The little Diva

By Wiccachick

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Have you never asked yourself how big headed people became who they are? Where they come from? Why they think... More

Being the prima revue girl
Chapter 1: Me and Gamie...
Chapter 3: Donatella
Chapter 4: Maybe
Chapter 5: Learning

Chapter 2: Donovan

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By Wiccachick

The next day the wake us way to early. It must be about 6o'clock or something.

"Get your lazy asses up!", Donatella yells

I yawn and crawl out of bed, what other chose do I have? We don't even get the chance to get dress, to push us to the lounge dressed in our jimjams. We all sit down in the comfortable couches, who seem so haunted and dangerous.


We all shut up immediatly in fear for Donatella's punishment. My boss, I mean father walks in. He wants me to call him father ever since he adopted me.

"Goodmorning girls"

"Goodmorning Monsieur"

As you see we are trained well.

"Todau we woke you up early, because it's going to be a busy weekend this week"

Ai Madonna, I just had those days we don't get any rest what so ever.

"There's a company having a party here this weekend and it's your job to entertain them"

Entertainers. That's how the call us....although we go by many names : Girls of pleasure, girls of the night,  Ladies of lust, ladies of light sin..... Name it.

Although I consider myself a dacner, not a whore. I do not, nor will I ever will, give my body in exhange for money. I made that promise to myself and Dio a long time ago. I can only give myself to someone I love. Like James, owh How I adore Jamie. He is so sweet and he longs for nothing but being with me. Yet I know his body aches for me, I mean for my flesh. I ache to him too yet I'm not ready to give myself yet. Besides the fact that I am only 16 (going on 17), it just isn't the right time yet.

"One day I'll buy you a real one", Jamie's voice rings through my thoughts as I touch the piece of string around my finger. It makes me smile, everytime I touch it.

"Drifting of are we?", a manly voice pierce my ears as something touches my cheeck. I lift my face up to meet "fathers" fae, broadly smiling at me.

"Yes, I'm sorry", I whisper.

Dio, I'm gonna get punished for real this time.

"Let me punish her Monsieur"

Donatella smiles, she seems to really enjoy hurting people... I shiver at the lusty grin on her face, especially when she has that wip in her hands.

"No thank you Miss, I'll take her for a talk", he smiles.

He grabs my hand and pulls me to his office and I feel my heart sink in my shoes.

"Just calm down Charlotta. He won't hurt you....I hope"

"Please take a seat sweetheart"

I do as he says and take a seat in the chair opposite to his bureau.

"Are you alright", he carresses my cheeck, "You look quite pale"

"I...I'm fine, monsieur"

"How many times have I told you to call me father, sweetie" He sounds so serious.

"I'm sorry father", I say bowing my head to avoid his look.

"Would you please look at me when I talk to you..."

Slowly I raise my face just to meet his smiling face again. Father isn't much older then me, he's only 25 years old. He and Jamie are only 5 years apart, but I however am 8years younger then him.

"You're quite an extraordinary girl.....and such rare beauty"

Father is quite alright, although his continues smiling and complimenting creeps the life out of me.

"A lot of men have asked for you, did you know that?"

I shake my head, although I know it very well. It know it by the way they look at me , their eyes lusty and their grins shady.

"Now I don't want to push you but..."

I know what's coming.

"It would be very good for business if you would sell just a little"

I had felt this coming. I should have know my life until know was to good to be true.

"Who so sad all of the sudden?", he asks concerned, "You don't have to if you don't want to"

I managa to swallow the crop in my throath.

"I don't?"

He's chuckling.....why does he seem so happy?

"Ofcourse not! I wouldn't never force you to do anything you wouldn't like"

His hands slide over my cheeck and I feel a light brush spreading on them.

"You really are a beauty", he whispers against my face.

I feel his head coming closer to mine and I feel panic creeping into my heart. Yet instead of kissing me he pulls me into his arms. I don't really know what to I do nothing. After a few seconds he releases me.

"You may go know, they're probably waiting for you to start a new routine"

I nod and quickly run to the door.

"Oh and Charlotta...."

Shit, he's still going to say something.

"If you ever need someone to talk door is always open"

C'mon Charlotta just smile a tiny little bit and then get your ass out of here.


"C'mon girls, lift those legs", Gigi yells.

Gigi is one of the older girls and she makes up the routines we do every night. We must be dancing for over 3 hours now and I feel so thirsty. I would die for a drip of water.

"Okay girls, take a break"

Thank you Dio, for listening! I ran to the bar to get myself a glass of water.

"Water, por favore", I breath heavily.

"And what do I get in return?"

Aie, not that yellyfish! I see Donovan grinning at me.

"Just give me the water"

He leans over the bar, but I'm to tired to back away.

"I dont ask much, bella.......just one kiss"

"Forget it! Now give me the water"

"Aie Charlotta baby, wrong aswer", he laughs , "Try again"

This guy has a way of pulling my nerves. He's arrogant and annoying.

"Just give me the water  Donovan"

"Not before I get my kiss"

His grin is growing broader by the minute, his eyes darting over my chest. I can almost feel his eyes undressing me.

"For the last time: no! Now please give me a glass of water"

"So I won't even get a kiss", he chuckles, "Do I have to pay you my little whore?"

This is the drop! Time to kill the bastard! I launch myself at him, my nails trying to scratch out his eyes.


I ignore Clarissa's yelling, this guy is going down. What? Two arms clench around my waist and pull me of Donovan.

"Rilasciare me! Ucciderò quel bastardo!"

"Calm down sweetheart", I hear Jamie's voice whispering in my ear.

My breath slows down and I feel calm again.


I nod, staring to the floor and James releases me.

"How cute", Donovan smiles triumphantically, " The pimp his here to prtect his whore...."

"Don't you ever call her that again!"

James is balling his fist ready to strike Donovan, if he would say an another word.

"Okay you guys break it up", Gigi says before the situation really gets out of hand, "Are you okay?"

I nod as Gigi pulls me away from that scumbag.

"You're lucky Donatella isn't here, for she would surely smack you"

"I know. I'm sorry"

"Owh honey don't be", she giggles, " It was about time somebody gave that boy a good smacker"

I smile faintly, still feeling Donovans eyes on my back.

"Ready? ....5 6 7 8"


I'm exhausted. WE have practized all day and now I have 3 performances at night. I lay down on my bed, sweating heavily.

"Ugh, I smell", I whisper to myself.

"Well well isn't that a lovely sight"

I jump up, crawling back in defense.

"What are you doing here?", I ask, "You shouldn't be here!"

His grin grows even broader as he comes closer to me.

"DOn't come any closer", I hiss hoping that he would back down.

I curse the dress I'm wearing, it's way to revealing and not handy at this moment.

"Is that a treath, cutie?"

His face is lustly and I don't like it at all. Damn, i feel the cold wall against my back. trapped. BEfore I realize it he closes up the gap, blocking me completely in.

"Scared?", his breath flutters against my face.

"For scum like you, NEVER!"

Just hope he gets the hint and backs down. Nope, he doesn't. His grins his wild as his puts his hands against my back.


His voice is so dark...Dio I do am scared right now.

"Let go of me!"

I start hitting him with my fists, but it doesn't seem to hurt him all that much

"Let go!"

Perfect I'm crying.....waterfalls.

"Later sweetheart later"

His hands clench around my dress. Why can't I seem to move? C'mon Charlotta! You need to fight him!

All i can do is close my eyes and let them fill up with tears. SMACK! what just happened?

All I heared is a loud smack, what had happened to Donovan?

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