mauve lilith

By catus1felis

118K 5K 477

I suck at writing these little things called whatever I don't remeber the name..... I'll still try though, si... More

Chapter 2 part 1 (reborn?)
Never again
New beginning, gift from the heavens...
The dragon
Nothing really
First meeting is an accident, second meetings are fate
Love and hate.... opposites?
As the sun dies.....
Unwelcome stranger
Into the night
Black and white
The Move
aquainting and re-aquainting -_-
First event of many
First Event of Many (Part 2)
First event of many (3)
Something that no one will read...... (sadness)
First event of many (4)
Change (1)
A ray of hope
Untitled Part 25
Swear to the Heavens
One and a half years Later......
goddess of beauty and her .... men?
How to crash an emperors birthday party.......properly (2)
Wang Rui Wei has a lot to pay back.....heehee
2 years later...... (Don't be fooled by the innocent title)
People who are left behind

How to crash an emperors birthday party......properly (1)

2.8K 134 6
By catus1felis

"May the emperor live thousands and thousands of years" said the crown prince as he bowed to the emperor, the rest of his gang followed him. 

The emperor had a black face as he looked down on Rui Wei. "You are late, how disrespectful can you be, you have no right to even be the crown prince!" Everyone gasped as the emmperor yelled at his son. He had just threatened to take away the position of the crown prince!

Secretly Rui wei signaled to Mei Lan. When she saw this, she sighed and suddenly smiled very sweetly. 

"Your maaaajesty~~~" She whined, her face still as beautiful as the number one beauty of the world.

"Mei'er wanted to quickly come meet your majesty, because..hic...because..hic, your majesty is Mei'er's uncle..hic, but there was an assassination attempt and little mei'er nearly got killed....hic" She said as her smiling face crumpled up to being one of the most adorable, pitiable, and lovable face ever as she showed her bleeding wrist which she had just slashed 3seconds ago.

Suddenly the anger in the emperor's face dissapeared and turned into a loving one. Althoguh Mei lan wasn't directly related to the emperor, her father's sister and her mothers sister were both imperial concubines, and her mother's only brother had married the emperor's favorite sister, therefor being a doted niece. Not only that but she was extremly "sweet" and beautiful, especially since she came back from her banishment. Who wouldn't love her?

"Call all the imperial physicians and let them look at Mei'er, we must definately find the culprit behin the assassination attempt!" The emperor yelled slamming his fist down on the armrests. Completely forgetting about the crown prince.

Rui wei grinned at Mei lan expressing his thanks, she glared back as she slid her finger acrross her throat and made a money sign at him, telling him that he owed her. Rui wei's grin just got wider. 

At the same time Du Hai and Anye were both glaring at Rui wei ferociously.

Long was grinning from the ceiling.

"Royal father, I may have some evidence for the assassination attempt, I have also completed the investigation of the tea party assassination attempt." Rui Wei said as he walked up to the emperor.

"Oh really" Said the emperor as he raised one brow.

"Yes" said the crown prince as he laid out different pieces of paper. "This is the blood contract where second minister hou paid 30,000 gold for an assassination attempt on the crown prince and his followers, and 50,000gold more if they succeeded."

"This is the blood contract where second minister hou paid 10,000 gold for an 2 assassination attempts on the crownprince and the prime minister's to sons and 5000 more if they succeeded"

"This is the jade crests of minister hou that was found several times in the assassins clothes"  Rui Wei finished as he slammed 13 crests proving all 16 assassination attempts on them.

Although the emperor did not particularily care for the crown prince, the clear evidence showed that second minister hou was making fun of the imperial family and the emperor's power. 

"HOw dare! How dare! How dare they!!!!!" The emperor spluttered as he waved his arms around.

"There is also additional evidence that shows second minister hou trading goods with our enemy country, selling official positions and etc...." 

Although many officials committed crimes and did not recieve punishment, second minister hou had gone to far and now there was no going back.....

The emperor shook his finger as he yelled.

"Gaurds! take that bastard minister hou and lock him up!"

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