Aleana and Aragorn

By RubabShaukat

605K 13.6K 2.2K

Aleana is the daughter of Gandalf the Grey and a dear friend to Frodo Baggins. When the ring falls in the pos... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (Epilogue)
Next Story

Chapter 12

12.5K 300 24
By RubabShaukat

***Aleana POV***

I wake with a gasp and find myself still on the summit of Weathertop. My arm feels on fire, but I stumble to my feet, grasping my fallen sword. At the moment I was only thinking of the others and how I had to protect them. But when I stand, I see Aragorn fighting the Ringwraiths, wielding his sword in one hand and a flaming torch in the other. My eyes dart side to side, when I spot Frodo fallen on the ground, screaming in pain. Sam is beside him and he looks up to see me looking at them.

"Help him, Aleana!"

I sheath my sword, leaving the Nazgul to Aragorn, and running to Frodo. I kneel beside him and that is when I see the Witch King's dagger on the ground. My eyes widen at the blade just as I feel Aragorn kneeling beside me. I look to him.

"He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade," I state grimly. Sam grabs my arm.

"Do something!" I nod and place my hand over the stab wound.

"Expel i evil, on- back i galad [expel the evil, give back the light]," I chant in Sindarin, but nothing happens. I look down shocked before trying something else.

"Tul-post, ease i naeg [bring rest, ease the pain]," once again nothing happens, Frodo still crying out.

"Why aren't you helping him," Sam shakes me angrily, but I ignore him, turning to Aragorn.

"He needs Elvish medicine, we must hurry," I say urgently and Aragorn nods, lifting Frodo onto his shoulders. They stand and begin running down. I stand there and look down at my hands. Why had my incantations not worked? Why was I feeling so powerless?

Then I remembered Sauron's words and the pain in my arm. I quickly pull up my left sleeve and my eyes widen at the words carved into my skin, still bleeding and burning

When translated, it read "destroy the power that runs in these veins." Did Sauron really have the power to do this? Before I can even think about it anymore, Aragorn's shout has me looking up.

***Aragorn POV***

I put Frodo on my shoulder and run towards the way down when I notice Aleana was not following us. When I turn around I see her looking down at her arm that looked to be bleeding. Her eyes were wide with fear.

"Aleana," I ask, shouting and she looks up at me in shock, quickly covering her arm, "come we must hurry."

She nods, running after me as we run down Weathertop. We run and run, myself carrying an ailing Frodo while the others are running to keep up. The other hobbits are carrying flaming torches for protection as we know we were being followed by the Ringwraiths. I had looked to Aleana a few times, but each time she seemed to be lost in thought as she ran beside us.

"Hurry," I call out and we pick up speed.

"We are six days from Rivendell," Sam shouts as Frodo groans.

"Hold on, Frodo," I whisper to him.

"He'll never make it," Sam shouts and I wish he would stop with the negative thoughts.

After some time, we stop to catch our breath. We are in a clearing with three large stone trolls. Sam is sitting beside Frodo, the other two standing close by. I look to see Aleana grasping her bow, an arrow fitted and ready to be shot. She was on edge and I walk up to her, hoping to calm her, but when I place my hand on her arm, she flinches away from me, hissing in pain.

"Are you alright. Earlier it seemed you were hurt," I move towards her and she takes several steps back.

"No,it is fine, merely a scratch. I will be fine."

I nod and then ask her the question that had been on my mind since the summit.

"Why were you unable to cure him, you are a wizard are you not."

Her eyes widen, before looking away, "I do not know. Perhaps it was the morgul blade."

"But-" I am about to continue for I knew she was hiding something when Sam's voice cuts across the clearing.

"Mr. Frodo? He's going cold!"

"Is he going to die," Pippin asks me.

"He is passing into the Shadow World," I answer, "he'll soon become a wraith like them."

There is a distant cry of a Ringwraith that carries through the air. I notice Aleana wincing in pain while clutching her head. What was going on with her, she looked about ready to pass out. But Frodo's gasp of pain has her turning towards him, kneeling down beside him, feeling his skin and looking quite worried. I think hard, thinking of some way to ease his pain, to slow the poisoning and it suddenly strikes me. I turn to Sam.

"Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?" He looks at me blankly when Aleana speaks up.

"I do, I will go this way, you go there. Meet back here and hope to Valar we find some."

With that she turns around and dashes into the forest before I can stop her or ask someone to go with. Sighing I turn around and go the opposite way into the dark forest. I desperately search for the Athelas plant when I finally spot a small, white flowered plant. Dropping to one knee, I carefully pull it from the ground. Suddenly I freeze as a sword blade touches my neck.

"What is this? A ranger caught of his guard," I look up to see Arwen standing there, smiling down at me.

***Aleana POV***

I stumble through the dark forest, trying to keep myself from falling into the darkness that was spilling before my eyes. The pain was unbearable on my arm, and my head felt it would explode like one of father's fireworks. My breathing had become labored as well, but I fought against it all, thinking of only Frodo.

Suddenly I felt them behind me and I stand straighter, turning around slowing to come face to face with the five Ringwraiths. The Witch King dismounts and walks up to me, standing a few feet back.

"Our goth sauron aukkuk avhaav lat come wiavh uuk, avo naj-ri. [Our Lord Sauron asks that you come with us, to him]," the Witch King speaks in the black tongue.

"Lat saib avell your goth sauron avhaav jiak liwo noav come avo naj-ri, noav even um najor iuk avhe laukav beaumn shal middle-earavh [You can tell you Lord Sauron that I will not come to him, not even if he is the last being in Middle-Earth]," I answer glaring at the Ringwraiths before me.

"Leave alnej [leave me]," I growl and the Witch King looks to me for a few seconds before mounting his horse and galloping off with the others. When they are out of sight, I can no longer hold myself up, succumbing to the darkness. I fall to the ground, passing out of consciousness, the last thing I hear is my name a shout in the air.

A/n: What do you all think? Hope you like it! Next chapter they will be at Rivendell! How exciting!!

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