Our Ancient history {billdip}

By PaperBagBoi_

38.7K 1.8K 841

"Hey Im Dipper Pines" "hello meatsacks!" Hehe, that's bill! OKAY SOOOOOOO..... Lets begin! We were banned f... More

Im Back
Ford finds Demons
we're on the run
Demons and a pinetree Drunk?
Magic romance
The kiss
save me Andrew!
The Tree?
Dear Brother I've missed you!
magic can't heal me
tested on?
Really Pinetree?
Finding magical things
one more day
Bill I'm alright
party time
Pinetree don't go
Will you be mine?
wedding day.
not chapter but news!!!

About the tree

1.1K 59 9
By PaperBagBoi_

Pov Star

I'm leading them to lady widow to see if she'll join us. We walked into the dark purple tent.

"Dipper nice to see you again" Lady Widow said
"Nice to see you again ad well" Dipper said
"Lady Widow Bill cipher, William cipher, Andrew, Dipper Pines and I are here to ask you something" I said.
"What is it little one" She asked.
"They are starting another weridmageddon and we need more powerfully demons" I said
"You have enough power but I will join" She said
"Thank you lady widow" Dipper said
"Dipper do you still have the pinetree I gave you?" Lady widow asked.
"Yes I do" Dipper said
"Why do we need the pinetree laby widow" William asked.
"William that Pinetree is powerful and gives you five more power and even a ray that can kill demons won't effect you" Lady widow said
"What happens if it doesn't work" Andrew asked
"Then you'll be dead of course" Lady widow said.
"Do you have any thing else to tell us" Bill asked
"No, you have to work on your plan and star come with me" Lady widmow said
"Okay" I said

Pov Dipper

We left the dark purple tent.

"What time do you think you guys are going to finish the copies?" I asked
"Later tonight" Will answered.
"Okay Just teleport me them okay" I said
"Okay Pinetree" Bill said

I waved goodbye and than I teleported back home and un locked the door. Now we just need the the fake copies of the weapons. I looked at the desk I placed the tiny pinetree. I looked round my room and it wasn't there.

"Fuck, fuck, Fuck where is it!" I yelled

Then Mable walked in and my room was a mess from looking.

"Bro Bro, what's wrong?" Mable asked
"My little tree where is it!" I said to myself
"That tree, oh Grunkle Ford took it" Mable said

I didn't answer after that I rushed out of my room. I went to his lab and saw him looking at.

"Grunkle Ford have you've seen my tree" I said
"Yeah here it is, I saw it glowing" Ford said
"Oh um.... There's just a tiny LED lights I placed" I said
"Okay" Ford said
"Hey Grunkle Ford do you trust me" I asked
"Of-f c-course"

I rushed up stairs to my room and locked it. I punched the wall for some odd reason.


I didn't know why I punched the wall. I knew he didn't trust me so thats why I need to do this. I sat on my bed wondering of Ford told the truth.

"Fac me vere videre quod Ford fecit"

What Ford did before Dipper walked in.

"This tree has to have some sort of magic in it" Ford said

Ford walks around it and sighs at his thought of being magcial.

"This has to have Bill written all over it" Ford said
"That's fight that they had might have been planned" Ford said walking around.
"I need to get more answer, why is Dipper acting strange? Why did Dipper want to learn magic?" Ford said to himself
"Now let's see if your magical or not"

Then Dipper came in.


"Clever old man" I laughed softly

I thought about it for a while and it hit me.
I contacted Andrew and Will was with him. I locked my room and looked at them.

"We have a fucking problem" I said
"What is it" Andrew asked
"Ford is catching on slowly" I sighed
"He is" Will said
"Yes he's starting to think that I'm still talking to you two and Bill" I said.
"Then we kill him" Andrew said.
"Your a dumbass" I said
"Why is Andrew a dumbass" Will asked
"You weren't here so your off the hook" I said
"Why am I not 'off the hook' " Andrew quoted
"Well remeber that Bill and I made a deal that still stands and until my birthday it's over" I said
"I was there" Andrew questioned.
"Yes you were Andrew" I said
"Okay so we need to get the weapon copies done by tonight and have a plan due in 3 days" Will mentioned
"Yes" I said
"The only one that can show themselves are Andrew" I said.
"Okay I'll stay with you and act like my old self while Will and Bill finish the copies" Andrew said
"Okay" Will said

He teleported out and I unlocked the door and went downstairs. Andrew stopped me and told me to hide the tree. It did have powerful magic but I have to protect it. I placed it in a box cover in a magic shield that ONLY I can break. Ha!

Tonight it has to be done.

Chapter over sorry for shortness
Now to Andrew and Dipper

"Why did you make that deal with bill" Andrew said
"Because at the time I tought it was a smart idea and now. . ." Dipper said
"Oh yeah when your family kept on double crossing u for so many years" Andrew laughed
"You'll be dead in a few minutes if you don't shut up" Dipper smiled
"Okay" Andrew was scared
"I'll right bye readers hoped you liked it" Dipper said
"Humans you better enjoy this book" Andrew said
*wolf comes in*
"Dipper your gonna kiss bill in the next chapter!" Wolf sang
"Really" Andrew said
"She can do what she wants Andrew" Dipper said
"And remember Andrew I can kill you in a matter of seconds so watch your mouth" Wolf smiled
*dipper and wolf leaves*
"I don't know who's more scary dipper or wolf"

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