The Pack's Healer

By BeachesandSeashells

65 11 0

Aubrey Miles is finally back to her old pack. She was excited to help the people who had helped her. But what... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

22 3 0
By BeachesandSeashells

"It's so good to have you back Aubrey."  Luna said as she pulled me into a warm embrace.

"Well it's good to be back" I sighed as I hugged her back.

She was showing me around the pack hospital even though I spent my entire childhood in the hospital. Not because I was sick or anything but from the age of 4 I always wanted to be a doctor.

As we were finishing the tour, a little girl with curly brown locks who could not have been more than 8 years comes running up to Luna.

"Mommy." She bellowed as she hugged her mother's middle.

"Hey sweetie, this is the new pack doctor Aubrey." She said gesturing to me. " Aubrey this is my daughter Isabella."

"You can call me Bella." She said give me her hand to shake.

"And you can call me Dr. Bre" I said shaking her hand with a genuine smile.

She turned back to her mother. " When does James get back I miss him picking me from school?" Bella whined.

"In a week, now go finish your homework." Her mother replied smiling and ruffling her daughter's hair.

"Ugh fine. Bye Dr. Bre." She sarcastically replied and skipped out of the hospital making sure every curl bounced with her.

"So, James is coming in a week. " Luna said to me with a wink.

"So I heard" we had started to walk to my new office.

"Are you excited" she said giddily.

James and I were best friends. That was till middle school. It was understandable because who wants to be friends with a girl who is two years younger and obsessed with science. Not a 12 year old boy that's for sure.

"We haven't talked in 15 years I'm sure he probably forgot about me." I sheepishly replied.

"Has it really be 15 years? Gosh it feels like it was just yesterday when you two were running in the front yard." She said with a longing smile. "And trust me the one thing my son has not forgot about is you"

"Really that feels like a lifetime ago." I replied ignoring her last comment.

"Well, when you get settled in come by for dinner we would love to have you." She said as she walked out my office door.

I had just unpacked the boxes of office supplies when a nurse poked her head in the door.

"Dr. Miles? "

"Yes... uh?"

"Patricia. There's a male with a 109 fever. Who was just brought in. We have iced him and are seeing if his temp will go down but-"

"Gotcha." I had made it out of the room before she could finish and was in the room with the man. Naturally I checked his vitals and had blood taken to the lab.

He looked like he had the flu. His temperature had gone down but I was going to wait for the blood test before I sent him on his way. About ten minutes after he was brought in.  His mate came running.

I want a mate to worry about. My wolf longed in my head.

I know buddy, I know. I responded.

" Can someone tell me where Kenneth Howard is?!" She bellowed at the nurse's station. To were Ansley, a blonde headed, sassy thing pointed over to me without looking up from the nail file she was using or stopping the conversation she was having on the phone. I rolled my eyes as the sad she wolf practically sprinted to me.

"How is he? Is he going to die? Does he need surgery?"

She asked the question so fast I could hardly get the answers out.

"Fine, no but I can't be sure till the lab results come back, on what would the surgery be?" I calmly stated. " and has Kenneth been out of the country or in an airport in the past month?"

"Um, no he hasn't" she said tears rolling down her face.

" Well it looks like he just has the flu, but once again nothing is for sure till the test results come back in. "

She sat in a seat next to her mate as I made my rounds. Since wolves heal quickly rounds don't take very long and most wolves make it out within hours.

I was just finishing up checking on a girl who had fall out of a tree and broke her arm when  Patricia came with the results.

I looked at the results as I walked back to Kenneth's room.

"He has meningitis so he's fine it's curable"

"Omg that is great so he's not going to die."

"Here's a prescription for some antibiotics but he's free to go."

It was around midnight before I was able to leave the office. There was a surprising amount of paperwork. As I headed out a stretcher was rushed in.

Kenneth was on it. He was having an allergic reaction to what I wasn't sure. My heart started to beat as my adrenaline kicked in.

"20CC OF EPINEPHRINE  STAT!" I screamed as I strapped his body down to the bed. In case his wolf broke out. He had broken out in hives and his throat was closing.

Once the adrenaline hit his system he started to breath better. His body started to relax. It seemed as if he was going to be okay.
Then his heart monitor flatlined.

"HE'S CODING" yelled a nurse as she ran to get a crash cart. I started CPR. When the nurse returned, I grabbed the paddles and started charging them up as the nurse continued CPR.

"CLEAR!" His chest bounced as the electricity went through him. The monitors showed no improvement.

"BLOOD PRESSURE DROPPING!" Sobs were heard from the end of the bed. My heart was pounding in my ears. This was my first real patient outside of residency and he was dying.

"CLEAR" His chest lunged forward again. Then the machine gave out the defining beep. The light that shined in his eyes was gone.

"CLEAR" I yell one last time. No change was seen, heard or shown.

"Call it"

"Time of death 12:20 am"

The  piercing cries of his mate where heard. She was in obvious pain. That's the one thing that sucks about healing wolves. If they die their mates go into a deep depression. Often leading to the mate in the hospital as well.

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