One Dare (JisooxLisa)

By MrBlackHair

48.6K 1.5K 197

A dare. It can change everything. It can ruin something you have worked so hard to maintain. Jisoo made a dar... More

The End


4.6K 134 53
By MrBlackHair

Lisa's Pov

"Lisa, Lisa, earth to Lisa," Jennie said.

"Why does she have to be so pretty?"

"Here we go again."

"Lis you are staring."

"Can you at least try to close you mouth?"


"Really Lisa."

"Yes, my Jisoo."

"Your Jisoo huh," Jennie said laughing.


Jisoo's Pov

"They are staring."

Jisoo look at Rose with a questioning look.

"Lisa and Jennie," Rose said blatantly.

Ah Lisa her name can send chills running throughout my whole body. I knew something about her was different from everybody else. I love her smile, her eyes. I love everything about her. I just wish...

"Jisoo, Jisoo." "Where did you go?"



"Are you okay," Rose said worriedly.

"So who is going to be at your party tonight?"

"Um... Namjoon, Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Xiumin, Kai, D.O., just about the whole school."

I wish I could tell my friend about Lisa but I can't. I mean she is a nerd and I am what they call the bad girl. So we can't be together can we? She probably wouldn't even like me anyways.

" them."

"What did you say?"

"I said that we should go say hi to them."

"NO, Rose NO!"

"Come on it will be fun!"

Before I could interject she had already pulled me up and was dragging me across the cafeteria.

All of a sudden I am felling very nervous. Why is my heart beating so fast? Is she trying to torture me?

"Hey girls," Rose said with a smirk on her face.

"Hi," Jennie and Lisa said in unison.

They looked at me expectantly. Is it my turn already. Ok Jisoo here we go. Just say it. How does it go again? Oh h-i. I can say that I say it all of the time. What if she's more of a hello kind of girl. What about hey. Here we go.

", hello, hey," Jisoo said nervously.

Real smooth Jisoo.

"Let's go Rose," I said while tugging on her arm.

"Bye girls."

"Oh hey wait we are having a party tonight you two could come if you would like," Rose said.

What is she up to.Please say no. I am going to kill Rose for this.

"Sure," Lisa said excitedly.

Just my luck.


Lisa's Pov

"Lisa act cool they are coming over here!"

Why are they coming over here? Did I do something wrong? I wish I was invisible. Get it together Lisa.

"Hey girls," Rose said.


Why is Jisoo just standing there. She looks nervous. Am I making her nervous. No, I can't be. That is Jisoo. Maybe it is just my head.

", hello, hey." "Let's go Rose."

" two could come if you would like."

Is she making fun of us? Just because we are needs doesn't mean we can't have fun!

"Sure we will be there."

That will show her!


Jisoo's Pov

Oh my...did she just do that? Oh no why did Rose do that. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna say? What am I gonna wear? I can't do this. Rose has a big house. She may not even show up.

Lisa's Pov

I really messed up this time. Why did I have to open my big mouth. Rose has a big house right. We can just hide until we leave. We can do this.

Lisa's Pov


"I am in the kitchen."


"Hey, how was school!"

"Good, hey mom?"


"Can I go to a study group tonight for my test in science?"

"A study group at night," Lisa's mom said unconvinced.

"Okay, don't be after 12."

"Okay, thanks mom!"

Oh wow that was to easy!

"Oh and honey!"

"Yes mom?"

"Have fun and be safe at the party."

How did she know I was? Nevermind.

"Lisa you are a very bad liar."

"Really a study session at night?"

"It was the best I could do."


Hmmmm. What should I wear. Oh this will be perfect!

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