Desire (Kakashi) - Indefinite...

By CloudedSkies

519K 15.2K 4.4K

Crazy and wild, four teenagers are transferred into the world of Naruto and found by a certain sexy silver-ha... More

Desire<3 A Kakashi Love Story
Flipping Shit
World War Three!
Angry Kaka-Baka and a bunny!!!!
Muahahahahaha >:}
A Quick Kiss:
Le New Mission!!!
Ninja attack!!
Dun Dun Duuuuuuuunnnnnnn
Plot Twist!
Plot Twist! Part Dos!!
Fluff :3
The First Thing Kakashi Has to do:
Grow up:
Boy Advice and a History Lesson from Haku:
A gift:
The Return of Cow-Man
Le Team Seven vs Zabumoomoo!
Le Fight! Part Uno-
Death and Heartbreak:
Bye, Bye Haku <3 You shall be missed.
Not Quite A Lemon.......But Getting there!
Warning: Content Might Make You Fangirl Squeal And/Or Smile Like An Idiot.
Kakashi has a fan!
I cried writing this....Don't hate me....
The Sakura Funeral
Time Will Tell:
Team Minato:
My What?
Little Sasuke!!!!! *glomp*
Fluff!!! Somewhat anyways :3
Finally! Some sort of an explanation!
Warning: Content of this chapter...may cause Nosebleeds....
Home Sweet Home!
Author's Note
Some Lemon-Like Qualities:

Le Begining

20.8K 463 74
By CloudedSkies

“Oi! Alex! Get down here or we’ll miss it!” Aveino shrieks, her loud voice carrying up the stairs.

Grabbing Moo, my panda, I dart towards the door and jump down the stairs. My family waits in the den, surrounded by mountains of pillows and blankets and bowls of popcorn. The television flickers blue, waiting for my brother-in-law to press play. Tyler, being the wonderful brother to a Naruto-crazed fan, a girl who likes anything involving ass-whooping, and a husband to Sarah, who’s down for anything, managed to rent all and anything that has to do with Naruto from Blockbuster for the night.  

“How are we going to miss anything when all we have to do is press play?” I roll my eyes.

My older sister scoffs, fiddling with the frayed ends of the rough blue blanket she had claimed as hers the year our mother went insane. I smile sweetly and plop down in between her and our other sister Sarah, clutching Moo to my chest like a child would. I was miraculously able to convince Aveino to stop smoking, for a few months at least, with the promise of actually going out and getting a job this summer and she was suffering from withdraws. Major withdraws.

“Hurry up and put the damn movie in. I’m not going to sit here all night.” She snaps, short blonde hair bobbing as she speaks.

Something foul wafts through the air. I cough and sit up, sniffing, as Tyler presses the small play button.

“Have you smoked?” I frown, turning to my sister, the stench burning my lungs.

“N-no.” Aveino avoids my accusations by glaring at the television screen.

Music fills the air, playing the familiar melody of Naruto’s theme song that plays before every episode, but I barely hear it.

“You did…didn’t you.” I hold Moo to my chest in a death grip, a mixture of hurt and anger swelling up inside of me.

“I didn’t mean to!” She frowns, seeing my expression. “I was with Dan, and he was smoking. I only had one!”

“Doesn’t matter.” I say emotionlessly. “You still broke your promise.”  I’m big on promises. I’m more loyal than a dog. If I promise you something, I mean it and I’ll never break it if I can help it. Aveino grabs my wrist.

“Listen to me. It was just one.” She says softly, urgently.

“That’s what mom said.” I shake my head. “That’s what she said the first time she saw Jason.”

“Can y’all shut the hell up?” Sarah barks, oblivious to the conversation. “The movie has started.”

I crawl over to Tyler and sit next to him, hugging my knees to my chest. Sarah frowns and looks to Aveino, who shakes her head and looks around the couple to try to lock gazes with me.

Naruto laughs maniacally as he runs from Iruka.

The image blurs.

I close my eyes.

The soft chirps of birds and squirrels blasts in my ears, ripping me from my dreams. I had an interesting dream, where my family had been transported into Naruto and we were all flipping out. Someone shakes me by the shoulder. I open my eyes.

“The hell?” I squint, trying to see through the blinding sunlight. “Morning already? God damn! That means I slept through the entire movie!”

I jump up and step forward, moving to turn on a television that was no longer there. Blades of crisp green grass crunched beneath my feet as I moved and warm rays of yellow light washed over my chilled skin. Aveino cracked her back and stood slowly, still half asleep. Tyler held Sarah close-he had been the one who shook me awake.

I blink. “Where the fuck are we?”

I know it’s really really really short! Don’t hate me! I still don’t have my computer back (Damn Spanish) and I’m trying to get this idea posted as fast as possible. I also haven’t watched Naruto in FOREVER! So I will be re-watching as I write this. Tell me if I do anything wrong, please! Vote and Comment :D

---I am just a Cloud <3

^Have you guys ever heard that song?! It’s cool lol especially when it’s a tribute to Cloud Strife X3

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