Rick and Morty Short Stories

By Rick_Sanchez-C137

28.7K 594 761

I will take requests given to me and mold them into one shots of varying length ^-^ More

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I Can't Be Happy Without You.
You're Not In Love With Me.
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So Many Rickles.
Good Shit.

Prom Date

3.2K 65 62
By Rick_Sanchez-C137

Story For: Ultralexis 

Rorty/C137cest Story
Tiny Rick x Morty (Mature Content)
Morty wants to attend his Junior prom, but doesn't want to go without a date. Summer manages to drag him from the house while Rick comes up with a plan of his own.


       Morty wandered the halls of Harry Herpson High School, searching for her.


       The anxious brunet adjusted his curls, ensuring his outfit was straight before he made his way to the voluptuous and outgoing red head, standing by her locker. None of her friends were surrounding her in the moment and Morty's heart swelled with joy. He wouldn't have to deal with them poking fun at him for trying to talk to Jessica.
       Morty stood near the locker just as Jessica shut it. "U-Uh, hi, Jes-Jessica." Morty smiled anxiously, hoping he didn't come off as creepy. "Hi? You're... Morty, right?" The brunet nodded, "Yea, that's m-me." Jessica nodded, smiling in uncertainty. "I wa-was, u-um.. Jessica, I was wondering i-if you, um, wanted to go to the pr-prom with me?" Morty stared at the ground, awaiting his answer. "Uh, you're joking, right?" Jessica stared at the brunet in disbelief. "You know I'm with Brad. I've told you every time you try asking me out. Two years and you still haven't gotten it yet? You really are slow."
       Morty's shoulders slumped in defeat as Jessica walked away with an evil laugh, probably going to catch up to Brad. Morty sighed, walking to the exits. He wished Summer was still in school with him, but she had graduated last year. It was just him as he walked down the sidewalk, towards his house, with his heart heavy in his chest. There were two days left til the prom, and Morty was wondering if it would even be worth attending. He knew he'd be picked on for going without a date, or for going at all. After all, he is 'just a Morty'. He's always known there was nothing special about him.
       Morty, feeling defeated, walked up to his house, ignoring his grandfather tinkering in the garage, his father on the couch playing his iPad, and didn't bother asking where Summer was. He just wanted to be alone in his room, hopefully to waste away before prom night.

*~*~*Time Skip*~*~*

       "You're not gonna skip out on this!" Summer followed Morty through the house. It was Saturday now, prom night. Morty rolled his eyes and walked through the kitchen, "Yes, I a-am. I'm not go-gonna go just s-so they can all make fun of me. I-I'm seventeen, I g-got my whole life ahead of m-me. I ca-can make up for this wh-when I'm destroying my body a-at home as the al-alcoholic we all know I-I'm gonna be." Morty stormed through the room, grabbing a can of soda from the fridge. He shoved past Rick who had been walking in to see what all the noise was.
       "What's euuugh g-got his panties in-in a tweughist?" He spoke to Summer as Morty heard from the living room. "He doesn't want to go to prom because he doesn't have a date. I told him it was stupid because he only gets two in his life, and he's already gonna waste the first if he doesn't go get ready now!" Summer yelled the end as more of an order to Morty, trying to get him to go throw his stupid suit on and stop being such a baby about this. "If mom and dad weren't on one of those couples things, I'd have them dragging him up there and dressing him themselves," Summer complained. "Apparently," Summer continued, "he's just gonna 'make up for it when he becomes the alcoholic we all know he's gonna be'. Because that's what you said, isn't it, Morty?!"
       The brunet had had enough, walking now to stand in front of Summer. "I to-told you," he growled, "I ha-have my whole damn li-life ahead o' m-me to make up f-f-for this. Wh-Who cares if I do-don't go?!"
       "I care! If you go, maybe you could find somebody! Who knows, maybe there's a girl who's upset you didn't ask her!" Summer waved her hands for emphasis and Morty snorted. "L-Like anybody wa-wants this," he motioned over his body. "M-May as well m-m-marry a dumpster. A-Ask Rick, he-he'll tell you th-the same thing."
       With that, Morty stormed off to his room. "He asked Jessica and she turned him down," Summer mumbled. Rick took a long drink from his flask, finding that he definitely needed it now. "Jesus, eugh y-you teen-teenagers an- euuugh and your problems," he grumbled while heading to his garage. Summer heard the door lock and wondered what Rick was up to, deciding it was probably better to go get Morty ready for his prom.

       "Morty," Summer opened his bedroom door to find Morty curled up on his bed. "Ju-Just go away, Summer. I'm no-not going."
      The red head rolled her eyes and shut the door, "Look, you're not gonna be alone. I got asked to go with one of the seniors, so I'll be there tonight. I get to attend one more prom in my life. So, you know, please go get ready, so I can too? I just don't want to see you throw an opportunity like this away. Go have fun, make friends, find somebody. You gotta understand, sometimes fairy tales actually happen. Go to this prom, maybe yours will happen." Morty sat up on his bed, facing Summer now. "Do y-you really think I-I have a chance for an-any of that to happen?"
Summer nodded, grinning. "I think you have a better chance than most people."

       "Alright. Y-You'll be there?" Summer nodded, "I'll even show up with you. My date's gonna meet me there, apparently," Summer grumbled. "O-Okay. I ju-just need a little bit."
"You have an hour, then we gotta go get pictures for mom and dad real quick." With that, Summer stepped from the room. Morty sighed heavily and sat on his bed for a bit, watching YouTube to settle down. He didn't really think he would get a fairytale ending in his life, but it was worth a shot.


       Morty stood in front of the mirror, inspecting his suit. He'd managed to do it correctly, though he felt a bit dumb in it. Sure, he looked good in it, probably the best he'd ever looked, but there was something about it. He just didn't feel like suits were meant for him, in a sense.

       "Morty! Come on!" Summer stood at the bottom of the stairs from what Morty could hear. The brunet put the phone he'd recently gotten into an inner pocket on his suit jacket, checking the collar and his curls before he wandered from his room with his head down. "Why d-do people dr-dress like this willingly?"
       "Aw, Morty! You look so grown up and handsome!" Summer clapped and giggled, leading Morty through the house. "Alright," she led Morty to stand in front of the garage door, finding it a bit odd that it was shut and Rick wasn't tormenting them for dolling up and attending a 'stupid high school hormone-infested dance'. "I'll take a picture of you, then you take one of me, and we'll get one together. Then we'll be on our way."
       "O-Okay," Morty nodded, taking the phone from Summer. She stood with her hands folded in front of herself over the red material of her dress. It was sleeveless and cut off above her knees, making her appear more grown up and professional. Morty took a few photos, knowing Summer liked to scroll through and find the best one, before they traded. Morty stood tall and placed his hands in his pockets, smiling at the camera. He adjusted his curls before he and Summer took one final selfie together. "I think mom will like these," Summer commented. She threw her phone in her purse and grabbed the keys to her little car she'd received as a graduation present. "Let's go find your happily ever after, Morty."

       While Summer drove, singing along with the radio, Morty slumped in his seat. He didn't want to go, but Summer said she'd be there, too, which put him at ease. He was silently hoping he would get the fairly tale ending Summer promised as they neared the high school.

       Once inside, Summer and Morty separated almost immediately. His sister had found her date and was immediately pulled away without warning, leaving Morty to sit at one of the round tables on his own. He should have known he'd still be alone.
       The brunet listened to the music, sitting alone for well over an hour as he occasionally grabbed glasses of punch. He watched people dancing for a while and wondered if he should just leave now. Nobody was talking to him, nobody was looking at him, and Summer was gone. Morty could see her over in the corner, laughing with her date. Jessica was near them, too. Dancing with Brad, just like Morty expected. He chuckled sardonically before staring at the small punch glass in his hands.
       Morty stood with a sigh, pushing his chair in and tossing the paper cup into the nearly garbage bin.

       "Where ya goin'?"

       The brunet jumped at the sudden voice, mumbling a 'sorry' as he turned to face the individual. "R-Rick?!"

       Standing before Morty, in a suit similar to his own, stood Tiny Rick. Morty thought his grandfather had gotten rid of him ages ago! "Tiny Rick, kid." Morty watched as Rick leaned against a nearby table, staring around uncaringly. "I heard," he looked up, "you needed a date to the prom."
       "W-Well, y-yea, but I... I didn't e-expect you to s-show up." Morty stared awkwardly, fidgeting with the sleeves of his suit. "Well," Rick shrugged, "I could go run off. People still remember Tiny Rick." The miniature copy of Rick began to wander off.
       Morty, almost too quickly, grabbed Tiny Rick's hand, stopping him from moving. He spun with a smirk, pulling his hand from Morty's very slowly. "Which is it? You wanna go dance, or do you wanna go sit in a corner by yourself?"
       "U-Uh," Morty looked up, finding people slow dancing now, "I gu-guess we could g-go dance, but wouldn't i-it be weird?"
       Rick shrugged, leading Morty away from the lonesome table, "Only if you want it to be weird. The way I see it, I'm only here for another hour." Morty furrowed his brow, knowing the dance was going on for at least another three, but shrugged.

       "I do-don't really know h-how to dance," Morty mumbled, facing Tiny Rick as he laughed awkwardly. "Course not," Rick mumbled. "Alright, just put your hands here," Rick placed Morty's arms around his neck, "and sway." Rick placed his hands on Morty's hips, the brunet moving awkwardly for a little while. Eventually, he got it, moving along with Rick and laughing slightly when he finally understood. "Not as bad as it seems, Morty," Rick chuckled. It was weird for him, being in a seventeen year old version of himself and dancing with Morty. He was enjoying himself, if he had to be honest. He'd been wanting to get Morty like this for a while now, carefree and oh so vulnerable.

       Tiny Rick and Morty danced for a while longer, Morty stepping aside when a faster song would come on as he watched Rick dance. He would draw a group of people over to watch him, and Morty would just laugh and watch. The brunet was beginning to enjoy himself, Tiny Rick watching him as he danced with a smile.

       After a while, another slow song came on. Rick pulled Morty back to the dance floor and they moved back into the same position, though closer now. "Th-This is actually r-really fun," Morty commented, grinning. Rick laughed and nodded, "I forgot how nice it is to actually move."
The two maintained a synchronized swaying motion, moving in slow circles as they remained fairly close. Morty had yet to see Summer again, though by now she must have heard that 'Tiny Rick is back'. He had been the main topic of discussion as Morty soon picked up, hearing his own name as people mentioned how cool it was that Morty was dancing with the 'teen'.
The song was nearing its end and Morty was upset, knowing Rick would be moving back to dance to the other songs. Morty didn't mind not knowing how to dance like that, he just missed the proximity for some unknown reason. He was a bit more anxious when Tiny Rick was dancing with him like this, naturally blushing for no real reason every time Rick's would tap his fingers on Morty's hips to the slow beat of the music.
       "My hour's up, kid. Natural Cinderella," Rick chuckled. The song was still playing, though slower and much more quieter, advancing towards the end. "I gotta tell ya something."
Morty nodded, urging Rick to continue speaking.

       Speak, however, he did not.

       Morty was very surprised to find himself kissing the teenage version of his grandfather no more than a second later. The first kiss of his life. Instead of shoving Rick off in disgust, being that he was Morty's grandfather, something about him being 'Tiny Rick' changed everything. Then again, Morty had been finding an odd attraction to his grandfather, though thought nothing much about it. Now, however, he thought very much about it.
       Morty found himself to be particularly excited as he realized what this could probably mean. Sure, it could very well be the teenage hormones Rick was most likely experiencing for a third time in his life, but it was happening and it was real for the moment.

       The brunet was mildly disappointed when Rick pulled away with a taunting smirk. "Bingo," he stated, leaning close to Morty still. "See," he placed his hands back on Morty's hips, bringing him against Rick as he pressed up against the brunet, "I came out here to make sure you got the full experience of prom night. So," Rick backed up again and stared tauntingly-so at a very flustered Morty, "if you an' me just happen to slip back and go home right now.." He trailed off and Morty's eyes widened, the blush darkening. Rick grinned devilishly and dragged Morty to the bathroom, using his portal gun to take them home quickly.

      Morty looked around to find himself standing in Rick's room, the one area of the house he'd never really been in much. Before he could look around for very long, Morty was lightly pressed down, now sitting on the edge of Rick's bed. It was surprisingly somewhat comfortable, though Morty could only really think about Tiny Rick slipping from his suit coat, motioning for Morty to do the same. "Just saves time," he chuckled. Morty found that the blush he wore wouldn't be going away for a very long time as he quickly realized what he was to be doing.
       "You know," Tiny Rick pressed Morty back onto the bed, both of their jackets now laying on the floor, "you're pretty quiet right now, for someone in your position." Morty found himself in quite the position as Rick pressed his knees apart, placing himself between them and hovering over Morty. He placed his forearms on the bed to either side of Morty's head and stared down at the brunet. Clear, icy blue met sea-foam green in a heart-stopping moment as Rick grinned.
"I-It's just a lot t-t-to process," Morty mumbled. Rick rolled his eyes, still grinning. "I thought even you were smart enough to figure it out, Morty." Rick leaned down to Morty's ear, eliciting a yelp as he pressed his groin against the brunet's, "Everything I've done for you. Bought you that phone, took you on more adventures, spent more time around you. Hell, I stopped teasing you about your inferior intelligence for months." Rick growled lightly in Morty's ear, his hips still moving as he pressed harder still. "I want to hear you scream for me, Morty. Wanna make you scream for me."

       With that, Rick pushed Morty's collar out of his way before he planted kisses down the side of Morty's neck. The brunet was still lost in thought, his heart racing as he realized what Rick had just said to him. His thoughts were interrupted, his mind clouded slightly, when Rick found his sweet spot on his neck, effectively pulling a sound from Morty that he didn't realize he could make. Rick emitted a low rumble before he latched on to that spot, sucking at the skin and creating his own dark bruise. Morty gasped at the contact, turning his head further as though the action would keep Rick there forever. He simply chuckled, however, as he pulled back from the brunet.
       Lips met lips as Rick leaned down yet again, hungrily enveloping Morty's lips with those of his own as he fumbled with the buttons on his silly little dress shirt. Rick furrowed his brow in frustration, pulling away momentarily. "I'll buy you a new one," he grumbled. Morty had been going to ask what the hell he was talking about when Rick's lips were gliding across his again, the question dying in his throat as Rick pulled the shirt open forcefully. Morty understood now as he knew most of the buttons would have gone flying at that, the fabric tearing.
The sensation of Rick's hands gliding over Morty's bare abdomen sent chills through the brunet as he had his arms thrown over Rick's neck, the feeling of the other individual pressing firmly against his groin an entirely pleasant sensation as Morty pressed back against him.

       Rick pulled back from the brunet, tugging the material of his now torn white shirt away and laying him back down. He undid the first few buttons of his own shirt and pulled the material over his head, not bothering with the rest as he knew it would be faster. He kicked out of his shoes, hating the way they knocked together, and threw Morty's off of his feet as well. He laughed as he took in the wide eyed expression of the ever-bashful brunet, hovering above him again in a moment.
       "Aren't we shy?" Rick teased, leaning on his forearms once again. Morty looked away, unable to meet his gaze, apparently, and Rick grinned maliciously. He ground harshly against the brunet, hearing the sharp intake of breath and the gasp he released. Rick's mouth quickly covered another spot of Morty's soft flesh, drawing another mark to the surface. Morty whined beneath him, dragging his hand through Rick's hair and shutting his eyes. He could only hope he was doing what Rick wanted him to, not wanting to frustrate Rick with his lack of experience.

       Rick moved lower, planting butterfly kisses across Morty's chest while he worked at his dress pants. While the material slipped down Morty's legs, Rick teased him some more, grazing his teeth over a nipple. Morty gasped lightly again, not having known how sensitive he was to things like that. The brunet was acutely aware of his higher level of exposure now, though any protest he had about it once more died in his throat, replaced with a soft squeak as he felt Rick pressing a hand to Morty's more intimate areas. Rick grinned, retracting his hand to step from his own dress pants. "Might have my knowledge," Rick remarked, "but let's see if I still got my endurance." With a chuckle, Rick wandered over to his nightstand. Morty didn't bother paying much attention to what he was grabbing, focusing more on Rick's form as he bent over the nightstand.
       Rick held a small bottle in his hand as he spun around, setting it to the side and moving Morty up fully onto the bed. Morty jumped in modest surprise when Rick moved to lower his boxers. "Sorry, shoulda warned you," Rick grumbled, removing the material. Morty pressed his legs together, practically glowing at this point as his blush only increased. Rick tisked, pressing Morty's knees apart. "It's just me. Besides, I think I've walked in on you enough to know." Morty allowed Rick to move him, refusing to look him in the eye.
       "It's just me, kid," Rick grumbled. "You gotta trust me here, because I gotta make sure you're good with this, alright?" Morty nodded, slowly meeting Tiny Rick's gaze. "All shy an' shit, and we're already this far into it," Rick chuckled, reaching for the small bottle again. He pushed Morty's knees up, setting his feet further apart on the bed as he kneeled down in front of Morty on the bed. His eyes raked over Morty's form as he poured the contents of the bottle onto his fingers. "Cold at first, warm in a second," Rick warned. Morty nodded and Rick gave a smile, still admiring the teen's form as he pressed his fingertips to the brunet's entrance. His fingers traced the hole, Morty letting out a soft gasp at the contact.
       As Rick slowly pressed one finger into the teen, he admired the way his brow furrowed only slightly as he inhaled sharply. He moved his finger in and out, curling it inside the teen before he added another. He worked at both stretching and pleasing Morty, his fingers moving at a moderate pace as Morty drew in sharp breaths. Rick pressed further, working towards teasing the bundle of nerves in the brunet. When he heard a soft whine, he knew he hit the spot.
Rick added a third finger now, admiring the way Morty took him in as he finger-fucked the brunet. He heard the sighs and soft moans, watching his face screw up in a look of pleasure as his fingers worked at the nerves further.
       Rick wasn't sure how much Morty could take, so he decided it was best to retract his hand when Morty's breathing became erratic and he was grinding back onto Rick's fingers. Morty squirmed, releasing a keening whine at the loss of contact as Rick sat back on his haunches, his boxers already discarded and the bottle in his hand.
       Morty stared now at the second 'teen' in the room with him, watching as he applied a viscous liquid to his stiff member, tossing a capped bottle to the side for now.

       When Rick was sure Morty was stretched and able, he worked at applying the lube, now lining himself up to Morty's sacred entrance. He leaned over the brunet's body like a blanket, covering his form and hungrily engulfing his lips with those of his own. The blunt head of Rick's stiff sex pressed into Morty, the brunet letting out a heavy gasp. He pulled away from Rick, breaking the kiss as he set his head back heavily onto the mattress. Rick sat up, pressing further and watching Morty's face contort into a look that wasn't easily discerned from pain nor pleasure.
       Rick grunted as he pressed halfway into the brunet, giving him time to adjust around his size. It was already hard enough with Morty being a virgin, his size not helping in the slightest as he pushed further still.

       Rick remained where he was for a short minute, his cock halfway buried in Morty's ass, before the brunet let out a whine, shifting his hips. "Pl-Please," he whined. "R-Rick, plea-please."
Rick, not being one to deny a request to fuck, leaned down to plant a quick peck on Morty's lips before he pressed in, relishing in the feel of his entirety being enveloped in Morty's warmth. He let out a hefty moan of his own, resting his hands beneath Morty's knees as he lifted him higher. He gave himself a better angle to work with, moving slowly within the brunet.

       Morty allowed Rick to move him as he pleased, knowing he knew more than the brunet when it came to sex. As Rick moved slowly, Morty could only pray he'd move faster. He wanted more, to be greedy and take it all. "R-Rick," he whined, "f-fas-faster."

       Rick nodded, gripping the backs of Morty's knees as he picked a faster pace. He began fucking into the brunet with more intensity, wondering how long he could last in this damned teenage body.
       Morty gripped the sheets as his brow furrowed, his jaw falling open of its own accord as he shut his eyes. He was so near to his release, not wanting to let go now and bring this to an end just yet. He whined in earnest, gripping the sheets harder.

       Rick fucked into the boy beneath him mercilessly now, finding that he simply couldn't maintain that slow pace. Morty was proving he could handle it, however, gripping the sheets and crying out phrases like 'oh yes, oh yes' and 'oh God'.
       Rick found himself so near the edge now, wanting nothing more than to find his release. He growled lowly, fucking harshly into Morty. "Morty.." he grunted. "C- ah, fuck, - cum for me, baby." Rick scrunched his eyes shut, throwing his head back. "Come on, cum for me, Morty."

       The brunet found himself completely losing control as Rick thrusted into him harshly once again. His calves twitched with the force of his orgasm as he cried out. "R-Rick! Oh m-m-my G-God, Rick!" Morty arched his back, crying out once more, "R-Rick!"

       The feeling of Morty clenching around him, the sound of his name being called out from the brunet, sent Rick careening over the edge as he came deep into Morty's ass. "Fuck," he groaned, panting heavily as he head lolled backwards. Morty sank back down to the mattress, breathing heavily though appearing as though entirely exhausted. Truth be told, as Rick pulled his rapidly softening cock from the boy's ass, he was too. Morty whined only slightly as Rick pulled out of him, situating them both on his bed in a way that they could avoid laying in the mess they made. "Gonna have to shower later," Rick mumbled. He knew Beth and Jerry were gone for a few more days, so he didn't find panic in wondering if they'd walk in. Summer had already told him she wouldn't be home before she went to get dressed earlier, whether or not she left with her date.
Morty hummed in acknowledgement, curling up to Rick. The brunet smiled, though it was tired, and laughed lightly. "Th-The whole experience, huh?" Rick gave a light chuckled of his own and wrapped his arms around Morty.
       "There's your own fairytale, Morty."

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