By yoncefiercee

220K 9.9K 9.6K

***Sequel to FOUND. I would recommend reading the first book before you read this one! More

FOUND: Holiday Special


5.8K 234 370
By yoncefiercee


The next morning

"These waffles are dope." I said before happily continuing to stuff my face. The chef made us bacon, waffles, and cheesy hash browns for breakfast and I'm living. We're eating outside at one of the tables on the top deck and it's crazy nice out here. It feels great too. Honestly I could probably live on this yacht forever, unlimited food and nice views, what's better than that?

"It's soooooo good." Bella moaned. She's always so doing the most when she eats but I'm just glad she's eating again so it's whatever. "I love food so much."

"We can tell." Blue said before poking her thigh. I shook my head.

"Aye, I'm trying to get thickkkk." Bella said smiling. I just looked at her. "I look like mom in Dreamgirls right now. Small as hell. I'm trying to get like 2003 Beyoncé. Ayyyyy." She stuck her tongue out and waved her hand like that Cardi B gif.

"That's a really accurate description." Blue said thoughtfully. It really was.

"I know." Bella grinned. "My body is coming girls. No worries."

"Girl ain't nobody worried." Brooklyn said. We all looked at her. I can't wait for my parents to have to deal with her when she's a teenager.

"Anyways." Bella rolled her eyes and went back to eating. I glanced at the time on my watch and laughed. It was eleven-thirty, way earlier than I thought. Everyone looked at me so I explained.

"I'm surprised we're even up this early considering we just went to sleep a few hours ago." I said shaking my head. Bella and Blue shuddered. We were all thinking the same thing.

"We were traumatized and determined to fight off any possible nightmares. It's completely understandable." Bella said. Blue nodded in agreement.

"I'll never be able to look at them the same." She mumbled. "I am disgusted."

"Honestly. Like knowing they're doing it is one thing but hearing them in action is something else. They really put the Saw horror movies to shame." I said. "Ain't nothing scarier than what we heard last night."

"True." They said. We went back to eating and minding our business until our mom popped up. She looked like she just woke up. A mess.

"Hey." My mom said smiling. We stopped talking and stared at her. "What?"

"Are you pregnant?" Blue asked. My mom looked at her blankly.

"Blue." Bella laughed. "That's a good question though." She said under her breath.

"Why are you asking me that?" My mom asked.

We just looked at her for a minute until I saw my dad coming up the stairs. I shook my head as he walked over to us.

"Oh hey daddy." Blue said looking back at our mom. Me and Bella snickered. It was horrifying and hilarious at the same time. Plus our mom looked lost which made it even funnier.

"Hey." My dad nodded. "What time you guys wake up?" He asked.

"Like ten thirty." Bella said. "Did y'all just wake up?"

"Yeah." My mom said.

"Y'all were busy last night huh." Blue said.  They both looked at her confused. "Next time you guys should be quieter. I'm pretty sure you woke up Capri's sea life too. Y'all were summoning the whales with those noises. Giving me Dory from Finding Nemo vibes."

My mom's eyes widened and my dad busted out laughing. Y'all know his laugh is ridiculous so naturally we started laughing too. Everyone except my mom. She looked horrified. Good, because we were too.

It's what she deserves.

"Oh my God." She said under her breath.

"Mommy!" Brooklyn yelled. I guess she didn't notice they were up here. She got up and ran over to my parents.

"Hi mommy." Sienna said smiling. She didn't bother moving. "Hi daddy."

"Hi baby." My mom said. Her face was still hella red. I want to take a picture but she'd yell at me.

"Did you and daddy have fun playing your game last night?" Brooklyn asked after my mom picked her up.


Bella, Blue and I fell out laughing. My mom glared at us. What? It's their fault.

"We sure did." My dad said. My mom smacked his arm. "What?"

She shook her head. "Yes we did. I'm sorry we were... uh.... being so loud. It won't happen again." She said quietly. I could tell she was embarrassed and it was funny as hell.

"Honestly it probably will." My dad said. She just looked at him.

"It's okay. I'm happy you were having fun." Brooklyn said smiling.

"Too much fun." Blue mumbled.

"Keep hating." My dad laughed.

"Jay please." My mom sighed.

"Oh now you're calling him Jay?" Blue said nodding. "Good to know."

My mom looked at her. "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"Well, we're just saying..." Bella started. My mom looked over at her. "We should be the only people calling dad daddy."

Our mom turned beet red again and we all started laughing, including my dad. She just glared at him.

"Oh shut up." My mom groaned. "This is your fault."

"It's funny Bey." He said smiling. He tried to hug her but she pushed him off. "Aye, what's that for?"

"I'm going to shower." My mom said while eyeing us. "Behave."

"Ew you haven't showered yet?!" Bella yelled. My mom took a step towards her but my dad grabbed her arm.

"Go Bey. Before they drive you crazy." He said laughing. My mom sighed and shook her head before turning around. She walked off and went back inside.

"Daddy y'all are nasty." Bella said as our dad sat down.

"Your mom likes it nasty." He said smiling.

"Oh my God! Really?!"

My dad busted out laughing and we just glared at him. You see what we have to deal with? Him and mom are some freaks for real.

I shook my head. Disgusting.



"Aw Bey, don't be mad baby. It's not your fault you can't be quiet. Hell, I don't blame you. I am pretty blessedt in that area." I said proudly. We were back in our room for a few minutes because the kids wanted to go swimming and use the jet skis so Bey and I had to change.

"Oh fuck you Jay." Beyoncé rolled her eyes and finished tying her bikini top. I got up off the bed and walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

"You were last night." I chuckled before kissing her neck. She moaned and tilted her head to the side. I kept going and started undoing the knot on her bikini.

"Uh uh. Stop it." Bey stepped away from me and walked over to the mirror. She started fixing her hair. I followed her. "Jay, we are not having sex right now. Especially since we know the kids can hear us." She said groaning. I chuckled while she ran her fingers through her hair. I couldn't help myself. I grabbed her waist and pressed her back against my front. She paused and I smirked. She felt it.

"You could always not scream." I suggested while rubbing her sides. She's too damn fine to be walking around in a bikini and not expect me to dick her down. Like damn. She's Beyoncé.

"Shut up!" Bey whined. I shook my head.

"Baby, it ain't that serious. I promise you." I said laughing. Beyoncé turned around and glared at me.

"Our kids heard us having sex Jay. That's horrifying!"

"They'll be fine." I shrugged.

"'They'll be fine' my ass." Bey mocked me. "We probably traumatized them."

"I mean, I have no regrets. Do you?"

Bey looked at me for a minute before sighing. "Okay no but still."

"I was gonna make love to my wife on her birthday and they knew that. They're just doing the most as usual. I'm still gonna be able to sleep at night." I said before kissing Bey's jaw. She smiled as I kissed her lips. "I'm about to do it again too."

"You are not." Bey shook her head. "We're supposed to go swimming with the kids. They're waiting on us."

"Aye this is our vacation too. The kids already know what's up. They can keep waiting." I said gently pushing her back against the wall. Beyoncé looked into my eyes and I knew I had her. Shawn two, kids zero.

"Bey." I said while untying her bottoms. I pushed down my shorts and rubbed myself against her. She bit her lip.


"I'm about to fuck you now aight?"

"Okay." Bey whispered. I smirked and kissed her forehead before sliding in slowly. She gripped onto my biceps and moaned.

It took a whole two seconds before I had her screaming to the Gods. Damn I knew she couldn't be quiet. Hell I don't care, our kids can invest in some earplugs or some shit. It's not my fault their mama can't handle it.

Fifteen minutes later Beyoncé collapsed against my chest and I laughed before kissing her sweaty forehead. I lifted her in my arms and carried her over to the bed.

"Fuck Jay, I can't fucking walk." Bey whined as I laid her down. I laughed and climbed in bed next to her.

"We can chill down here for awhile, I'll text Julius and have him take the kids in the ocean until we're ready. That'll give you some time to recover from that bomb dick you just got." I said smirking. Beyoncé rolled her eyes.

"Yeah okay."

I leaned down and kissed Bey's cheek before getting up and putting my shorts back on. I grabbed her bikini bottoms and carried them over to the bed.

"You want me to put these on for you?" I asked her.

Bey lazily nodded. "Yes baby."

I put them back on and made sure they were securely tied before laying back down. I pulled Beyoncé on my chest.

"I love you, you know that?" I said rubbing her back.

"Yes. And I love you too." Bey rubbed my chest before closing her eyes.

"You taking a nap?" I said laughing.

"Just resting my eyes for a minute." Bey mumbled. I shook my head. I put her ass to sleep.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and texted Julius. He said he'd watch the kids and I thanked him. I went and checked some of my personal emails. We always try to stay away from anything work related while on vacation so I didn't look at my business email. While scrolling through I saw something from an unknown sender. I clicked on it.

"Beyoncé." I said shaking her. Bey groaned and kept mumbling something I couldn't understand. She was probably cussing me out. "Baby wake up. You need to see this."

Bey sighed and slowly sat up. I handed her my phone and she read the email. "What the fuck?" She said looking back at me. "Who sent this?"

"I don't know. It's from an unknown address." I told her. "I don't know if it's traceable but I can have someone look into it."

Bey read it again before shaking her head. She looked mad as hell and I don't blame her. "Is this a fucking joke?"

I sighed and grabbed my phone back. She didn't need to look at it anymore. Beyoncé climbed out of bed and went outside on the balcony. I'm guessing she needs a minute to think. I shook my head and read over the email again.

Mr. Carter,

Close the investigation on the break-in. Call off your dogs.
Or else.

*1 Attachment*

The attachment was a photoshopped picture of Sienna tied up in what looked like a basement. There was a little thought bubble above her head with "Isabella 2.0" written inside.

The longer I stared at it the angrier I got. Who the fuck was this? Pissed as hell, I deleted the email and tossed my phone on the bed. I got up and went outside to get Beyoncé. She was leaned up against the railing.

I walked over to Beyoncé and grabbed her hand. I led her over to the couch and pulled her down on my lap. "Shhh baby, it's okay. I'm gonna handle it aight?" I said while holding her face. She was sobbing silently to herself. "Beyoncé, calm down baby girl. Please, before you get yourself worked up." I said rubbing her back. Damn I shouldn't have shown her that.

"They're gonna take my baby again! It's gonna happen again Jay!" Beyoncé started crying hysterically. I gently lowered her head onto my shoulder and she cried in my neck. "They're going to take my babyyyyyy." She sobbed. I kissed her forehead and slowly rocked us back and forth. "I can't go through that again. I can't. Please, please no. Please." She cried.

"No they ain't. Nobody is touching our kids Beyoncé. Someone is playing a sick fucking joke and I'm going to find out who aight? I promise you." I said while rubbing her sides to calm her down. "Our kids are safe Bey. We're safe right now. We can extend the vacation and stay here for however long you want baby. Whatever you want. Just tell me and I'll make it happen."

Beyoncé just shook her head and kept crying. I held her until she calmed down enough to speak.

"I don't want to go back home right now. I need my babies safe. We need to stay here until we figure this out." Bey said quietly. She was still crying but it wasn't as hysterical as before. I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.

"Okay baby. I'll call the company and let them know we're extending our vacation." I said.

"Don't tell anyone where we are either. Our location needs to remain a secret. Please Jay." Beyoncé pleaded.

"I won't baby."

She sighed. "Thank you."

I gently wiped her face before kissing her slowly. She relaxed a little and immediately kissed me back.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm keeping us safe, I promise." I said while looking in her eyes. Bey nodded and grabbed my face.

"I believe you baby. I'm just scared." Bey said softly. "I can't go through losing a child again. I-I-"

"Stop thinking about it. We're safe. Aight?"

Beyoncé sighed and nodded. "Okay."

"Okay." I kissed her cheek before patting her thigh. Bey got off my lap and I stood up. I pulled her in my arms and hugged her tight. "I got us. We're safe." I said again.

"I know."

"Good. Now let's go enjoy the day with our babies aight? No worries." I said stroking Bey's cheek. She nodded and I kissed her lips again. "I love you. Relax yourself baby. I can feel you shaking."

"I'm trying Jay." Bey said. I kissed her forehead before stepping back and grabbing her hand. We headed back inside.

"You ready?" I asked while closing the door to the balcony. Bey nodded and grabbed a hair tie to pull her hair up with.


"Okay." I wrapped my arm around Bey's shoulder and pulled her against me. She laid her head against my shoulder as we walked out the room. We went outside and walked down the stairs to the lower deck.

"It's about time!" Bella said smiling when she saw us. "What were y'all doing?"

"You really wanna know?" I said smirking. Bella grimaced.

"Daddy!!!!!!! Ewwwwww!!!!!" She whined.

"Aye, you asked." I said laughing. I felt Beyoncé hit my chest and looked down at her.

"Stop messing with them." She said smiling. I know she finds it amusing too, why she tryna front.


"Thank you."

I kissed her cheek before letting her go. She went over to Brooklyn and Sienna and I went over to the older kids.

"Dad, you gonna go tubing with us?" Jeremiah asked pointing to the speedboat.

"Hell yeah, someone's gotta show y'all how it's done." I said.

"You're gonna do that old man? Bet." Jeremiah laughed. I mushed his head.

"Don't say nothing when you fall off."

"I'm not gonna fall off." Jeremiah said.

"Aight." I nodded. "We'll see."

"Ooohhhh. I'm excited to see this." Bella said smiling. "Let's go!"

Jeremiah started walking and I tripped him up before laughing. He glared at me as we got on the boat.

"You gonna lose." He said looking at me.

"Aight." I chuckled. He frowned and sulked a little as we pulled off. He knows he's boutta lose. Bold ass kids.



A few hours later

"You can either fix your face or go somewhere with that damn attitude. Pick one and get out my face." I mocked while stomping up the stairs. I made sure I was being extra loud. She can keep yelling, I don't care.

I huffed and angrily sat down in one of the chairs. My mom was being annoying again, no surprise there, and wouldn't let me ride a jet ski by myself. I'm not surprised but it's still annoying. She said I'm too young but I think that's a dumb excuse because I've done it before and it's easy. She's always so overprotective for no reason. Ugh!

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared out at the ocean. It really was pretty out here but I was too mad to enjoy it. Everyone was on the bottom deck being loud and annoying so I decided to go upstairs to the middle deck so I could be alone. I swear I can never do anything fun. Ok maybe that's being a little dramatic but oh well.

"Blue!" I heard. I looked over my shoulder and saw Sienna running over to me. I rolled my eyes. How did she even find me up here? I can never mind my business in peace. Someone always has to interrupt.

"What Sienna?" I asked annoyed. I swear I just wanted to be alone for a little bit longer. I was gonna go back eventually. I like cooling down in private to avoid having an attitude and getting my butt beat. It's very logical.

I have a feeling Sienna is going to ruin that for me. Sigh.

"How come you left?" She asked and stood right beside me. She tried leaning against my chair but I held out my hand.

"Because I want to be alone for a little while. Can you leave please?" I asked nicely. If I didn't she would probably snitch and I would get yelled at for being rude. I'm not in the mood for that at all so I'll play nice.

"But I wanna play with you." Sienna smiled. "You wanna play with me?"

"Not right now, no." I said dryly.


I sighed. "Because I want to be alone, okay?"


"Sienna!" I snapped. She jumped a little and looked like she was about to cry. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Look, I'll play with you later. I just want to be by myself for a few minutes. Please."

Sienna looked at me for a minute before turning around. She walked over to the edge and started playing on the railing. Jesus Christ, why can't she just leave? What did I do to deserve? I'm trying so hard to be nice.

"Sienna, get down. You're not supposed to be by the railing. You know that." I said calmly.

"You not my mommy." She said smirking. She didn't move and kept playing. I rubbed my temples and took a deep breath. I swear I'm never having kids.

"Sienna, get down. I'm not playing." I said starting to get mad. She doesn't listen, I swear to God. And she's the 'good' twin too.

"No!" She yelled. What the, oh no. Who is she talking to?

"Sienna! Get down!"

"Make me!" Sienna said before sticking her tongue out.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed one of the throw pillows before throwing it at her. She tried to dodge it and lost her footing.

I'm not even sure what happened next. I blinked and she was falling back.

I jumped up and ran over to where she was standing. I tried to grab her before she fell but I couldn't make it in time. I just stood there with my chest heaving as I leaned over the railing and watched some water come up from the splash. I was frozen from shock.

I quickly snapped out of it.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I screamed and ran down the stairs to the bottom deck. Isabella and Jeremiah were sitting on the couch playing a game and my parents were at the table with Brooklyn.

"Sienna fell in the water! She fell in!" I said crying. I don't know what else I said because I was talking so fast and crying at the same time but everyone started moving quick. Someone pushed me out the way and I saw my dad jumping in the water. I backed away from everyone and stood in the corner trying to calm myself down. Why didn't I just make her get down? What if she drowns? Is it my fault? Oh my god, oh my god.

"I got her!" I heard. My head snapped up so fast. I looked over to where everyone else was standing and saw my dad passing my mom Sienna. I think my heart stopped for a split second.

"Shhh, shhhh. It's okay, it's okay. Mommy's got you now. You're safe baby. I'm so sorry." My mom kept saying while wrapping Sienna in a towel and holding her against her chest. She was crying at the top of her lungs.

I leaned back against the wall and tried really hard to calm myself down. I felt so bad. I swear I didn't mean for it to happen. I swear I didn't. The twins annoy me sometimes but I love them and I never want anything bad to happen to them.

I watched my mom comfort Sienna for a few more minutes before she handed her to my dad. He took her and Brooklyn inside. Jeremiah and Bella followed. I just stood there until my mom walked over to me.

"Um, is- is she okay?" I asked nervously. My mom just stared at me. I swallowed thickly. "I didn't, I didn't know– I'm so sorry." I said as my voice cracked. "I never meant for–"

My mom grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me against the wall. My eyes widened when she started yelling in my face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I-what?" I said confused. "I didn't, I– mommy, it was an accident. I didn't do it on purpose. Please believe me." I pleaded. I bit my lip and tried not to cry. It was an accident.

I swear that just pissed her off more. She looked even madder than she did a second ago. "Do you realize what could've happened Blue? Huh? Have you lost your god damn mind?!"

"Mommy I didn't mean to." I cried.

"I don't care! It still happened!" My mom yelled.

"I-I-I'm sorry."

"I bet the hell you are!"

"Aye!" I heard.

I looked past my mom and saw my dad walking over to us. He pulled her off of me. "What the hell Beyoncé?" My dad yelled.

My mom jerked away from him and stormed off inside. I just stood there crying.

"She hates me." I sobbed.

My dad sighed and pulled me in his arms. I cried into his shirt while he rubbed my back. "No she doesn't Blue. She's just upset right now. She was scared."

"Daddy it was an accident. I swear." I sniffled. My dad grabbed my face and wiped my tears away.

"I know baby girl. So does your mama. Just give her some space to cool down okay?" He said. I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "I think we should stay out here for a little while. You wanna ride the jet ski?"

A few more tears fell down my face while I nodded. My dad wiped them away. "Stop crying baby girl. It's gonna be aight, I promise. Don't worry about it."

"Okay." I whispered.

"So the jet ski? I'll drive and you can just enjoy the ride." My dad said.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." I nodded. He smiled.

"Come on then."

I followed him over to the little deck and he grabbed on of the life jackets. I put it on and he made sure it was secure before putting his own on.

I grabbed his hand before he stepped off. "Daddy?"

"What's up Blue?"

I hugged him again. "I love you."

My dad kissed my cheek. "I love you too baby girl. Let's have some fun now aight?"

"Okay." I smiled. He got on the jet ski before helping me on. I was excited but I was still thinking about my mom. I couldn't help it.

I really hope she forgives me.

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