My Best Friend's Brother: Rod...

By geekgirl750

93.5K 1.6K 7.7K

Ever since you moved to Plainview you've had a crush on Greg's older brother Rodrick. Rodrick has always seen... More

Age 13
Age 14
Age 15
Age 17

Age 16

11.7K 234 2.1K
By geekgirl750

A/N I'm adding a new character in this chapter. His name is Isaac and he looks like this:

Y/N= Your Name

L/N= Last Name

H/C= Hair Color

This is your outfit:

You knocked on the door to the Heffley house. Susan answered, looking flustered, with Manny hanging from her waist. "Hey Mrs. Heffley, is Greg home?" You asked.

"Manny not now, honey." She said to her son, detaching his arms from around her, and shooing him away. She fixed her shirt before answering you. "Hi Y/N, Greg is in his room." She smiled.

You thanked her and then ran upstairs to find Greg.

You kick the door to his room open, causing him and Rowley to jump. "BOOM! Suck it losers!" You shouted.

You were 16 and had just gotten your driver's license. You pulled it out of your pocket, and started waving it in their faces. "Look what I got? I wonder what it could be? It looks like, no, no wait it is...It's a driver's license! Goes great with these." You took a set of car keys out of your other pocket and shook them near Greg's ear. "You hear that? That's the sound of freedom."

He pushed your hand away and made a face.

You leaned in closer to him. "Yeah, I got my license, Rowely's got his permit, and what does little Greggy have?" You baby-talked in his ear.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"That's right, NOTHING!" You fell onto Greg's bed in a fit of giggles.

"Greg can't drive! Greg can't drive!" Rowley chanted, joining in on the teasing. He repeatedly poked Greg in the shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah you guys know that's only because I'm a few months younger than you." He grumbled, shoving Rowley's arm.

"Whatever you say Greggy." You laughed, bouncing on his bed with excitement.

He rolled his desk chair around to face you. "And will you knock it off! You're starting to sound like Rodrick!" He snapped.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." You heard someone chuckle.

You saw that it was Rodrick. He was leaning up against the doorframe wearing a baggy, dark blue, Penn State hoodie and flannel pajama bottoms. His shaggy hair was mussed in different directions around his forehead and slightly damp. It looked like he had just woken up.

Rowley sniffed the air and made a face. "What's that smell?"

"I don't know, it almost smells like soap." Greg added in.

You jumped off the bed. "Oh my gosh! Did THE Rodrick Heffley take a shower?" You gasped in fake shock.

"Sure did. Want to smell shortie?" He came forward, holding out his armpit, preparing to shove it in your face. You pushed him away playfully.

While you still found Rodrick cute, the two of you had formed more of a sibling-like bond. He had become just like your older brother.

"What are you even doing home anyways?" You laughed. School didn't let out for another month.

"I took some night classes and finished the semester early." He smirked.

"You tried at school?" Rowley asked, confused.

"Can it Chunky Cheese!" He snapped, than turning to you with a goofy grin. "Besides Y/N, I wouldn't want to miss your party."

"You're coming to my Sweet 16?" Now it was your turn to be confused.

"Well I was planning on having band practice tonight, but Ben has the flu and Chris is still at school, so I guess it leaves me with nothing else to do." He shrugged.

"There's no way I'm going if you're going to be there." Greg argued.

You were slightly hurt. "C'mon Greg. You're my best friend! Besides," You leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Holly Hills will be there."

"Really?" He blushed excitedly. You knew he had a crush on her.

"Ha, she'll never go for a nerd like you!" Rodrick laughed. Then as an afterthought, quickly added awkwardly. "Will Heather be there?"

" 'Fraid not. But Isaac will." You smiled to yourself.

Greg rolled his eyes, looking disgusted.

Isaac had been one of your best friends before you had moved, and the two of you had grown up together. You were excited when his family had moved to Plainview as well sometime last year. Even though he lived on the nicer, richer, north side of town and you lived on plain, normal Surrey Street, you two still found the time to hang out with each other. While you wanted him and your new friends to get along, Greg and Rowley didn't seem to like him very much. If that wasn't complicated enough, you couldn't help but feel you might be falling for Isaac.

You were about to tell Greg to be nice to Isaac, when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Taking it out, you saw it was a text from your mom. It said:

Hi honey

Time to come home now

Love, Mom <3

"Sorry guys, that's my mom. I gotta go and get ready for the party. See you tonight." You waved goodbye, practically skipping down the stairs.


"He's just so cute and awkward, but in a nice way. And I like the way his eyes kind of sparkle in the lights of the gymnasium during P.E." You giggled to yourself as you listened to Holly gush about Greg while she curled your h/c hair. You found their crushes on each other so adorable.

She was so lost in thought, she accidentally touched the curling iron to the tip of your ear, causing you to cry out in pain.

"Oh my gosh Y/N! I'm so sorry." Holly shut off the curling iron and put it down on the vanity. She gently rubbed the burn on your ear. "Now you're going to have a red mark, and it's all my fault."

"It's fine Holly, really. Look we can cover it with my hair." You spread your hair out to hide the burn. Taking a second to admire yourself in the mirror you smiled. "You did a great job."

Holly looked relieved. "You really think so?"

You were surprised that the two of you had become friends. She wasn't stuck up and rich like you thought she would be. Honestly, she was probably one of the nicest people you knew, and you were glad to have a fellow girl around as a friend.

Sounds from downstairs pulled you out of your thoughts.

"Y/N the Heffleys are here." Your mom called up to your room.

"Greg's here!" Holly giggled happily.

You took one last look in the mirror before standing up and smoothing out your dress. You locked arms with Holly, giggling yourself. "Come along Miss Hills, your gentleman awaits." The two of you headed downstairs to the party.


It was close to 8 o'clock, and by now the party was in full swing. Your house was filled with your friends, neighbors, and various kids from school that your parents had insisted you invite. They felt you needed to be more social, however you felt like you were socializing just fine watching Greg make a fool of himself.

He was leaning against the kitchen counter, staring dumbly across the room at Holly, who was in the middle of a conversation with Patty Farrell.

"Go talk to her." You nudged him with your shoulder.

"No way." He blushed, embarrassed.

"Just get her attention."


"Hey Holly!" Rowley called across the room, waving and pointing to Greg. Greg slumped down, trying to hide and looking like he wanted to kill Rowley.

Holly giggled and smiled back, but Patty gave you all a death glare.

"She smiled at me." Greg gushed.

"Greg? Greg?" You called.

He ignored you, too caught up in his daydreams about Holly Hills.

"Hey Greg! You waved your hand in front of his face.

"AH-Wha?" He looked confused.

"Your tie is in the clam dip." You laughed.

He looked down and groaned. Grabbing some napkins he tried to clean it off. "Do you think she noticed?" He asked Rowley.

Rowley shrugged."Maybe she was too busy looking into your eyes."

"She was looking in my eyes!" Greg practically yelled.

You shushed him, then feeling a tap on your shoulder, turned to see Rodrick, holding a drink in his hand.

"Hey Y/N! Great party." He placed the drink down on the counter.


Rodrick made a face, almost like he was deep in thought, before asking, "Can we go somewhere quiet?"

You nodded, leading him outside to the back deck.


Taking a deep breath of the cool night air, you took a seat on the porch swing. You patted the space next to you, gesturing for Rodrick to join you. Both of you sat in a calm silence, staring up at the sky.

"Pretty aren't they?" You asked, gesturing towards the stars.

He nodded in agreement.

"It's crazy to think that it takes so long for their light to get to us, that we are looking at what the sky was like years ago. All these stars could be dead now and you would never even know it."

"Woah..." Rodrick breathed in awe. "Where did you hear that?"

"I read it in a book once."

"You read books?" Rodrick scoffed.

"Yes, I do." You said, rolling your eyes. "Anyways, what was it you wanted to ask me?"

"Um, well-"

"Y/N there you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Rodrick was cut off by Isaac joining you on the deck. You stood up and Isaac pulled you into a hug.

"Who's this?" Rodrick asked defensively.

"Rodrick this is Isaac, my childhood friend. Isaac, this is Rodrick, Greg's brother."

"Nice to meet you, man." Isaac went to shake his hand, but Rodrick refused.

"S'up." He replied bored, rolling his eyes.

Isaac ignored him, turning back to you. "I can't believe you're 16! It seemed like just yesterday we were little kids playing pirates in my treehouse." The two of you laughed at the memory of it.

You heard Rodrick let out a sarcastic chuckle, mocking you from his seat on the porch swing.

"Dude, do you have a problem?" Isaac turned to him annoyed.

"No. No problem." Rodrick shook his head, holding up his hands, clearly failing at attempting to be truly sorry.

"Anyways," Isaac looked back at you. "I got you something." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box with a bow on top.

"You shouldn't have." You protest as he hands the box to you. Opening it you saw that it was a heart-shaped locket on a gold chain. "Oh it's beautiful." You whispered.

"Look at this." He opened up the locket, and inside was a picture of the two of you as children.

"I love it Isaac! Thank you!" You hugged him.

"Mwuh, mwuh, mwuh." Rodrick muttered to himself teasingly. He watched as Isaac put the necklace around your neck. "I wouldn't wear that if I were you Y/N. It might turn your skin green." He added in.

"This is 14 karat gold!" Issac spat.

"Well aren't you fancy. Where did you get the money, your mommy?"

"What's your deal man? Can't you see we're in the middle of something?!" Isaac shouted.

Rodrick stood up from his seat. He towered a good six inches over Isaac, at least. "Are you trying to fight me?" He laughed.

"Maybe I am." He shoved Rodrick slightly. Rodrick shoved him back. The two looked like they were ready to start a fist fight with each other. You quickly broke up their shoving match.

"Hey! Stop it you two! Stop!" You yelled, squeezing in between them, and pushing them apart. They both straightened out their clothes and glared at each other. "Can't we all just get along?" You pleaded.

"Whatever." Rodrick muttered, rolling his eyes. He faked a lunge at Isaac before storming back into the house, cursing to himself.

"Wow that guy is such a... jerk." Isaac said, trying not to sound overly rude.

"That's just Rodrick." You shook your head, covering for him.

"Anyways," Isaac sighed. "There's something I wanted to ask you."

"Is that so?" You blushed.

"Indeed Miss L/N." He led you to sit on the porch swing. "So as you know, we've known each other since we were 3 years old, and it crushed me when you moved away."

"Me too. It was so weird without you." You admitted.

"What you may not know," He continued. "Is every since we were little kids I've had the biggest crush on you. I don't believe in true love and all that stuff but honestly, I think my family moving here, us meeting each other again, was fate "

You blushed slightly, looking at the ground.

Isaac took your hands in his, making you look at him. "What I'm trying to say is, Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"

You were shocked. Sure, you and Isaac had known each other forever, and he was really cute, but you had never expected this. You wanted to say yes, but you were unsure of yourself. So much had happened in those few years you and Isaac had been apart, you weren't sure if you could relate to each other anymore. And yet, what was three years anyways, you two were still the best of friends. You stared at your shoe as you dug your toe into the floorboards of the deck, deep in thought. Finally you came to a decision.

"Isaac, I'd love to be your girlfriend." You smiled.

"Really! That's so great to hear." He gave you a tight hug.

You hugged back before pulling away. "C'mon we've been out here long enough. Everyone is probably wondering what happened to us." You took his hand, locking your fingers with his, and headed back inside to rejoin the party.


Rodrick slammed the screen door behind him loudly, storming into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter, grabbing a handful of chips and shoving them into his mouth. He watched as Greg rubbed at his tie with a napkin. "This party sucks!" He called out to the air.

"What's the matter with you? Where's Y/N?" Greg questioned.

"None of your business." He snapped, then for good measure added, "Nerd!" He yanked at his tie, pulling it off angrily and throwing it at Greg. "Here take mine. I'm going home."

"What, why?"

"To practice the drums. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to cancel band practice for a kid's birthday party!"

"But I thought you said-"

"Forget what I said!" Rodrick growled, he started to storm off, then remembering something, turned back around to face his brother. "Oh, and make sure the little lovebird gets these!" He pulled a small, gift-wrapped package out of his pocket and slammed it on the counter next to Greg. With that he marched away, pushing people out of his path as he went. Greg continued to stand there with a confused look on his face.

You and Isaac came back inside a while later and found Greg straightening Rodrick's tie around his neck. "Hi." he nodded.

"Hey Greg, any luck with Holly yet?" You giggled.

He shook his head, mumbling something inaudible. "Oh by the way, Rodrick left. He um, wasn't feeling well." Greg lied.

"That's too bad. I hope he gets better." You looked upset.

"Ah, he told me to give you this." Greg handed you the gift.

Carefully, you tore off the wrapping paper. You smiled when you saw what it was. Rodrick had bought you CDs of all your favorite artists and bands, you were touched. "How'd he know?" You whispered. The two of you had never really discussed your tastes in music.

"How'd he afford them?" Greg asked.

"What do you mean?" Looking closer, you saw that every single CD case was signed. You felt your eyes tear up suddenly. They were just simple CDs, but music meant a lot to you, and you were surprised that Rodrick had even given you a gift at all.

"You okay, babe?" Isaac asked, rubbing your shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You reached up to touch his hand.

Greg gave the two of you an odd look, but said nothing.

Just then Rowley ran up to the three of you. "Hey Y/N, your mom is looking for you. She says it's time to cut the cake now."

"Thank you. I'll be there in a minute."

He nodded before leaving with Greg, heading to the dining room where the rest of the guests were.

You and Isaac stood alone in the kitchen.

He hugged you from behind, as you stared at the CDs a moment longer, deep in thought.

"Hey c'mon let's go." Issac kissed your cheek.

You nodded silently, wiping away a stray tear. You gently put the music down on the counter, before taking Isaac's hand, and letting him lead you towards the rest of the party.

A/N Sorry for all the images but I found a lot of inspiration for this chapter. :)

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