Phan Oneshots

By anon_shipper

142K 3.3K 3.1K

I get ideas. I write them. I get prompts. I write them. Smutty? Hell yeah! Fluffy. Hell to the yeah! ... More

tongue tied
tongue tied 2
snogging lessons
soul mates
percents 2
Stay away from lester
This Town
Pay attention to me
Stressed out
Beauty and the Beast
If you love someone...
Admirateur secret
Coincedences and Destiny
The Prince's Lover
Their Game
I think I love you
Easy with you
Brat Part 1
Brat Part 2
Remembering You
Perfect Prince
The Grinch
I Love You
Happy New Year
Knock Knock
Round Two
Study of Love
Part 2
Dan walks into a bar
Disney Fan
Would You Rather...
Try again?
True Loves Kiss
Stupid Phil Lester
Queer Thoughts
Kissed a Boy
Trust In You
The boy next door
Arrangement 2
Here We Go Again
Vilian or Hero?
How it feels
Dresses and Skirts
Grandma knows best
Fanstastic Boyfriends
The End
Phan is Real

The Dates

2.2K 53 41
By anon_shipper

This one shot on doesn't show up correctly on my phone or laptop and I just want to delete the original and paste it on a whole new sheet and see if it works. so uhhh yeah. sorry. 

(Okay I am so sos so sosososososo sorry that I have not updated in like a year omg. There has been a family matter to attend to and I have barely even been on my phone or laptop let alone write something! I have an idea but I dont have time to write right all of it right now.) 

That is a dumb title. Like okay. But yeah

heres this.


uh yeah.

summary: Dan is kinda a midkey slut and Phil asks him out.

Dan is attractive. He knows that. He would be dumb to think he wasn't from how much he gets around. People called him the biggest slut in the school. If someone asked him out he agreed and they went out and had sex. Girls, Boys, it didn't matter. As long as they didn't want to come back to his place. He had to be able to leave when he wanted. That was his one rule.

Dan leans up against the school at his lunch period and places games on his phone, hoping to ignore everyone. He isn't that lucky today. "Hi!"

Dan looks over his phone to see a kid with glasses, same hairstyle as him, a blue jacket and black jeans, sporting a Pokémon shirt and converse. His smile is wide and he has his hands shoved in his jacket pockets as he rocks on his feet.

"Hello" Dan finally replies, deciding to pay attention to him, and puts his phone away.

"I'm Phil Lester, I'm in your science class." His voice is a smooth baritone, opposite of what Dan would have imagined, but he isn't complaining.

"Dan Howell, I'm in your 4th period." He sent a charming smile Phil's way, and is taken aback by Phil's grin. His tongue poking out of his teeth and eyes sparkling in an adorable fashion. It just hits Dan just how blue Phil's eyes actually are. They pop out so much in contrast to his jet black hair.

"I was wondering if you would fancy catching a movie with me tomorrow?"

Dan looks Phil up and down. He has long legs and nice body, and his presence isn't especially annoying.

"Sure, what movie did you have in mind hmm?"

Phil smirked at him, the first time he has dropped his smile, and winks at him, "Guess you'll have to let me pick you up, maybe around 7, to see." He hands him a sticky note with a phone number and a winky face, before he walks away. Dan decided he definitely not mind seeing Phil tomorrow.

* * *

Phil chose a comedy that Dan very much enjoyed and was surprised to find how much he was actually enjoying this date. Phil wasn't one to talk much during a movie or ask too many questions, unlike Dan- he usually held back from asking since people found it annoying but he was so comfortable around Phil that he did, Phil didn't seem to be annoyed whatsoever though. Phil was the type to lean over and make a horrible pun and giggle quietly at the reaction to it. Dan didn't think much of it until the credits rolled, but Phil hadn't made a 'move'. Like, he didn't put his hand on his thigh, or start kissing his neck etcetera. All he did was throw pieces of popcorn at Dan when he "made fun" of his puns. They both laughed silently and Dan doesn't think he has had such a good time in awhile. They are walking out of the theater, Phil's hands in his red jacket pockets. He appears relaxed and is smiling as he makes chatter with Dan.

"I don't feel right making you only eat popcorn and malteasers, can I buy you dinner?" Phil hasn't lost his charming, playful, smile all night, and now is no exception.

"Where did you have in mind?" Dan thinks this is more on track of what he is used to. Guys treating him to fancy dinners so they can charm him into bed.

"Well that's for you to pick, Danny."

Dan scrunched his nose at the nickname, and tried not to smile at the playful chuckle Phil procures. "What? Don't like that name?" He teases, as they continue walking. It is getting dark out and the city lights are turning on all around them.

"Everyone calls me that. I hate it. Danny, Danny Bear, Danny boy, Daniel, Danl, etcetera etcetera."

"What about Bear?"

"Huh?" Dan stops in his tracks and stares at the strange boy questionably.

Phil stops with him and looks at him, silly, crooked, smile still on his face. Dan is becoming a little to comfortable with that smile. "Well I don't want to be like everyone else and Your curly hair reminds me of a cute little bear. Instead of Danny Bear, why not just bear?"

Dan subconsciously reaches up to his hair to straiten it down, even though it is already straitened to a T. Dan feels himself blush, which doesn't happen much anymore, and he feels the sudden urge to giggle. He refrains.

"Sure. You can call me that."

Dan chooses Jimmy John's to eat at.

Now they are back in Phil's car, and Dan is trying to guess how Phil is in bed.

"Um, You'll have to help me get to your house, I don't know how to get there from JJ's." Phil says sheepishly, still with that, big, dumb, smile on his face.

Dan sounds alarms in his head. No one comes back to his, its his rule. "Sorry we don't back to mine, we go to yours. I don't do people at my house."

Phil giggles again and Dan wonders what in the hell could be so funny. "What?" Dan said sharply, kind of embarrassed.

"Sorry, sorry," Phil wheezes out, "It's just, you don't do people at your house." Phil keeps laughing as Dan realizes what he means. "I didn't mean it like that you dumb ass!"

"I know! I know!" Phil smiles wolfishly and starts to calm down from laughing a bit, eyes shining at his.

"What are you. Twelve?" Dan sasses, yet it doesn't have a bite like Dan was expecting it to.

"Maybe. Are you?"


Phil laughs again as Dan playfully hits his arm. "Sorry! Sorry!" Dan joins in with Phil's laughter. Once they calm down, tears in their eyes and stomaches hurting, Phil again asks Dan how to get to his house.

"Phil, I just told you-"

"What would we do at my house that we could do at yours." Phil questions him. By the look in his eyes, he knows what they could do, but he is playing dumb.

"Exactly what we would do at your house. I just don't let people over to mine."

"Bear," Dan finds his heart leaping, "If we go back to mine we are playing board games. I have Clue, Monopoly, Battle Ships, Guess Who, Candy Land, The Game of Life, checkers, Cards Against Humanity and more i'm sure."

"Okay. Let's go." Dan was sure he was joking.

They played Candy Land... and Dan won.


Dan was confused. After Candy Land, Phil took Dan home, told him he had a lot of fun, and he hopes he would let him take him out again. Than he kissed Dan's cheek and waved goodbye.

But the thing is...that it worked. Phil smiled at him in science, but didn't push, didn't come up to him or try and make conversation, just a smile. He would text Dan and ask him what his favorite color was, what music he liked, what shows he liked, his favorite animal, and so on.

So when Phil came up to him smiling, as always, and asked if he wanted to have a picnic, he agreed. After an afternoon full of laughter and flowing conversation on an ugly scratchy red and white blanket that Phil 'bought for the occasion' to 'add to the affect' they went back to Phil's. This time they played Monopoly. Dan didn't get home until 8 but he didn't mind.

The next date they played clue. Then the next one they played battle ships and the game of life. One evening they even played checkers and guess who at the same time, making up their own game between the two. One night they changed to video games, Dan destroying Phil on Mario Kart, Phil destroying Dan in Mortal Combat. And the talking and giggles never stopped.

Dan began hearing things at school. Rumors that Dan had got Phil to be his fuck buddy and they think they saw a hickey on his neck after one of their dates. He didn't. The most Dan got from Phil was kisses on the cheek or forehead. He surprisingly didn't mind.


Phil was walking towards Dan's locker when he saw an attractive guy approach him. He put his arm around Dan's waist and ran his fingers down his arm, with teasing touches. Phil felt a punch in his gut. He knew Dan almost never denied a date from guys like that, he was lucky Dan went with him. He wondered how many more he had been with since going on dates with Phil. Board Games and Laser Tag just doesn't cut it. But Phil watched Dan yank out of that guys hold and push him off and scoff at him. He turned to his locker again and grabbed his stuff and than Phil noticed the photo booth pictures Phil had convinced Dan to take together, taped inside his locker. Dan glared at the kid as he closed his locker and turned Phil's way. Phil saw the annoyed and angry look on his face, then the grin - that shows his deep dimples and that make his eyes shine, when he notices Phil down the hall. Phil thinks maybe, just maybe, with Dan...Laser tag and board games might just be able to cut it.

And it was. Dan was ecstatic that Phil wanted him for him, not his body. He was actually thrilled that Phil knew so much about him, and was almost scared of the butterfly's in his stomach.


Phil took Dan to glow in the dark mini golf. Dan swears that Phil's eyes are blue enough to glow in the dark. Dan blushes as Phil takes off his white jacket and puts in on Dans shoulders so Dan can 'stay warm in the freezing mall', and so he can 'glow on the outside not just on the inside'.

"It's not too dark in here, I can still see your blushes." He runs his finger over Dan's cheek where his blush shades darker. "Alright," Phil claps "let's get started, the sooner I wreck you at this, the sooner we can eat!"

"We will see about that!"

Dan won, and Phil pouted but kissed Dan's head nonetheless to congratulate him, and they both hissed at the light as they exited to the rest of the mall.

They walked around the mall for almost an hour after they ate, just looking at stuff they might like to buy. Both being nerds and emo, they had to stop by Hot Topic at one point.

Dan had to pee really, really, bad and dragged a chuckling Phil to wait outside the rest room. Dan almost broke down in tears when the line was longer than the entire mall. In Dan's words at least.

"Here, how about I," Phil started and bopped Dan's nose, getting him to smile a bit through his suffering, "go start my car and get it cooled off and so it wont be hot as hell when you get done."

Dan nods and moves up in the line. Phil pats his back in pity, as if to say 'sorry mate hold in there'. Phil pulls out his keys and plays with them in his hand as he strolls to the exit, but thats when he sees it. A store full of stuffed animals and candy. Phil walks in, he isn't really sure why he is, but he doesn't stop. He walks around and looks at all the adorable animals. Than he sees the teddy bears. He stands in front of him and stares at a certain one. It has light, chocolate colored fur thats curly and strangely reminds him of Dan's hair. Phil smiles as he thinks about how Dan hasn't been straitening his hair nearly every single day for school like he used to. The bear also has a ribbon around its neck like a bow tie, it's green and blue with black and gray striped plaid, that somehow works together. He picks it up and hugs it and notices its soft and cuddly. He pulls out his wallet and buys it and its not until he starts the car that he even realizes he did it. But he decides to hid it in his back seat behind some other random stuff anyway.

Dan walks out not long later, looking much more relaxed and is smiling again. "Well you look better."

"Oh hush, it's your fault! You bought me that large soda." Dan folds his arms and pouts, yet doesn't actually look all that upset.

"If I remember correctly, you didn't mind it." Phil teases, putting the car into gear. "Actually I was going to buy and you didn't let me!" The pouty boy sasses back.

"That's because I'm a gentleman."

Dan snorts and tries to hide his smile as he pulls out his phone to play a game.

"I am!"

"Keep telling yourself that Philly."

"I will, bear." Phil glances over and sees Dan's blush. "Green."


"The light, its green." Dan blushes more as he realizes that Phil was staring at him.

"OH Shi-"

Phil starts driving again and forces himself to not look at Dan again or he will kill them both.


"Dan. Daaaan, Bear? Beaaar?" Dan faintly hears as his senses ever to slowly come back to him. "Dan, wake up we are home." He starts to notice the gentle nudging on his shoulder but he can't seem to wake up. He hears Phil walk away, he thinks he hears the car turn off but he isn't awake enough to tell, or put it together.

He feels and smells Phil leaning over him, as Phil unbuckles his seat belt. "Alright Danny, come on." Phil puts his one arm under Dan's knees and the other behind Dan's back, positioning his arm to go around Phil's shoulder so he can support Dan's neck better. "Up we go." Phil grunts and stumbles for a second than closes the car door. Dan feels hears himself sigh and he thinks he is cuddling into Phil.

Dan had aloud Phil into his home finally a couple weeks ago, and has been since. So it's no surprise when Phil grabs the hidden key and unlocks the door and makes sure to put it back securely. Phil sets him down gently on the couch before jogging over to turn on some lights so he will be able to see. Dan wonders if his parents are home. come to think of it, he doesn't even know what time it is. Slowly, Dan manages to flutter his eyes open to see through his living room window. It must have just gotten dark. So no. His parents are not home yet.

"Phil?" Dan mumbles as he tries to sit up. The said boy comes rushing over and smiles lightly at him, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "Well, hello." He reaches out and gingerly strokes his fingers through Dan's hair, pushing it back into place. Dan sighs and leans into Phil's hand and even in this state, he gets butterfly's and his heart jumps. "mmm." He hums his approval and adjusts to sit next to Phil and lean his head on his shoulder once the the boy finally sits down. Phil never stops running his fingers through Dan's hair but does lay his head down on top of Dan's. Its at that moment that Dan realizes he has his legs up and on Phil's and is wrapping an arm around his waist. He moves his head a bit more so he is more cuddled into Phil's chest. He notices Phil's heart is racing and his hands feel like they might be getting clammy.

They sit like that for awhile until Dan wakes up more and sits up to stretch out his tense muscles, yawning. He smiles at Phil lazily and adjusts Phil's glasses, that had gone crooked.

"I had fun, Phil." They both smiled at each other.

"I always have fun when you're around." Dan giggled, blushed, than tried to hid under his fringe. He doesn't know how Phil got him to be so shy and giggly, he was always the flirty one and could take flirting and compliments and all of that, but it's different with Phil. Everything is different with Phil.

They just stare at each other before Phil blinks twice really fast and sighs, "I should get home. You should go back to sleep, I made you walk around with me all day."

"I wanted to." Phil blushed and held eye contact. "Here I'll walk you to your car, like the gentleman I am."

"Keep telling yourself that, Danny." Suddenly, 'Danny' wasn't that bad if Phil was the one saying it. That didn't stop him from playfully hitting his shoulder and "glaring" at him.

They made it to the Phil's car and Dan opened Phil's door for him, "And they say chivalry is dead."

Phil started to get in the car but than jumped back. "Oh wait!" he ran around the open door to rip open the one right behind it, "I almost forgot!" Phil turned around hiding the bear behind his back before Dan could see it and made them step away from the car. He closed the doors with his foot and nervously at Dan. "I got you something," he started rocking it back and forth on his heels and took one hand from his back to rub the back of his neck. "um, here ya go."

He thrust the bear at Dan quickly and squeezed his eyes shut. Why did he think this was a good idea? "I know it's kinda stupid and we are in high school, why would you want a teddy bear but uh, I don't know, umm..."

He opened his eyes to see Dan mouth hung open in surprise, which only increased Phil's anxiety. He started rambling again about how it kind of reminded him of Dan because it's a bear and its cute and cuddly.

Dan thought he might cry at how cute Phil Lester is. He flung his arms around Phil's neck and held on as tight as he could. Phil relaxed and wrapped his arms around Dan's waist, still holding the bear in one hand. Dan felt Phil put his head in the crook of his neck, and as Phil breathed in the smell of Dan he tightened his grip around his waist. "It's perfect. Thank you."

They let go, knowing they had to because the hug was beginning to be to long, but they weren't exactly thrilled about it. Quite the opposite, really.

Dan took the bear and hugged it in his arms, cradling it against his neck. He gave it a good squeeze, and than looked up at Phil through his eyelashes.

They stood there staring at each other, both blushing, both of them with racing hearts and neither wanting Phil to leave.

Phil leaned down and started his car and stood back up to say goodbye and make some bad pun but stopped and just stared at him again. Dan knew Phil was going to make a joke, he had that look in his eyes, but now he is just staring at him and Dan can't help but shuffling a little closer, discreetly. Phil tilts his head to the side and puts his hand on Dan's cheek. Dan clutches the bear a little tight, and his breathing hitches as Phil's eyes examine his face and than explore his eyes. Suddenly, Phil's kissing him and Dan just melts into it, going pliant and weak kneed in Phil's arms.

Phil pulls back and they look at each other for about three seconds before they were kissing again. Dan's arms wrapped around Phil's neck again, Teddy bear hanging loosely, yet securely, from one hand. Phil's hands holding Dan's hips pulling him closer. They grip his shirt as he spins Dan around and kisses him against his car. The hand not holding the Teddy, is gripping Phil's hair, one leg loosely around Phil's hip. Phil's hand's run up and down Dan's sides as their mouths and tongues work together. Phil starts kissing down Dan's jaw and to his neck and when Dan whines pitifully with approval, Phil pulls away. They are panting and both have messed up hair and dilated eyes. "You're welcome, for the bear. It really was no problem." Phil says breathlessly with a smirk. Dan bursts out laughing and Phil joins in. They untangle and Phil gets in his car, waves goodbye, and leaves with a smile. Dan stands, hugging his teddy bear, and stares after Phil with a grin.


That Monday when Phil had to separate from Dan, after meeting at his locker, he kisses Dan, than walks off.

Then after science.

Then after lunch.

And after school when Phil took Dan home. Except that time, Dan grabbed the back of Phil's head and they kept kissing until they needed to breath.

That happened all week. Kissing in the morning, after science, lunch, and in the car when Dan was getting dropped off.

Friday night they are back at Phil's house after a sushi date. They are playing Go Fish.

"Why have you never tried to have sex with me?" Dan asks randomly, setting down his cards.

"Why have you never tried to have sex with me? Dan opens his mouth, shuts it, than furrows his eyebrows. Why hadn't he?

"All you had ever done was go on a date with someone and come back and have sex, I wanted you to have a good date and be able to go home without having to have sex, if you really wanted to, you would of tried and not of played Candy Land so willingly. Also I really really liked you and I knew if we just had sex it wasn't happening again. Unless there was more sex. I didn't want just sex between us."

Phil said it so matter of factly and was shuffling through his cards. Than he looks up and they meet each others eyes. "Plus I wanted to get to know you, and give you a personality. Knowing you and who you are and what you like and don't, what you love....It makes you so beautiful. Do you have any three's?"

Dan wordlessly picked his cards back up and handed Phil his three. "Ha!" Phil laughed and put his three's down.

"Thank you."

"Why? Im winning?" Phil teased.

"Shut up! You know what I mean." Dan giggled and Phil's eyes softened again.

"I know I just wanted to here you laugh and see your smile." As Dan blushed and mumbled out "Do you have any 8's" Phil adds, "And see you blush, and nope! Go fish, Bear! I'm so good at this game.

"You know me now though. Why haven't you tried now?"

"Because I wasn't sure if you actually liked me or not. So I haven't asked you."

"That's ridiculous! Of course I like you!"

"Great, so you'll be my boyfriend?" Phil said nonchalantly, setting his cards down and resting his head in his hand, resting his arms on the card table.

"W what?" Dan spluttered. "What? " he repeated. Just for good measure.

"I've been too scared to ask you. I wasn't sure if you just, you know, liked being my friend. And than we kissed and I kept kissing you and I was scared that if I asked you to be my boyfriend too soon, I'd scare you off and you wouldn't talk to me anymore."

"Phil," Dan said in a tone that can only mean 'Phil is an idiot but I love him so much', "I'm- I'm like head over heels, you, I. God. Yes. Yes, I'll be your boyfriend! yes."

Phil sat up and leaned over the table and kissed Dan like he was all that mattered. They separated and Phil fell back into his chair with a loopy look on his face and grin . "Kiss me again." Phil smirked and stood up, taking Dan's hand, kissing it, than pulling him over to the couch. But didn't kiss him again. "I said-"

"I kissed your hand," Phil's smirk widened. "Gonna have to be more specific."

"Do you mean here?," His forehead, "here?" nose, "" he dragged his lips over his neck as he whispered before kissing his clavicle.

"You can kiss my ass." Dan joked voice wavering a bit, trying not to show how much this was affecting him but than gulped when Phil replied with, "anything you want, babe" His eyes dancing with mischief and slid off the couch and onto his knees in front of Dan before resting his elbows on Dan's shaking knees and rests his head on his joined hands and smiled at Dan. "I uh I..."

"Hey, you just agreed to be my boyfriend, let's celebrate, I will kiss you wherever you want. I'll take this wherever you want. I'll touch you wherever you want." He picked up one of Dan's hands and started playing with his fingers.

"What if I said I only want you to kiss my forehead and hold my hand?"

Phil got next to him on the couch again, kissed his forehead and grabbed his hand. "Okay."

"You're serious right now? Like I could say I want ice cream and pizza, and all we can do tonight is cuddle, you wouldn't....." Dan trailed off. "Well I do love cuddling, ice cream and pizza." Dan breathed out a laugh and shook his head. "Just kiss me, Phil." So Phil took pity on him and finally kissed him on his lips. And when they separated and Dan breathed out "I want you, Phil." That's exactly what Phil gave him. (Then at one am they decided to play an after sex round of uno, and Dan decides he is definitely more than okay with being Phil's boyfriend)


Okay but I'm not the only person who knows the game chicken foot right? You know the one with Dominoes and you start with the double one and than make a "chicken foot" off of it???? You have to. Come on! My friends have never heard of it and I am shook.

And honestly this is the way to my heart. I can't date for shit. It's to awkward and flirty and I just want to be on a date with a huge bottle of Dr. Pepper and pizza, add in a little bit of netflix and I'm living life.

anyway uh yeah theres that. um. its ight i guess. uhhh, yeah.

I'm very tired, and in case you are wondering, I wrote this after playing Uno at one am with my friends after watching horror movies.


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