Bobby's Adopted Daughter

By Castiels_Bumble_Bee

37.3K 852 69

Maximum Singer has had stranger powers since she was young, and the only person who knew was her best friend... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
hi guys! :))

Part 33

434 4 1
By Castiels_Bumble_Bee

This chapter is based off of episode one, season five.
'Sympathy for the Devil.'


Max gasped as her eyes opened, breathing heavily afterwards. She looked around her and saw Sam and Dean, hands covering their face as they let them down.

"What the hell?" Dean asked.

"I don't know." Sam answered.

"D-Dean?" Max asked, causing the brothers to look over at her." I-I was just with Cas, and then I -- I don't know what happened, I just saw black. How are we on a plane?"

"I-I don't know, we were at the convent and then we popped up here after a white beacon appeared." Dean answered, glancing over at Sam who looked so broken.

"White beacon? Wait, did you stop Sam?" Max asked, looking over at Sam for the first time since the panic room." Please tell me he stopped you."

Sam stayed silent and Max felt her eyes start to water. She went to speak but was cut off by the pilot speaking over the intercom.

"Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Elliott city, on our initial decent into Baltimore."

Max looked out her window and sighed, a single tear falling down her face.

"So if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to--" The pilot was cut off by a giant white beacon to appear in front of the plane." What the--"

The computers and tv's started to ring and the plane started heading straight down. The air masks drop and everyone puts theirs on except Max.

Max stands up after unbuckling herself and stands in the middle of the isle, she sticks her hands out towards each side of the plane and closes her eyes.

She concentrates on settling the plane down, making it even so the pilots have more control. After a minute the lights stop flickering, the noises stop, and everyone looks over at Max.

"She's an angel!" One person called out, then a few people started clapping.

Max held her eyes closed and helped the plane descend slowly, landing it in a empty field close to Baltimore. Once she was sure everything was stable, she opened her eyes and put her arms down.

"Okay, everyone listen up. Once you're all off the plain, anyone that was injured, sit in a group to the left of the plane. The rest of you sit to the right and I'll get you all home." Max said, walking to the front of the plane and kicking the door off its hinges, making a bunch of people gasp.

Max snapped her fingers and made a slide appear for the people to get on. She flew her way down and waited for all the passengers, including Sam and Dean, to get out of the plane.

"This is bad. This is so very bad."

*Time Skip*

Max was laid out across the seats in the back of the car she made appear for her and the brothers.

'Cas, where are you? I'm worried sick. I don't know what happened today. I need to find you.' Max thought.

"... and govener O'Malley urged calm, saying it's very unlikely an abandoned convent would be a target for terrorists, either foreign or homegrown."

Max sighed and looked over between Sam and Dean, looking at the radio.

"Change the station." Dean said, looking over at Sam. He leaned over and changed it, causing Max to sigh again.

"Hurricane Kinley, unexpectedly slamming into the Galveston area..."

The channel changed again.

"... announced a successful test of the North Korean nuclear..."

And again.

"... baffled..."

And again.

"... swine flu..."

Then Max stared at the radio, making it turn off. She sat up and tried to listen for any angels that would be talking.

'Sam Winchester did it! He started the apocalypse!'

Max sighed and looked over at the back of Dean chair and frowned. She wanted them to shut up. Not like they were saying anything, but their thoughts were running wild.

Sam sighed softly then looked straight ahead, making Max raise an eyebrow." Dean --"

"Don't. Don't say anything." Dean said, cutting Sam off." It's okay. We just got to keep our heads down and hash this out, alright?"

Max looked over at Dean and frowned." We got to go to Chuck's. That's where I saw Cas last."

"Yeah, okay."

*Time Skip*

Max breathed quietly as she hid in the closet under the staircase in Chuck's house. She listen to Dean and Zach insult each other back and forth.

"You think you can rebel against us? As Lucifer did?" Zack asked with a chuckle. He looked down at Dean's hand and saw it was dripping blood." You're bleeding."

"Oh, yeah. A little insurance policy in case you dicks showed up." Dean said, letting Max know it was her cue.

Max kicked down the closet door and placed her bloody hand to the angel warding, flipping Zach off with her other hand.

Once the angels disappeared, Max stood up and walked to Dean, placing her hand on his, healing him.

"We learned that from our friend Cas, you son of a bitch!" Dean called out, watching as Max walked to Chuck and gave him a hug.

"Where's Cas? Please tell me you know where he is." Max begged, eyes watering at the idea of loosing him.

"Max, he's dead. So were you. I watched you both get smote by the archangel. You both exploded. How are you even alive?" Chuck asked, causing Max to bite her lip as tears filled her eyes .

"I-I don't know. I don't -- I don't know." Max said, tears falling down her face.

"Let's get you somewhere you can rest and think about things, okay?" Dean asked, grabbing Max's hand and leading her out of the house." Stay by the phone, Chuck!"

*Time Skip*


Max looked over at the door to the hotel, watching as Sam walked in and looked at her and Dean weirdly.

"Hey." Sam answers back to Dean, walking to them and throwing his brother a hex bag." Hex bag. No way the angels will find us with those. Demons, either, for that matter."

"Where'd you get it?" Dean asked, looking over at Max for a second then back to Sam.

Max scrolled through her computer, reading over the news.' Thousands of people killed by tornado'.' Terrorist attack on convent'? And the finale one,' Plain crash in Baltimore?'

Max clicked on the article about the tornado, then the attack, then the plane, scanning through the paragraphs.

"I made it." Sam answered, causing Max to sigh.

"How?" Dean asked.

"Ruby taught him." Max answered for Sam, causing the brothers to look over at her and stare.

"Okay..." Dean said, trailing off." Speaking of... how you doing? Are you jonesing for another hit of bitch blood or what?"

"I-It's weird. Uh, tell you the truth, I'm fine. No shakes, no fever. It's like whoever... put us on that plane cleaned me right up." Sam answered, causing Dean to sigh.

"I'm glad." Max said, typing in the google search bar.' Book of Revelation,' scrolling through the chapters and writing notes down on her laptop notes app.

"Supernatural methadone." Dean said, making Max sigh once more.

"Yeah I guess." Sam said, smiling. Max looked over her computer and to Sam. His smile was fake, he was broken." Guys--"

"Sam. It's okay. You don't have to say anything." Dean said, interrupting Sam.

"Dean, if he needs to say something, let --"

"Max, it's okay." Dean said, cutting her off.

"Well, that's good. Because, what can I even say?' I'm sorry'?' I screwed up'? Doesn't really do it justice, you know?" Sam asked, looking over at Max and making eye contact." Look, there's nothing I can do or say that will ever make this right --"

"So why do you keep bringing it up?!" Dean yelled.

"Dean!" Max yelled, causing the brothers to look over at her." Quit being an asshole! We're all at fault here."

"What do you mean by that?" Dean asked, causing Max to sigh and shut her computer.

"The day Cas and I got ass reamed to Heaven, we heard something we weren't supposed to. As soon as we landed in the warehouse where  you found Jimmy, at least thirty angels showed up to take us 'home'." Max said, shivering at the memory.

"What'd you learn that was so bad?" Sam asked, taking a step towards the table that Dean and Max were sat at.

"We overheard Zach and Michale talking about you, Sam. And how you'd break the finale seal..." Max said, dropping her sentence." Cas and I held the angels off as long as we could, waiting for you guys to get there."

Sam and Dean stayed silent as Max sighed and looked down at her lap." What happened to you, Max?" Sam asked.

"I was knocked out once I saw a few angels grabbed Cas. When I woke up, I was tied down to a chair in Heaven. Zach poked and prodded at me until he thought I wouldn't run to you and tell you guys everything, same goes for Cas. Zach, he-- he had these needles with different color liquids, he put two in each eye. I think that's where I got brain washed from." Max said, causing Sam to look down at his feet.

"When did you find out your mind was swiss cheese?" Dean asked, looking over at Max.

"After I left with Castiel when we came back, I went to a field. I was running through what I could remember when I looked down at the locket Sam gave me, the one with the picture of us kissing." Max said, eyes starting to water." I knew then and there something was wrong with me. That I wouldn't leave the man I loved and my best friend alone when they needed me the most."

A single tear ran down Max's face but she immediately wiped it away." But never mind that." She said, looking up at the two brothers she loved so dearly." What I'm saying is, you two need to lay low. We made a mess. We'll clean it up."

"We need to lay low? What about you?" Dean asked, causing Max to sigh.

"I have some business I need to attend to, and you guys will be in way to much danger if you came with me. Considering I have way more angels on my ass than you two combined. So, you guys work things out, and call me if anything bad happens. Bye!" Max said, snapping her fingers and appearing in a field.

Max smiled as she looked around at the field she missed so dearly." Hey, Gabriel! Get your feathery ass over here!"

Max looked around and didn't see or hear anything." Dad! It's kinda an emergency!" She called out, turning around once she heard the sound of wings flapping.

"Hey there, sugar. Long time no see." Gabriel said, causing Max to smile and jump into his arm.

"Gabe! I've missed you so much. But first, you need to know that--"

"That those douche bag Winchesters' let my brother out of the cage? Oh yeah, I know."

Max let Gabriel go and looked him in the eyes while she frowned." We tried, okay? By the time I got myself to think properly, it was to late to help them."

"Woah, woah, woah. Think properly? What's that supposed to mean?" Gabriel asked, concern in his voice.

Max sighed and walked to him, placing her hand on his forehead and letting him see her memories from since she was brain washed.

"I'm not here to talk about that though. I need a favor." Max said, making the fire in Gabriel's eyes calm down.

"And what's that, sugar?" Gabriel asked, causing Max to sigh and close her eyes.

"I need you to help me and the Winchesters' kill Lucifer. Please, dad? I'm begging you. I know he's your brother, but --"

"No." Gabe said, cutting Max off. She looked at him, hurt in her eyes.

"What do you mean,' no'? You really won't help us?" Max asked, her voice full of hurt.

"I mean no. Those asshats shouldn't have been idiots." Gabriel said, causing Max to frown and cross her arms.

"Well, I'm letting you in on something. Those 'asshats' were there for me when you wasn't, you have no right to talk about them like that. Considering you haven't really made an effort to be a father." Max said, snapping on the archangel.

"Max, what part of I didn't know you existed don't you understand? I would have come to you if I would have." Gabriel sarcastically said.

"Oh, yeah? Where were you when Zach put Dean, Sam, and I in a projection for three weeks and took our memories? Where were you when Cas and I were cornered in a warehouse by your brothers and sisters? Where were you when Cas and I were killed by Raphael?" Max asked, tears threatening to spill.

"He killed you? How -- how are you alive?" Gabriel asked, taking a step towards Max as she took one back.

"I don't know. But I wish whoever it was would have left me dead, they should have brought Cas back instead. He deserves this so much more than I do." Max said, sighing as she heard a voice inside her head.

'Max, some blonde girl is here touching Sam and saying she knows Chuck. Get your ass over here.'

"I have more important places to be. Don't pray for me, you won't get an answer." Max said, snapping her fingers and appearing in the brothers hotel room.

"Anyway... Mr. Edlund told me where you were." The blonde girl in the middle of the room said.

"You mean Chuck?" Max asked, gaining the attention of Sam and Dean, and the girl she knew was Becky from reading Sam's mind.

"You-- you're Max. Sam's now ex girlfriend." Becky said, stuttering as her body tenses.

"Yeah, and you're Becky. Now, what did Chuck say?" Max said, trying to blow off what the blonde girl said.

"He's got a message, but he's being watched." Becky said as Sam closed the front door and stood beside Max." Angels. Nice change-up in the mythology by the way. The demon stuff was getting kind of old."

"Listen lady, this isn't a book for us. It's our life. Now quit fangirling and tell us the message." Max said, cracking her knuckles.

"He had a vision.' The Michael's sword is on earth. The angels lost it'." Becky said, causing Max to gasp and shake her head.

"The Michale's sword?" Dean asked.

"Becky, does he know where it is?" Sam asked, looking over at Max.

"In a castle, on a hill made of 42 dogs."

Max and Dean shared a look before looking back at Becky." 42 dogs?"

"Are... you sure you got that right?" Sam asked, causing Max to chuckle.

"It doesn't make sense, but that's what he said." Becky said, walking close to Sam and moving her hands up his chest." I memorized ever word... for you."

Max looked over at Dean with an eyebrow raised, feeling a bit of jealousy wash over her.

'Oh if I was with Sam I'd knock this bitch on her ass.'

Dean snickers. Max looked over at him with wide eyes.

'Did you hear that?'

Dean nods, causing Max to blush.

"Um... Becky, c-- uh, can you... quit touching me?" Sam asked, causing Max and Dean to snicker.

"No." Becky said, closing her eyes and gasping as she felt Sam's chest through his shirt.

Max sighed and walked behind Becky, using her angel strength to pick her up and walk to the door, snapping her fingers and making it open. She sat Becky down and turned her around so they could face each other.

"Listen, we have things to do. You're way too weird and I'm not dealing with it. If we need you, I'll call you. And if you need us, pray to me. Bye." Max said, shutting the door and leaning against it.

"Why did Chuck have to pick the weird one?"

"Because no one would probably believe him otherwise."


*Time Skip*

Max was laid out on her and Dean's bed, scrolling through mythology pages looking for a way to trap Lucifer one again.

Knock Knock

Max looked over her shoulder and watched Dean walk to the door and open it." Hey, Bobby." He said, giving him a hug.

Max turned back around, remembering the fight they had. She kept reading through the website, feeling Bobby's eyes staring daggers into the back of her head.

"Good to see you all in one piece." Bobby said, walking to Sam and giving him a hug.

"You weren't followed, were you?" Max asked, more concerned for everyone safety then a family reunion.

"You mean by angels, demons, or Sam's super fan?" Bobby asked, making Sam scoff.

"You heard?" Sam asked, chuckling afterwards.

"I heard, Romeo." Bobby said." So... sword of Michale, huh?"

"You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel?" Dean asked causing Max to sigh.

"You better friggen' hope so." Bobby said.

Max sat up and put her legs over the end of the bed." I honestly don't think the angels would loose something that important. It's not like them to screw up this bad." Max said, sitting up and snapping her fingers, causing a book to appear in her hands." But if they did..."

"What's that?" Sam asked, causing Max to smirk.

"It's a book from Heaven that I stole." Max said, standing up and walking to the kitchen table where the three men gathered around her to see the book." This is Michale." She said, opening the book and showing them a drawn picture of Michale and his sword.

"That's him?" Sam asked, cashing Max to nod.

"Yeah, toughest son of a bitch they got." Max said, letting Sam and Bobby flip through the pages of the old book.

"You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett." Dean said, causing Max to chuckle and shake her head.

"Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me." Bobby said.

"Michale commands the Heavenly Host. During the last big dust-up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. He did it with that sword." Max said, pointing at the picture of her uncle and his sword." So if we can find it..."

"We can kick the devils ass all over again." Sam said, finishing Max's sentence." Alright. So, where do we start?"

"Divvy up and start reading -- try and make sense of Chuck's nonsense." Bobby said, earning a nod from Sam as he stood up and walks to a table full of books.

"It's not in the Bible. I'll tell you that much." Max said, earning weird looks from the boys. She shrugged her shoulders and said," I'm an angel. It's basically carved in our brains. Along with the handbook and such."

"Oh, okay." Dean said.

'I should tell Bobby. Shouldn't I?'

Max looked over at Sam as she heard him in her head. He stopped in front of the table and stared at it.

"Kid?" Bobby asked." You alright?"

Sam sighed and turned around, looking at Bobby." No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry."

"Sam..." Max and Dean say in unison.

"Lilith didn't break the final seal." Sam said, taking a nervous breath." Lilith was the final seal."

"Sam, stop it." Dean said sternly.

"I killed her, and I set Lucifer free." Sam said, eyes watering.

"You what!?" Bobby asked, causing Max to stand up and walk beside Dean.

"You guys warned me about Ruby, the demon blood, but I didn't listen. I brought this on." Sam said.

"Sam." Max whispers as she grabbed Dean's hand. They watched as Bobby got up and walked in front of Sam.

"You're damn right you didn't listen. You were reckless and selfish, and arrogant." Bobby said.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, yeah? You're sorry you stared Armageddon? This kind of thing don't get forgiven, boy." Bobby said." If by some miracle we pull this off, I want you to lose my number."

Sam nodded and sighed." There's an old church nearby. Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there."

"Yeah. You do that." Bobby said, walking to Dean and Max. She let Dean's hand go and ran to Sam, looking up at him with teary eyes.

"Go wait in the impala. I'm coming with you." Max said, smiling sadly.

"Wait, you don't hate me?" Sam asked quietly as he moved some of his hair out of his face and looked at the floor.

"Oh, Sammy. Haven't you learned by now?" Max asked, reaching up and wiping away a tear that fell down his face. Sam leaned into her hand, closing his eyes and letting another tear fall." I can't hate you, ever, no matter what. Just go wait in the car, I have to talk to Bobby."

Sam nodded and walked out of the hotel room and got into the Impala as Max turned around and faced Dean and Bobby, who were already staring at her.

"What was that?" Bobby asked, causing Max to growl softly.

"Does it matter?" Max asked, looking down at her outfit and sighing. She snapped her fingers and was changed into a black t-shirt, a army green jacket, and skinny jeans with holes in them." I'm going with Sam, because you two have been assholes. Don't you think this has an affect on him too? That kid is my best friend. I know what makes him upset. You both wanted him to use him powers when you thought they were good. We're all at fault here."

Max grabbed her phone off the kitchen counter and walked to the door, opening it and walking out. Once she turned around she bumped into someone's chest. She gripped her angel blade and looked up, her eyes meeting with Sam's, making her relax.

"You scared me." Max whispers, letting go of her blade and grabbing Sam's shirt." I had to change and get my phone."

Sam smiled sadly at Max and leaned down, kissing her forehead." Thank you. I heard you stand up for me."

Max closed her eyes and sighed as she remembered what it felt like to be in Sam's arms." It was no problem at all. It's not just your fault this happened, and Bobby's been a dick anyway here recently."

Sam grabbed Max's hand and lead her to the impala, opening the passenger door for her and letting her climb in. Once Sam got in as well, he started the impala and drove towards the church.

"Sam, you know this isn't all your fault, right?" Max asked, looking over at Sam." There are just some things that happen that you can't control. Yes, you did listen to Ruby about the demon blood. But Dean and I didn't convince you well enough. We didn't try hard enough."

"Max..." Sam said, reaching over and grabbing her hand." Can we not talk about this right now?"

"Of course. But listen, I know there's nothing in the Bible or any book I've read that mentions a 'castle on a hill made of 42 dogs'. So, how about we go out and eat?" Max asked, smiling as Sam looked over at her.

"Just the two of us?" Sam asked, looking back to the road." Are you sure?"

"Yeah, let's."

*Time Skip*

"Sam!" Max scolded as she wiped the ice cream off his face with a napkin." You eat like a child!"

Sam laughed along with Max and stuck some ice cream on her face. She gasped and crossed her arms, sticking out her bottom lip.

"I don't like this."

Sam smiled and leaned down, licking the ice cream off Max's cheek. She blushed and turned the other way.

"You're adorable." Sam said, causing Max to blush more.


Max stood up and grabbed Sam's hand, snapping her fingers and appearing in the hotel room.

A girl with long wavy brown hair, and two men stood in the room. Bobby was on the floor, bleeding from his chest and Dean was fighting one of the men.

"Well, well, well. So it is true that the Winchesters' have more than one angel on their shoulders." The girl said.

"Meg. I'd say it's nice to meet you, but I'm gonna rip you limb, from limb." Max said, walking towards the demon.

All of a sudden there was a bright light and Max's wings showed in a shadow behind her. She then was ripped from the hotel room and thrown six states over in a comet like fire.

Max looked up at the sky from the hole she created in the ground. She groaned as she got up and climbed out of the hole.

"Fuck. Oh god." Max said, pulling out her phone and dialing Sam's number.


"Sam, get a wash cloth and wipe away the warding! Go!" Max yelled hanging up. She kept and eye on the hotel she was in and felt the warding go away.

Max snapped her fingers and appeared beside Bobby limp body. She placed her hand to his forehead and nothing happened." What the hell?"

Max snapped her fingers and Bobby's chest was wrapped so it wouldn't bleed everywhere, once everyone was touching Bobby she snapped her fingers and made them all appear outside of the hospital.

"HELP! MY DADS BEEN STABBED!" Max yelled, getting Sam and Dean to help her carry Bobby in.

Once the four of them were in the hospital, people rushed to their side with gurneys. They grabbed Bobby and laid him down, rolling him away.

Max tried to follow but the nurse grabbed her shoulders." Ma'am you have to stay here."

"No, no, we -- we can't just leave him!" Max said, tears falling down her face.

"Just don't move. I've got questions." The nurse said, walking away.

Max turned around and looked up at Sam and Dean, walking to the older brother who extended his arms. She wrapped her arms around him and cried into his shoulder.

"D-De, I couldn't save him. It's like what hap-happened to Pam. I couldn't s-save her either!" Max cried as Dean picked her up and carried her out of the hospital and to the impala which Max made appear.

"Max, we have to go. Bobby and I found out where the sword is, that means the demons know where it is too." Dean said, causing Max to nod. Dean handed her to Sam who climbed in the back and let Max sit on his lap.

"Max, he'll be okay." Sam whispered into her ear. She shook her head and cried harder.

"W-When I touched him, I saw what was gonna happen to him." Max whispered." He's going to be paralyzed, Sam. He won't be able to walk again."

"Oh-- Oh god."

*Time Skip*

Max stood behind the impala, opening the trunk and looking through the weapons. She picked up a shotgun and cocked it, watching Sam and Dean walk around to join her. She tossed the gun to Dean and then walked to the front door, placing her hand to it.

"Shit." Max mumbled, looking over at Sam and Dean who were walking towards her." Angels."

Max opened the door quietly and walked in, heading towards John's old storage unit. Once she opened the door, she saw a devils trap painted on the floor and two dead bodies laid around the room.

Max nods at Sam and Dean, telling them to follow her in. She grips her angel blade and walks in, looking around the room for any sign of someone being there.

Max looked over in the corner and saw a cage, then in the other corner that had a bunch of boxes that had symbols painted on them.

"I see you told the demons where the sword is."

The three hunters looked over at the owner of the voice, Zach and another angel.

"Oh, thank god. The angels are here." Dean said.

"And to think... they could have grabbed it any time they wanted." Zach said, stepping over a body and walking towards Max.

Max looked around the room, staring at boxes that could have been big enough to hold the sword.

"It was right in front of them the whole time." Zach said, shutting the door with his powers.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, making Max's mind clique once she found the sword wasn't here.

Before Max could say anything, her angel blade was knocked out of her hand and she had an angel on each side of her, holding her arms so where she couldn't move.

"We may have planted that particular piece of prophecy inside Chuck's skull, but it happened to be true. We did lose the Michale Sword." Zach said, looking over at Max while she struggled against the angels grips.

"Dean! You are the Michale --" Max was cut of by Zach sighing then pointing his fingers at her and saying," Stage three lung cancer."

Max's knees buckled but the other angels held her up. She gasped for breath as she looked up at the brothers with pleading eyes.

"You can't spoil the twist, Max."

"She's an angel, how can she get cancer?" Dean asked, panic in his voice.

"Oh, Dean, she's only half angel." Zach said, smirking as Max was gasping for breath." Well, back to the sword. We truly couldn't find it." He smiled, watching the Winchesters' pay more attention to the angel who was slowly dying." Until now. You just hand-delivered it to us."

"We don't have anything." Dean said, rushing his sentence so Zach would heal Max.

"It's you, D-Dean." Max said, earning an angered look from Zach." You're his vessel."

Zack snapped his fingers and Max closed her eyes, expecting to have her leg broken or something, but her lung cancer was healed.

"You, didn't Raphael kill you and Castiel? If you're here, that means he must be as well, right?" Zach asked.

"I'm guessing so by the way you said that." Max said, causing Zach to frown.

"Huh, interesting." Zach said, looking over at Dean." But yes, you are Michale's vessel."

Dean stayed silent as his eyes started to water.

"What? Did you think you could actually kill Lucifer? You simpering wad of insecurity and self-loathing? No. You're just a human, Dean. And not much of one." Zach said.

"How? Why-- why me?" Dean asked.

"Because you're chosen! It's great honor, Dean." Zach said.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, life as an angel condom. That's real fun. I think I'll pass, thanks." Dean said.

"Joking. Always joking. Well... no more jokes." Zach said, pointing his fingers at Sam in the shape of a gun.

"SAM WATCH OUT!" Max yelled as Zach said,


Sam fell to the floor with a scream, his bone in his leg cracking." God!"

"You son of a bitch!" Dean said, gritting his teeth.

"Keep mouthing off, I'll break more than his legs." Zach said." I am completely and utterly through screwing around. The war has begins we don't have our general. Now, Michale is going to take his vessel and lead the final charge against the adversary. You understand me?"

"How many humans die in the crossfire, huh? A million? 5, 10?" Dean asked.

"Probably more. If Lucifer goes unchecked, do you know how many die? All of them. He'll roast the planet alive."

Max looks over at Sam and focuses all her attention on his leg, trying to heal it from the distance they were at.

"There's a reason you're telling me this instead of just nabbing me. You need my consent. Michale needs my say-so to ride around in my skin." Dean says.

Sam looks at his leg as the bone slowly popped back into place.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Well, there's got to be another way." Dean said.

"There is no other way. There must be a battle. Michale must defeat the serpent. It is written." Zach said.

"Yeah, maybe. But, on the other hand... eat me. The answers no."

Zach sighed and looked over at Max and Sam, humming softly." Okay. How about this? Your friend Bobby -- Max's father figure -- we know he's gravely injured. Uh, say yes, and we'll heal him. Say no, he'll never walk again."

All eyes were on Dean.


"Then how about we heal you from... stage 4 stomach cancer?" Zach asks.

Dean starts coughing, falling to his knees and spitting out blood on his hands." No."

"Then let's get really creative. Uh, let's see how... Sam does without his lungs." Zach says.

Sam starts wheezing, gasping for breath.

"No!" Max yells, tears filling her eyes.

"Are we having fun yet?" Zach asks, walking to Dean and grabbing his face." You're going to say yes, Dean."

Max looks at the two angels and their wings that stood behind them, they weren't even close to being as big as hers. She flipped them over her shoulders and grabbed one of their angel blades, stabbing one in the neck.

The room lit up once, then again, making Max turn in confusion. Castiel stood above the second angels dead body, pulling his angel blade out of the guys neck.

"How are you..."

"Alive?" Castiel asked, cutting Zach off." That's a good question. How did these three end up on that airplane, even after she died as well? Another good question. 'Cause the angels didn't do it. I think we both know the answer, don't we?"

"No." Zach said, realizing what Cas was hinting at." That's not possible."

"It scares you. Well, it should. Now put these boys back together and go." Castiel said, watching Max stand up from the corner of his eye." I won't ask twice."

The sound of wings flapping was heard and Zach disappeared.

Max looked over at Sam and Dean who were collecting themselves then looked at Cas, who was standing in front of her in one piece.

"Cas? Is that really you?" Max asked, eyes tearing up.

"Yes, it's me."

Max smiled and ran at Cas, falling into his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Oh god, Cas. Is it true? Do you think he brought us back?" Max asked, letting him go just enough to look him in the eyes.

"I do." Castiel said, letting Max go." He's the only one powerful enough to bring us back to life like this."

Max sighed and then nodded, letting Cas go. He looked over at Sam and Dean who was watching them." You three need to be more careful."

"Yeah, I'm starting to get that. Your frat brothers are bigger dicks than I thought." Dean said, looking over at Sam with concern.

"I don't mean the angels." Cas said, making Max tilt her head." Lucifer is circling his vessel. And once he takes it, those hex bags won't be enough to protect you." He said, placing his hands to Sam and Dean chests, causing them both to groan as a sizzling noise came from their chests.

"What the hell was that?" Dean ask, voice strained from the pain.

Max cut Cas off from talking as she walks to the brothers and puts her hand to their chests gently." An enochian sigil. It'll hide you from every angel in creation, including Lucifer."

"What, you just brand us with it?" Dean asked, earning a chuckle from Max.

"No, he carved it into your ribs." Max said, looking over at Cas." Speaking of, how come I don't get one?"

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted one, or if you wanted to wait and see if Gabriel would come try and find you." Cas said, making Max sigh.

"I don't want to meet him. He obviously knows I exist, so if he cared, he'd come see me and help us fight." Max said, taking Castiel's hand and placing it to her chest." Do it."

Castiel sighed and nodded, pressing his hand harder to her chest. A sizzling noise came from Max's chest, the same one that came from Sam and Dean's.

"That didn't hurt." Max said after Cas was done, earning a smile from him.

"Once you were brought back to life, he did make more powerful. Interesting." Cas said, making Max smile.

"So, you both really did die, huh?" Sam asked, causing the two angels to look over at him.

"Yes." Castiel said, not wanting to explain any further.

"Then, how are you guys back?" Dean asked.

Max looked over at Cas once she heard the sound of wings flapping. She looked around the room and then sighed, placing her fingers to the boys foreheads, healing them.

"Let's get to the hospital."

*Time Skip*

" 'Unlikely to walk again'?! Why you snot-nosed son of a bitch! Wait till I get out of this bed!" Bobby yelled, throwing a vase at the doctor that was exciting the room." I'll use my game leg and kick your friggen' ass! Yeah, you better run!"

Max was leaned up against the window in the hospital room, Sam and Dean on each side of her.

"You believe that Yahoo?" Bobby asked.

"Screw him. You'll be fine." Dean said, looking over at Max. Bobby looked over at her and stared, not saying a word.

"So, let me ask the million-dollar question. What do we do now?" Sam asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Well... we save as many as we can for as long as we can, I guess." Bobby said." It's bad. Whoever wins, Heaven or Hell, we're boned."

"What if we win?" Dean asked, earning weird looks from everyone." I'm serious. I mean, screw the angels and the demons and their crap apocalypse. They want to fight a war they can find their own planet. This one is ours, and I say they get the hell off it. We take 'em all on. We kill the devil. Hell, we even kill Michale if we have to. But we do it our own damn selves."

"And how are we supposed to do all this, genius?" Bobby asked.

"I got no idea. But what I do have is a G.E.D. and a give 'em hell attitude. I'll figure it out." Dean said, making Max stand with him and smile up at him.

"You are nine kinds of crazy, boy." Bobby said.

"It's been said." Dean mumbled." Listen, you stay on the mend. We'll see you in a bit." Dean said, walking out of the room.

Max went and sat down beside Bobby in a chair while looking up at Sam.

"Sam?" Bobby asked, making Dean walk back in the room and look at him." I was awake. I know what I said back there. I just want you to know that... that was the demon talking. I ain't cutting you out, boy. Not ever."

Max smiled up at Sam as he sighed." Thanks, Bobby."

"You're welcome. I deserve a damn medal for this, but... you're welcome." Bobby said, watching Max as she stood up and walked to Sam, pulling him down and kissing his cheek.

"I'm gonna stay here for a bit and work things out with Dad myself." Max whispered. Sam nodded and lead Dean out of the room.

"Aren't you gonna leave with them?" Bobby asked once the boys were out of hearing range." If you are, you should get going."

Max sighed and walked to the chair that was sat beside Bobby's bed, sitting down with a long sigh.

"Listen, I know I haven't been the best daughter here recently. I know I've been going off the rails a little more often as well. I've went from not using my powers, to ripping ghouls limb from limb. I've also been going to Heaven, meeting Angels. I've even become close to some of them. But, none of that really matters to me anymore. They'll never compare to you." Max said, staring at Bobby with seriousness.

"Max, you don't--"

"Let me finish. Once I got my shit together, I went to Heaven to help Dean, but they warded the room he was in against me. So, I got Cas to help me. We didn't know where Lilith was, so we went to see Chuck. Profits have an archangel on their shoulders, so, Cas and I had to try and hold Raphael off while Dean got to Sam. Cas and I were killed. I was dead for an hour at least, but Cas, he just came back today." Max explained.

"My life has completely flipped in the last week. You probably hate me, Sam left me for demon blood, I was tortured, and now I'm going to be hunted for the rest of my long life. It hurts..." Max said, trailing off as tears filled her eyes. She blinked them away and shook her head.

"I could never hate you." Bobby said, making Max smile sadly and stand up, walking towards the door. She stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"I know, dad. But as much as you love me, will never help me get over how much I've started to hate myself." Max said, snapping her fingers and appearing in the back seat of the impala.

Dean slammed his foot on the brakes at the sound of wings flapping, he and Sam grabbed their angel blades and pointed them at her as they turned.

Max grabbed both of their angel blades and easily twisted them out of their hands. The brothers looked at her with apologetic glances then turned around, the impala's engine roaring as Dean started to drive.

"If I would have been Zach, I would have been able to take you both to Heaven. I'm gonna have to start training you both since Lucifer is about to take his vessel." Max sighed, realizing she was rambling." I'm sorry, my nerves are shot. But, I'm thinking, we should go after the colt."

"Why? What difference would that make?" Dean asked, turning the steering wheel.

"We could use it on Lucifer. After that big speech I thought you'd want to go after him with something that might work." Max said, raising her eyebrow at Dean through the mirror.

Sam looked over the seat and stared at Max sadly, making her frown.

"What's wrong?" Max asked, making Sam frown more.

"Everything I said in the hospital, I said for Bobby benefit." Dean said, making Max's face loose all expression. She leaned over the front seat and raised her hand above the back of Dean's neck.

"What are you--" Dean was cut off by Max swinging her hand and hitting the back of his head." Ow!"

"Dean Winchester, so help me god, don't act like you didn't mean what you said back there. I know you did, I can read your freakin' mind! Maybe we don't stand a chance, but we sure as hell are gonna try!" Max yelled, using her powers to focus on turning the steering wheel that Dean let go of.

The car fell silent as Max's anger grew stronger. When Sam and Dean got out of the hospital, they got into an argument about Sam starting the apocalypse.

"Pull the car over." Max whispered, earning a confused look from Dean." Pull the car over, or so help me God I'll slam it into the ground."

Dean pulled the impala to the side of the road and Max got out, walking to the edge of the forest and placing a hand on the bark of a tree.

"Max? Are you okay?"

Max lifted her fist and slammed it against the tree. It snapped in half and the top part flew into the forest. She felt tears fill her eyes but pushed them back, turning around and looking at Sam and Dean.

"Lucifer is circling his vessel and you two are arguing about Sam following a demon like a dog!?" Max yelled at Dean, running her hand through her hair." Are you fucking insane?! Anytime an argument like that starts, someone leaves! And I'm not letting either of you leave again!"

"I can't keep pretending everything is alright!" Dean yelled, making Max stare daggers into him. Her eyes broke and they started to water, tears falling down her face as she looked up at Dean.

"'You can't pretend everything's okay'?" Max questioned, her voice breaking. Dean's eyes softened but his face stayed harsh as she went to speak again, wiping her tears away." He didn't just leave you Dean, he left all of us. It's not okay, and it may never be, but look around you, look around us. The damn apocalypse is here and you can't stop thinking about yourself?"

Dean couldn't answer, he had no time to before Sam spoke up.

"I would give anything to take it all back." Sam said, looking between his brother and his angel, then to his feet." I didn't mean to, I was told to kill Lilith, and I did. But I caused the apocalypse, I started the end of the world."

"I know that. But man, you were the one I depended on the most. And you let me down in ways that I can't even... I'm just -- having a hard time forgiving and forgetting." Dean said. He and Sam continued to argue, but it was mainly Dean yelling and Sam begging for forgiveness.

'Lucifer has found his vessel!'

'Oh dad help us.'

'Why hasn't Dean Winchester said yes?'

While Sam and Dean went at it, Max grabbed the side of a tree and tired to hold herself up, head feeling like it'd explode.

"Oh -- oh god." Max whispered, gaining the attention of the boys. She slowly fell to her knees but continued to hold herself up.



'God, where are you?! We need you, dad!'

'Only God can save us now.'

Tons of angels voices fled through Max's head like they were thoughts of her own. She gripped her head with one hand and the tree with the other.

"Lucifer, he--" Max was cut off by the ground shaking softly and a loud whining noise to blast through her ears.

Max covered her ears and started to scream. Pain and fear rushed into the tone of her voice and facial features.

Dean and Sam covered their ears and hunkered over, feeling as if they had to listen to this celestial being scream as loud as she was anymore, their eardrums would burst.

Max could feel the power and the evil in the world increase and she heard the screeching in her ears grow louder, making her scream louder.

The ground around her started to shake, and it got worse the longer she screamed.

The ringing she heard was Lucifer, he was letting all angels on earth know he was back, and he wasn't backing down. He wasn't going back into that cage unless he was dead.

'I'm back, baby.'

The ringing stopped then so did Max's screaming, after a minute of recovering, the brothers stood up and looked at Max. They were confused to all hell on what just happened.

Max looked up at the boys with heavy eyes, her body went lips and she fell forward, her cheek landing on the ground. She closed her eyes once last time and they didn't open again.


welp. i forgot this book existed. but, now that summer vacation is here, i might be writing a lot again. who knows. but i'm glad to be back. :)

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