
By OddBall4

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Beyond p. 1
Beyond p. 2
Beyond p.3
Beyond p.4
Beyond p.5
Beyond p.6
Beyond p.7
Beyond p.8
Beyond p.9
Beyond p.10
Beyond p.12
Beyond p.13
Beyond p.14
Beyond p.15
Beyond p.16
Beyond p.17
Beyond p.18
Beyond p.19

Beyond p.11

148 3 1
By OddBall4

I looked down at his hand, then back at him, he was inhamanly gergeous, but it was going to take more than looks to pull me in like that.

"No! You expect me to just grab your hand, have tea and cookies, and sit down like this whole situation is peachy?!" I spat in his face

"Please just let me ex-" I cut him off

"I don't even know who you guys are!" he let out a sigh, realizing this would be harder than he thought, he introduced thee other boys about Josh's age to me, he pointed to a boy with sandy brown hair that could cover his eyes, about 6'2, with define muscels under his shirt, he had small but juicy lips, and that yummy peanut butter skin made him all the more good looking.

"That's Remiel." he smiled showing off pearls, he waved his hand like a small child would do, 'How cute', I thought. Next he pointed to a boy about the same height as Remiel, give or take an inch. But he had jet black hair with some streaks of burgandy red in it, he had what I would call a 'natural tan', he had long slim lips, he seemed skinny at a quick glance, but he has a body hidden under that button-up shirt waiting to be revealed.

"This is Uriah."

"My pleasure." he sung it more than spoke it, and finally he pointed to a boy with dark brown hair that was spiked up, and skin that looked like it could be pale on a cloudy day, but tan any other time of the year. He was about 6'4, but his mucsels poked out, saying "Hello", to any looker, he could be an underwear model.

"And this is Nereus." he bowed, I wasn't expecting that

"My lady." are you serious! they could talk to Jay-Z about the weather and be booked with a record deal, and be America's biggest boy band. The boy who was introducing his friends..I guess, pointed to himself.

"I'm Zephan." pssht! More like Ze-Fine, out of all of them, he intrigued me the most, he had a rebel look to him, he was like 6'3, he had a seductive but yet poetic tune in his voice, and he should think about the underwear modeling with the rest of his friends. He had dark brown hair, fair skin, and hazel eyes that you could get lost in. I wonder if that was how Josh felt when I looked at him, hell- I wonder if everyone I looked at felt like that! Oh God, I almost forgot about everything that had happened in the past few hours. It took me awhile to recuperate, Zephan made a noise bringing me back to the present.

"O, um, I'm sorry. It was nice meeting you guys and all, but I have to go back to my family." I stated walking towards the door, but the next thing I knew, the one closest towards the door blocked my way, Remiel, was it? "Uh, can I help you? Because I have to go." I said trying to get by him, failing miserably. "Um, excuse me." I was getting annoyed, but just before I could show him all the french I knew, someone called my nickname

"Moe," I turned around to see Zephan looking at me like we had some business to discuss

"How do you know my name?", I said walking towards him, I could hear the posion in my words,"Who told you my name?!"

"Well, if you let us explain, you'll know why. And maybe more of the questions you've been waiting to ask, will be answered." he said in a casual tone, almost bored, and more of the questions I've been waiting to ask? Does he know about my problem? Did he have something to do with it? Rage started to pour through my veins, I balled my hands into fist, and charged towards him. I pushed him with all my might, but it made me even more upset when I saw he didn't budge.

"DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS? HUH?" I pushed him again, and started wailing at his chest. But he grabbed my wrist with might, "Let me go!" but he didn't, instead he pulled me closer to him, I turned my head so I wouldn't have to face those eyes of his.

"Okay, lets get some things straight before we move on." he was serious, but not mad, "One, I hate it when people hit on me like that. Two, if you sit down and calm down I will explain what you need to know. And three, no, I don't have anything to do with your wings," I looked at him, so he did know something,"but I can tell you why they showed up."

When I felt his grip loosen, I jerked away, and went for the couch, I sat down and crossed my legs with sas that I never knew I had, and crossed my arms to add to the effect. The group of boys who I just met, formed a semicircle around me, sitting on furniture that was far enough to keep a comfort zone. Remiel and Uriah sat on the table infront of me, Zephan and Nereus occuppied two avalible loveseats that were facing towards the t.v., well more like movie screen. But they turned the seats to face me, I could feel all of their gazes on me as I looked down feeling a little embarrassed, my thoughts wondered towards my apperance. I was sure I looked a hot mess, I broke the akward silence, "So," I looked over at Zephan,"are you planning on telling me anytime soon on what kind of situation I'm stuck in?"

"Can you be specific on your question?" really? do I have to be so specific? I threw my hands up, and looked up at the ceiling

"Why. Are. There. Wings. Growing out of my back?!" I didn't think I had to be so obvious, I heard Remiel make a noise to Zephan

"Can I tell her?" he sounded like a small child, Zephan shrugged

"If you want, just don't go right into it." Remiel looked at me, I looked at his eyes and I was stunned, they were so brown, they looked red! Almost the color of his hair.

"Okay," he looked as though he was explaining a a game of Jeaprody, he must have forgot that this is my life here, "have you been told myths or legends?" I nodded silently, "Have you ever believed in any?" I thought about that for a moment, I did, but that was when I was younger

"What does that have to do with anything?" I questioned

"Just answer the question." Remiel said

"I was much younger, I believed anything that I was told."

"Which myths or legends did you believe?" Uriah asked

"Well," I sighed," faries, mermaids, and angels." I still didn't know where this was going, but if they were going to try and compare me to a myth, I would seek to it that these boys got the help they needed.

"Really?" Nereus said, they all started getting in the conversation one by one, "What about princesses?"

"Yea, I guess, whatever."

"Have you ev-" I cut Uriah off, I put my hand up to stop him

"Look, I really have to get going. Can you please tell me where this is going?"

"Uri," Zephan spoke, looking at me smiling like he had great news, "you're an angel." I looked at him dumbfoundedly

"Um, thanks I guess. It's weird when a total stranger tells me, but I'll take the compliment." they all looked at each other with confused expressions on their face

"No, like an angel of God. You know, big white wings, can fly, a special weapon of fire, hevan and hell." Nereus tried to explain to me. That's it, these boys need help.

"Okay," I stood up and cut my way through Zephan and the couch, "it was very nice meeting you all, but that was my sign to duce outta here. When my problem is solved, I will make sure that special doctors will be sent over here to help you." I said sarcastically, they all looked at me and laughed, yea they need help. There's no way that I could be a heavenly creature, I mean an angel? I started walking towards the door, but before I was within ten feet from it, a strong force of wind pushed me to the ground. I turned around to Zephan, only he wasn't the Zephan I met fifteen minutes ago.

I laied there in awe, he had his shirt off revealing muscels guy's at my school wish they had! But that's not what made me consider I was going insane, in his hand was a battle ax of fire whose heat I could feel, and behind him, was a set of ebony wings that was the size of two and a half of me going from tip to tip.

"Still think we need help?" Zephan asked with a smirk

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