The Day Girls Started Chasing...

By XxButtercup3000xX

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Adam is just another college student and about the nerdiest guy you could ever meet. All his life, he's never... More

Blurb Prologue Thing
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Part I)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12 (Part II)

40 8 5
By XxButtercup3000xX

His most defining feature was his big curly hair. It trails well passed his muscular shoulders and its volume seems like it can fill up the entire room. His eyes are big and green, contrasting the dark, burnt orange color of his skin. Tattoos flourish up and down the length of his arms, written in codes and languages that are unfamiliar to me. He wears an orange tank top and brown khakis, which I think is weird considering the fact that it's the middle of winter, with a pair of flip flops. He looks a few years older than me, maybe late twenties or early thirties.

"What do you want," he asks, almost rudely and with a hint of an accent in his voice but I can't place its origin. It's the first time I've ever seen this person but he just seems so mean, like I did something to piss him off or something.

"Ah, yes, I was wondering if you have a phone I can use," I ask, summing up his attitude to just a fig of my imagination. "I'm lost and need to find my way home."

"We have no phone here," he states as he swiftly turns his back on me and walks behind the counter.

I quickly follow him. "Then maybe a map, or some directions? I'm trying to get to Fort Collins."

"You no get ride from me no more," he replies with a raspy undertone as he continues to mess with the bottles that sit behind the counter.

"I don't need a ride," I try to explain. "I need map. You know, map? Directions?"

"Don't speak stupid to me. I know English," the man says.

"Right, I'm sorry," I apologize. But I'm still feeling frustrated. For a man who knows english he sure is having trouble with what I'm trying to ask of him. "I need a map so I can find my way back to Fort Collins. Do you know where Fort Collins is? Do you know how I can get there? Or maybe a place where I can find a phone?"

"I know Fort Collins," he nods while wiping a glass cup with a napkin.

"That's great! How can I get there?"

"You no remember me?" He changes the topic and frustration begins to kick in again.

"No, I don't think we've met before."

"No, my name is Rawiri. You come here yesterday late at night. Remember?"

I don't remember. Did I walk all the way here late at night after Wrecker's party? Is this where I'd been for those missing three hours of my life?

"Uh, what happened yesterday?"

"You drink here," he answers. "Lots. You go on about Gigi and you got no sex life. You cry. I take you home."

"That's really all that happened?" I push.

"Yes. You annoying. That's why me no like see you again."

Suddenly, everything makes sense. I'm relieved to know that there's no gaping hole in my life anymore, and that I didn't do drugs.

"So why are you here? Is it Gigi again?"

"I'm not here for a reason, I just got lost."

"Folk don't come here with no reason. People find this place when they look for something. Your look for something?"

I'm looking for a lot of things. Validation. Confidence. A girlfriend. But I can't say any of those things. It's pathetic, I'm pathetic. "I'm looking for a way back home."

He pauses. His green orbs stare straight into mine, almost entrancing me into a hypnotic experience that I can't tear my eyes from. "I tell you what. I give you what you look for."

It's about time. "Thank you," I exclaim.

He disappears into the backroom. I hear clammering as I wait on the stool in front of the counter. A few minutes later he appears with a vial of glowing pink liquid and he hands it to me.

"No, thank you. I'm not thirsty," I quickly decline. I don't know what that is and where it came from. It could be poison for all I know.

"It okay. On the house," he affirms while grabbing my hand and pressing the vial into my palm.

"I shouldn't." I try to hand it back to him.

"Drink it," he demands.

"I'm really ok-"

"Drink it or I kill you."

I could've attempted to run away, but something about his tone and the look in his eyes scares me. So without hesitation I open the vial and chug it's contents down. The minute the substance starts to settle in my stomach, a haze shrouds my vision. Everything seems blurry and a dizziness sets me off balance.

"What did you do," I slur, the words coming out of my mouth slow and derailed.

"I give you what you look for."

My body turns to Jello and the vial in my hand clashes to the ground, breaking into a million tiny pieces. My eyes roll back as I hit the ground, and everything goes black.

Hope you ENJOYED! Sorry I'm a day late, computer/internet problems. VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, SHARE, and see you next WEDNESDAY!!! :D

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