The Story of Them

By KiraxX

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Come along with us as we speak of the tales of five young men all intertwined in the rope of destiny and life. More

The Story of Them
The Story of Them: Chapter 2
The Story of Them: Chapter 3
The Story of Them (Angel)
The Story of Them (Angel): Chapter 2
The Story of Them (Angel): Chapter 3
The Story of Them (Angel): Chapter 4
The Story of Them (Vincent)
The Story of Them (Aquarius)
The Story of Them (Aquarius): Chapter 2
The Story of Them (Aquarius): Chapter 3
The Story of Them (Xenon & Xavier): Chapter 4
The Story of Them (Xenon & Xavier): Chapter 5
The Story of Them (Aquarius): Chapter 4
The Story of Them (Aquarius): Chapter 5
The Story of Them (Xenon & Xavier): Chapter 6
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 2
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 3
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 4
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 5
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 6
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 7
The Story Of Them (Xenon & Xavier): Chapter 7
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 8
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 9
The Story of Them (Xavier & Xenon): Chapter 8
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 10
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter11
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 12
The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 13
The Story of Them (Xavier & Xenon): Chapter 9

The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 14

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By KiraxX

Several years have passed, and it was the beginning of the technological age! Inventors were making grand breakthroughs with their machines!

The two children have come so far. They both worked very hard in their studies. We were able to teach them languages, music, and art!

Johann had grown, into a fine young boy, though he continued to remain speechless. Instead, he communicated through paintings and signs. He had developed into a spectacular apprentice. His personality shifting from chipper and wild, to docile yet merry. Alexander seemed to grow quite fond of him over the years. It was the first time I have ever seen Alexander grow so attached to someone, a human at that.They followed one another wherever they went, they seemed to be inseparable!

Alicia has grown and matured greatly as well. What was once a small, strong little girl is now an even stronger woman. She continued to work dutifully in her studies and paid no heed to things other than that. She demanded more than what was the norm. More knowledge, more power! She was as eager as she was in the beginning. She was very observant, absorbing the world through the quiet storm that were her eyes. She remained tranquil at times, the slightest hint of emotion escaping rarely. It was hard to decipher what she was thinking at times, although she would tell me if I asked.

Alexander and I, however, have barely changed. We continued to stay as young as immortal gods, though our age was well into our prime years. The two of us seemed to become distant towards one another over time. We continued to speak in conversational fragments but there was nothing more.

We lacked common ground. The two of us seemed to be on opposing sides unfortunately. We lost ourselves in our own self studies. I cannot say that I did not mind. There were numerous times where I longed to sit down for a meal with him, just the two of us, and reflect, but my wish did not come to pass.I realized that we had suddenly grown apart and that I may have lost a brother...

Alicia entered the library silently, a technique she has mastered well over the years, and placed a hefty book in front of me, opening it to the page she desired.

My eyebrows raised curiously as I leaned back in my seat, questioning her sudden intrusion. "What is this, now?"

"It is a book." she answered simply.

"Well yes, I can see that." I muttered, "but what are its contents?"

Alicia was hesitant, but then spoke quietly. "It is a spell book."

"I beg your pardon?" I shouted, incredously.

Alicia remained patient. "You have heard me correctly."

My eyes were wide. "But....where did you...surely you have not...."

Alicia spoke no words.

I abruptly stood up, my eyes locked onto her calm face. Alicia's eyes were cast down to the desk beneath her. I held my hand outstretched towards her, in a receiving gesture. "Relinquish the book to me."

I saw her bite her lip and grip the book's edges. She seemed to be contemplating.

"Alicia." I spoke in a warning tone.

Slowly, she slid the book over to me, and clasped her hands behind her back, her gaze still on the desk.

I grasped it and closed it quickly. "Tell me, how did you come about this?"

"I am sure you know."

"I want to hear it from you."

"I....I retrieved the book from the demon Cuthda."

Of course.

"Tell me the steps in which you took."

I heard Alicia sigh, exasperatedly. "I waited until the stroke of midnight, when the mechanical clock chimed. I secluded myself from the rest of the world in a clearing far from the estate. I lit candle wax and created a summoning circle with human blood and placed a living sacrifice in the center. A baby lamb it was."

I waited, feeling slight anger spark in me.

 "I created a protective barrier with the incantation you taught me and water blessed by the father so he could not escape. I remember you signifying the importance in that. I spoke a prayer and commanded that he arise."

"And he did."

"Yes, Vincent."

I allowed a silence to pass between us as I gazed at her. She still did not look up from the desk. Brown curls adorned her head and she stood only a few inches shorter than I.

"Judging by what you say, Cuthda is a low-rank demon...unless you are not telling me an important detail."

"There is nothing left to say."

"He did not request anything in return?"

"The purity of a young lamb was enough."

"I see."

I picked up the book and studied the cover. It was a rustic gold, with demonic writing scattered across the top.

"It is strange for Cuthda to exchange something as powerful as a spell book for a baby lamb, do you not think so?"

"Their ways are unbeknownst to mortals or to surface dwellers."

My eyes narrowed. "Alicia...are you aware of the term soul exchange?"

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing. It is unimportant." I turned away from her. " Do not expect for me to allow you to use this book."

Even though I was no longer facing her, I could feel her heated gaze on my back as her head snapped upwards in disbelief.

"And why not?" she cried.

I glanced nonchalantly at her. "Why not? I do not think you understand what you have done. Despite Cuthda being weak, he is also very dangerous. Just like any other demon."

"I used the protective barrier!"

"Do you really think that could have been enough? What if it had been broken?"

"But it was not!"

" What if? "

Alicia's face grew sullen, and she stabbed me with her eyes.

"Vincent, I am not a child anymore and you cannot treat me as such. I have been your apprentice for over half a decade and have learned many things. I cannot continue to be given such meager assignments. How do you expect me to progress as a Mage when you do not allow me to expand my power?"

"So that gives you the right to begin summoning on your own? If you had wanted to do such a thing, why not come to me?"

"I did not say anything because I knew you would not have any of it." she snapped.

"Precisely. Even I, am not adept at summoning. Whether you realize it or not, it is a very tricky process. Too many casualties can result, Alicia."

What I spoke was the truth. Summoning was an ancient practice that, more often than not, came with unpleasant consequences. It varied from demon to demon, but most of the cases the summoner was attacked, devoured, or was a victim of soul possession. Sometimes their wishes would be granted, but with backlash. Demons are often tricksters and do not follow your orders thoroughly...everything comes with a price.

"Vincent, do you fear I could surpass you?"

"...Come again?"

"Are you expressing disbelief at my question? Or the idea of me ever surpassing you in your life's work?"

Her eyes were steady, but her face was emotionless. "Tell me, Vincent. Do you express fear in me standing beside you? You wish to keep me at arm's length. You wish for me to remain below you."

"Do you hear yourself, correctly? You are spouting nonsense."

"Am I, Vincent? You present rage to the dark world's prejudice of humans, yet, I am beginning to think you hold biased opinions of your own."

I felt my anger climb yet again. It was like lava beneath cracked earth. It coursed through my veins and nearly past my throat, but I refused. Instead I stood patiently, studying her. It was obvious she was indeed angry , but I saw something else deep-rooted inside of her.

Placing the book behind me on the stone windowsill, I leaned against the desk she stood in front of, leveling myself with her. 

 "What is this actually about? Something tells me you are not truly upset with me." I paused "Well, perhaps you are but is there anything else?"

I saw Alicia's slender hands turn into fists and she looked away, glaring at the wall beside her, the flesh on her cheeks turning the slightest of red.

"I-it is of no importance."

 I suddenly grinned.

"Ah, what is this now?" I rested my chin in my palm, balancing my elbow on the forearm of my other. "Are you ashamed of anything in particular?"

"What would I have to be ashamed of?" Alicia shouted, immediately losing composure. 

I chuckled, shaking my head at her slightly. "I was only suggesting. Now, tell me, what could be troubling you?"

Alicia was hesitant yet again. "I...I...Uhm..."

I gave her a pleasant smile. "Was it not you who once told me to speak with confidence?"

She glanced at me periodically but then looked away soon after. She cleared her throat and seemed to resume her old demeanor once again. "Vincent...I was given news of your departure from Sweden. You will leave in less than a year?"

I nodded.

Alicia's mouth opened quickly, but then closed again as if in shock. I assumed she did not expect me to answer directly but she contained herself.


"Why not?" I responded.

"But, I....Why can you not stay? You have been here for so long and..."

Alicia trailed off, not wanting to finish her sentence. "Do you not adore Sweden?"

I laughed. It was a loud, yet low, sound. "Of course! But there is certainly more to the world! I wish to discover that. I would like to visit the countries of Asia, the islands, more of Europe! I do not think it is wise to stay in a single location  for far too long. You will become attached. I fear I have already overstayed."

I offered her a half smile but suddenly froze when I saw tears welding in her eyes. My eyes opened wide for, never in the days I have known her, have I ever seen her cry. 

"Alicia..." I began, but she shook her head quickly, as if that would make the tears go away. Her hands balled into fists as she covered her face when she left. She muttered a few phrases underneath her breath when she exited the doorway, nearly crashing into a butler, whose name was Albert. She halted for a moment before murmuring an apology and rushing off.

Albert cast a glance after her, but then raised a grey eyebrow at me when he entered the room.

"Yes, I know. I am a charmer with the ladies, no?" I smiled wryly and took notice of the ivory envelope in his outstretched hand. "What is this?" 

Albert eyes were an icy blue, and seemed to hold stories that could be told for an eternity. I favored Albert. He reminded myself of Mister Williams to a certain degree.

"I do not have the slightest inkling of what it contains, but it appeared on your doorstep with your name addressed on the front." he spoke as I retrieved the envelope from his gloved hand.

I mumbled a sound of agreement and turned the envelope over, eyeing a red waxed seal over the flap. The seal had a strange engraving and I immediately grew worried.

 "On another note, Master Vincent, Madam Berge has arrived."

At the sudden news, I had quickly forgotten the letter and left it on the desk I took rest on.

"So soon?"

Albert seemed a bit confused. "Why, yes " his voiced creaked with age. " It is the time you requested her assistance, is it not?" Just to be sure, I watched Albert remove his pocket watch from his trousers' and check the time. "It is the sixteenth hour."

I dashed past him without another word. I did not mean to be rude, nor show that I was in a such hurry to see her, although I was.


I arrived in the main room, finishing the last button on my jacket when I caught Alexander speaking with Maria. This...disturbed me. The two of them were chuckling at something Alexander had spoken earlier.

"What is so amusing?" 

The two of them looked up when they heard me and Maria smiled politely. 

"Oh nothing, Vincent. Alexander was just telling me a short tale about two children."

She walked over towards me. Her eyes were the deepest of blues, which I loved and I found myself lost in them like many times before. They were dark, like the twilight's sky, yet, they seemed to sparkle like the sun's rays.

"You look magnificent as always." She reached up to touch my hair. "Your hair is always trimmed lately, I see."

I fumbled a bit, my face burning hot and gave a shaky smile. I frequently kept my hair at a short length. I found it was more convenient and easier to hide it this way.

"It is still that color. I absolutely adore it." she remarked.

It became hard to breathe and my heart hammered strongly in my chest. My thoughts were incoherent and simple.

"Why, I....I..." I gulped. "Th-thank..."

Alexander laughed, and placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"Vincent, do you dare keep Lady Berge waiting? You two have a night filled with joyous activities. I suggest hurrying out while you are still young."

He smiled. It was neither pleasant, nor treacherous.

"R-right." I turned to Maria. "Shall we take our leave?"


 Two women sat across from one another in a closed room. A fireplace fought the darkness of the room and cast a warm glow. Two small cups of tea sat on two delicate saucers. One sat untouched, the other was being refilled to the brim with the bitter liquid.

One woman, who honestly could barely be called a woman but demanded that she was, opened her mouth, pausing shortly. 

" not understand this. There is this feeling." She raised an elegantly gloved hand to her chest and pointed to where the heart lay. "Here. It...the feeling is painful, yet...strange."

The other woman smiled brightly, her eyes twinkling. This woman was petite and delicate, though she looked resilient.

"In your heart?" she asked calmly.

"Yes. is indescribable. I..." The younger woman spoke slowly and cast her eyes towards the fire. Her peach colored skin glowed warmly against the light. "It...burns, like the fire, except brighter."

She swallowed and returned her raised hand to her lap, where her other hand played with the lace fingertips of the glove.

"Whenever I see him," she took a breath, "everything within me changes. I can no longer think nor speak. I lose composure and I do not like it. It is foolish and awful. I detest this feeling and I want it to go away. I wish to banish it to the depths of hell and allow it to never return."

The older, more experienced, woman giggled behind her hand. "That is impossible and I am sure you know this." She too, pointed to where the heart lay. "This feeling, that feeling that takes residence in your heart, I believe, is called love."

The other woman's eyes widened greatly. "Love?" She spoke as if she has never heard those words before. Her face warmed as she glanced away periodically. Of course, she has heard of the term "love" before, only it was in stories where a prince would fall madly in love with the princess and the two of them would live together happily ever after. Or the love of the man and woman would overcome all obstacles, despite the circumstances.

"I could...I could never."  The younger woman was in denial. She began to think. What if the situation was reversed and unrequited? What would happen then?

"I...I believe I am afraid." she admitted, though it was more of a question rather than a statement.

The other woman reached over and patted  the younger's hand gently. "This is typical. Love is  frightening, yet beautiful at the same time. It comforts, yet binds the soul."


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