The Sister Makeover (previous...

By Friends4Ever01

4.3K 50 23

Elizabeth (Liz for short) and Jenny are sisters. Jenny's hot, Liz's not. Jenny's popular. Liz has one frien... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 (re-edited version)
Chapter 6

Ms. Popularity and Ms. Nerd are Sisters?

1.5K 10 9
By Friends4Ever01

Chapter 1


I rubbed my eyes. I hate mornings. I grabbed my thick rimmed glasses of the nightstand. I shut off my alarm and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My dirty blond hair was in a tangled mess on my head. My hazel eyes were blood-shot. I quickly took a shower, and wrapped a towel around myself.

"Liz! Hurry up! We're going to be late for school!" my older sister, Jenny called. Jenny can be so annoying sometimes. We are complete opposites. She's a junior, I'm a sophmore. She has light blond hair with pink streaks. She's a cheerleader. I'm a book nerd.  She's popular. I'm not. She has curves, and I'm a walking stick. She's pretty. You can guess the rest.

I tried to untangle the mess I call my hair. I walked to my closet. I slipped on a pair of baggy jeans holded up by a belt.  And a loose hoodie over my slim frame. I ran downstairs to get a quick breakfast before the bus arrived. I was eating my apple when Jenny came to the kitchen, her heels clicking against the tile. She was wearing a denim mini skirt and an off the shoulder top.

"Are you still taking the bus?" she said flipping a blond-pink strand of hair. "You should just let me drive you." Jenny has a silver Mercedes Benz SLK 350. 

"Because, I couldn't be caught dead with you!" I said teasingly.

One of her manicured hands flew up to her chest. "That hurts. Likewise my dear sister." I rolled my eyes. No one at Sunnyville High knew we were sisters. 

"That's the bus, I've gotta go," I said tossing the apple core into the trash and grabbing my backpack. I ran to the bus stop. I made it just in time and hopped on the bus. 

"Hey Lizzy! Come sit next to me!" my best friend Ryan called. Ryan was taller than me towering at 5'9'' tall. He had messy brown hair and big brown eyes. He was my only friend.

"Whats up Rainy?" I said using my old nickname for him.


Math class was so boring. Epecially my teacher. Mr. Harvey was a cranky teacher. He had a comb over and pit stains on every shirt. Gross!

"Ms. Anderson," Mr. Harvey said, and my head shot up, "Could you tell us what negative fifty-five multipied by W to the sixth power, multipied by X to the forth power, multipied by Y to the second power over sixty six multipied by W to the second power multipied by X to the forth power, multipied by Y to the fifth power is?"


"Ummmm, is it negative five over six multipied by W to the fourth power, multipied by Y to the third power?" I guessed. 

Mr. Harvey cracked a toothy or shall I say missing teeth grin at me. "You got an A for the question, but an F for not writing your name on the paper."

'Are you kidding me? You get an F for apperances!' I said in my head.

The bell rang. Freedom!!!!

I walked in the hallway when someone tripped me. My glasses skidded across the floor. Everything was a little blurry.  Let me guess, Charlotte Arden. 

"Watch where your going fatty!" Charlote said. I'm not fat, I just wear baggy clothes.

"Hey, did you think up that line during your last circle jerk?" I spat back.

Charlotte's jaw dropped. "How dare you-"

"Save it for the cameras Charlotte, no need to break that pretty face," I said. That was the very first time I told someone off. I think I'm going to be sick. But first I need to find my glasses. I turned around to a sound of someone clearing their throat.

"Is this yours?" said the angel of my dreams. Todd Williams. I stared into his midnight blue eyes.

"Ummmmmmm" Don't just stand there like an idiot! "Y-yes, th-than-kk  y-y-you." I said.  couln't stop stuttering. I grabbed my glasses from his hand and sparks shot up my arm. Wow I'm such a loser.



This is one of my first stories on wattpad, and it would mean a lot to me if you commented. I'm not going to be like those other writers who are like comment and vote and fan.

Can anyone make a cover for me? I'll fan the top five cover. Please?

-F4E (short for Friends4Ever)

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