Memento (BoyxBoy)

By FrozenEscence

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(Book 1 in the Memento series) All Adrian had to do was remember, but how could he remember if he didn't wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

1.4K 54 11
By FrozenEscence

The townsfolk of Galtolga all gathered in the main hall, ready and waiting for the big news.

The room was loud with noise, people chatting and gossiping away to their friends and families.

Others waited patiently, eager to know if the news was true, and then some simply didn't care and just showed up because they had to.

I sat in the front row, awaiting the arrival of Adrian. I knew he was slightly nervous for this speech, especially after everything that has happened, but I knew how strong he really was, even if he doubted it himself sometimes.

Silence suddenly took over the room, and I turned my attention back to the stage in front of me.

The king was making his way onto the stage, ready to start the announcement, only to be stopped midway to the microphone. A guard stood beside him, speaking quietly as the king listened to what he had to say. Soon he nodded, sending the guard off as he continued towards the microphone. The whole room remained quiet as they all waited in anticipation.

The king cleared his throat, before speaking.

"Welcome. I am glad you could all be here today, because I have a very important announcement that should bring peace to all of you. But before I do, there are a couple of things I would like to address.

First being that the training room is currently closed off, nobody is to enter until further notice."

Some people in the room groaned, causing a fuss. The training room was mostly used by the guards, but people that wished to later become guards went in there to practise, hoping to later impress the king and be welcomed as a guard, or if they were talented enough, a knight.

Some people also used it to practise their skills in magic, especially the adults that wanted to teach their children, it was the safest place for it, and one of the only places it was allowed.

It was dangerous for people who didn't know how to control their power to practise anywhere, so the king limited it to certain areas.

"SILENCE!" The room immediately went quiet as the king's voice boomed, bouncing around the room.

"The training room will not be closed for long, a few days at most, and you will all be informed when the room is reopened so please be patient.

I would also like to ask you to be extra careful when teleporting to earth and back, just a precaution, although you should all already be aware of this. I would like to make sure none of you are being careless in the action, as our secrecy is very important. No matter how close you may get to your human friends, our world and us should remain a secret.

And finally, I know many of you are curious as to know when I will find my keeper. I am fully aware that people are becoming restless, but these things take time and are not to be rushed. I am sure soon I will find my keeper and once I do, I will be happy to introduce them to you, and things will go on from there, so please have mercy and remain patient. Time is everything.

Okay, I think I have talked enough, so now onto why you are all here. I would like to announce that my main knight is back for good, and would like to share a few words with you. Be kind and show your respect. Thank you." Adrian stepped onto the stage, and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. The king shook Adrian's hand before stepping off the stage, and disappearing into the back.

Adrian's eyes scanned the crowd before they fell on me, a small smile forming on his face. I winked at him, wishing I could be up there with him, holding his hand. He smiled wider before stepping up to the microphone.

"Hi," he spoke, before no doubt mentally cursing himself. I smiled more as I watched my love ruffle his hair slightly before clearing his throat. Everyone in the room waiting patiently to see what he would say.

"How are you all? I hope you're doing well. It's been pretty hectic on my end to be honest with you, but yes, it is true I am back and am back for good. I know a lot of you are curious to know what happened but unfortunately, I will not be sharing this information with you." The room picked up with noise as they complained, demanded they had the right to know, yeah right. I rolled my eyes as Adrian's voice once again filled the room.

"I will not raise my voice to you, as I hope you have the compassion to listen to my reasoning." The room silenced, tension still filling the room.

"I do not wish to burden you with such knowledge. All you need to know is that Galtolga is safe once more, and for the time being no more danger is upon us. It has been a rough few months, but I am happy to say everything has returned to normal order. Things will carry on from here and I will return to my place as the king's right-hand ma-knight.

So, if any of you have any issues or concerns you may now go back to reporting them to me, or as usual any of the king's other guards and knights.

Now, I would also like to thank each and every one of you for the kindness and respect you have shown. I had the honour to visit my parent's memorial the other day, and the sight alone was enough to nearly bring me to tears. My parents would be smiling along with me if they knew what you all have done. I cannot even begin to explain the joy it brought me, and I'm not exactly one to ramble on about my emotions, so I'm going to cut this off here and once again, thank you.

Okay I think that's pretty much everything, thank you all for being patient with me and I'm happy to be back, refreshed and unharmed-well mostly." He smiled brightly to the crowd before jumping down from the stage.

My eyes widened as I saw him walking towards me, I didn't get the chance to question his movements before his lips pressed against mine, and I found myself lost in our own little world.

My hands fell around his neck as I found myself pulling him closer, my lips moving with his as he nibbled my bottom lip, gently.

We kissed for a moment longer before he pulled back.

"How'd I do?" He smirked, and my eyes once again went wide as I scanned the room.

Luckily, most people had already left, but I was still embarrassed at being caught losing myself to this man. But I suppose most would understand anyway, well at least those that had found their keepers. I turned my attention back to Adrian, grinning.

"Fantastically." He smirked once more, pressing his lips firmly against mine for a second before he pulled back, taking my hand in his and pulling me backstage.

"You did good, Adrian. Thank you for explaining things, it has been a long day and I must now excuse myself, as I am extremely tired," the king spoke, his hand resting on Adrian's shoulder for a split second, as he rubbed at his forehead.

"Thank you, sir. Go and rest, it has been a long day." The king nodded, saying goodnight to us both before he left.

The excitement of the day hit me all at once, and I now felt very tired and drained. I think I could sleep for a year.

"You okay, baby?" Adrian whispered, as I leant against him.

I yawned and he chuckled, before leading me away from everyone, and outside where the cool breeze hit me. It felt extremely refreshing, but I was way too tired to fully enjoy it.

He led me to his parent's house, here in Galtolga, and I watched him as he pulled out a set of keys, putting one in the lock before pushing the door open.

I guess he got the key from the king earlier. It felt like forever since I had been in this house, but everything still looked the same, nothing out of place.

Adrian looked around, taking in the familiar setting and I squeezed his hand, still intertwined with mine.

I watched as he smiled, shutting the door, before pulling me up the stairs. We entered his room and he pulled me over to his bed.

Laying us down, he wrapped me in his arms, placing a small, tender kiss on my forehead. I found myself smiling as I cuddled up to him, I listened to his breathing as I welcomed sleep, and soon drifted off in my love's arms.


-Adrian's POV-

I danced around the kitchen, a permanent smile on my face as I made my love breakfast. He was still sleeping and after everything that has happened, I wanted him to get as much rest as possible.

I didn't know how well he slept the past few months without me, and I didn't really want to think about it. Every time I did, the haunting image of Zach crying himself to sleep filled my mind, I shook my head, discarding the thought as I finished placing everything onto plates.

Placing the plates onto the kitchen table, I then went to pour us both some juice.

Everything was set and ready, and I was about to head upstairs to wake Zach when I saw him enter the kitchen.

I gawked as I watched him sleepily enter the kitchen, rubbing one eye with his hand, wearing only a pair of my loose pyjama bottoms. I wasn't ashamed to admit that I stared at him, mouth hanging slightly open.

His gaze locked onto mine as he smiled sweetly, and I had to have some of him. I stepped towards him, taking him in my arms and pushing my lips against his. They were always so sweet, and I nearly moaned at the feel of his soft lips moving against mine.

He kissed back instantly, moulding his lips with mine, and I tried not to lose control and take him on the kitchen table. I pulled away before thoughts of that could enter my mind.

"Good morning, beautiful," I greeted with a small smile, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Good morning," he whispered, blushing. Oh man, I just wanted to eat him up.

His gaze left mine and that's when he noticed the food sitting on the table. He smiled, snapping his head back to me.

"You made breakfast?" He asked in awe.

"All for you, my love."

Zach surprised me by throwing his arms around me, encasing me in a hug as his feet left the ground, coming to wrap around my waist. I held him up, placing my hands on his oh so tempting butt.

His lips connected with mine, and I couldn't hold back the moan. They moulded together for a short time and I growled when his lips left mine, causing him to chuckle softly.

"Thank you," he whispered, his lips gently brushing against mine, nearly making me lose my mind. I wanted him so much right now, but we didn't have time for that.

I reluctantly placed him back down on the ground, taking his hand, and leading him to the table. We sat and ate breakfast, having random conversations before it was time to leave.

Zach didn't have any clothes here, and the ones I had were too big for him to wear to school. My clothes at my aunts and uncles were smaller, as I had lost quite a bit of weight and muscle over the past few months.

So I quickly showered and got dressed, before taking my love back to the human world. I waited patiently in Zach's room while he showered, before re-entering the room, wearing only a towel.

"Oh, come on, babe. You're killing me here," I groaned, drinking him in.

He chuckled, entering his walk-in wardrobe. Ten minutes later we were ready to go, he quickly spoke to his parents and they tried to start a conversation with me, but we were running late, so Zach explained they could talk later before he pulled me out of the house, and to his car.

The drive was relaxing as we listened to the radio, my hand interlocked with his. And after a few minutes we pulled up at school and got out of the car, my hand taking his again as we walked into school.

A few people greeted us as we made our way to my locker, Zach's would be our next stop, but mine was right next to the entrance of the school.

We got here earlier than we thought we would, leaving us a bit of time to spare, so we just stood near my locker, talking.

Zach leant against my locker as my hands rested on his waist, the smile on his face melted me as he spoke. I was getting lost in his presence, and I once again found myself thinking how lucky I was to have him.

"Hmm, you know what babe?" I spoke quietly, running my nose along his neck, causing him to shiver against me.

"What?" he whispered, and I locked my eyes with his, smiling brightly.

"I love you." I kissed his nose, watching his cheeks heat up, before a breath-taking smile took over his face.

"I love you too." I pecked his lips, feeling content. Yeah. This was paradise. Just me and my love, back together where we belonged.


Carry on for book 2:

I hadn't noticed how dark the sky had become, and the only thing that distracted me from my love was the front doors of the school being thrown open. Our eyes snapped to the entrance, surprised by what we saw.

"Somebody, please help me!"


Book 2 is now completed and is called Broken, which is based around Gabriel if anyone is interested in reading it, if you do choose to read it I will catch you over there!

And for everybody else I hope you enjoyed this book, and fell in love with some of the characters as much as I did.

It meant a lot to me to write it, so hopefully you can take something away from it, and thank you for taking your time to delve into a new adventure.

Love and Light, my friends!<3


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