Latios. My life.

By knifeninja55

1.3K 32 18

I wake up in the middle of a forest as a Latios. Time to see what happens! More

Waking up to Something New.
Three Years Later.
New Friends and New Challenges.
Broadening a team and Destroying another!
Choices, choices, choices.

Nostalgia vs Reality.

145 4 3
By knifeninja55

Lati's POV

After Emily and I calmed Amber and Sanchez down, we caught up under my tree.

It was just like old times. Emily was leaning against my flank with us just talking without a care in the world. (Not to mention she had not only a couple scalding comments, but some information I got wrong.)

Of coarse we had a couple more voices with us. I even created a four way mental link so we could all understand one another.

Amber was energetic and excitable to say the least. She warmed up to me pretty quickly though.

Sanchez on the other hand...... he acted more like most wild pokemon around me do. Treating me like a god and being almost dissapointed with the real deal. He took a good couple hours to relax around me.

As the sun set on today Emily made an interesting proposal.

"How about we have these truce days like this every once in a while?"

I smiled and nodded "That sounds nice, but how would I find you or know when we have a truce day? Plus if we do go with it I'd probably just say it's a truce day just to avoid being captured."

She pursed her lips and said "Ugh..... you and your brutal honesty again....."

I smirked and said "would you have me any other way?"

She sighed "'re perfect the way you are Lati....."

Amber asked "Why do you keep calling Latios that Emily?"

She sighed and said "It's embarrassing....."

I chuckled and said "Let me show you....."

I used the psychic link to show them my memory of the day we met.

After it finished Sanchez said "Wow..... so that's what Emily's pre evolution lookes like...."

Emily and I both chuckled.

"No silly, humans grow and develop over time..... kind of like pokemon that don't evolve." Emily said with a smile.

The Lotad simply sighed and said "Humans and those kinds of pokemon are weird......"

"I weird you out.... good to know!"

He stuttered "No-t that I m-meant anything b-by t-that!!!"

I chuckled and said "Calm down kid, I was just messing with you. And here I thought you were finally relaxed....."

He just got flustered and hid his face under the brim of his lily pad.

I nudged him and said "I may be legendary, but nothing I say should really matter that much to you. You are your own pokemon."

He growled and blew up "It's lines like that that make you such an enigma!!! At times you're just like a normal pokemon, sometimes even less impressive than a normal pokemon, and then there are times like this where you are as wise and powerful and kind as the stories go!!! The inconsistency just confuses me....."

"Pfft, last time I checked legends can be as confusing and up to interpretation as they want to be."

"Ugh.... there you go again.... you're being profound, but being so casual and snarky about it!!!"

We all had a good laugh at his frustration before I yawned. It was getting late and Emily's pokemon had almost magically fallen asleep. They both were pretty young after all.

"Time for all of us to depart. I look forward to seeing how you all grow."

Emily smiled and nodded before getting both herself and her sleeping pokemon off of on top of me.

I flew up, turned invisible, and flew off to the northeast.

Alright..... time to delay team Aqua as well.

Amber's POV

When Sanchez and I woke up we were both on Emily's shoulders. Latios was nowhere in sight and we were walking down the street of a city.

"Woah! Where are we now Emily?"

She turned her head to me confused.

"Oh wait! I forgot Latios gave us a temporary mind link! How silly of me. I never thought I'd ever meet a legendary like that and he was soo nice! Not to mention he looked so awesome with those cool scars!"

Sanchez woke up and grumbled "I'm still tired Amber.... don't talk so loud....."

I whispered "Oh! Sorry!"

He groaned and said "It's too late.... I'm awake....."

"Oh! Okay..... um..... maybe we should get something to eat? What time is it anyway? It feels like we've been asleep for plenty of time and it is quite sunny! I hope we can finally get our first gym badge today!"

Sanchez just sighed and flopped down. I chuckled before Emily said "Alright.... last night we stayed at Lati's tree. Today we're going to stop by my parent's place before heading to the gym!"

"Oh cool! What are your parents like? I never got to meet mine. I hope they're nice! Can we get something to eat though I'm starving!"

"Do you ever shut up?!" Sanchez snapped at me.

"Oh hey don't get snippy with me Sanchez! If you want me to stop talking just say so! I mean if you're mean and rude about how can you expect anyone to....."

"I'm sorry! I get it okay! Just calm down! You're shooting embers everywhere!!!" He screamed.

I blinked.

"I was?"

I looked around and sure enough Emily, Sanchez, and everything else around us was covered in soot and burns.....

"Whoopsie!" I sweat dropped.

Emily grabbed me and gave me a hug.

"Amber.... I love you, but please try not to burn everything when you get riled up......"

I looked down and said "I'm sorry Emily....."

She pet my head and said "It's okay, why don't you take a break in your pokeball okay?"

I nodded.

She grabbed my ball and I was back in my little room in my pokeball.

At least I understand why I'm here this time....

Lati's POV

I smirked as I saw the idiot trying to train his three wailmer to do a flip.

They looked like they had enough of his shit and would have attacked him if he wasn't their trainer.

It really did shock me that such strict laws exist for pokemon attempting to harm people.... then again the humans of this world are much tougher than humans back on earth. A pokemon would really have to try to kill anyone, but still......

I muttered to myself "Stupid politics ruining my amusment.... oh well.... time to sabotage the other stupid crime syndicate of this region....."

Thankfully the cave entrance was unguarded.

Then again that idiot could actually be guarding this place and using training as a ruse.....

I shook my head and snapped out of my theories for now. I needed to focus.

I decided to stay invisible and try to learn if their plans had any deviations from what happened in the games.

After an hour of searching all I found of interest was a report of my 'work' that a spy had reported.

Due to my actions they were hoping I was on their side.

Pfft. As if me hurting one means I side with the other.

I'll make sure to let them know who it was that messed with them.

I then plotted out what looked important and got to work.

I'd set off an explosion, fly off to a different area quickly and quietly, blow that up, and repeat until all the targets I chose were blown sky high.

All the while the grunts were attempting to keep up with me. I made sure to scrawl the message "Latios was here" with my claws in the side of one of the machines I broke. I finished by escaping through an underwater pool they forgot to close.

When I surfaced I flew back into Lilycove, dawned my new disguise, and decided to go watch a contest.

Emily's POV

As we left my parents I couldn't help but think

That went suprisingly well all things considered.... just a nice calm brunch with mom and dad meeting my pokemon.....

Well let's hope it isn't the calm before the storm......

I took a deep breath as I opened the doors to the gym.

"Look out!!!!"

I just barely managed to duck as a boulder smashed into the door and broke it off its hinges.

Thank Arceus Dad made me do that reflex training.....

I noticed there was Roxanne and some random trainer fighting. I growled "What is wrong with you!?"

Both of them stopped and sweat dropped and said a shaky "Sorry....."

I sighed and said "For that I get dibbs on fighting you next Roxanne!"

She bowed and said "It would be a pleasure. Please wait in the stands until this match has concluded."

I nodded and took to the empty stands.

I took a closer look at the challenger and his pokemon. He had a Raltz. His trainer was wearing a red and black shirt, grey and black shorts, a green headband, green sneakers, and a green headband. He was a few inches taller than me, paler than me, and had white hair.

Both Roxanne's geodude and his ralts were both looking pretty worse for wear.

"Alright! Start!" The referee called out.

I watched intently as Roxanne called out "Rock throw!"

"Launch it right back with confusion!"

The Ralts managed to do just that, but over exerted itself and it fainted as well.

He returned Ralts and whispered something to his pokemon before pulling out a second pokeball.

"Alright! We've taken out both of your Geodudes! Time to shine Mudkip!"

As soon as the Mudkip came out I recognized it. It was the same one that Uncle Birch had for the other trainers!

He was another Pokedex holder!

Roxanne took a look and seemed frustrated.

She pulled out her final pokeball and yelled "Go Nosepass!"

"Mudkip use Mud slap!"

Mudkip unfortunately just stood there and tilted his head and asked "Kip?"

Wait wha?

Roxanne and her nosepass seemed confused too since they just stared blankly at the Mudkip.

"Come on Mudkip! I know you know that move buddy! We're in a battle!" Mudkip's trainer urged.

Mudkip still seemed confused.

The trainer sighed and said "I don't see what's soo confusing little buddy....." as he crouched to his level.


"Mudkip you remember I chose you for my pokemon right?"

"Kip!" It said happily.

"What do pokemon often do for their trainers?" He asked calmly.

Mudkip looked like he was thinking for quite a while before he said "Kip Mudkip kip mudkip!"

"Alright then, to do that.... Let's do this!"

Mudkip nodded and faced his opponent.

"Alright! Use mud slap!"

Mudkip obliged and shot some mud at the Nosepass. It caught both Roxanne and her pokemon off guard.

They even managed to score a critical hit.

Roxanne could tell Nosepass was hurting so she yelled "Nosepass! Eat your berry and use rock tomb!"

Nosepass heard her and scarfed down a berry I hadn't noticed him holding a minute before and ate it.

He then used rock tomb, but missed due to the mud in his eyes.

"Mudkip use water gun!"

Mudkip somehow managed to shoot the water strait up the poor Nosepass's nose to score another critical hit and knocked it out.

"Nosepass is unable to battle! Trainer Brendon Norman wins!" The referee announced.

Brendon ran over to Mudkip, picked him up and hugged him saying "You did it! Great job Mudkip!"

Mudkip was a little confused, but he was happy that his trainer was happy.

I stood up and clapped.

"That was amazing! How did Mudkip score two critical hits in a row though?!"

Brendan turned to me and shrugged "I guess he's just good at aiming. He gets critical hits all the time when he isn't confused. Unfortunately as you saw.... he gets confused pretty easily....."

"Kip?" Mudkip asked.

Roxanne cleared her throat as she walked up to Brendon and told him "As you have defeated me in an offical match, here is your badge! Oh and take this TM for Rock tomb as well."

Like I thought he took out his pokedex and opened a compartment on the side before putting his badge in there. He also took out a TM case and placed the small disk in there.

Wait..... pokedexs have badge cases built in?! What don't pokedexs do?!?!

When I was done freaking out Brendon joined me in the bleachers so I hopped over the divider and walked over to Roxanne.

"Roxanne this will be my first badge! I'm ready when you are!" I said pulling out Sanchez's pokeball.

Roxanne chuckled sheepishly and said "Um..... I need to heal that team..... can you wait here a bit?"

I froze before deflating.

"I guess I can wait a bit more....."

Roxanne said "I'm so sorry! I'll be as quick as possible okay?"

I nodded and she left.

Great.... I have to wait again.....

Lati's POV

I exited the contest hall with the rest of the people

Well.... what to do now.... I've greatly delayed the plans of both evil teams in the region.... I guess I should just go have some fun..... question is where do I go and what do I do?

Or maybe I should hide the blue and red orbs next. That way when they recover they can't get to them.....

Nah, from what I saw of team Aqua's plans they hadn't even figured out they need the orbs.

Plus I'm not sure if I really wanna meet/upset another legendary just yet. Would touching another legendary pokemon's artifact activate them? Would they be like me and be former humans? Do any of them have grudges against my kind that the games never told? Am I strong enough to survive should they attack for some reason? Or would they accept me like a brother?

Ugh! There is just too many variables that I just wouldn't be able to handle either physically or mentally......

I need a break.... hmmm maybe a spa day is in order......

Emily's POV

I sighed as Roxanne finally came back to the gym and got in place.

"Hello challenger! My name is Roxanne! I am a user of Rock type pokemon! Are you ready?!"

I nodded and called out "Go Sanchez!"

My lotad materialized in front of me and confidently said "Lotad!"

Roxanne sighed and said "Go Geodude...."

"Lotad use water gun!"

"Geodude dodge and use rock tomb!"

Geodude barely moved to the right of the water gun before summoning huge boulders to land on/ surround Sanchez.

As they fell I said "Water gun the rocks that'll fall on you!"

Sanchez hastily shot a water gun into the air bisecting a couple of the boulders before Roxanne said "Tackle!"

I looked down to see Geodude right next to Sanchez before smacking into him with a tackle.

Sanchez bounced back quite a few feet.

"Sanchez you okay?"


"Alright time to break out that new move!" I called out.

He nodded as I called out "Bullet seed!"

Roxanne was confused "How does he know bullet seed?! He doesn't unless....."

I chuckled.

I was lucky I found that strange chest with my name on it. I wonder how and why it got there......

I focused back on the fight as Sanchez pelted Geodude with countless seeds.

Looks like we got maximum damage on that!

When the assult finally finished Geodude was looking ready to fall over.

Roxanne called out "One more Rock tomb Geodude!"

"Sanchez! Run up to Geodude and use water gun!"

As rocks started falling Sanchez ran forward spraying water gun as he went. He broke up the rocks as he charged towards the Geodude. Unfortunately the water gun didn't last long enough to hit the Geodude so I yelled "Finish him off with Astonish!"

The Geodude was hit by Sanchez one last time before he fainted.

The referee said "Geodude is unable to battle! Before Roxanne sends in her next pokemon would you like to make a substitution?"

I shook my head no as Roxanne called back her Geodude and sent out the other.

I smiled and said "Sanchez! Use water gun!"

Sanchez shot water at the Geodude and scored a direct hit.

However the Geodude wasn't done.

Roxanne said "Use rock throw!"

Geodude complied and threw a good sized rock towards Sanchez

It hit him before I could say anything.

Sanchez looked like he was starting to slow down so I called out "Bullet seed!"

Sancgez complied, but the Geodude got hit far less and still seemed to be okay.

"Geodude rock polish!"

"Use water gun!"

Geodude started rubbing his body with his arms before easily dodging the watter gun.

"What?! Use Water gun again until you hit your mark Sanchez!" I called out.

"Keep dodging and using rock polish!" She said smugly.

Sanchez just couldn't get a bead on the rock type as it zipped around polishing its body.

Ugh! This is bad! Sanchez was slowed down by rock tomb and that Geodude is super sped up! I need a way to catch him!

Wait that's it!

"Sanchez! Use bullet seed while spinning in a circle!"

Sanchez nodded and started launching seeds in every direction at once.

Roxanne and I had to hit the deck, but the attack did what I wanted and started hitting Geodude.

While she was distracted I told Sanchez "Use water gun! Before Geodude recovers!"

Sanchez thankfully hits his mark and the Geodude goes down.

"Geodude is unable to battle! Would you like to substitute pokemon?" The ref asked.

I nodded and recalled Sanchez before pulling out Amber's pokeball.

"Go Nosepass!"

"Go Amber!"

Roxanne blinked before chuckling. "You think a Torchick is the right pokemon to take on the ace of my team?"

I smiled confidently and said "You might be suprised!"

"Amber use...."

To be continued.....

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