Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)

By _raxeira

86.9K 3.1K 3.1K

Frisk had always run into the occasional human-hating-monster, but when the attacks got more violent and cons... More



3.3K 125 120
By _raxeira

Frisk looked at Undyne, curious. "Who is Alphys?" She asked.

G smirked. "Undyne's girlfriend." Undyne choked and glared daggers at him. "She. Is. Not. My. Girlfriend." G kept staring at her, taking another hit of his cigarette. "You wish she was." He said.

Frisk giggled. Both of them turned to her as she clamped her hand over her mouth. Undyne glared at her, too.

"It's useless arguing about an irrelevant matter, so I'm gonna let this slide," Undyne said, pointedly looking at G.

She sighed and turned away from them before continuing. "Anyways, Alphys used to be the royal scientist. Now she just locks herself in her lab. She knows everything about everyone. It's kind of like magic, but still logical." She explained.

Frisk stared at her fish friend. She spoke in a wistful, passionate tone. She wondered if G was right about what he said earlier.

"Okay, sounds good." Frisk said, turning her attention to G. "How do we get there?"

He shrugged, not caring. Frisk huffed in annoyance. Undyne turned around to face them again, and Frisk realized she had been blushing when she was talking about Alphys.

"I know a way," she said, staring off into space. "But it's very dangerous. Only two people can go and get out alive,

Frisk gulped, but she found herself saying "I'll go with you." Undyne glanced at her, impressed.

G stood up. "You can't. It's too dangerous. I can go."

Frisk's anger exploded in her stomach. "God, G, can one-moment pass without you thinking I'm too weak to do anything?!" She snapped.

Both G and Undyne looked at her in shock. Then G did something Frisk didn't see coming.

He burst out laughing.

Frisk blushed. "I'm serious, G! I can handle myself!" She yelled at him. He just kept laughing. Frisk turned to Undyne, who was taking all of this in.

"Alright, Frisk, you can go." She said. G stopped laughing. "What?" He growled. "Undyne, she can't handle it! I'll go!" Frisk saw the sides of Undyne's mouth twitch up. Oh, no, she thought.

Undyne smiled. "Exactly. Which is why I'm sending you two," she said, triumphant. G's jaw dropped to the floor and Frisk stared at Undyne, detecting sadness in her words. "Undyne," Frisk said in a soft voice, "A word?" Undyne nodded, uncertain.

Frisk pulled her aside and glared at G when he peered over at them curiously. "Are you sure about this?" she asked Undyne.


"I'm asking you right now, as a friend. Do you want to go see Alphys?"

Undyne blushed. It was the first time Frisk had ever seen her friend's whole face get red. "I- uh- yes. And Frisk, yes, I do like her." she managed. Frisk smiled at her kindly.

"Undyne, I'm not letting myself get in the way of what you want. I could see the sadness in your eyes when you said you wanted us to go instead of you."

"I- it's just- uh-" Frisk never expected Undyne would be a person who stammered. Her eyes softened.

"Undyne. If you really want to go see Alphys, go. I'm not stopping you."

Undyne seemed to break at Frisk's kindness. "GAH!" she cried. "I'm sorry! It's- I- I lied to you. There is another way to get to the lab, and it's less dangerous! More than two people can go the dangerous path, but only two can go the safe route. I was going to take Kitty and just meet you guys there!" she protested.

Frisk took it all in before managing a warm smile at Undyne. "Sounds great. Give us the directions, and we'll meet you there."

Undyne was shocked. "You're- wait- you're not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I- I was selfish. I was going to have you risk your life so I could protect mine."

"Undyne, you heard me earlier. I can handle it. I'm sure G can, too."

"So you're just going to...and you're not ma-"

"Undyne. Listen to me. I'm not mad."

Frisk's soft tone seemed to calm Undyne. She nodded and stared at Frisk. How was it this human was able to act strong when they were in so much pain and confusion? Undyne was so impressed, she stared at her friend for a very long time.

Frisk turned to the skeleton and yelled at him. "G! We're going! Let's move!" He scrambled to his feet and managed a salute as a joke. Frisk giggled and it made G smile.

After Undyne gave Frisk thorough directions, she took out a small black cube.

"What is that?" Frisk asked. Undyne silenced her and threw the cube onto the ground. As soon as it touched the floor, a portal erupted onto the nearest wall. Undyne gestured to Frisk that she jump through. Frisk turned to G, fear in her eyes.

But she did what she always did. She held her chin high, pushed away her feelings, and marched through the portal.

For a brief moment, Frisk felt as if she were falling. An unsettling feeling in her stomach made her eyes widen in fear.

Where was she going? How long would it take to get there? Where was G?

She got all three answers when suddenly, she felt a hard substance surface under her. She looked around to see red rock mountains, lava, and red clouds. G lay next to her, unconscious. "G!" she cried, sitting up.

She inspected his skull. There was a new crack, a large one, near his left ear. He must've fallen on the wrong place.

She groaned, realizing she'd have to be the one to drag him across the Hotlands. Frisk looked around again, taking in all the scenery.

Frisk had never been to the Hotlands. For some reason, the Hotlands was the most heavily guarded district. She had heard that the minerals there were the most powerful.

'Speaking of which,' Frisk thought, bending down to feel the rocks. There were only Red, Cyan, Orange, Blue, Purple, Green, Yellow, and White rocks on top on the mountain Frisk stood on. 'One for each soul color' Frisk thought, picking up a red one. It began to glow, and a warm, safe feeling took over Frisk. She sighed happily before she noticed the cuts on her wrist were gone.

'What?' she pondered, horrified, feeling her wrist. It was smooth and warm, and there was no trace of blood. The realization hit Frisk in the face when she realized what had just happened.

The stone healed her. Her head snapped to G, who was still unconscious. An idea sprang into her mind. Only one thing stopped her.

She didn't know G's soul color.

'Of course,' Frisk thought, frustrated. She began to pick up a stone of each color. She placed each one on G, but none of them did anything, not until the last one.

Frisk stared at the yellow stone. Justice. She placed in gently on G's chest, waiting. Suddenly, his eyes shot open and he sat up quickly.

Frisk was overcome with so much relief all she could do was hug him. (A/N: heh heh heh ). He froze, not knowing he was unconscious before, and reluctantly hugged her back.

That one moment seemed like a lifetime before Frisk pulled away and smirked at him.

"Looks like I took care of myself and you, G." she teased. G suddenly realized what happened, and much to Frisk's amusement, blushed yellow as she laughed her head off.

Words: 1275

What do you guys think? Let me know if anything is confusing! I'm thinking about writing a recap every 10 chapters or so.

Anyways, peace out! ✌🏼

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