All That Matters (A Lauren Ci...

By cimfam159

42.1K 976 165

"You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah, Ain't worried about nobody else If it ain't you, I ain't myself Y... More

All That Matters (Sequel to The Only One)
Chapter 1: We're Better Together (Part 1)
Chapter 3: Just Close Your Eyes
Chapter 4: Can I Be Your Crazy?
Chapter 5: I Just Really Love You
Chapter 6: Just Kiss Me
Chapter 7: Sneaky Skilar
Chapter 8: Skiren, Sluns, Soccer, and Sharpay
Chapter 9: Pizza
Chapter 10: I'll Be Your Teacher, You'll Be My Doctor
Chapter 11: The Closet
Chapter 12: I Like It
Chapter 13: Sickness and Stars
Chapter 14: A Concussed, Annoying Fan
Chapter 15: All That Matters

Chapter 2: Happy Monthiversary!

3.1K 73 14
By cimfam159

Chapter 2: Happy Monthiversary!

The next week

Lauren's POV

"Guess what day it is?" I whispered into Skilar's ear as she gave me a nice, long hug at my locker. All teenage girls hug each other so it no one can suspect anything between us two.

"October the third?" She asked laughing as we pulled apart.

"Shut up!" I said giggling along with her.

"Then what? I know it's not your birthday," she answered and I rolled my eyes.

"It's our one month anniversary," I whispered as I came closer to her, her lips were so close to mine and I could easily give her a quick kiss but I couldn't, definitely not at school.

"I know, I was just testing you," he answered as she bit her lip devilishly.

"Well, I have a little gift for you," I said as she closed her locker and we began walking around the school before the first bell rang.

"Awe Lolo, you didn't have to get me something," she whispered sweetly into my ear. I smiled and said in her ear, "Well, I just love you so much."

She blushed then looked down at the ground. I think took a small plastic bag from Target and gave it to her. She looked up at me real quickly right before she looked inside.

"Oh my gosh, it's perfect," she said excitedly.

"Ski, all I got you was pre-wrap and a bag of chips," I said like it wasn't a big deal at all.

"I know but still, it's from you and that just makes it a hundred times better," she said with a smile.

"I got you a little something too," She said as she gave me small plastic bag from CVS then she looked at the ground blushing.

"No need to look down at the ground blushing," I said giggling and she blushed even more and she looked so cute as she tried to hide behind her sleeve.

"Wait, how'd you know?" I asked her kind of shocked. She had given me a small bag of Sour Patch Kids and a small Winnie the Pooh stuffed bear.

"What?" She asked cluelessly.

"How'd you know what my favorite candy is and that I like stuffed bears?" I asked.

"Well, I happen to be your best friend," Skilar said as she bit her lip, we were no more than best friends when we were at school or in any other public place. She continued to say, "...and you said you liked Sour Patch Kids awhile ago and I know Jason gave you dark chocolate and I know you hate dark chocolate so I wanted to make you happy."

"Well, thank you Ski," I said giving her a big hug.

"I'm taking you out tonight," she softly stated as we hugged.

"Oh Skilar, you don't have to," I said, feeling bad about how much trouble Skilar has probably gone through for this date because she always likes planning big special dates.

"But I want to because I love you," she whispered back and I smiled then squeezed her one more time before the first bell rang.

"Whatever you say blondie," I said rolling my eyes.

"Shut up," she replied playfully with a small laugh then fixed a piece of my hair and tucked it behind my ear.


"I gotta go babe," I said without having to whisper now since the hallway was so loud and crowded.

"Love you pasta!" She said with a cheeky smile and I rolled my eyes once again then continued to go to my AP Euro class.

"Okay class, as all of you may know, the AP exam is in one week," my teacher announced, I already knew but I just didn't realize how close that was. No wonder Skilar was worrying so much. Skilar is someone who is, I guess you would say more challenged than me. First of all, she has soccer all of the time so she can't really study and second of all she procrastinates so much that her studying habits are terrible, she just rereads everything and hopes for the best. I don't know how she does it, she actually gets good grades and she barely even studies.

So the AP exam is in a week... crap-Lauren

Yep that's why I wanted to study-Skilar

Yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna fail- Lauren

Didn't u tell me we weren't gonna fail?- Skilar

Shut up- Lauren

We have a test in precalc tomorrow- Skilar

Oh that'll be easy- Lauren

I'm gonna fail lol I gotta go babe- Skilar

Kk love you- Lauren

I hate school so much. My parents are thinking about homeschooling me next year again. I used to be homeschooled but then I went to an actual school for high school because I thought it would be a good experience. Well I guess it was worth it, otherwise I wouldn't have met Skilar or made any friends. Plus, it's good to learn stuff at school and have to interact with people or I would be one very awkward antisocial teenage girl.

The only A+ I get in school is an A+ girlfriend- Skilar

Skilar pls- Lauren

Sorry I had to- Skilar

What about theology?- Lauren

I got an F on 7 tests so far in that class this year- Skilar

But how- Lauren

Idk lol okay now I seriously gotta go Lolo- Skilar

Bye babe- Lauren

"Lauren!" A strong voice from my teacher said.

"Excuse me?" I asked politely and slightly startled.

"Who took control of France directly after the French Revolution?" He asked.

"Napoleon Bonaparte," I said quickly and nervously. Thank God he asked me an easy review question, the one he asked someone right after I didn't know. First period is always the hardest class for me, AP Euro itself isn't that hard for me but it's one of the only classes Skilar and I don't have together. I could just switch my pre-calc class with this class, then I could be with Skilar the whole day. But that would be weird because there's only like 2 weeks left of school and if people found out or even suspected anything about Skilar and I then I'd be dead.

"Hey Lauren, do you want to be my partner for this project?" A voice whispered to me. Crap. It was Jason, it's the one class Jason and I have together... thank God.

"What project?" I asked confused.

"This," he said as he lifted up a closed piece of notebook paper then slowly gave it to me. I took it in my hand and opened it. There was Jason's writing inscribed on it and it said, 'Will you go out with me again?' I rolled my eyes, crumbled the paper into a ball and threw it at him.

"So that's a no?" He asked laughing.

"Let me get this straight," I said, it would've been funny if I said 'I'm not' but I would never say that to him. "I'm not gonna go out with you again. Plus, Angela likes you so go ask her out instead."

"But I like you more," he argued.

"Fine, I'll go out with you if you answer two questions I ask you," I said confidentially.

"Yeah okay this will be easy," he said like a know it all.

"What's my favorite animal and what's my favorite candy?" I asked him.

"Easy, dogs and dark chocolate," he said like he had just casually won the lottery.

"Nope. You're wrong. I hate dogs and dark chocolate," I said, he got up and I casually 'accidentally' tripped him as he began to talk back to his seat. The whole class laughed as he fell down onto the ground. He looked up at me hopeful and I just evilly laughed at him then went back to my studying. Only ten minutes until I get to see Skilar in my next class, I thought as I smiled to myself.

A/N: There's chapter 2 for ya! Sorry I didn't update sooner, it was the end of the quarter and I had soccer and other stuff to do lol. Thanks for waiting and I hope you like it so far! Please vote and comment! I love you all!

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