Do You Believe in Miracles (O...

By rosebud024

13.6K 1.2K 919

Sang Sorenson has a run-in--make that *run-ins*--with some members of her university's college hockey team. ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter Four

1.9K 260 198
By rosebud024


*peeks around the corner* Uh...hi. Yes, I'm still here. Are any of you? *squints out into black abyss* Well, if there are, I do sincerely apologize for the wait. I've been a terrible writer. I just hope this can help, even if just a fraction.


After they all agree to accompany me—aside from Owen; he said he had to get to a coaches' meeting—back to my apartment, I tell them I should call Jade beforehand, much to their disgruntlement. They tell me to just show up, that it's technically still my apartment and shouldn't need to call before arriving. I see their point, but I don't want to... interrupt anything. I do not need a repeat of The Incident. Definitely not the highlight reel of last night that I'd want to see.

I return to the bedroom I stayed in the previous night and gather what few belongings I have with me—my purse, phone, and clothes. Despite them saying it would now be my room, I don't feel right leaving my things there as if the space belongs to me. It does not—I'm simply a guest, and I need to treat it respectfully. I sigh internally, and give the bed a look of longing. I'll have to ask the guys about that mattress. When I move into a new place, I'll be getting myself one of those. Penny pinching may be in my future.

Taking my phone into my right hand, I click the home button to wake the screen. Nothing. Shit. I forgot I needed to charge it last night. A small sound of frustration escapes me as I mentally kick myself for forgetting. Looks I'll be taking the risk of showing up unannounced anyway. It's like a game of Russian Roulette: Roommate Sex.

A soft knock on the door has me raising my head. Nathan stands at the room's entrance, leaning against the frame, a soft smile gracing his lips.

"Everything okay?" he asks, voice laced with concern.

I glance down to my phone and back to him then sigh. Holding the device up, I explain, "I was going to charge this last night but forgot to ask if any of you had a charger to spare." I don't mention that Luke had offered earlier the previous night, not wanting to risk the chance of any kind of feud. Causing a rift between friends is not on my to do list for the day. Or ever, really.

"You can use mine," he says as he straightens and shoves his hands in his pockets.

I give him a grateful smile. "That'd be awesome. Thanks, Nathan." There's a moment where he just stands there, unmoving, but turns and leaves just as I open my mouth to ask what was wrong.

He's not gone long and comes back with the familiar white cord and cube in hand. He silently takes my phone from me, his calloused fingers barely brushing mine, and plugs one end of the cord into it, the other end already attached to the cube which he plugs into the wall next to the nightstand.

Setting it on the table he says, "Well, at least you now have a reason to come back." The grin on his face is flirty, making my face heat, but not preventing a smile of my own to appear.

"I could just take it, you know," I counter. It's not like it's glued down or anything. Or in a lock box.

"I wouldn't let you." He steps in front of the table—facing me, arms crossed—as if he were about to fight me if I tried to even attempt to claim my phone.



I chuckle and shake my head, enjoying the bit of banter between us as I move to exit the room.

When I'm halfway down the hall and don't hear movement behind me, I call back, "Move it or lose it, Ginger!"

"I resent that!" I hear in response followed by heavy footsteps, making me I cackle.

When I step back into the living room, I notice there are more bodies there than when I left. Three more, to be exact. I silently study them, noting one wears glasses, another seems a little more formal in dress, and the third, despite being sat down, is obviously a giant.

Also, all three are as equally attractive as the previous six I met. Heaven help me. Is "drop dead gorgeous" in the Bulldog hockey team requirements packet?

"Sang!" I turn to Luke who grabbed my attention from my perusal of the newcomers. "We called in some extra hands." He grins, obviously referring to the new faces I've yet to be introduced to.

"Let me introduce you to Silas Korba." Luke's voice changes to sound like a game show announcer and Gabriel moves to the couch and boops the giant on the head. A shocked giggle escapes me, not expecting such a spectacle.

"Victor Morgan." Gabriel crouches behind the semi-formally dressed guy lounging on the floor and puts his hands out jazz-hands style. The boy, Victor, rolls his eyes good-naturedly. He lifts a hand to wave at me.

"Aaaaaaand our Kaptain Kota Lee!" Gabriel uses his phone's flash to act as a spotlight on glasses guy, who looks as unimpressed through his squint as Luke and Gabriel look excited. Their antics bring my giggles to full-blown laughter.

"That's captain with a K," Victor clarifies from his spot on the floor. He says this as if it is pertinent information. Duly noted, sir.

"Hi," I say shyly with a short wave. "It's nice to meet you."

Kota—the Kaptain, apparently—steps towards me, an apologetic look on his face. "I am very sorry for that... display." He clears his throat nervously, his ears turning a light shade of pink. How adorable.

I grin and say, "It's really no problem. They're kind of refreshing in a way." Both Gabriel's and Luke's faces beam at the compliment. "Anyway, I'm Sang," I introduce myself to him, Victor and Silas, sticking out a hand for a shake.

Taking it, he responds, "Hello, Sang. I am very pleased to meet you. I've heard a lot about you." He gives me a heart-melting smile.

"But they only met me yesterday," I say, slightly confused at what could have been said about me that garners an "a lot" description.

Victor, who had—along with Silas— also stood and come closer to me, explains, "Luke, Sean, and Gabriel like to talk a lot. They're very detail oriented." Victor holds his hand out, and ignoring whatever he may be implying, I grasp it in mine for the greeting. I'm not expecting it when he lifts my hand up to his mouth and kisses the back. My heart skips a beat in my chest. Wow. People actually do that? "Charmed."

Agreed. Very charming. The fire that lies behind his gaze burns brighter when his gaze lifts to mine once more. I have to tell my heart to pipe-the-eff-down.

The giant, Silas, forcefully nudges the other two out of the way, to their clear annoyance, and wraps his arms around me, completely ignoring my outstretched hand. With a muffled "Umph," I awkwardly pat his back.

"Shit, Si! Let up, man. She can't breathe," North barks, the sweet, sweet knight in shining armor that he is.

Silas reluctantly releases me, giving me the widest, panty-dropping smile known to man. Erm...well, one of nine. "I don't think Short Stuff Sang minds, brother." And oh my god, could he get any hotter? An accent? Why didn't anyone warn me?!

Once I take a moment to compose myself and my ever so suddenly present hormones, I ask, "Is that an accent I hear?"

If possible his grin gets bigger. "Yes! I am Greek, born and raised," he states proudly. As he should be.

"Oh, yes! I love Greece!" I say excitedly. "Opa!"

Sang, what the hell. I slap a hand over my mouth, not believing I just said that. Of all things to mention to relate to his home, opa? I feel my face bursting into flames before I'm ready to acknowledge it.

Luckily, everyone just laughs, including Silas. That's a much better reaction than anger. Or embarrassment. Or hurt. Or insult.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. That was rude of me," I apologize. Profusely.

Silas's deep belly laughs gradually subside before he responds to me. "Do not worry, Aggele Mou. You are too cute to be offensive." His assurance lifts the guilt slightly, but the compliment makes my face burn brighter, if possible.

"What does that mean? Agell-a moo?" I ask, wincing, fully knowing I just butchered his beautiful language. I mentally apologize... again.

"Aggele mou," he repeats. "And I'll tell you another time." He winks before asking, "Have you ever been to my beautiful home of Greece?"

I shake my head before answering. "No, but it's near the top of my bucket list. I've always wanted to visit."

Our conversation is halted by the door slamming shut. I spin around in surprise. A grinning Sean stands at the front door with Nathan.

"Alright team! Cars are all cleaned out and ready for moving!" he announces to the neighborhood. I think he may be a bit excited.

I pause a moment, taking in the detail of this moving excursion.

"We probably don't need everyone to come. I don't have much that needs moving," I say, trying to reduce the risk of expected chaos back at my, erm, former apartment. "I'm sure one car will be more than enough." I let out a bit of a nervous laugh. I don't want to offend any of them, but I also don't want more attention on me than I'm used to. And suddenly showing up with one member of the hockey team, let alone EIGHT, will bring more than a little bit.

"We are a group that is of the 'better safe than sorry' mentality," Nathan tells me.

"Besides, the more arms, the less amount of time we have to stay there," North grumbles. I raise a questioning eyebrow. Shaking my head, I smile indulgently at him. Hey, he agreed to come with.


I stare at the door that I'm pretty sure has permanently change my life. My heart is pounding nervously against my ribcage. Last time I opened that door, I saw things that cannot be unseen. My brain has scars no brain should have.

"Nope. Can't do it." My attempt to flee is stopped short by the squashed semicircle of hockey players around me. The eight of them standing together like they are make the hallway look tinier than it already is. Like we're about to walk into Wonka's candy land.

Gabriel grasps my shoulders and spins me around to face the door again.

"No, Sang. You have to do this. Confront her. Slap her or something."

"I'm not gonna slap her!" I whisper-scream. I may be angry, but I don't think I'd be able to hit someone out of anger. I think.

"Sang! Where have you been?! I've been so worried and your phone—" She stops short, eyes wide and focused behind me. "Why is North Taylor and half the hockey team standing in our apartment?" she stage whispers.

How do I say this? "Well, they're the ones who rescued me last night after my roommate"—I give her a pointed look—"left me at the game last night to go back to our apartment, to have sex on our couch!" As I continued on, my voice got louder and less calm. Way to stay cool and collected.

Jade's jaw is now laying on the floor. Her eyes dart between me and the squad at my back. A squeak comes out of her mouth before she tries to sputter out a response. A response I will have no part of, so I cut her off before she can form actual words.

"Jade, I'm moving out," I deadpan. I don't even need to fake it. The guilt and any sense of forgiveness melts away. Impatience taking over.

"WHAT? You can't leave me! I can't pay for this myself!" she shrieks. I hear a few doors in our hall open. Great. And it's not even the boys who draw the crowd.

"Should have thought about that before you ditched me last night to screw a hockey player on my couch." I shove past her, and I'm sure at least a couple of the boys follow me.

"It was one time!" Ugh, so did Jade.

Once in my room, I find my suitcase. "Was it?" I question her, fully knowing the answer.

As I lay my suitcase on the bed and unzip it, she ignores my inquiry. "Oh, come on! That's why you came with me!" I take it the answer is a "no." No, it was not one time. I'm sure it was a hundred times. Well, more than once, at least. But her lack of answer also says 'more than twice.'

The boys that followed me, which I see is all of them, start going through my drawers and closet and putting stuff in my suitcase and in boxes I did not know they brought. Gabriel, Kota, and Sean folding my clothing carefully, the others just tossing stuff in. Luke trying to make a game of it. I see the words he shoots, he scores! form on his lips. I swallow the laughter that wants to escape me. Not the time. Gabriel picks up each tossed item and folds it. My heart does a light flutter at the care he takes with my clothes. How sweet. I have a fleeting thought that these boys—that I've known for less than 24 hours, mind you—will run into my bras and underwear. Or that they may already have.

With a heavy sigh and an eye rolI, I turn to her. "No, I came with you so you could wait until after the game to grab some piece of ass." The bitterness in my voice has become so prominent, I'm practically spitting. Now I'm pissed.

"Well, how was I supposed to wait that long?" So dramatic.

I grab my backpack from my desk chair, practically slamming it on the bed to gather my school supplies. Not being careful, I shove my books, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. into one pocket. Organized Sang is going to have a fit later.

It takes an incredible amount of self control not to scream. "Oh, I don't know, sit and enjoy the game? Feel the rush of anticipation?

"Oh, and on top of that, you're a stalker, too?" I ask referencing the attempted restraining order.

"What?! Who told you that?" The flash of anger in her eyes has me flinching slightly, catching me off guard.

"Me." This is the first time any of the boys have spoken up during our little exchange—or since arriving, for that matter. And of course it's him who decides to.

As if she had forgotten just who, exactly, I brought with me, her whole demeanor changes. The anger on her face melts into a pleased surprise, and her body straightens from where she was leaning onto my bed across from me. Swinging to her left, she lets out a very fake giggle, twirling a lock of her raven hair around a finger. "Hi, North." Husky voice: check. And cue the batting eyelashes. Barf.

"Yes, Jade. North. The one you were stalking," I remind her.

While the boys continue to grab things from around my room and put them in boxes, they are doing a very bad job of pretending they're not listening or watching. Particularly Nathan, whose eyes are wide as saucers as he tries to take off my bedding without disturbing anyone. Hell, I don't blame them. Jade is a one-woman crazy show.

The flirty person that was making goo-goo eyes at Sir Tall Dark & Handsome was once again facing me with venom. "You can't prove anything," she spits.

North, unimpressed by her show, says flatly, "Told her that, too. Told her you got a warning. Which is probably why you chickened out and ran off on Sang Baby with the first player you saw." He adds after a moment, "Pun unintentionally intended."

"Baby?! What the fuck?" Jade screams shooting a glare in my direction.

Don't look at me, honey. I'm just as shocked as you are. I only met the guy this morning. No one has ever called my baby before. This is uncharted territory.

If my eyebrows were any higher, I'd have no eyebrows. "Whoa, slow down there, killer." I hold up a single finger in his direction. "We'll come back to that later."

Bringing my attention back to the object of my dissatisfaction. "It wouldn't matter if you stalked him or not. What you did last night was low, Jade. My phone died, and you left me without a ride home." I didn't mean for the hurt to enter my voice, but the sly bugger just slipped itself in there. "And you all but admitted you've had sex on our shared furniture before last night."

I notice my room is completely bare of my belongings aside from the furniture, everything having been boxed up. Even my suitcase is zipped. A sense of finality sweeps over me. I'm actually leaving.

"Leave the furniture," I tell my helpers.

"Good bye, Jade. I hope you learn from your mistakes." And with one last longing look at my desk, the eight hockey players and I leave my room and the apartment.

Of course, Jade can't end any conversation or argument without having the last word. "You will regret this, Sang Sorenson!" Ha. No I won't. Bye.

As we are putting my things in two of the cars (more cars than I anticipated), Luke remarks, "You know, I think you went too easy on her."

"Yeah," Gabriel agrees, "could have used a few more insults and a lot more swear words." The two boys share a fist bump.

Luke turns back to me. "Do you want me to sneak up there and put some hair dye in her shampoo? A little bleach, maybe?"

"Oh! Or you could itching powder in her underwear drawer! Fuck, I'm a genius."

"Do you think that girl even wears underwear?"

"You know, now that you mentio—"

I'm putting a stop to this conversation. "Okay that's enough," I say with a nervous laugh. I so do not need to hear their theories on this topic.

"Hey, Sang." Sean comes up to me, grabbing my attention. "Just know, I'm a doctor-in-training. I know how to make it look like an accident." He gives me a pointed look, and it takes me a moment to understand what he's implying.

"Sean! No! You are not killing anyone.Your oath!" I chastise.

He puts an arm around my shoulder and rubs my bicep. "Calm down, I'm not killing anyone." He thinks for a moment. "Well, no one would be able to prove it was me anyway." He snickers.

I elbow him lightly in the stomach.

"Ow! Watch the abs!" The laughter in his voice gives his lack of pain away. Boys. Can't live with them, can't live with them.

Wait. I'm living with them. What am I doing?


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