Flirtatious Venum

By Paislie

768 27 4

Sutton walker and Alexa ford are vampires, living with Alexa's boyfriend demitre. They are trying to fit in w... More



56 3 0
By Paislie


When the movie was finally over, i looked at fisher while the lights were coming on....."so? did you enjoy the movie?" fisher said while standing up and holding his hand out to help me up. "Very much", i said back while taking his hand and smiling.

When we got outside i got a text from lyynnex,that said "the boys dont know your comeing, but who does'nt like surprizes, see you soon :)". "Sutton, are you coming", fisher said, i suddenly zoned out from texting. "Umm, i think im gunna walk" i said sounding kinda rude but not meaning to, "why?" he replied while looking at his bike, "im staying at lyynnex's house and its just down the street" i said back. " Are you sure because i can take y-", "no its fine, ill be ok" i said while interupting him. I walked over to him and gave him a hug, i could hear his heart start to get faster and faster, "thanks for the movie fisher i really enjoyed it" i said while pulling away. "No problem, maybe we can do it again some other time" he said while getting on his bike. And with that he was gone, i started walking...when no one was around i ran to kylars and got there quickly. I rang the doorbell, and heard someone say come in, when i walked in i managed to follow the sound of laughing that led to the living room, i saw kylar pinning kaiden down to the floor, "who's your daddy" kylar said while holding a sock to kaiden's face, "YOU ARE!!!" kaiden yelled. "Uhm?" i interupted, kylar looked at me and droped the sock and jumped of kaiden, and over to me, "umm, so? how much of that did you see?" kylar asked while his face was turning pink, "enough to know your kaiden's daddy" i said with a laugh afterwards. "SUTTON, you made it" lyynnex said while intering the room, i looked over at her and smiled, she walked over to me  and grabed my  hand... i then was pulled upstairs to a fairly clean room with posters of girls everywhere. "This is where you'll be sleeping" lyynnex said with a grinn  on her face " who's room is this?" i said with a whats happening look,"kylar's, you'll sleep on the bed and he will sleep on the floor, ill sleep in the living room with kaiden" she said with a even bigger grinn on her face. Like why cant me and her sleep in the living room?, either she thinks i like kylar or she likes kaiden because this dont make sense to me??. "Um, ok sounds...grand, i think im gunna go ahead and lay down, iv had a long day", i said while covering up with his covers and laying down."Ok, ill leave you be, imma go tell kaiden so when he comes to lay down he's not loud", she said while grinning again, OMG what is with this girl and grinning she's like the freaking joker. She turned off the light, shut the door and left, i then closed my eyes and started thinking about fisher.


"Dude, sutton freakin walker is in my house" i said with a huge smile on my face, "dude you sound like a freak, calm down" kaiden said while blowing up the air mattress. "Kylar, suttons going to sleep in your room, so when you go in there do not turn on the light and dont be loud got it? oh and your sleeping in the floor kk?" lyynnex said while jumping on the couch. I started getting really happy, i mean dang, she's hot, and in my room how cool is that???. Wow i do sound like a freak, i suddenly was ready to go to bed. "Night guys" i said while walking upstairs, "kylar, wait" kaiden said while pulling me back, "What?" i mutterd."Bro, i know for a fact you are not gunna let a girl sleep in the bed without you, its your bed bro, you just need ta tell her straight up, be like, girl you either sleep with me or your on the floor, ok bro? ya hearin me?" kaiden said while gripping my shirt. "Yea, bro i hear ya" i said while pulling away and going up stairs, When i got to me door i opened it slowly, which made it creek even more, wow i really didnt think that one through. I used my phon for a light and managed to get to my bed, yes i did trip on some things... i almost lost my cute pinky toe, when i stubed it on my chair. I took off my shirt and jumped in the bed and coverd up, "sutton, you awake" there was no response, "ok well, im just letting you know that im the MAN of this house hold and no girl is taking my bed from me, so you either sleep with me or on the floor, but if you can hear me then kaiden made me do it". I said really fast hoping she couldnt makeout the words i was saying if she was awake. After that i started to doze off.


A few minutes later, i heard the door make the longest creeking sound ever, then i heard someone walking towards the bed, suddenly i heard a bang and a cracking sound "noo, pinky" i heard a deep voice whisper in pain. After that he sat on the bed and got comfortable, and said something about him being a man and sleeping in his bed because kaiden made him. I tried extremly hard not to laugh, soon after i heard kylar snoring, OMG!!! worse sound ever it sounded like a pig giving birth to a dying chicken. After finding an ipod with headphons i fell asleep.



I know it was short but, i was very sleepy so sorry if it sucks....


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