It wasn't tied right because he was in a hurry.)

Somin coughs making me looked at her confuse.
"Baby~" she walks up to Yoongi and slaps my hand away from his tie. What a great way to treat her guest! I was being sarcastic by the way.

I look around but Hoseok was no where to be seen. Well, I can't regret this now. After memorizing Yoona's business or what she does and all the practicing on how to be polite an plus walking on heels, I had to do it.

"So what do you do?" Mr. Min asks me.
"I-I..." I was cut off by Somin.
"She goes and steals someone else's fiancee.." she mumbled, but everyone including the maids heard it. I rolled my eyes. Pretty sure Yoongi saw me do that.

"I didn't even plan marrying you, so just shut up." Yoongi said making Somin surprise. I smirked and held Yoongi's hand. He doesn't seem to mind tho. I can't believe I'm being a bitch.


Ayo ladies and Gentlemen!!! It wasn't a good Chapter. I guess it was cringy? Well, for me it is. Sorry for not updating.. But trust me, I got like 3 drafts prepared. I just have to check the typos in it and it's done.

Sorry for my horrible grammar. Don't worry, I'll fix it soon.

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