Beyond p.16

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My skin crawled as I walked into Chemistry, the talk of the school was sitting in the back of the class. I don't know or care for their names, this is only their second day here, and they already befriended...Uri. It sickend me to remember her in screaming pain, to remember the tears wet her face, but it stunned me to remember the wings vade her back. My head started to ache when I remembered how Trevor got too close, and how she just did the swiftest movement with the wings and a gust of wind threw us to the bathroom wall. So much power came, she can fly; something everyone wishes, it's better for the both of us if I'm not involved in anyway. I can't look at her the same, I can't speak to her the same, I can't deal with her.

I took my seat on the opposite side of the room, everyone was sitting on tables and chatting up a strom with their neighbor. I was glad that my area was only occupied with me, I need to be by myself. Just minutes before the school bell, Mrs. Wright (she's a newly wed, and just got back from her honeymoon Monday night) stumbled in the class door with a cheery mood upon her, "Morning class!" she sung.

She checked her attendance chart, and silently marked everyone one off, "Oh, I see we have four new students," she pointed out, looking at them in the back of the class, "Why don't you stand up and introduce yourself, and something intresting about you." she made us do that on our first day of this class, it took them a moment to decide who was going first, but one of them got it out the way

"My name is Uriah Vice." he said bored and casually sat back down

"And something intresting about yourself?" he simply shrugged and tapped his finger on the window, "O...kay, how about you?" she seemed a little intimidated by their presence

"I'm Remiel, and something intresting about me is that I like to live." he spoke confidently, the class giggled

"Okay Remiel, I'm glad you like to live." she smiled and nodded towards the one closest to me

"Nereus and I like being outdoors." he sounded annoyed

"And you?"

"Zephan, and I like sports."

"You all have very intresting names, very unique. Are you all related because-"

"Yes." Zephan spoke quickly not wanting any questions to be thrown at him, they were lucky she was in a good mood. Usually she wouldn't put up with anyone's shit

"Okay class, I want you to welcome our newest guest and do I have any volunteers to partner up with them for our experiment?" all the girls raised their hands high, with wide smiles on their face. Mrs. Wright raised one of her eyebrows, "Okay, Nereus, you can work with Tiffany. Uriah with Mark, Remiel with Felicia, and Zephan with..." her eyes scanned the room and landed on me, "Josh. Now if I called your name please raise your hand." my jaw clenched and I raised my hand stiffly, when I said I didn't want to deal with Uri, that included her 'friends'.

From the corner of my eye I could see him grab his bag and walk over to the vacant seat slowly; I could share his pleasure in working together. He sat down and casually and looked straight ahead, I stole a quick glance at him, and he looked bored. Whatever tension he had on his way over here, there was no sign of. He got out a pen and a sheet of paper, and tapped on the table with end of his pen, the rap started to piss me off, "Could you quit it." it was more of an order than a question, he turned and looked at me, pen still tapping

"Why?" that took me aback, when I was usually mad and told people to do something, they did it, no questions asked. I turned to look at him, and he still looked bored, I let the memory of Friday slip my mind. That was another day, this is a different day.

"Cause it's annoying."

"Well that seems like a personal problem." he hissed

"Look man, I don't know you, you don't know me. Forget about Friday, and just quit tapping the pen on the table." I tried to sound reasonable, he just turned back around and keep up with the tapping

"What I'm doing now has nothing to do with Friday. You don't have to pretend to like me, because I don't like you. And you're right, we don't know each other," he turned to face me, "and I'm not planning on it anytime soon."

"You don't know me, how would you know if I liked you or not?"

"You're so obvious man, when you walked in you showed it, when she called your name you showed it, and when you spoke that first sentence to me you showed it. Bottomline, you don't like me, and I don't like you."

"And why don't you like me?" I attempted to imitate the venom he used in his voice, but I was nowhere near close

"Anyone who has the guts to insult a lady of no guilt, like yourself, then there's a small chance you're getting any positive feedback from me." I balled my hands into fist and flared my nose, that freak told him? She barely even knows him! Zephan must have noticed my distress, "And if you were wondering, no she didn't tell me. I heard you." I glared at him

"And why would that concern you?" what I said to...Uri, was meant to be private

"Why it concerns me doesn't concern you, the point is, you disrespected a young lady." before I could tell him where to shove it, Mrs. Wright told us the instructions that needed to be done for our experiment. I don't care how this turns out, I'm not leaving this school until I make sure he hears what I have to say.


man, I hate to end it here, but a girl needs her sleep!!

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